diff --git a/Makefile b/Makefile
index 8aec323..3bef3ab 100644
--- a/Makefile
+++ b/Makefile
@@ -2,6 +2,11 @@
 	python setup.py test
+.PHONY: tests-prep
+	pip install tox tox-pyenv
+	pyenv local 2.7.15 3.5.6 3.6.6 pypy2.7-6.0.0
 .PHONY: tests
diff --git a/prestans/__init__.py b/prestans/__init__.py
index 758884e..3903611 100644
--- a/prestans/__init__.py
+++ b/prestans/__init__.py
@@ -33,5 +33,5 @@
 __all__ = ['http', 'types', 'rest', 'parser', 'serializer', 'deserializer', 'provider', 'ext', 'exception']
-__version_info__ = (2, 2, 1)
+__version_info__ = (2, 3, 0)
 __version__ = '.'.join(str(v) for v in __version_info__)
diff --git a/prestans/exception.py b/prestans/exception.py
index f2c705b..687377b 100644
--- a/prestans/exception.py
+++ b/prestans/exception.py
@@ -320,7 +320,7 @@ class AttributeFilterDiffers(RequestException):
     def __init__(self, attribute_list):
         _code = STATUS.BAD_REQUEST
-        _message = "attribute filter does not contain attributes (%s) that are not part of template" % (
+        _message = "attribute filter contains attributes (%s) that are not part of template" % (
             ', '.join(attribute_list)
@@ -495,6 +495,27 @@ def __init__(self, message="Moved Permanently", response_model=None):
         super(MovedPermanently, self).__init__(_code, message, response_model)
+class Redirect(ResponseException):
+    def __init__(self, code, url):
+        self._url = url
+        super(Redirect, self).__init__(code, "Redirect")
+    @property
+    def url(self):
+        return self._url
+class TemporaryRedirect(Redirect):
+    def __init__(self, url):
+        super(TemporaryRedirect, self).__init__(STATUS.TEMPORARY_REDIRECT, url)
+class PermanentRedirect(Redirect):
+    def __init__(self, url):
+        super(PermanentRedirect, self).__init__(STATUS.PERMANENT_REDIRECT, url)
 class PaymentRequired(ResponseException):
     def __init__(self, message="Payment Required", response_model=None):
diff --git a/prestans/ext/data/adapters/__init__.py b/prestans/ext/data/adapters/__init__.py
index 1527030..d868f55 100644
--- a/prestans/ext/data/adapters/__init__.py
+++ b/prestans/ext/data/adapters/__init__.py
@@ -31,14 +31,20 @@
 import inspect
-from prestans.types import Model
+from prestans import exception
+from prestans import parser
+from prestans import types
 class ModelAdapter(object):
     def __init__(self, rest_model_class, persistent_model_class):
+        """
+        :param rest_model_class:
+        :param persistent_model_class:
+        """
-        if issubclass(rest_model_class, Model):
+        if issubclass(rest_model_class, types.Model):
             self._rest_model_class = rest_model_class
             raise TypeError("rest_model_class must be sub class of prestans.types.Model")
@@ -52,18 +58,184 @@ def persistent_model_class(self):
     def rest_model_class(self):
         return self._rest_model_class
-    def adapt_persistent_to_rest(self, persistent_object):
-        raise NotImplementedError("adapt_persistent_to_rest direct use not allowed")
+    def adapt_persistent_to_rest(self, persistent_object, attribute_filter=None):
+        """
+        adapts a persistent model to a rest model by inspecting
+        """
+        rest_model_instance = self.rest_model_class()
+        for attribute_key in rest_model_instance.get_attribute_keys():
+            rest_attr = getattr(self.rest_model_class, attribute_key)
+            # don't bother processing if the persistent model doesn't have this attribute
+            if not hasattr(persistent_object, attribute_key):
+                if isinstance(rest_attr, types.Model):
+                    #: If the attribute is a Model, then we set it to None otherwise we get a model
+                    #: with default values, which is invalid when constructing responses
+                    try:
+                        setattr(rest_model_instance, attribute_key, None)
+                    # catch any exception thrown from setattr to give a usable error message
+                    except TypeError as exp:
+                        raise TypeError('Attribute %s, %s' % (attribute_key, str(exp)))
+                continue
+            # ignore class methods
+            elif inspect.ismethod(getattr(persistent_object, attribute_key)):
+                import logging
+                logging.error("ignoring method: "+attribute_key)
+                continue
+            # attribute is not visible don't bother processing
+            elif isinstance(attribute_filter, parser.AttributeFilter) and \
+                    not attribute_filter.is_attribute_visible(attribute_key):
+                continue
+            # handles prestans array population from SQLAlchemy relationships
+            elif isinstance(rest_attr, types.Array):
+                persistent_attr_value = getattr(persistent_object, attribute_key)
+                rest_model_array_handle = getattr(rest_model_instance, attribute_key)
+                # iterator uses the .append method exposed by prestans arrays to validate
+                # and populate the collection in the instance.
+                for collection_element in persistent_attr_value:
+                    if isinstance(rest_attr.element_template, types.Boolean) or \
+                       isinstance(rest_attr.element_template, types.Float) or \
+                       isinstance(rest_attr.element_template, types.Integer) or \
+                       isinstance(rest_attr.element_template, types.String):
+                        rest_model_array_handle.append(collection_element)
+                    else:
+                        element_adapter = registry.get_adapter_for_rest_model(rest_attr.element_template)
+                        # check if there is a sub model filter
+                        sub_attribute_filter = None
+                        if attribute_filter and attribute_key in attribute_filter:
+                            sub_attribute_filter = getattr(attribute_filter, attribute_key)
+                        adapted_rest_model = element_adapter.adapt_persistent_to_rest(
+                            collection_element,
+                            sub_attribute_filter
+                        )
+                        rest_model_array_handle.append(adapted_rest_model)
+            elif isinstance(rest_attr, types.Model):
+                try:
+                    persistent_attr_value = getattr(persistent_object, attribute_key)
+                    if persistent_attr_value is None:
+                        adapted_rest_model = None
+                    else:
+                        model_adapter = registry.get_adapter_for_rest_model(rest_attr)
+                        # check if there is a sub model filter
+                        sub_attribute_filter = None
+                        if isinstance(attribute_filter, parser.AttributeFilter) and \
+                                attribute_key in attribute_filter:
+                            sub_attribute_filter = getattr(attribute_filter, attribute_key)
+                        adapted_rest_model = model_adapter.adapt_persistent_to_rest(
+                            persistent_attr_value,
+                            sub_attribute_filter
+                        )
+                    setattr(rest_model_instance, attribute_key, adapted_rest_model)
+                except TypeError as exp:
+                    raise TypeError('Attribute %s, %s' % (attribute_key, str(exp)))
+                except exception.DataValidationException as exp:
+                    raise exception.InconsistentPersistentDataError(attribute_key, str(exp))
+            else:
+                # otherwise copy the value to the rest model
+                try:
+                    persistent_attr_value = getattr(persistent_object, attribute_key)
+                    setattr(rest_model_instance, attribute_key, persistent_attr_value)
+                except TypeError as exp:
+                    raise TypeError('Attribute %s, %s' % (attribute_key, str(exp)))
+                except exception.ValidationError as exp:
+                    raise exception.InconsistentPersistentDataError(attribute_key, str(exp))
+        return rest_model_instance
+def adapt_persistent_instance(persistent_object, target_rest_class=None, attribute_filter=None):
+    """
+    Adapts a single persistent instance to a REST model; at present this is a
+    common method for all persistent backends.
+    Refer to: https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/prestans-discuss/dO1yx8f60as
+    for discussion on this feature
+    """
+    # try and get the adapter and the REST class for the persistent object
+    if target_rest_class is None:
+        adapter_instance = registry.get_adapter_for_persistent_model(persistent_object)
+    else:
+        if inspect.isclass(target_rest_class):
+            target_rest_class = target_rest_class()
+        adapter_instance = registry.get_adapter_for_persistent_model(persistent_object, target_rest_class)
+    # would raise an exception if the attribute_filter differs from the target_rest_class
+    if attribute_filter is not None and isinstance(attribute_filter, parser.AttributeFilter):
+        parser.AttributeFilter.from_model(target_rest_class).conforms_to_template_filter(attribute_filter)
+    return adapter_instance.adapt_persistent_to_rest(persistent_object, attribute_filter)
+def adapt_persistent_collection(persistent_collection, target_rest_class=None, attribute_filter=None):
+    # ensure that collection is iterable and has at least one element
+    persistent_collection_length = 0
+    # attempt to detect the length of the persistent_collection
+    if persistent_collection and isinstance(persistent_collection, (list, tuple)):
+        persistent_collection_length = len(persistent_collection)
+    # SQLAlchemy query
+    elif persistent_collection and persistent_collection.__module__ == "sqlalchemy.orm.query":
+        persistent_collection_length = persistent_collection.count()
+    # Google App Engine NDB
+    elif persistent_collection and persistent_collection.__module__ == "google.appengine.ext.ndb":
+        persistent_collection_length = persistent_collection.count()
+    # if the persistent_collection is empty then return a blank array
+    if persistent_collection_length == 0:
+        return types.Array(element_template=target_rest_class())
+    # try and get the adapter and the REST class for the persistent object
+    if target_rest_class is None:
+        adapter_instance = registry.get_adapter_for_persistent_model(
+            persistent_collection[0]
+        )
+    else:
+        if inspect.isclass(target_rest_class):
+            target_rest_class = target_rest_class()
+        adapter_instance = registry.get_adapter_for_persistent_model(
+            persistent_collection[0],
+            target_rest_class
+        )
+    adapted_models = types.Array(element_template=adapter_instance.rest_model_class())
+    for persistent_object in persistent_collection:
+        adapted_models.append(adapter_instance.adapt_persistent_to_rest(persistent_object, attribute_filter))
+    return adapted_models
 class AdapterRegistryManager(object):
     AdapterRegistryManager keeps track of rest to persistent model maps
-    AdapterRegistryManager should not be instantiated by the applications, a singleton
-    instance supplied by this package.
