5.1.0 (2025-01-25)
- Support dynamic filetype config evaluation - closes #21 (9165c70)
- Support field_expression special case for C (40ddd36)
5.0.1 (2025-01-23)
- Don't hang highlighting when editing a big file (e5a8874)
- Don't set up highlights if filetype not supported (91a1acf)
- Remove opts from healthcheck - closes #159 (4f52d81)
- Selene issues (7fe56b6)
5.0.0 (2025-01-11)
- Line highlighting using mini.hipatterns - closes #147
- Deprecation warning calling debugprint() directly - closes #99
- Add health check - closes #154 (69c13fc)
- Add healthcheck for lazy loading and print_tag (4f3ded4)
- Check health - look for mini.hipatterns (bba532b)
- Line highlighting using mini.hipatterns - closes #147 (7cc6888)
- Support
option (88398b0) - support registers - closes #148 (3ad3f73)
- Deprecation warning calling debugprint() directly - closes #99 (48505a2)
- Remove unnecessary parameter (2ae1289)
4.0.0 (2024-12-11)
- Use persistent counter - closes #143
- Add COBOL support (357117c)
- Add support for svelte and vue (0480f2f)
- Use persistent counter - closes #143 (26ba69f)
- Don't use vim.fs.rm(), it's not in stable yet (3b7d34c)
- simpler implementation of vim.fs.joinpath() (4a798ae)
- Stop using joinpath() (8a54467)
- Support empty or false to remove default keybindings (bf6c457)
3.7.0 (2024-11-24)
- Add missing validation for insert mode (392bd6c)
3.6.0 (2024-11-08)
- Correct key descriptions (575f2e3)
- get insert mode variable working with noice - closes #86 (6a08653)
- Type annotations (3bdd861)
- typecheck issue (7b7a02c)
3.5.0 (2024-11-03)
- Add missing function to display_counter (c14ac8d)
- Correct link for adding filetypes (358340a)
- Failing test on earlier NeoVim versions (f8b1f2f)
- Remove 'commands' from validate name also (90764e4)
- Typing issue (3859e21)
- Typing issues (52ced26)
- validating nonexistent field
3.4.0 (2024-10-29)
- Add support for Zig (424d367)
- typo in plain above desc (daf79f3)
3.3.0 (2024-10-26)
- Dummy (e02ca84)
3.2.1 (2024-10-26)
3.2.0 (2024-10-26)
- Add display_location and enhance tests - closes #122 (0a2a860)
- Add luarocks support (7358de8)
- support Apex language (0228c0e)
3.1.2 (2024-08-30)
3.1.1 (2024-08-11)
- Remove specific version numbers in deprecation warnings (31588c4)
3.1.0 (2024-07-28)
- Change back to not supplying lazy-loading config - closes #111 (96e6d32)
- Temporary workaround for lazy-loading issue (265b070)
3.0.0 (2024-05-18)
- Deprecate global-level ignore_treesitter option - closes #100
- Remove support for NeoVim 0.8
- Add support for AppleScript (0811b50)
- Customizable display_counter - closes #104 (1400e08)
- Show number of lines on delete/toggle - closes #101 (77be09b)
- Use smarter variable finding - closes #27 (052693a)
- Deprecate global-level ignore_treesitter option - closes #100 (7d49362)
- Remove support for NeoVim 0.8 (1f03985)
2.0.1 (2024-04-24)
2.0.0 (2024-04-17)
- New keymap/command configuration - closes #44
- add elixir support (0ac7f57)
- Implement comment toggle - closes #85 (7fac302)
- Keybinding: delete_debug_lines - closes #87 (6ef8571)
- keymap: map keys only on
buffers and make keymaps buffer-local (319edf0) - New keymap/command configuration - closes #44 (ee9d6ff)
- Simplify configuration warning text (7e8ccd4)
- Debug Print Not generating for c_shrarp file type (3d00dd0)
- g?v for comments in lua (f9b9b87)
- Mapping TS lang → filetype - closes #93 (3b21eba)
- Only map TSLang → ft on NeoVim 0.9+ (8c7a872)
- Only warn once about NeoVim version (005430d)
- Remove conflicts with nvim-notify - closes #91 (bb6d1c9)
- Setup of function callbacks (32137d7)
- Use feedkeys to work with noice.nvim - closes #80 (a326cad)
- Use non-deprecated API (63e9017)
1.9.0 (2024-03-29)
- Accuracy finding embedded langs - closes #84 (b813797)
- Make validation work (fdc30b2)
