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173 lines (128 loc) · 8.28 KB



It is going to be an Android application that is going to predict weather conditions depending on the parameters given to the integrated machine learning model, that is, temperature and humidity.


  • Your PC should have Android Studio installed.
  • An Android Phone (or you may install and test the app on a virtual device)


  • Predicts weather conditions based on temperature and humidity
  • Integrates TensorFlow Lite models on Android Devices
  • Provides visual feedback with weather icons for predicted conditions


  • Clone this repository to your local machine using 'git clone'.
  • Open the project in Android Studio.
  • Build and run the application on an Android device or emulator.


  • Enter the temperature and humidity values.
  • Tap the "Predict" button to obtain the predicted weather condition.
  • View the predicted weather condition along with a corresponding weather icon.

ML Part


The data used for this model is a custom-made dataset built using python pandas. The dataset used is indian_weather_dataset3.csv, which contains the following columns:

Temperature (°C)

Humidity (%)

The sole reason for using such a simple dataset is because of its high interpretability. While using a large real-world dataset can improve the performance of our machine learning model and can help in making better predictions, the crux of this project is the integration of machine learning to Android applications. We the Android club expects the audience to learn the process through this event and bring even more complex ideas to life.


This Python script demonstrates the process of building a machine learning model to predict weather conditions based on temperature and humidity data. The model uses a neural network built with TensorFlow and Keras, and is trained on a dataset of Indian weather conditions.


• Data preprocessing with pandas and scikit-learn. • Neural network model creation with TensorFlow. • Model evaluation and predictions.


• Python 3.x • Pandas • NumPy • Matplotlib • TensorFlow • scikit-learn

Neural Network Architecture

The model is built using TensorFlow's Keras API, which allows for an intuitive stack of layers using Sequential. The architecture comprises: Input Layer: It takes the input with the shape corresponding to the number of features (2 in this case: temperature and humidity). Dense Layers: Two hidden layers with 64 and 32 neurons respectively, both using ReLU activation functions. ReLU is chosen for its efficiency and effectiveness in adding non-linearity to the model. Output Layer: The final layer has several neurons equal to the number of unique weather conditions, using a softmax activation function. Softmax makes the output sum up to one so the output can be interpreted as probabilities.


The model is compiled with the Adam optimizer and sparse categorical crossentropy as the loss function. Adam is preferred for its adaptive learning rate capabilities, making it suitable for data with varying scales. Sparse categorical crossentropy is used as the loss function because it is efficient with categorical target variables that are represented as integers.


The decision to use TensorFlow Lite for IoT integration is driven by its efficiency and compatibility with edge devices. TensorFlow Lite models are tailored for deployment on resource-constrained platforms, offering optimal performance with minimal computational overhead. This makes it ideal for real-time applications like weather prediction on IoT devices. In simple language, tensorflow-lite models work efficiently in embedded devices like raspberry pi or android phones , without lagging and slowing the process.

We start by importing necessary libraries. • numpy for numerical operations. • load_model from keras.models to load our pre-trained weather prediction model stored in an HDF5 file. • os for operating system functionalities. • tensorflow library itself (tf) to utilize TensorFlow functionalities.

    converter = tf.lite.TFLiteConverter.from_keras_model(model)
    tflite_model = converter.convert()
    INFO:tensorflow: Assets written to: C:\Users\soodv\AppData\Local\Temp\tmp13c6f28x\assets

Here we use the TensorFlow Lite Converter (tf.lite.TFLiteConverter) to convert our loaded Keras model (model) into a TensorFlow Lite compatible format. This step is essential for optimizing the model for deployment on mobile or edge devices.This line actually performs the conversion of our Keras model (model) into a TensorFlow Lite model. Finally, we save the converted TensorFlow Lite model (tflite_model) into a file named Weather_predictor.tflite. The model is written in binary ('wb') mode into this file using the write() method of the file handler (f). This .tflite file can now be deployed and used efficiently on mobile devices or embedded systems. Now you can look for the file in the file explorer and integrate it with the Android studio which would be discussed later.

Android Part

Libraries Used

  • TensorFlow Lite: For running machine learning models on Android.
  • All other minor dependencies are specified in the build.gradle file.

Flow diagram of the model



How your app looks is specified in the activity_main.xml here


For TensorFlow


Import TensorFlow Interpreter

import org.tensorflow.lite.Interpreter

Weather-Predictor Model access

You can get the model from "asset" section or follow the link -> Tflite file

Import the ml file from the assets directory


Main onCreate Method

Here, We:

  • Initialize our UI Components,
  • We then provide input data from the user to our TFLite file for processing,
  • Throughout, we use Exception Handling to make sure we avoid errors.

Loading Tensorflow model

  • Used to access the the tflite file from assets folder and create an inputstream for it
  • Creates a channel to pass the inputs to the model
  • Declares startOffset and length of the file
  • Returns a MappedByteBuffer for the data in the model
private fun loadModelFile(): ByteBuffer {
        val fileDescriptor: AssetFileDescriptor = assets.openFd("Weather_predictor.tflite")
        val inputStream = FileInputStream(fileDescriptor.fileDescriptor)
        val fileChannel =
        val startOffset = fileDescriptor.startOffset
        val declareLength = fileDescriptor.declaredLength
        return, startOffset, declareLength)

Predict Weather fun

  • Takes temperature (in Celsius) and humidity (in percentage) as inputs.
  • Uses a TensorFlow Lite model to predict the weather condition.
  • Returns the predicted weather condition (Sunny, Cloudy, Partly Cloudy, Rainy, Cold).
    private fun predictWeather(temperatureC: Float, humidityPer: Float): String {
    val byteBuffer =
        ByteBuffer.allocateDirect(2 * 4) // Assuming 2 input features and 4 bytes per float
    val inputFeature0 = byteBuffer.asFloatBuffer()
    inputFeature0.put(floatArrayOf(temperatureC, humidityPer))

    // Runs model inference and gets result.
    val outputs = Array(1) { FloatArray(5) }, outputs)

    val maxIndex = outputs[0].indices.maxByOrNull { outputs[0][it] } ?: -1
    val predictedClassIndex = if (maxIndex != -1) maxIndex else 0

    val weatherConditions =
        arrayOf("Cloudy", "Cold", "Rainy", "Sunny", "Partly Cloudy")
    val predictedWeather = weatherConditions[predictedClassIndex]
    Log.d("Weather", "Predicted: $predictedClassIndex")

    return predictedWeather