+    New AdapterRegistryManager's should not be instantiated by the application, a singleton
+    instance is supplied by this package.
+    DEFAULT_REST_ADAPTER = "prestans_rest_default_adapter"
     def __init__(self):
         self._persistent_map = dict()
@@ -85,22 +257,55 @@ def register_adapter(self, model_adapter):
         rest_class_signature = self.generate_signature(model_adapter.rest_model_class)
         persistent_class_signature = self.generate_signature(model_adapter.persistent_model_class)
-        # store references to how a rest model maps to a persistent model and vice versa
-        self._persistent_map[persistent_class_signature] = model_adapter
+        # store references to rest model
         self._rest_map[rest_class_signature] = model_adapter
-    def get_adapter_for_persistent_model(self, persistent_model):
+        if persistent_class_signature not in self._persistent_map:
+            self._persistent_map[persistent_class_signature] = dict()
+        # store a reference to the adapter under both REST signature and default key
+        # the default is always the last registered model (to match behaviour before this was patched)
+        self._persistent_map[persistent_class_signature][self.DEFAULT_REST_ADAPTER] = model_adapter
+        self._persistent_map[persistent_class_signature][rest_class_signature] = model_adapter
+    def register_persistent_rest_pair(self, persistent_model_class, rest_model_class):
+        """
+        :param persistent_model_class:
+        :param rest_model_class:
+        """
+        self.register_adapter(ModelAdapter(
+            rest_model_class=rest_model_class,
+            persistent_model_class=persistent_model_class
+        ))
+    def clear_registered_adapters(self):
+        """
+        Clears all of the currently registered model adapters
+        """
+        self._persistent_map.clear()
+        self._rest_map.clear()
+    def get_adapter_for_persistent_model(self, persistent_model, rest_model=None):
         :param persistent_model: instance of persistent model
+        :param rest_model: specific REST model
         :return: the matching model adapter
         :rtype: ModelAdapter
-        class_signature = self.generate_signature(persistent_model)
+        persistent_signature = self.generate_signature(persistent_model)
-        if class_signature not in self._persistent_map:
-            raise TypeError("No registered Data Adapter for class %s" % class_signature)
+        if persistent_signature in self._persistent_map:
+            sub_map = self._persistent_map[persistent_signature]
+            # return the first match if REST model was not specified
+            if rest_model is None:
+                return self._persistent_map[persistent_signature][self.DEFAULT_REST_ADAPTER]
+            else:
+                rest_sig = self.generate_signature(rest_model)
+                if rest_sig in sub_map:
+                    return self._persistent_map[persistent_signature][rest_sig]
-        return self._persistent_map[class_signature]
+        raise TypeError("No registered Data Adapter for class %s" % persistent_signature)
     def get_adapter_for_rest_model(self, rest_model):
diff --git a/prestans/ext/data/adapters/ndb.py b/prestans/ext/data/adapters/ndb.py
index a2e2bf2..17e4e7e 100644
--- a/prestans/ext/data/adapters/ndb.py
+++ b/prestans/ext/data/adapters/ndb.py
@@ -31,160 +31,30 @@
 __all__ = ['ModelAdapter']
-import inspect
-import prestans.types
-import prestans.parser
 from prestans.ext.data import adapters
 def adapt_persistent_instance(persistent_object, target_rest_class=None, attribute_filter=None):
-    Adapts a single persistent instance to a REST model; at present this is a
-    common method for all persistent backends.
-    This might be moved to backend specific packages if the need arrises
-    Refer to: https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/prestans-discuss/dO1yx8f60as
-    for discussion on this feature
+    Wrapper on adapters.adapt_persistent_instance for Google App Engine NDB
-    #: Try and get the adapter and the REST class for the persistent object 
-    if target_rest_class is None:
-        adapter_instance = adapters.registry.get_adapter_for_persistent_model(persistent_object)
-    else:
-        if inspect.isclass(target_rest_class):
-            target_rest_class = target_rest_class()
-        adapter_instance = adapters.registry.get_adapter_for_rest_model(target_rest_class)
-    #: Would raise an exception if the attribute_filter differs from the target_rest_class
-    if attribute_filter is not None and isinstance(attribute_filter, prestans.parser.AttributeFilter):
-        prestans.parser.AttributeFilter.from_model(target_rest_class).conforms_to_template_filter(attribute_filter)
-    return adapter_instance.adapt_persistent_to_rest(persistent_object, attribute_filter)
+    return adapters.adapt_persistent_instance(persistent_object, target_rest_class, attribute_filter)
 def adapt_persistent_collection(persistent_collection, target_rest_class=None, attribute_filter=None):
-    # ensure that collection is iterable and has at least one element
-    persistent_collection_length = 0
-    # attempt to reliably detect the length of the persistent_collection
-    if persistent_collection and isinstance(persistent_collection, (list, tuple)):
-        persistent_collection_length = len(persistent_collection)
-    elif persistent_collection:
-        persistent_collection_length = persistent_collection.count()
-    # if the persistent_collection is empty then return a blank array
-    if persistent_collection_length == 0:
-        return prestans.types.Array(element_template=target_rest_class())
-    # try and get the adapter and the REST class for the persistent object
-    if target_rest_class is None:
-        adapter_instance = adapters.registry.get_adapter_for_persistent_model(persistent_collection[0])
-    else:
-        if inspect.isclass(target_rest_class):
-            target_rest_class = target_rest_class()
-        adapter_instance = adapters.registry.get_adapter_for_rest_model(target_rest_class)
-    adapted_models = prestans.types.Array(element_template=adapter_instance.rest_model_class())
-    for persistent_object in persistent_collection:
-        adapted_models.append(adapter_instance.adapt_persistent_to_rest(persistent_object, attribute_filter))
-    return adapted_models
-class ModelAdapter(adapters.ModelAdapter):
-    Provides a bridge between REST models and Google Datastore objects
+    Wrapper on adapters.adapt_persistent_collection for Google App Engine NDB
+    return adapters.adapt_persistent_collection(persistent_collection, target_rest_class, attribute_filter)
-    def adapt_persistent_to_rest(self, persistent_object, attribute_filter=None):
-        """
-        adapts a persistent model to a rest model by inspecting
-        :param self:
-        :param persistent_object:
-        :param attribute_filter:
-        :return:
-        """
-        rest_model_instance = self.rest_model_class()
-        for attribute_key in rest_model_instance.get_attribute_keys():
-            rest_attr = getattr(self.rest_model_class, attribute_key)
-            if not hasattr(persistent_object, attribute_key):
-                #: Don't bother processing if the persistent model doesn't have this attribute
-                if issubclass(rest_attr.__class__, prestans.types.Model):
-                    #: If the attribute is a Model, then we set it to None otherwise we get a model 
-                    #: with default values, which is invalid when constructing responses
-                    setattr(rest_model_instance, attribute_key, None)
-                continue
-            #: Attribute not visible don't bother processing
-            elif isinstance(attribute_filter, prestans.parser.AttributeFilter) and\
-             not attribute_filter.is_attribute_visible(attribute_key):
-                continue
-            elif isinstance(rest_attr, prestans.types.Array):
-                persistent_attr_value = getattr(persistent_object, attribute_key)
-                rest_model_array_handle = getattr(rest_model_instance, attribute_key)
-                #: Iterator uses the .append method exposed by prestans arrays to validate
-                #: and populate the collection in the instance.
