- Introducing new v2 Dispute APIs for PSPs (Payment Service Provider). Buyers can create a dispute by filing an Amazon Pay A-to-z Guarantee claim or by filing a chargeback with their bank.
- The
API is used to notify Amazon of a newly created chargeback dispute by a buyer on a transaction processed by the PSP (Payment Service Provider), ensuring the dispute is properly accounted for in the Amazon Pay systems. - The
API is used to notify Amazon of the closure status of a chargeback dispute initiated by a buyer for orders processed by a partner PSP (Payment Service Provider), ensuring proper accounting within the Amazon systems. - The
API is used by the partner, on behalf of the merchant, to formally contest a dispute managed by Amazon, requiring the submission of necessary evidence files within the specified Dispute Window (11 days for Chargeback, 7 days for A-Z Claims). - The
API is utilised by PSPs (Payment Service Provider) to upload file-based evidence when a merchant contests a dispute, providing the necessary reference ID to the evidence file as part of the Update Dispute API process. - Introducing the
API which enables you to update the charge status of any PSP (Payment Service Provider) processed payment method (PPM) transactions. - Upgraded phpseclib/phpseclib & phpunit version to meet security requirements
- Removed utf8_encode as it depreacted, instead used mb_convert_encoding method for encoding
- Introducing the getDisbursements API.
- The
API enables you to retrieve disbursement details based on a specified date range for settlement dates.
- Introducing new Account Management APIs that allow partners to programmatically onboard merchants onto the Amazon Pay.
- Avoid calling the php_uname function if it's disabled in the php.ini configuration
- Introducing new Merchant Onboarding & Account Management APIs, which allows our partners to onboard merchants programatically and as part of account management offer them creation, updation and deletion/dissociation capability.
- Added the Sample Code snippets for the Charge APIs, Charge Permission APIs and Refund APIs.
- Introducing new API called finalizeCheckoutSession which validates critical attributes in merchantMetadata then processes payment. Use this API to process payments for JavaScript-based integrations.
- Corrected README.md file related to finalizeCheckoutSession API.
- Added optional headers to APIs. These are intended to be used by solution providers to send their platform/plugin id’s and versions.
- Corrected README.md file related to Reporting APIs.
- Corrected some minor changes in Reporting APIs
- Note: Please use 2.6.1 if you are implementing Reporting APIs and avoid 2.6.0
- Introducing new v2 Reporting APIs. Reports allow you to retrieve consolidated data about Amazon Pay transactions and settlements. In addition to managing and downloading reports using Seller Central, Amazon Pay offers APIs to manage and retrieve your reports.
- Added Error Code 408 to API retry logic
- Corrected Typos & refactored codes
- Applied bug fix for 2.5.0 - please use 2.5.1 if facing issues with region in 2.5.0
- Introducting new signature generation algorithm AMZN-PAY-RSASSA-PSS-V2 & increasing salt length from 20 to 32.
- Added support for handling new parameter 'shippingAddressList' in Checkout Session response. Change is fully backwards compatible.
- Note : To use new algorithm AMZN-PAY-RSASSA-PSS-V2, "algorithm" needs to be provided as an additional field in "$amazonpay_config" and also while rendering Amazon Pay button in "createCheckoutSessionConfig". The changes are backwards-compatible, SDK will use AMZN-PAY-RSASSA-PSS by default.
- Enabled Proxy Support for HttpCurl
- Fixed Deprecation error for PHP version 8 - Passing null to parameter ($data) of type string is deprecate
- Applied patch to address issues occurred in Version 2.3.0.
- Please dont use Version 2.3.0
- Migrated signature generating algorithm from AMZN-PAY-RSASSA-PSS to AMZN-PAY-RSASSA-PSS-V2 & increasing salt length from 20 to 32
- Upgraded phpseclib version from "2.0" to "3.0"
- Note : From this SDK version, "algorithm" need to be provided as additional field in "createCheckoutSessionConfig" while rendering Amazon Pay button.
- Changing loose comparison operators to strict comparison operators to reduce unexpected behaviors and vulnerabilities
- Added API Retry mechanism for error codes 502 & 504
- Enabled support for environment specific keys (i.e Public key & Private key). The changes are fully backwards-compatible, where merchants can also use non environment specific keys
- Removing deprecated API calls
- Underlying endpoint for getBuyer API changed
- Added getBuyer() API call
- Fix issue with API call failures when request payload arrays contain character encodings other than UTF-8
- Added generateButtonSignature() helper function to generate static signature for amazon.Pay.renderButton used by checkout.js
For /v2/ pay-api.amazon.com|eu|jp endpoints
New completeCheckoutSession API: POST to v2/checkoutSessions/{checkout_session_id}/complete
There are subtle changes in the back-end API between v1/ and v2/, please check online integration changelog for complete details
Any references in code to webCheckoutDetail, paymentDetail, and statusDetail need to be pluarized to webCheckoutDetails, paymentDetails, and statusDetails before moving to the new SDK
Billing address is a top-level node now instead of being in PaymentPreference
There are also non-subtle workflow changes between v1/ and v2/ as the completeCheckoutSession API call will be required now before funds can be captured. See the API Release notes for more details.
- Underlying API is going to be versioned; refactoring SDK to realign with API major version numbering
- Added support for passing query parameters in apiCall() function
- Added getAuthorizationToken() function, see API V2 Delegated Authorization Guide for more information
- Initial support for APIv2
- Initial public release
- Fix issue setting x-amz-pay-authtoken header for delegated requests
- Fixed EU and JP endpoints
- Clean up README.md file
- Add Open Source templates (CONTRIBUTING.md, NOTICE.txt, CODE_OF_CONDUCT.md)
- Breaking change: AmazonPay namespace renamed to AmazonPayV2 to prevent clash with the MWS Amazon Pay SDK
- Add convenience functions for API calls: deliveryTrackers, instoreMerchantScan, instoreCharge, instoreRefund
- Introduction of new config attribute: sandbox (boolean) and setSandbox function in Client
- Config object private_key can now be a string representation of RSA key in addition to original filename support
- Initial support for critical data handling signature generation
####legcy-4.0.0 - April 2018
- Initial private release of API v2 PHP Signing SDK