The following is a terse listing of our support for the Structured Data Capture (SDC) FHIR Implementation Guide. For more details about the items listed here, see:
For the expression extensions mentioned below, we do not support CQL, but do support FHIRPath and x-fhir-query where appropriate for the extension.
The following lists are organized by the sections of the SDC implementation guide (IG).
See for descriptions of these fields.
- rendering-style: on item.text and prefix
- rendering-xhtml: on item.text, but only for itemControl of type "help", and it does not perform any sanization, and allows any HTML, so please consider security issues before using.
- hidden
- itemControl: Support for types: gtable, table, drop-down, autocomplete, radio-button, check-box, help. Note that type "list" is the default type of display, so that is supported, and the extension is not needed for that case.
- choiceOrientation
- optionPrefix
- required
- repeats
- readOnly
See for descriptions of these fields.
- maxLength
- minLength
- regex
- minValue
- maxValue
- mimeType
- maxSize
- answerOption
- answerValueSet: Note that contained ValueSets are expected to contain an expansion.
- answerExpression
- required: (also listed in previous section of the SDC IG)
- repeats
- readOnly
- minOccurs
- maxOccurs
- unitOption
- launchContext: limited to what can be obtained through the npm package "fhirclient" (user, patient, encounter)
- variable
- initialExpression
- calculatedExpression
- initial
- enableWhen
- enableBehavior
- enableWhenExpression
- ordinalValue
See for descriptions of these fields.
- observationLinkPeriod
- launchContext
- variable
- initialExpression
See for descriptions of these fields.
- observationExtract
See for descriptions of these fields.
- rendering-xhtml: Other than for item.text with itemControl of type "help"
- displayCategory
- sliderStepValue
- width
- collaspible
- supportLink
- choiceColumn
- valueset-label
- entryFormat
- shortText
- rendering-styleSensitive
- optionalDisplay
See for descriptions of these fields.
- minQuantity
- maxQuantity
- maxDecimalPlaces
- optionExclusive
- unitValueSet
- referenceResource
- referenceProfile
- candidateExpression
- lookupQuestionnaire
- cqf-library
- cqf-calculatedValue
- cqf-expression
- entryMode
- usageMode
- constraint
- endPoint
- signatureRequired
See for descriptions of these fields.
- itemPopulationContext
- candidateExpression
- contextExpression
- sourceQueries
- sourceStructureMap
See for descriptions of these fields.
- itemExtractionContext
- targetStructureMap