-                for collection_element in persistent_attr_value:
-                    if isinstance(rest_attr.element_template, prestans.types.String):
-                        rest_model_array_handle.append(collection_element)
-                    elif isinstance(rest_attr.element_template, prestans.types.Integer):
-                        rest_model_array_handle.append(collection_element)
-                    elif isinstance(rest_attr.element_template, prestans.types.Float):
-                        rest_model_array_handle.append(collection_element)
-                    elif isinstance(rest_attr.element_template, prestans.types.Boolean):
-                        rest_model_array_handle.append(collection_element)
-                    else:
-                        element_adapter = adapters.registry.get_adapter_for_rest_model(rest_attr._element_template)
-                        adapted_rest_model = element_adapter.adapt_persistent_to_rest(collection_element)                    
-                        rest_model_array_handle.append(adapted_rest_model)
-            elif isinstance(rest_attr, prestans.types.Model):
-                try:
-                    persistent_attr_value = getattr(persistent_object, attribute_key)
-                    if persistent_attr_value is None:
-                        adapted_rest_model = None
-                    else:
-                        model_adapter = adapters.registry.get_adapter_for_rest_model(rest_attr)
-                        adapted_rest_model = model_adapter.adapt_persistent_to_rest(persistent_attr_value)
-                    setattr(rest_model_instance, attribute_key, adapted_rest_model)
-                except TypeError as exp:
-                    raise TypeError('Attribute %s, %s' % (attribute_key, str(exp)))
-                except prestans.exception.DataValidationException as exp:
-                    raise prestans.exception.InconsistentPersistentDataError(attribute_key, str(exp))
+class ModelAdapter(adapters.ModelAdapter):
-            else:
-                # Default operation is to copy the value and set it, validate will ensure its an acceptable value
-                try:
-                    persistent_attr_value = getattr(persistent_object, attribute_key)
-                    setattr(rest_model_instance, attribute_key, persistent_attr_value)
-                except TypeError as exp:
-                    raise TypeError('Attribute %s, %s' % (attribute_key, str(exp)))
-                except prestans.exception.DataValidationException as exp:
-                    raise prestans.exception.InconsistentPersistentDataError(attribute_key, str(exp))
-        return rest_model_instance
+    def __init__(self, rest_model_class, persistent_model_class):
+        import logging
+        logger = logging.getLogger("prestans")
+        logger.warn("direct use of %s has been deprecated please use %s instead" % (
+            self.__module__ + "." + self.__class__.__name__,
+            adapters.ModelAdapter.__module__ + "." + adapters.ModelAdapter.__name__
+        ))
+        super(ModelAdapter, self).__init__(rest_model_class, persistent_model_class)
diff --git a/prestans/ext/data/adapters/sqlalchemy.py b/prestans/ext/data/adapters/sqlalchemy.py
index 470b3ac..4ccfc27 100644
--- a/prestans/ext/data/adapters/sqlalchemy.py
+++ b/prestans/ext/data/adapters/sqlalchemy.py
@@ -31,177 +31,30 @@
 __all__ = ['ModelAdapter']
-import inspect
-from prestans import exception
-from prestans import types
-from prestans import parser
 from prestans.ext.data import adapters
 def adapt_persistent_instance(persistent_object, target_rest_class=None, attribute_filter=None):
-    Adapts a single persistent instance to a REST model; at present this is a
-    common method for all persistent backends.
-    This might be moved to backend specific packages if the need arises
-    Refer to: https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/prestans-discuss/dO1yx8f60as
-    for discussion on this feature
+    Wrapper on adapters.adapt_persistent_instance for SQLAlchemy
-    # try and get the adapter and the REST class for the persistent object
-    if target_rest_class is None:
-        adapter_instance = adapters.registry.get_adapter_for_persistent_model(persistent_object)
-    else:
-        if inspect.isclass(target_rest_class):
-            target_rest_class = target_rest_class()
-        adapter_instance = adapters.registry.get_adapter_for_rest_model(target_rest_class)
-    # would raise an exception if the attribute_filter differs from the target_rest_class
-    if attribute_filter is not None and isinstance(attribute_filter, parser.AttributeFilter):
-        parser.AttributeFilter.from_model(target_rest_class).conforms_to_template_filter(attribute_filter)
-    return adapter_instance.adapt_persistent_to_rest(persistent_object, attribute_filter)
+    return adapters.adapt_persistent_instance(persistent_object, target_rest_class, attribute_filter)
 def adapt_persistent_collection(persistent_collection, target_rest_class=None, attribute_filter=None):
-    # ensure that collection is iterable and has at least one element
-    persistent_collection_length = 0
-    # attempt to reliably detect the length of the persistent_collection
-    if persistent_collection and isinstance(persistent_collection, (list, tuple)):
-        persistent_collection_length = len(persistent_collection)
-    elif persistent_collection and persistent_collection.__module__ == "sqlalchemy.orm.query":
-        persistent_collection_length = persistent_collection.count()
-    # if the persistent_collection is empty then return a blank array
-    if persistent_collection_length == 0:
-        return types.Array(element_template=target_rest_class())
-    # try and get the adapter and the REST class for the persistent object
-    if target_rest_class is None:
-        adapter_instance = adapters.registry.get_adapter_for_persistent_model(persistent_collection[0])
-    else:
-        if inspect.isclass(target_rest_class):
-            target_rest_class = target_rest_class()
-        adapter_instance = adapters.registry.get_adapter_for_rest_model(target_rest_class)
-    adapted_models = types.Array(element_template=adapter_instance.rest_model_class())
-    for persistent_object in persistent_collection:
-        adapted_models.append(adapter_instance.adapt_persistent_to_rest(persistent_object, attribute_filter))
-    return adapted_models
-class ModelAdapter(adapters.ModelAdapter):
-    Provide a bridge between REST models and SQLAlchemy objects
+    Wrapper on adapters.adapt_persistent_collection for SQLAlchemy
+    return adapters.adapt_persistent_collection(persistent_collection, target_rest_class, attribute_filter)
-    def adapt_persistent_to_rest(self, persistent_object, attribute_filter=None):
-        """
-        adapts a persistent model to a rest model by inspecting
-        """
-        rest_model_instance = self.rest_model_class()
-        for attribute_key in rest_model_instance.get_attribute_keys():                           
-            rest_attr = getattr(self.rest_model_class, attribute_key)
-            # don't bother processing if the persistent model doesn't have this attribute
-            if not hasattr(persistent_object, attribute_key):
-                if isinstance(rest_attr, types.Model):
-                    #: If the attribute is a Model, then we set it to None otherwise we get a model 
-                    #: with default values, which is invalid when constructing responses
-                    try:
-                        setattr(rest_model_instance, attribute_key, None)
-                    # catch any exception thrown from setattr to give a usable error message
-                    except TypeError as exp:
-                        raise TypeError('Attribute %s, %s' % (attribute_key, str(exp)))
-                continue
-            # attribute is not visible don't bother processing
-            elif isinstance(attribute_filter, parser.AttributeFilter) and \
-                    not attribute_filter.is_attribute_visible(attribute_key):
-                continue
-            # handles prestans array population from SQLAlchemy relationships
-            elif isinstance(rest_attr, types.Array):
-                persistent_attr_value = getattr(persistent_object, attribute_key)
-                rest_model_array_handle = getattr(rest_model_instance, attribute_key)
-                # iterator uses the .append method exposed by prestans arrays to validate
-                # and populate the collection in the instance.
-                for collection_element in persistent_attr_value:
-                    if isinstance(rest_attr.element_template, types.String):
-                        rest_model_array_handle.append(collection_element)
-                    elif isinstance(rest_attr.element_template, types.Integer):
-                        rest_model_array_handle.append(collection_element)
-                    elif isinstance(rest_attr.element_template, types.Float):
-                        rest_model_array_handle.append(collection_element)
-                    elif isinstance(rest_attr.element_template, types.Boolean):
-                        rest_model_array_handle.append(collection_element)
-                    else:
-                        element_adapter = adapters.registry.get_adapter_for_rest_model(rest_attr.element_template)
-                        # check if there is a sub model filter
-                        sub_attribute_filter = None
-                        if attribute_filter and attribute_key in attribute_filter:
-                            sub_attribute_filter = getattr(attribute_filter, attribute_key)
-                        adapted_rest_model = element_adapter.adapt_persistent_to_rest(
-                            collection_element,
-                            sub_attribute_filter
-                        )
-                        rest_model_array_handle.append(adapted_rest_model)
-            elif isinstance(rest_attr, types.Model):
-                try:
-                    persistent_attr_value = getattr(persistent_object, attribute_key)
-                    if persistent_attr_value is None:
-                        adapted_rest_model = None
-                    else:
-                        model_adapter = adapters.registry.get_adapter_for_rest_model(rest_attr)
-                        # check if there is a sub model filter
-                        sub_attribute_filter = None
-                        if isinstance(attribute_filter, parser.AttributeFilter) and \
-                           attribute_key in attribute_filter:
-                            sub_attribute_filter = getattr(attribute_filter, attribute_key)
-                        adapted_rest_model = model_adapter.adapt_persistent_to_rest(
-                            persistent_attr_value,
-                            sub_attribute_filter
-                        )
-                    setattr(rest_model_instance, attribute_key, adapted_rest_model)
-                except TypeError as exp:
-                    raise TypeError('Attribute %s, %s' % (attribute_key, str(exp)))
-                except exception.DataValidationException as exp:
-                    raise exception.InconsistentPersistentDataError(attribute_key, str(exp))
-            else:
-                # otherwise copy the value to the rest model
-                try:
-                    persistent_attr_value = getattr(persistent_object, attribute_key)
-                    setattr(rest_model_instance, attribute_key, persistent_attr_value)
