Releases: ankohanse/hass-studer-xcom
Add better view and edit support for params with unit "Seconds" which represents seconds since 1 January 1970 at 00:00.
This applies to RCC param 5002 (Date).
Add better view and edit support for params with unit "Minutes", which represents minutes since midnight, 0=00:00 to 1440=24:00.
This applies to XT param 1206 (Start hour AUX1), 1207 (End hour AUX1) and many others.
This change allows to create an automation that will periodically correct the Studer system time. This is needed for some (off-grid) system, where the time slowly shifts byabout 1 minute per month.
Below is an example for such an automation:
alias: Studer RCC Sync Time
description: ""
- trigger: time_pattern
hours: "0"
minutes: "0"
seconds: "0"
conditions: []
- action: datetime.set_value
metadata: {}
datetime: "{{ now() }}"
entity_id: datetime.studer_4001_rcc_5002
mode: single
Improve handling of cached modified parameter values
Improve handling of float value precision
Discover Moxa Web Config url as very first step in the config flow.
This allows us to always show the discovered url as link in the page where the port for the Xcom-LAN/Moxa connection is configured.
Split readme to create sepeare document describing Xcom-LAN configuration
Update images in readme to reflect recent changes.
Implement User Interface to support in choosing param and info numbers via a menu.
Also allow to add and delete (multiple) param and info numbers by directly typing them.
Improve the setup wizard:
- Show url's to the Moxa Web Config of connection to Xcom client fails
- Show url to readme that describes Moxa Web Config prerequisites
- Show url to Studer Parameter and Info numbers list
- Fix issue where old configured numbers were lost during reconfigure
Bump aioxcom to 1.2.0
Move discovery to library
Retrieve device version info
Use async file read
General improvements.
Move xcom specific code to a pypi library.