diff --git a/FAQ.md b/FAQ.md index 69547ec300f1..c3d345ddba10 100644 --- a/FAQ.md +++ b/FAQ.md @@ -18,6 +18,7 @@ Here are some frequently asked questions. If you have a different question, plea - [How can I update Font Awesome version on the template](#how-can-i-update-font-awesome-version-on-the-template) - [How can I update Tabler Icons version on the template](#how-can-i-update-tabler-icons-version-on-the-template) - [What do all these GitHub actions/workflows mean?](#what-do-all-these-github-actionsworkflows-mean) + - [How can I use Google Search Console ID on the template?](#how-can-i-use-google-search-console-id-on-the-template) --- @@ -152,3 +153,15 @@ Currently we have the following workflows: - `lighthouse-badger.yml`: runs a [lighthouse](https://github.com/GoogleChrome/lighthouse) test for your site with the [lighthouse-badger-action](https://github.com/MyActionWay/lighthouse-badger-action), saving the results in the repository for easy inspecting, as can be seen [here](https://github.com/alshedivat/al-folio?tab=readme-ov-file#lighthouse-pagespeed-insights). For more information on how to enable this workflow, check our [FAQ question about it](https://github.com/alshedivat/al-folio/blob/main/FAQ.md#when-i-manually-run-the-lighthouse-badger-workflow-it-fails-with-error-input-required-and-not-supplied-token-how-do-i-fix-that) - `prettier-comment-on-pr.yml`: not working. For now, this action is disabled. It was supposed to run prettier on the PRs and comment on them with the changes needed. For more information, check [issue 2115](https://github.com/alshedivat/al-folio/issues/2115) - `prettier.yml`: runs [prettier](https://prettier.io/) on the code to ensure it is well formatted. For more information, check our [FAQ question about it](https://github.com/alshedivat/al-folio/blob/main/FAQ.md#my-code-runs-fine-locally-but-when-i-create-a-commit-and-submit-it-it-fails-with-prettier-code-formatter-workflow-run-failed-for-main-branch-how-do-i-fix-that) + +--- + +### How can I use Google Search Console ID on the template? + +In the configuration file `_config.yml` the tag `google-site-verification` should be updated to use this functionality. Here is how you can proceed, + +- Generate your HTML tag by following [https://support.google.com/webmasters/answer/9008080?hl=en#meta_tag_verification&zippy=%2Chtml-tag](https://support.google.com/webmasters/answer/9008080?hl=en#meta_tag_verification&zippy=%2Chtml-tag) with URL prefix option. +- In the verify ownership option choose HTML tag and copy the tag contents which should look like ``. +- The string against `content` is the Google Search Console ID that can be used in the template. e.g. `google-site-verification: GoogleSearchConsoleID`. Now set the property `enable_google_verification: true`. + +It looks like the Domain type property in the Google Search Console to verify the ownership of all URLs across all subdomains with GitHub Pages does not work.