-                except TypeError as exp:
-                    raise TypeError('Attribute %s, %s' % (attribute_key, str(exp)))
-                except exception.DataValidationException as exp:
-                    raise exception.InconsistentPersistentDataError(attribute_key, str(exp))
+class ModelAdapter(adapters.ModelAdapter):
-        return rest_model_instance
+    def __init__(self, rest_model_class, persistent_model_class):
+        import logging
+        logger = logging.getLogger("prestans")
+        logger.warn("direct use of %s has been deprecated please use %s instead" % (
+            self.__module__ + "." + self.__class__.__name__,
+            adapters.ModelAdapter.__module__ + "." + adapters.ModelAdapter.__name__
+        ))
+        super(ModelAdapter, self).__init__(rest_model_class, persistent_model_class)
diff --git a/prestans/provider/auth.py b/prestans/provider/auth.py
index 930e04e..8ec40bf 100644
--- a/prestans/provider/auth.py
+++ b/prestans/provider/auth.py
@@ -99,7 +99,7 @@ def login_required(http_method_handler):
-    def secure_http_method_handler(self, *args):
+    def secure_http_method_handler(self, *args, **kwargs):
         if not self.__provider_config__.authentication:
             _message = "Service available to authenticated users only, no auth context provider set in handler"
@@ -112,7 +112,7 @@ def secure_http_method_handler(self, *args):
             authentication_error.request = self.request
             raise authentication_error
-        http_method_handler(self, *args)
+        http_method_handler(self, *args, **kwargs)
     return secure_http_method_handler
@@ -128,7 +128,7 @@ def role_required(role_name=None):
     def _role_required(http_method_handler):
-        def secure_http_method_handler(self, *args):
+        def secure_http_method_handler(self, *args, **kwargs):
             # role name must be provided
             if role_name is None:
@@ -150,7 +150,7 @@ def secure_http_method_handler(self, *args):
                 authorization_error.request = self.request
                 raise authorization_error
-            http_method_handler(self, *args)
+            http_method_handler(self, *args, **kwargs)
         return wraps(http_method_handler)(secure_http_method_handler)
@@ -164,7 +164,7 @@ def access_required(config=None):
     def _access_required(http_method_handler):
-        def secure_http_method_handler(self, *args):
+        def secure_http_method_handler(self, *args, **kwargs):
             # authentication context must be set
             if not self.__provider_config__.authentication:
@@ -180,7 +180,7 @@ def secure_http_method_handler(self, *args):
                 authorization_error.request = self.request
                 raise authorization_error
-            http_method_handler(self, *args)
+            http_method_handler(self, *args, **kwargs)
         return wraps(http_method_handler)(secure_http_method_handler)
diff --git a/prestans/rest/request.py b/prestans/rest/request.py
index 32190c3..32800f6 100644
--- a/prestans/rest/request.py
+++ b/prestans/rest/request.py
@@ -44,8 +44,10 @@ def logger(self):
     def parsed_body(self):
         if self.body_template is None:
-            raise AttributeError("access to request.parsed_body is not \
-                allowed when body_template is set to None")
+            msg = "access to request.parsed_body is not allowed when body_template is set to None"
+            raise AttributeError(msg)
+        self.parse_body()
         return self._parsed_body
@@ -65,8 +67,13 @@ def selected_deserializer(self):
     def default_deserializer(self):
         return self._default_deserializer
-    #: Used by content_type_set to set get a referencey to the serializer object
     def set_deserializer_by_mime_type(self, mime_type):
+        """
+        :param mime_type:
+        :return:
+        Used by content_type_set to set get a reference to the serializer object
+        """
         for deserializer in self._deserializers:
             if deserializer.content_type() == mime_type:
@@ -122,20 +129,26 @@ def body_template(self, value):
         if not isinstance(value, DataCollection):
-            raise AssertionError("body_template must be an instance of \
-                prestans.types.DataCollection")
+            msg = "body_template must be an instance of %s.%s" % (
+                DataCollection.__module__,
+                DataCollection.__name__
+            )
+            raise AssertionError(msg)
         self._body_template = value
-        #: Get a deserializer based on the Content-Type header
-        #: Do this here so the handler gets a chance to setup extra serializers
+        # get a deserializer based on the Content-Type header
+        # do this here so the handler gets a chance to setup extra serializers
-        #: Parse the body using the deserializer
-        unserialized_body = self.selected_deserializer.loads(self.body)
+    def parse_body(self):
+        if self._parsed_body is None and self._body_template is not None:
+            # parse the body using the deserializer
+            unserialized_body = self.selected_deserializer.loads(self.body)
-        #: Parse the body using the template and attribute_filter
-        self._parsed_body = value.validate(unserialized_body, self.attribute_filter, self.is_minified)
+            # valiate the body using the template and attribute_filter
+            self._parsed_body = self._body_template.validate(unserialized_body, self.attribute_filter, self.is_minified)
     def register_deserializers(self, deserializers):
@@ -147,8 +160,9 @@ def register_deserializers(self, deserializers):
         for new_deserializer in deserializers:
             if not isinstance(new_deserializer, deserializer.Base):
-                msg = "registered deserializer %s does not inherit from prestans.serializer.DeSerializer" % \
+                msg = "registered deserializer %s does not inherit from prestans.serializer.DeSerializer" % (
+                )
                 raise TypeError(msg)
         self._deserializers = self._deserializers + deserializers
diff --git a/prestans/rest/request_handler.py b/prestans/rest/request_handler.py
index cbf5df9..c3e7a45 100644
--- a/prestans/rest/request_handler.py
+++ b/prestans/rest/request_handler.py
@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ class RequestHandler(object):
     __provider_config__ = None
     __parser_config__ = None
-    def __init__(self, args, request, response, logger, debug):
+    def __init__(self, args, kwargs, request, response, logger, debug):
         if self.__provider_config__ is None:
             self.__provider_config__ = provider.Config()
@@ -29,6 +29,7 @@ def __init__(self, args, request, response, logger, debug):
             self.__parser_config__ = parser.Config()
         self._args = args
+        self._kwargs = kwargs
         self._request = request
         self._response = response
         self._logger = logger
@@ -110,37 +111,32 @@ def blueprint(self):
         return handler_blueprint
     def _setup_serializers(self):
+        """
+        Auto set the return serializer based on Accept headers
+        http://docs.webob.org/en/latest/reference.html#header-getters
-        #:
-        #: Auto set the return serializer based on Accept headers
-        #: http://docs.webob.org/en/latest/reference.html#header-getters
-        #:
-        #: Intersection of requested types and supported types tells us if we
-        #: can in fact respond in one of the request formats
+        Intersection of requested types and supported types tells us if we
+        can in fact respond in one of the request formats
+        """
         best_accept_match = self.request.accept.best_match(
-        if best_accept_match is None:
-            self.logger.error("unsupported mime type in request; accept header reads %s" % \
-                              self.request.accept)
-            raise exception.UnsupportedVocabularyError(
-                self.request.accept,
-                self.response.supported_mime_types_str
-            )
+        self.logger.info("%s determined as best match for accept header: %s" % (
+            best_accept_match,
+            self.request.accept
+        ))
-        #: If content_type is not acceptable it will raise UnsupportedVocabulary
+        # if content_type is not acceptable it will raise UnsupportedVocabulary
         self.response.content_type = best_accept_match
     def __call__(self, environ, start_response):
         self.logger.info("handler %s.%s; callable execution start" % (self.__module__, self.__class__.__name__))
-        self.logger.info("setting default response to %s" % self.request.accept)
-            #: Register additional serializers and de-serializers
+            # register additional serializers and de-serializers
@@ -229,19 +225,21 @@ def __call__(self, environ, start_response):
                 #: prestans sets a sensible HTTP status code
                 if request_method == VERB.GET:
-                    self.get(*self._args)
+                    self.get(*self._args, **self._kwargs)
                 elif request_method == VERB.HEAD:
-                    self.head(*self._args)
+                    self.head(*self._args, **self._kwargs)
                 elif request_method == VERB.POST:
-                    self.post(*self._args)
+                    self.post(*self._args, **self._kwargs)
                 elif request_method == VERB.PUT:
-                    self.put(*self._args)
+                    self.put(*self._args, **self._kwargs)
                 elif request_method == VERB.PATCH:
-                    self.patch(*self._args)
+                    self.patch(*self._args, **self._kwargs)
                 elif request_method == VERB.DELETE:
-                    self.delete(*self._args)
+                    self.delete(*self._args, **self._kwargs)
                 elif request_method == VERB.OPTIONS:
-                    self.options(*self._args)
+                    self.options(*self._args, **self._kwargs)
+            except (exception.PermanentRedirect, exception.TemporaryRedirect) as exp:
+                self._redirect(exp.url, exp.http_status)
             # re-raise all prestans exceptions
             except exception.Base as exp:
                 if isinstance(exception, exception.HandlerException):
@@ -255,8 +253,10 @@ def __call__(self, environ, start_response):
-            self.logger.info("handler %s.%s; callable execution ends" % \
-                             (self.__module__, self.__class__.__name__))
+            self.logger.info("handler %s.%s; callable execution ends" % (
+                self.__module__,
+                self.__class__.__name__
+            ))
             return self.response(environ, start_response)
@@ -296,42 +296,50 @@ def handler_raised_exception(self, exp):
     #: if not overridden prestans returns a Not Implemented error
-    def get(self, *args):
+    def get(self, *args, **kwargs):
         unimplemented_verb_error = exception.UnimplementedVerbError(VERB.GET)
         unimplemented_verb_error.request = self.request
         raise unimplemented_verb_error
-    def head(self, *args):
+    def head(self, *args, **kwargs):
         unimplemented_verb_error = exception.UnimplementedVerbError(VERB.HEAD)
         unimplemented_verb_error.request = self.request
         raise unimplemented_verb_error
-    def post(self, *args):
+    def post(self, *args, **kwargs):
