- Acme Prework
- writing some function to prepare for ACME projects merging a list of products and lineItems
- Express App with in memory data
- storing data as Javascript object
- using method override to delete data
- RESTFUL routes
- A list of products with link to product details
- Ability to delete a product on the detail page
- SQL App (no ORM)
- using sqlite3 package to create database access objects
- ability to insert and delete data using body parsing
- A list of products with link to product details
- Ability to delete a product on the detail page
- Ability to add a product on the list page
- Adding a product redirects to detail
- Deleting a product redirects to list
- Single ORM App (no relations)
- using a single model in Sequelize
- insert, update, and delete data
- A list of users with first name, last name, email and hire date
- A edit page for a user where the user can be deleted
- Ability to create a user on the list page
- Ability to sort list of users based on attributes
- Multi Relation ORM App with Tests
- using multiple models in sequelize
- creating class methods for complex business logic
- A list of users with first name, last name, email, hire date, canMentor, mentor, and mentees
- An edit page for a user where the user can be deleted
- A users mentor can be set on the edit page
- Only a user who can mentor can have mentees
- A User who loses the canMentor status loses mentees
- A User who has mentees can not be deleted
- Write tests for complex business logic
- JQuery Single Page Application
- use AJAX to fetch data
- use components to update UI
- using a third party component
- A listing page of the ACME store locations
- Ability to add a store by name and address
- Show a map with markers for the offices
- Using Redux to store client side state
- Building a React Redux Application