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File metadata and controls

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IBM i requirements

Sicne we use the SSH protocoll to communicate with IBM i we need:

  • SSH Deamon is up and running


  • The open source package manager (YUM) is installed on IBM i

    You can do this using ACS

Bash Shell

Recommended: BASH is installed and set to your profile

In shell:
yum install bash
Set BASH as default shell to your profile via SQL (instead of ```*CURRENT``` you can also provide the profile name):
CALL QSYS2.SET_PASE_SHELL_INFO('*CURRENT', '/QOpenSys/pkgs/bin/bash');

Home directory

Home- & .ssh directory for your user profile should exist.

You also need the correct permission set for both directories because of security reasons

mkdir -p /home/$USER/.ssh
chmod 755 /home/$USER
chmod 700 /home/$USER/.ssh

User profile set up

Define ~/.profile, ~/.bashrc and ~/.bash_profile file:

echo 'export PATH="/QOpenSys/pkgs/bin:$PATH"' >> ~/.profile
echo 'export TERM=xterm' >> ~/.profile
echo 'export PATH="/QOpenSys/pkgs/bin:$PATH"' >> ~/.bashrc
echo 'export TERM=xterm' >> ~/.bashrc
echo 'export PATH="/QOpenSys/pkgs/bin:$PATH"' >> ~/.bash_profile
echo 'export TERM=xterm' >> ~/.bash_profile

This is neseccary to have the correct PATH in the IBM i shell.

SSH key authentication

  • Linux

    ssh-keygen -b 4096
    # Enter your key name full qualified (e.g. /home/prouza/.ssh/academy_rsa)
    # Then you will be asked for a password. If you set one, you will be asked for it on each Login. If not you will be logged in without any prompt.

    On Linux you can simple use ssh-copy-id to copy the public key to your remote system.

    ssh-copy-id -i ~/.ssh/ prouza@academy
  • Windows

    Do the same as for Linux, but open a WSL session for that, because this needs to be done in your WSL environment

On your local machine create the ~/.ssh/config file (and directory) if not exist and add the following:

Host academy
  HostName academy
  User prouza
  IdentityFile ~/.ssh/academy_rsa

Now you should be able to login without a prompt:

[andreas@Andreas-Linux ~]$ ssh academy 
  • Most problems here are
    • Home directory does not exist
    • Home directory does not match with user profile name
    • Owner of home directory is someone else
    • Permission of the home directory is not strict enough