         unimplemented_verb_error = exception.UnimplementedVerbError(VERB.POST)
         unimplemented_verb_error.request = self.request
         raise unimplemented_verb_error
-    def put(self, *args):
+    def put(self, *args, **kwargs):
         unimplemented_verb_error = exception.UnimplementedVerbError(VERB.PUT)
         unimplemented_verb_error.request = self.request
         raise unimplemented_verb_error
-    def patch(self, *args):
+    def patch(self, *args, **kwargs):
         unimplemented_verb_error = exception.UnimplementedVerbError(VERB.PATCH)
         unimplemented_verb_error.request = self.request
         raise unimplemented_verb_error
-    def delete(self, *args):
+    def delete(self, *args, **kwargs):
         unimplemented_verb_error = exception.UnimplementedVerbError(VERB.DELETE)
         unimplemented_verb_error.request = self.request
         raise unimplemented_verb_error
-    def options(self, *args):
+    def options(self, *args, **kwargs):
         unimplemented_verb_error = exception.UnimplementedVerbError(VERB.OPTIONS)
         unimplemented_verb_error.request = self.request
         raise unimplemented_verb_error
-    def redirect(self, url, status=STATUS.TEMPORARY_REDIRECT):
+    def _redirect(self, url, status=STATUS.TEMPORARY_REDIRECT):
         self._response.status = status
         self._response.headers.add("Location", url)
+    def redirect(self, url, status=STATUS.TEMPORARY_REDIRECT):
+        self.logger.warn("direct use of %s.%s has been deprecated please raise an exception instead" % (
+            self.__module__,
+            "redirect"
+        ))
+        self._redirect(url, status)
diff --git a/prestans/rest/request_router.py b/prestans/rest/request_router.py
index d9b99fa..beb0150 100644
--- a/prestans/rest/request_router.py
+++ b/prestans/rest/request_router.py
@@ -92,18 +92,21 @@ def application_name(self):
     def __call__(self, environ, start_response):
         # say hello
-        self.logger.info("%s exposes %i end-points; prestans %s; charset %s; debug %s" % \
-                         (self._application_name, len(self._routes), __version__, \
-                          self._charset, self._debug))
+        self.logger.info("%s exposes %i end-points; prestans %s; charset %s; debug %s" % (
+            self._application_name, len(self._routes), __version__,
+            self._charset, self._debug
+        ))
         # validate serializers and deserializers; are subclasses of prestans.serializer.Base
         _default_outgoing_mime_types = list()
         for available_serializer in self._serializers:
             if not isinstance(available_serializer, serializer.Base):
-                raise TypeError("registered serializer %s.%s does not \
-                    inherit from prestans.serializer.Serializer" % (available_serializer.__module__, \
-                                                                    available_serializer.__class__.__name__))
+                msg = "registered serializer %s.%s does not inherit from prestans.serializer.Serializer" % (
+                    available_serializer.__module__,
+                    available_serializer.__class__.__name__
+                )
+                raise TypeError(msg)
@@ -111,10 +114,11 @@ def __call__(self, environ, start_response):
         for available_deserializer in self._deserializers:
             if not isinstance(available_deserializer, deserializer.Base):
-                raise TypeError(
-                    "registered deserializer %s.%s does not inherit from \
-                    prestans.serializer.DeSerializer" \
-                    % (available_deserializer.__module__, available_deserializer.__class__.__name__))
+                msg = "registered deserializer %s.%s does not inherit from prestans.serializer.DeSerializer" % (
+                    available_deserializer.__module__,
+                    available_deserializer.__class__.__name__
+                )
+                raise TypeError(msg)
@@ -133,8 +137,8 @@ def __call__(self, environ, start_response):
-        # initialise the Route map
-        route_map = self._init_route_map(self._routes)
+        # initialise the route map
+        route_map = self.generate_route_map(self._routes)
@@ -148,6 +152,18 @@ def __call__(self, environ, start_response):
                 # if we've found a match; ensure its a handler subclass and return it's callable
                 if match:
+                    # assemble the args and kwargs
+                    args = match.groups()
+                    kwargs = {}
+                    for key, value in iter(regexp.groupindex.items()):
+                        kwargs[key] = args[value - 1]
+                    if len(kwargs) > 0:
+                        args = ()
+                    self.logger.info(args)
+                    self.logger.info(kwargs)
                     if issubclass(handler_class, BlueprintHandler):
                         response = DictionaryResponse(
@@ -157,7 +173,8 @@ def __call__(self, environ, start_response):
                         request_handler = handler_class(
-                            args=match.groups(),
+                            args=args,
+                            kwargs=kwargs,
@@ -174,7 +191,8 @@ def __call__(self, environ, start_response):
                         response.minify = request.is_minified
                         request_handler = handler_class(
-                            args=match.groups(),
+                            args=args,
+                            kwargs=kwargs,
@@ -183,7 +201,7 @@ def __call__(self, environ, start_response):
                     return request_handler(environ, start_response)
-            #: Request does not have a matched handler
+            # request does not have a matched handler
             no_endpoint = exception.NoEndpointError()
             no_endpoint.request = request
             raise no_endpoint
@@ -193,24 +211,29 @@ def __call__(self, environ, start_response):
             error_response = ErrorResponse(exp, self._default_serializer)
             return error_response(environ, start_response)
-    def _init_route_map(self, routes):
+    @classmethod
+    def generate_route_map(cls, routes):
         parsed_handler_map = []
-        for regexp, handler in routes:
+        for url, handler in routes:
-            try:
-                handler_name = handler.__name__
-            except AttributeError:
-                pass
+            regexp = url
-            #: Patch regular expression if its incomplete
+            # patch regular expression if it is incomplete
             if not regexp.startswith('^'):
                 regexp = '^' + regexp
             if not regexp.endswith('$'):
                 regexp += '$'
             compiled_regex = re.compile(regexp)
-            parsed_handler_map.append((compiled_regex, handler))
-        return parsed_handler_map
\ No newline at end of file
+            arg_count = compiled_regex.groups
+            kwarg_count = len(compiled_regex.groupindex.items())
+            if arg_count != kwarg_count and kwarg_count > 0:
+                raise ValueError("%s URL is invalid, cannot mix named and un-named groups" % url)
+            else:
+                parsed_handler_map.append((compiled_regex, handler))
+        return parsed_handler_map
diff --git a/prestans/rest/response.py b/prestans/rest/response.py
index f7eed7c..d03cf2a 100644
--- a/prestans/rest/response.py
+++ b/prestans/rest/response.py
@@ -1,7 +1,5 @@
-import sys
 import webob
-from prestans import __version__
 from prestans import exception
 from prestans.http import STATUS
 from prestans.parser import AttributeFilter
@@ -75,23 +73,33 @@ def selected_serializer(self):
     def default_serializer(self):
         return self._default_serializer
-    #: Used by content_type_set to set get a reference to the serializer object
     def _set_serializer_by_mime_type(self, mime_type):
+        """
+        :param mime_type:
+        :return:
+        used by content_type_set to set get a reference to the appropriate serializer
+        """
+        # ignore if binary response
+        if isinstance(self._app_iter, BinaryResponse):
+            self.logger.info("ignoring setting serializer for binary response")
+            return
         for available_serializer in self._serializers:
             if available_serializer.content_type() == mime_type:
                 self._selected_serializer = available_serializer
+                self.logger.info("set serializer for mime type: %s" % mime_type)
+        self.logger.info("could not find serializer for mime type: %s" % mime_type)
         raise exception.UnsupportedVocabularyError(mime_type, self.supported_mime_types_str)
-    #:
-    #: is an instance of prestans.types.DataType; mostly a subclass of
-    #: prestans.types.Model
-    #:
     def template(self):
+        """
+        is an instance of prestans.types.DataType; mostly a subclass of prestans.types.Model
+        """
         return self._template
@@ -115,15 +123,11 @@ def attribute_filter(self):
     def attribute_filter(self, value):
         if value is not None and not isinstance(value, AttributeFilter):
-            raise TypeError("attribue_filter in response must be of \
-                type prestans.types.AttributeFilter")
+            msg = "attribute_filter in response must be of type prestans.types.AttributeFilter"
+            raise TypeError(msg)
         self._attribute_filter = value
-    #:
-    #: content_type; overrides webob.Response line 606
-    #:
     def _content_type__get(self):
         Get/set the Content-Type header (or None), *without* the
@@ -140,27 +144,26 @@ def _content_type__get(self):
     def _content_type__set(self, value):
-        #: Check to see if response can support the requested mime type
-        if not isinstance(self._app_iter, BinaryResponse) and value not in self.supported_mime_types:
-            raise exception.UnsupportedVocabularyError(value, self.supported_mime_types_str)
-        #: Keep a reference to the selected serializer
-        if not isinstance(self._app_iter, BinaryResponse):
+        # skip for responses that have no body
+            self.logger.info("attempt to set Content-Type to %s being ignored due to empty response" % value)
+            self._content_type__del()
+        else:
-        if not value:
-            self._content_type__del()
-            return
-        if ';' not in value:
-            header = self.headers.get('Content-Type', '')
-            if ';' in header:
-                params = header.split(';', 1)[1]
-                value += ';' + params
-        self.headers['Content-Type'] = value
+            if ';' not in value:
+                header = self.headers.get('Content-Type', '')
+                if ';' in header:
+                    params = header.split(';', 1)[1]
+                    value += ';' + params
+            self.headers['Content-Type'] = value
+            self.logger.info("Content-Type set to: %s" % value)
     def _content_type__del(self):
         self.headers.pop('Content-Type', None)
+    # content_type; overrides webob.Response line 606
     content_type = property(
@@ -168,11 +171,7 @@ def _content_type__del(self):
-    #:
-    #: body; overrides webob.Response line 324
-    #:
+    # body; overrides webob.Response line 324
     def body(self):
@@ -181,7 +180,7 @@ def body(self):
         body getter will return the validated prestans model.
-        Webob does the heavy lifiting with headers.
+        webob does the heavy lifting with headers.
