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Generates a valid k8s secret or configmap yaml from a list of inputs


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k8s YAML Action

A simple and extendable action that can take in any number of secrets, basic auth, or plain text env vars, and generate a valid secret or configmap containing your input data.


The following inputs can be used as step.with keys:

Name Type Default Required Description
name String true The name of the resource
namespace List true The k8s namespace the resource will be in
secrets List false List of secrets to pass in to generate a secret
basic_auth String false A username and password to generate a basic auth secret. E.g. bobby:iLikeTrains123
configmap_env List false List of vars to pass in to generate a configmap (same format as secrets)
annotations String false Multi line list of valid k8s annotations


The following outputs can be accessed with steps.<step-id>.outputs.out_yaml :

Name Type Description
out_yaml K8s Yaml The resulting k8s yaml


Branch protection rules require a PR before code can be merged into main. There are two PR workflows:

  • Dependency review will check upstream base Apline Linux image or Github Actions for updates. If there are High or Critical vulnerabilities found in feature branch, the workflow will fail.
  • Trivy scanner will check the built Docker image for vulnerabilities. If there's a High or Critical CVEs found in the image, the workflow will fail.

A successful merge into main will update the latest release and update the latest tagged container image uploaded to GitHub Packages.


Any help keeping this repo healthy and secure would be appreciated!
Remaining in the to-do is automating semantic version releases in case users need to rollback to older, stable versions.


Here is an example deploy.yaml file to generate a generic secret from some secrets.
For generating a plain text insecure configmap, just pass your name value pairs into configmap_env instead of secrets

name: Create a secret
on: workflow_dispatch
    name: Create secret
    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
      - name: Generate secret via kubectl
        uses: and-fm/k8s-yaml-action@main
        id: gen
          name: test-secrets
          namespace: test-dev
          secrets: |-
            SECRET_1:${{ secrets.SECRET_1 }}
            SECRET_2:${{ secrets.SECRET_2 }}
          #optional if you need annotations such as for reflection
          annotations: |
      - name: get secrets
        run: |
          echo "${{ steps.gen.outputs.out_yaml }}"

Here's an example for generating a basic auth secret:

name: Create a basic auth secret
on: workflow_dispatch
    name: Create secret
    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
      - name: Generate secret via kubectl
        uses: and-fm/k8s-yaml-action@main
        id: gen
          name: test-secrets
          namespace: test-dev
          basic_auth: admin:${{ secrets.ADMIN_PASSWORD }}
      - name: get secrets
        run: |
          echo "${{ steps.gen.outputs.out_yaml }}"