source | description | category |
date.rpgle | Date prototypes | Tools |
errhdlrpg.rpgle | Standard error handling | Error Handling |
errhdlsql.rpgle | Standard SQL error handling | Error Handling |
logger.rpgle | Logging procedures | Logging |
source | description | category |
file1.pf | Test Table | Test |
source | description | category |
logger.sqltable | Logging table | Logging |
logger_hist.sqltable | Logging history table | Logging/Test |
source | description | category |
sqlsrv1.sqlrpgle | Test SQL external procedures with SRVPGM | SQL Procedure |
sqltest1.sqlrpgle | Test SQL external procedures with PGM | SQL Procedure |
sqltest2.sqlrpgle | Test SQL external procedures with PGM | SQL Procedure |
test1.rpgle | Just a test | Test |