         #: If template is null; return an empty iterable
@@ -201,20 +200,27 @@ def body(self, value):
         #: value should be a subclass prestans.types.DataCollection
         if not isinstance(value, DataCollection) and \
                 not isinstance(value, BinaryResponse):
-            raise TypeError("%s is not a prestans.types.DataCollection \
-                or prestans.types.BinaryResponse subclass" % value.__class__.__name__)
+            msg = "%s is not a prestans.types.DataCollection or prestans.types.BinaryResponse subclass" % (
+                value.__class__.__name__
+            )
+            raise TypeError(msg)
         #: Ensure that it matches the return type template
         if not value.__class__ == self.template.__class__:
-            raise TypeError("body must of be type %s, given %s" % \
-                            (self.template.__class__.__name__, value.__class__.__name__))
+            msg = "body must of be type %s, given %s" % (
+                self.template.__class__.__name__,
+                value.__class__.__name__
+            )
+            raise TypeError(msg)
         #: If it's an array then ensure that element_template matches up
         if isinstance(self.template, Array) and \
-                not isinstance(value.element_template, self.template.element_template.__class__):
-            raise TypeError("array elements must of be \
-                type %s, given %s" % (self.template.element_template.__class__.__name__, \
-                                      value.element_template.__class__.__name__))
+           not isinstance(value.element_template, self.template.element_template.__class__):
+            msg = "array elements must of be type %s, given %s" % (
+                self.template.element_template.__class__.__name__,
+                value.element_template.__class__.__name__
+            )
+            raise TypeError(msg)
         #: _app_iter assigned to value
         #: we need to serialize the contents before we know the length
@@ -230,9 +236,11 @@ def register_serializers(self, serializers):
         for new_serializer in serializers:
             if not isinstance(new_serializer, serializer.Base):
-                raise TypeError("registered serializer %s.%s does not inherit from \
-                    prestans.serializer.Serializer" % (new_serializer.__module__, \
-                                                       new_serializer.__class__.__name__))
+                msg = "registered serializer %s.%s does not inherit from prestans.serializer.Serializer" % (
+                    new_serializer.__module__,
+                    new_serializer.__class__.__name__
+                )
+                raise TypeError(msg)
         self._serializers = self._serializers + serializers
@@ -241,27 +249,31 @@ def __call__(self, environ, start_response):
         Overridden WSGI application interface
-        #: prestans' equivalent of webob.Response line 1022
+        # prestans equivalent of webob.Response line 1022
         if self.template is None or self.status_code == STATUS.NO_CONTENT:
+            self.content_type = None
             start_response(self.status, self.headerlist)
             if self.template is not None:
-                self.logger.warn("handler returns No Content but has a \
-                    response_template; set template to None")
+                self.logger.warn("handler returns No Content but has a response_template; set template to None")
             return []
-        #: Ensure what we are able to serialize is serializable
+        # ensure what we are able to serialize is serializable
         if not isinstance(self._app_iter, DataCollection) and \
-                not isinstance(self._app_iter, BinaryResponse):
+           not isinstance(self._app_iter, BinaryResponse):
             if isinstance(self._app_iter, list):
-                type = "list"
+                app_iter_type = "list"
-                type = self._app_iter.__name__
+                app_iter_type = self._app_iter.__name__
-            raise TypeError("handler returns content of type %s; not a prestans.types.DataCollection subclass" % type)
+            msg = "handler returns content of type %s; not a prestans.types.DataCollection subclass" % (
+                app_iter_type
+            )
+            raise TypeError(msg)
         if isinstance(self._app_iter, DataCollection):
@@ -325,7 +337,7 @@ def __call__(self, environ, start_response):
                 self.content_type = "text/plain"
                 return []
-            #: Content type
+            # set the content type
             self.content_type = self._app_iter.mime_type
             #: Add content disposition header
diff --git a/setup.py b/setup.py
index 0af19b6..b535317 100644
--- a/setup.py
+++ b/setup.py
@@ -86,7 +86,8 @@
-        'tox-pyenv'
+        'tox-pyenv',
+        'webtest'
diff --git a/tests/ext/data/adapters/sqlalchemy/test_adapter_registry_manager.py b/tests/ext/data/adapters/sqlalchemy/test_adapter_registry_manager.py
index fff1f05..19fec90 100644
--- a/tests/ext/data/adapters/sqlalchemy/test_adapter_registry_manager.py
+++ b/tests/ext/data/adapters/sqlalchemy/test_adapter_registry_manager.py
@@ -91,4 +91,43 @@ def test_unknown_adapter_raises_exception(self):
         self.assertRaises(TypeError, registry_manager.get_adapter_for_rest_model, RESTModelB)
         self.assertRaises(TypeError, registry_manager.get_adapter_for_persistent_model, PersistentModelB)
+    def test_register_persistent_rest_pair(self):
+        registry_manager = adapters.AdapterRegistryManager()
+        registry_manager.register_persistent_rest_pair(
+            persistent_model_class=PersistentModelA,
+            rest_model_class=RESTModelA
+        )
+        # fetch via the REST model
+        found_adapter = registry_manager.get_adapter_for_rest_model(RESTModelA())
+        self.assertEquals(found_adapter.rest_model_class, RESTModelA)
+        self.assertEquals(found_adapter.persistent_model_class, PersistentModelA)
+        # fetch via the persistent model
+        found_adapter = registry_manager.get_adapter_for_persistent_model(PersistentModelA())
+        self.assertEquals(found_adapter.rest_model_class, RESTModelA)
+        self.assertEquals(found_adapter.persistent_model_class, PersistentModelA)
+    def test_clear_registered_adapters(self):
+        registry_manager = adapters.AdapterRegistryManager()
+        registry_manager.register_adapter(adapters.ModelAdapter(
+            rest_model_class=RESTModelA,
+            persistent_model_class=PersistentModelA
+        ))
+        # fetch via the REST model
+        found_adapter = registry_manager.get_adapter_for_rest_model(RESTModelA())
+        self.assertEquals(found_adapter.rest_model_class, RESTModelA)
+        self.assertEquals(found_adapter.persistent_model_class, PersistentModelA)
+        # fetch via the persistent model
+        found_adapter = registry_manager.get_adapter_for_persistent_model(PersistentModelA())
+        self.assertEquals(found_adapter.rest_model_class, RESTModelA)
+        self.assertEquals(found_adapter.persistent_model_class, PersistentModelA)
+        # clear the registry
+        registry_manager.clear_registered_adapters()
+        # check they have been cleared
+        self.assertRaises(TypeError, registry_manager.get_adapter_for_rest_model, RESTModelA())
+        self.assertRaises(TypeError, registry_manager.get_adapter_for_persistent_model, PersistentModelA())
diff --git a/tests/ext/data/adapters/sqlalchemy/test_model_adapter.py b/tests/ext/data/adapters/sqlalchemy/test_model_adapter.py
index 40174aa..1bc39ce 100644
--- a/tests/ext/data/adapters/sqlalchemy/test_model_adapter.py
+++ b/tests/ext/data/adapters/sqlalchemy/test_model_adapter.py
@@ -1,39 +1,229 @@
 import unittest
-from prestans.ext.data.adapters import ModelAdapter
+from prestans import exception
+from prestans.ext.data import adapters
+from prestans import parser
 from prestans import types
-class ModelAdapterTest(unittest.TestCase):
+class Address(object):
+    def __init__(self):
+        self.street = "street"
-    def test_rest_model_class(self):
-        class PythonObject(object):
-            pass
+class Person(object):
-        class RESTModel(types.Model):
-            name = types.String()
+    def __init__(self):
+        self.first_name = "first_name"
+        self.last_name = "last_name"
-        model_adapter = ModelAdapter(rest_model_class=RESTModel, persistent_model_class=PythonObject)
-        self.assertEquals(model_adapter.rest_model_class, RESTModel)
-        self.assertEquals(model_adapter.persistent_model_class, PythonObject)
-        self.assertRaises(TypeError, ModelAdapter, rest_model_class=PythonObject, persistent_model_class=None)
+class PersonWithAddress(Person):
-    def test_persistent_model_class(self):
-        class PythonObject(object):
-            pass
+    def __init__(self):
+        super(PersonWithAddress, self).__init__()
+        self.address = Address()
-        class RESTModel(types.Model):
-            name = types.String()
-        model_adapter = ModelAdapter(rest_model_class=RESTModel, persistent_model_class=PythonObject)
-        self.assertEquals(model_adapter.rest_model_class, RESTModel)
-        self.assertEquals(model_adapter.persistent_model_class, PythonObject)
+class PersonWithAddresses(Person):
-    def test_adapt_persistent_to_rest(self):
-        class MyModel(types.Model):
-            name = types.String()
+    def __init__(self):
+        super(PersonWithAddresses, self).__init__()
+        self.addresses = []
-        model_adapter = ModelAdapter(MyModel, None)
-        self.assertRaises(NotImplementedError, model_adapter.adapt_persistent_to_rest, None)
+class PersonWithBasicArrays(Person):
+    def __init__(self):
+        super(PersonWithBasicArrays, self).__init__()
+        self.booleans = []
+        self.floats = []
+        self.integers = []
+        self.strings = []
+class AddressREST(types.Model):
+    street = types.String()
+    short_string = types.String(required=False, max_length=10)
+class PersonREST(types.Model):
