Convert source file's GBK / Unicode16 charset to UTF8(BOM), and convert the include filenames to lowercase.
only test on Windows, dev by VS2005
Traverse the source files(.cpp|.h|.cxx|.c|.java) in the current directory
Convert charset to utf-8(bom) (available for VC & GCC)
- GBK -> Unicode16 -> UTF8
- Unicode16 -> UTF8
- UTF8 (no bom)-> UTF8
- Add command param '/a' to convert the include filenames to lowercase
Note: avoid freetype, because of the headfiles are macro
- Copy ConvertingCharset.exe to src file dir
- Run ConvertingCharset.exe to convert src files's charset to utf8(bom)
- Run 'ConvertingCharset.exe /a' to convert charset and lower include file