- Take a fresh copy of options object each time (c63b01d)
1.8.0 (2024-02-22)
1.7.0 (2024-01-21)
- Make MIT Licensed (189c13b)
- License link (f3633cb)
1.6.0 (2023-11-28)
- Add 'R' support (89a791b)
- Add CMake support (78f6400)
- Add dosbatch support (33aefa6)
- Add fish support (37cba86)
- Add perl support (f1fda1c)
- JavaScript logging debug → warn (c8341fd)
- Remove stderr for Python (a3f8beb)
- Try to fix demo video link (dafd4db)
1.5.1 (2023-11-24)
- Don't make keybindings unique - closes #69 (08a4dff)
- populate runtimepath correctly - closes #65 (e12671b)
1.5.0 (2023-11-15)
1.4.0 (2023-11-06)
1.3.0 (2023-11-02)
1.2.0 (2023-10-07)
- Ignore blank calc'ing snippet - closes #55 (6ad5606)
- Make keymappings unique (92a6dd1)
- Make uses stderr, JS uses console.debug - closes #48 (f7f88de)
1.1.0 (2023-04-20)
- Require NeoVim 0.8+
- Add 'display_counter' toggle - closes #32 (a814776)
- Add 'display_counter' toggle - closes #32 (b1fd07f)
- Add alternative comparison table (f1b4005)
- Add description for each of default keybinds - closes #47 (4ed72da)
- Add Docker support (390a081)
- Add js-like languages (e1f932b)
- Add support for C/C++/Rust - closes #8 (8c58a7d)
- Add support for C# (002318e)
- Add support for golang (3bd0110)
- Add support for Java (c5e875f)
- Add support for Makefiles (317197a)
- Add support for PHP (4ac6e97)
- Add support for Python (f8ebf7c)
- Add support for ruby (d7381f9)
- Add support for shell (5501c0d)
- Change all 'dq' keymappings to 'g?' (a8900d7)
- filetypes: add dart support (4e79853)
- First commit (7727353)
- Include snippets - closes #33 (ffaaee1)
- Introduce 'print_tag' - closes #4, #15 (9716266)
- Make moving to inserted line optional (8c31df6)
- Move counter to the beginning (4d49972)
- Now prints to stderr by default (7c3a43c)
- Pick up variable under cursor - closes #2 (9a6aaa9)
- Support command for deleting lines - closes #14 (1896124)
- Support dot-repeat - closes #3 (7048b21)
- Support motion mode - closes #23 (5f628f5)
- Support variable insertion - closes #1 (b843178)
- Support visual keymapping - closes #22 (8116969)
- Try release-please (cb7cf19)
- Try to support 0.6.1 (fe2ff7a)
- Abort testing if treesitter not available (5ade616)
- Add .stylua.toml (6db4985)
- Add missing 'jobs' (abeb5e7)
- Add missing newlines - closes #50 (807793c)
- Add missing validation (72b1ba7)
- Add missing validation (bcc1ac8)
- Add missing validation rules (238dc89)
- Add runtime call (49f3e2c)
- Broken xs (7949d4e)
- By default, indent Makefile lines with a tab (c529cbc)
- Check filetype before prompt for variable (acd90b4)
- Code snippet in README.md (784fef0)
- Correct leading space calculation (0086efa)
- Deprecated vim.treesitter.query.get_node_text (1c63f65)
- Explicitly add treesitter for testing (1474cae)
- Feed surplus <CR> to make tests work (2edc44f)
- Handle no variable name (48d5f39)
- Handle not finding node (d4e4355)
- Ignore any generated tags (c1e1799)
- Inaccuracy in C# support (7017ca6)
- Incorrect lua syntax in test files (7f63cc5)
- Indent line correctly - closes #6 (3ae60ba)
- Install lua treesitter parser (9e13c44)
- Missed markup (6a7281d)
- Red doesn't work on GitHub (41f4809)
- Remove accidental duplicate (6f55f22)
- Remove more characters from generated sample (22bb8f0)
- Require NeoVim 0.8+ (e182774)
- Silence vim.notify warnings (c373014)
- Support variables in sh (c8b644c)
- Test relied on not clearing buffer (77f5131)
- Tests after merging stderr change (8e93ab9)
- Treesitter directory (89e2a73)
- Try different syntax (5877206)
- Try loading treesitter in minimal.vim (f097ee8)
- Try packadd (2bec88b)
- Unknown filetypes (b22480e)
- Update to NeoVim 0.7.2 (706127f)
- Use dynamic filename (91e5ccd)
- Version of stylua check (5b52d8f)
- Combine g?v, g?V keys (d18401e)