+    first_name = types.String()
+    last_name = types.String()
+    short_string = types.String(max_length=10)
+    address = AddressREST(required=False)
+    addresses = types.Array(element_template=AddressREST())
+    booleans = types.Array(element_template=types.Boolean())
+    floats = types.Array(element_template=types.Float())
+    integers = types.Array(element_template=types.Integer())
+    strings = types.Array(element_template=types.String())
+class ModelAdapterUnitTest(unittest.TestCase):
+    def setUp(self):
+        adapters.registry.register_persistent_rest_pair(Address, AddressREST)
+    def tearDown(self):
+        adapters.registry.clear_registered_adapters()
+    def test_init_and_getters(self):
+        model_adapter = adapters.ModelAdapter(rest_model_class=PersonREST, persistent_model_class=Person)
+        self.assertEquals(model_adapter.rest_model_class, PersonREST)
+        self.assertEquals(model_adapter.persistent_model_class, Person)
+    def test_init_raises_type_error_for_invalid_rest_model(self):
+        self.assertRaises(TypeError, adapters.ModelAdapter, rest_model_class=Person, persistent_model_class=None)
+    def test_adapt_persistent_to_rest_no_filter(self):
+        model_adapter = adapters.ModelAdapter(rest_model_class=PersonREST, persistent_model_class=Person)
+        person = Person()
+        person.first_name = "John"
+        person.last_name = "Doe"
+        person_rest = model_adapter.adapt_persistent_to_rest(person)
+        self.assertEquals(person.first_name, "John")
+        self.assertEquals(person.last_name, "Doe")
+        self.assertEquals(person.first_name, person_rest.first_name)
+        self.assertEquals(person.last_name, person_rest.last_name)
+    def test_adapt_persistent_to_rest_with_filter(self):
+        model_adapter = adapters.ModelAdapter(rest_model_class=PersonREST, persistent_model_class=Person)
+        person = Person()
+        person.first_name = "John"
+        person.last_name = "Doe"
+        attribute_filter = parser.AttributeFilter.from_model(PersonREST(), default_value=False)
+        attribute_filter.last_name = True
+        person_rest = model_adapter.adapt_persistent_to_rest(person, attribute_filter)
+        self.assertEquals(person.first_name, "John")
+        self.assertEquals(person.last_name, "Doe")
+        self.assertIsNone(person_rest.first_name)
+        self.assertEquals(person.last_name, person_rest.last_name)
+    def test_adapt_persistent_to_rest_with_model_as_child(self):
+        model_adapter = adapters.ModelAdapter(rest_model_class=PersonREST, persistent_model_class=Person)
+        person = PersonWithAddress()
+        person.first_name = "John"
+        person.last_name = "Doe"
+        person.address.street = "123 Street Address"
+        attribute_filter = parser.AttributeFilter.from_model(PersonREST(), default_value=False)
+        attribute_filter.last_name = True
+        attribute_filter.address.street = True
+        person_rest = model_adapter.adapt_persistent_to_rest(person, attribute_filter)
+        self.assertEquals(person.first_name, "John")
+        self.assertEquals(person.last_name, "Doe")
+        self.assertEquals(person.address.street, "123 Street Address")
+        self.assertIsNone(person_rest.first_name)
+        self.assertEquals(person.last_name, person_rest.last_name)
+        self.assertEquals(person.address.street, person_rest.address.street)
+    def test_adapt_persistent_to_rest_with_model_missing(self):
+        model_adapter = adapters.ModelAdapter(rest_model_class=PersonREST, persistent_model_class=Person)
+        person = PersonWithAddress()
+        person.first_name = "John"
+        person.last_name = "Doe"
+        person.address = None
+        person_rest = model_adapter.adapt_persistent_to_rest(person)
+        self.assertEquals(person.first_name, "John")
+        self.assertEquals(person.last_name, "Doe")
+        self.assertEquals(person.first_name, person_rest.first_name)
+        self.assertEquals(person.last_name, person_rest.last_name)
+    def test_adapt_persistent_to_rest_with_basic_arrays_as_children(self):
+        model_adapter = adapters.ModelAdapter(rest_model_class=PersonREST, persistent_model_class=PersonWithBasicArrays)
+        person = PersonWithBasicArrays()
+        person.first_name = "John"
+        person.last_name = "Doe"
+        person.booleans.append(True)
+        person.floats.append(1.1)
+        person.integers.append(2)
+        person.strings.append("string")
+        person_rest = model_adapter.adapt_persistent_to_rest(person)
+        self.assertEquals(person.first_name, "John")
+        self.assertEquals(person.last_name, "Doe")
+        self.assertEquals(person.booleans, [True])
+        self.assertEquals(person.floats, [1.1])
+        self.assertEquals(person.integers, [2])
+        self.assertEquals(person.strings, ["string"])
+        self.assertEquals(person.first_name, person_rest.first_name)
+        self.assertEquals(person.last_name, person_rest.last_name)
+        self.assertEquals(person.booleans, person_rest.booleans.as_serializable())
+        self.assertEquals(person.floats, person_rest.floats.as_serializable())
+        self.assertEquals(person.integers, person_rest.integers.as_serializable())
+        self.assertEquals(person.strings, person_rest.strings.as_serializable())
+    def test_adapt_persistent_to_rest_with_model_array_as_child(self):
+        model_adapter = adapters.ModelAdapter(rest_model_class=PersonREST, persistent_model_class=PersonWithAddresses)
+        address = Address()
+        address.street = "123 Street Address"
+        person = PersonWithAddresses()
+        person.first_name = "John"
+        person.last_name = "Doe"
+        person.addresses.append(address)
+        person_rest = model_adapter.adapt_persistent_to_rest(person)
+        self.assertEquals(person.first_name, "John")
+        self.assertEquals(person.last_name, "Doe")
+        self.assertEquals(person.addresses, [address])
+        self.assertEquals(person.first_name, person_rest.first_name)
+        self.assertEquals(person.last_name, person_rest.last_name)
+        self.assertEquals([{"short_string": None, "street": "123 Street Address"}], person_rest.addresses.as_serializable())
+    def test_adapt_persistent_to_rest_with_model_array_as_child_filtered(self):
+        model_adapter = adapters.ModelAdapter(rest_model_class=PersonREST, persistent_model_class=PersonWithAddresses)
+        address = Address()
+        address.street = "123 Street Address"
+        person = PersonWithAddresses()
+        person.first_name = "John"
+        person.last_name = "Doe"
+        person.addresses.append(address)
+        attribute_filter = parser.AttributeFilter.from_model(PersonREST(), default_value=False)
+        attribute_filter.last_name = True
+        attribute_filter.addresses.street = True
+        person_rest = model_adapter.adapt_persistent_to_rest(person, attribute_filter)
+        self.assertEquals(person.first_name, "John")
+        self.assertEquals(person.last_name, "Doe")
+        self.assertEquals(person.addresses, [address])
+        self.assertIsNone(person_rest.first_name)
+        self.assertEquals(person.last_name, person_rest.last_name)
+        self.assertEquals([{"short_string": None, "street": "123 Street Address"}], person_rest.addresses.as_serializable())
+    def test_adapt_persistent_to_rest_inconsistent_data_exception_raised_model(self):
+        model_adapter = adapters.ModelAdapter(rest_model_class=PersonREST, persistent_model_class=Person)
+        person = PersonWithAddress()
+        person.address.short_string = "a longer string"
+        self.assertRaises(exception.InconsistentPersistentDataError, model_adapter.adapt_persistent_to_rest, person)
+    def test_adapt_persistent_to_rest_inconsistent_data_exception_raised_array(self):
+        model_adapter = adapters.ModelAdapter(rest_model_class=PersonREST, persistent_model_class=Person)
+        person = Person()
+        person.short_string = "a longer string"
+        self.assertRaises(exception.InconsistentPersistentDataError, model_adapter.adapt_persistent_to_rest, person)
diff --git a/tests/issues/test_issue102.py b/tests/issues/test_issue102.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b08fb1e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/issues/test_issue102.py
@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
+from prestans import exception
+from prestans.http import STATUS
+from prestans import rest
+import pytest
+import unittest
+class PermanentRedirectHandler(rest.RequestHandler):
+    def get(self):
+        raise exception.PermanentRedirect("/permanent-new")
+class TemporaryRedirectHandler(rest.RequestHandler):
+    def get(self):
+        raise exception.TemporaryRedirect("/temporary-new")
+def test_app():
+    from webtest import TestApp
+    from prestans.rest import RequestRouter
+    api = RequestRouter([
+        ('/permanent', PermanentRedirectHandler),
+        ('/temporary', TemporaryRedirectHandler)
+    ], application_name="api", debug=True)
+    return TestApp(app=api)
+class Issue155(unittest.TestCase):
+    def test_permanent_redirect(self):
+        app = test_app()
+        resp = app.get("/permanent")
+        self.assertEquals(resp.status_int, STATUS.PERMANENT_REDIRECT)
+    def test_temporary_redirect(self):
+        app = test_app()
+        resp = app.get("/temporary")
+        self.assertEquals(resp.status_int, STATUS.TEMPORARY_REDIRECT)
diff --git a/tests/issues/test_issue125.py b/tests/issues/test_issue125.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b709052
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/issues/test_issue125.py
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
+from prestans.ext.data import adapters
+from prestans import types
+from mock import patch
+import unittest
+class Person(object):
+    def __init__(self):
+        self.first_name = "John"
+    @property
+    def last_name(self):
+        return "Doe"
+    @classmethod
+    def class_method(cls):
+        return "class_method"
+class PersonREST(types.Model):
+    first_name = types.String()
+    last_name = types.String()
+    class_method = types.String()
+class Issue125(unittest.TestCase):
+    def setUp(self):
+        adapters.registry.register_persistent_rest_pair(Person, PersonREST)
+    def tearDown(self):
+        adapters.registry.clear_registered_adapters()
+    def test_class_method_not_called(self):
+        person = Person()
+        person_rest = adapters.adapt_persistent_instance(person, PersonREST)
+        self.assertEquals(person_rest.first_name, person.first_name)
+        self.assertEquals(person_rest.last_name, person.last_name)
+        self.assertIsNone(person_rest.class_method)
diff --git a/tests/issues/test_issue154.py b/tests/issues/test_issue154.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fb7f62d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/issues/test_issue154.py
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+from prestans.http import STATUS
+from prestans.rest import RequestHandler
+import pytest
+import unittest
+class NoContentHandler(RequestHandler):
+    def get(self):
+        self.response.status = STATUS.NO_CONTENT
+def test_app():
+    from webtest import TestApp
+    from prestans.rest import RequestRouter
+    api = RequestRouter([
+        ('/no-content', NoContentHandler)
+    ], application_name="api", debug=True)
+    return TestApp(app=api)
+class Issue154(unittest.TestCase):
+    def test_204_header_omitted(self):
+            """
+            Request should return no content with header omitted
+            """
+            app = test_app()
+            resp = app.get('/no-content')
+            self.assertEqual(resp.status_int, STATUS.NO_CONTENT)
+            self.assertIsNone(resp.content_type)
diff --git a/tests/issues/test_issue155.py b/tests/issues/test_issue155.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3e8c530
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/issues/test_issue155.py
@@ -0,0 +1,109 @@
+from prestans.http import STATUS
+from prestans import parser
+from prestans.provider import auth
+from prestans import rest
+from prestans import types
+import json
+from mock import patch, PropertyMock
+import pytest
+import unittest
+class PersonREST(types.Model):
+    first_name = types.String()
+    last_name = types.String()
+BODY = {
+    "first_name": "Jane",
+    "last_name": "Doe"
+class AuthContextProvider(auth.Base):
+    def current_user_has_role(self, role_name):
+        return False
+    def get_current_user(self):
+        return None
+    def is_authorized_user(self, config):
+        return False
+    def is_authenticated_user(self):
+        return False
+class AuthHandler(rest.RequestHandler):
+    def handler_will_run(self):
+        self.__provider_config__.authentication = AuthContextProvider()
+    __parser_config__ = parser.Config(
+        POST=parser.VerbConfig(
+            body_template=PersonREST(),
+            response_attribute_filter_default_value=True,
+            response_template=PersonREST()
+        )
+    )
+    @auth.login_required
+    def post(self):
+        self.response.status = STATUS.NO_CONTENT
+class NoAuthHandler(rest.RequestHandler):
+    __parser_config__ = parser.Config(
+        POST=parser.VerbConfig(
+            body_template=PersonREST(),
+            response_attribute_filter_default_value=True,
+            response_template=PersonREST()
+        )
+    )
+    def post(self):
+        person = self.request.parsed_body
+        self.response.status = STATUS.OK
+        self.response.body = person
+def test_app():
+    from webtest import TestApp
+    from prestans.rest import RequestRouter
+    api = RequestRouter([
+        ('/auth', AuthHandler),
+        ('/no-auth', NoAuthHandler)
+    ], application_name="api", debug=True)
+    return TestApp(app=api)
+class Issue155(unittest.TestCase):
+    def test_no_auth_parses_body(self):
+        """
+        """
+        app = test_app()
+        resp = app.post_json(url="/no-auth", params=BODY, status="*")
+        resp_body = json.loads(resp.body if isinstance(resp.body, str) else resp.body.decode())
+        self.assertEquals(resp.status_int, STATUS.OK)
+        self.assertEquals(resp_body["first_name"], BODY["first_name"])
+        self.assertEquals(resp_body["last_name"], BODY["last_name"])
+    @patch("prestans.rest.request.Request.parsed_body", new_callable=PropertyMock)
+    @patch("prestans.rest.request.Request.parse_body")
+    def test_unauthenticated_ignores_body(self, parsed_body, parse_body):
+        """
+        """
+        app = test_app()
+        resp = app.post_json(url="/auth", params=BODY, status="*")
+        self.assertEqual(resp.status_int, STATUS.UNAUTHORIZED)
+        parsed_body.assert_not_called()
+        parse_body.assert_not_called()
diff --git a/tests/issues/test_issue166.py b/tests/issues/test_issue166.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a923332
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/issues/test_issue166.py
@@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
+from prestans.ext.data import adapters
+from prestans.ext.data.adapters import sqlalchemy
+from prestans import types
+import unittest
+class UserPersistent(object):
+    first_name = "first"
+    last_name = "last"
+class UserREST(types.Model):
+    first_name = types.String()
+    last_name = types.String()
+class AuthorREST(types.Model):
+    first_name = types.String()
+    last_name = types.String()
+    rest_model_class=UserREST,
+    persistent_model_class=UserPersistent
+    rest_model_class=AuthorREST,
+    persistent_model_class=UserPersistent
+class Issue166(unittest.TestCase):
+    def setUp(self):
+        adapters.registry.register_persistent_rest_pair(UserPersistent, UserREST)
+        adapters.registry.register_persistent_rest_pair(UserPersistent, AuthorREST)
+    def tearDown(self):
+        adapters.registry.clear_registered_adapters()
+    def test_default_rest_model_lookup(self):
+        model_adapter = adapters.registry.get_adapter_for_persistent_model(UserPersistent())
+        self.assertEquals(model_adapter.rest_model_class, AuthorREST)
+        self.assertNotEquals(model_adapter.rest_model_class, UserREST)
+    def test_specific_rest_model_lookup(self):
+        model_adapter1 = adapters.registry.get_adapter_for_persistent_model(UserPersistent(), UserREST)
+        self.assertEquals(model_adapter1.rest_model_class, UserREST)
+        self.assertNotEquals(model_adapter1.rest_model_class, AuthorREST)
+        model_adapter2 = adapters.registry.get_adapter_for_persistent_model(UserPersistent(), AuthorREST)
+        self.assertEquals(model_adapter2.rest_model_class, AuthorREST)
+        self.assertNotEquals(model_adapter2.rest_model_class, UserREST)
diff --git a/tests/issues/test_issue84.py b/tests/issues/test_issue84.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..197c5d0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/issues/test_issue84.py
@@ -0,0 +1,82 @@
+from prestans.ext.data import adapters
+from prestans.ext.data.adapters import sqlalchemy
+from prestans.parser.attribute_filter import AttributeFilter
+from prestans import types
+import unittest
+class UserPersistent(object):
+    first_name = "first"
+    last_name = "last"
+class AddressPersistent(object):
+    street = "street"
+class UserREST(types.Model):
+    first_name = types.String()
+    last_name = types.String()
+class AuthorREST(types.Model):
+    first_name = types.String()
+    last_name = types.String()
+class AddressREST(types.Model):
+    street = types.String()
+class Issue84(unittest.TestCase):
+    def setUp(self):
+        adapters.registry.register_persistent_rest_pair(UserPersistent, UserREST)
+        adapters.registry.register_persistent_rest_pair(UserPersistent, AuthorREST)
+    def tearDown(self):
+        adapters.registry.clear_registered_adapters()
+    def test_correct_adaption_collection(self):
+        user = UserPersistent()
+        user.first_name = "James"
+        user.last_name = "Hetfield"
+        users = [user]
+        attribute_filter = AttributeFilter.from_model(UserREST(), False)
+        attribute_filter.first_name = True
+        adapted_users = sqlalchemy.adapt_persistent_collection(users, UserREST, attribute_filter)
+        self.assertEquals(adapted_users[0].first_name, "James")
+        self.assertIsNone(adapted_users[0].last_name)
+    def test_correct_adaption_instance(self):
+        user = UserPersistent()
+        user.first_name = "James"
+        user.last_name = "Hetfield"
+        attribute_filter = AttributeFilter.from_model(UserREST(), False)
+        attribute_filter.first_name = True
+        adapted_user = sqlalchemy.adapt_persistent_instance(user, UserREST, attribute_filter)
+        self.assertEquals(adapted_user.first_name, "James")
+        self.assertIsNone(adapted_user.last_name)
+    def test_incorrect_adaption_raises_exception_collection(self):
+        address = AddressPersistent()
+        address.street = "123 Fake Street"
+        addresses = [address]
+        self.assertRaises(TypeError, sqlalchemy.adapt_persistent_collection, addresses, UserREST)
+    def test_incorrect_adaption_raises_exception_instance(self):
+        address = AddressPersistent()
+        address.street = "123 Fake Street"
+        self.assertRaises(TypeError, sqlalchemy.adapt_persistent_instance, address, UserREST)
diff --git a/tests/provider/test_auth.py b/tests/provider/test_auth.py
index 5006241..675bd53 100644
--- a/tests/provider/test_auth.py
+++ b/tests/provider/test_auth.py
@@ -214,6 +214,7 @@ def get(self):
     def test_login_required_no_provider_raises_exception(self):
         handler = self.handler_without_provider(
+            kwargs={},
@@ -225,6 +226,7 @@ def test_login_required_no_provider_raises_exception(self):
     def test_login_required_unauthenticated_raises_exception(self):
         handler = self.unauthenticated_handler(
+            kwargs={},
@@ -236,6 +238,7 @@ def test_login_required_unauthenticated_raises_exception(self):
     def test_login_required_authenticated(self):
         handler = self.authenticated_handler(
+            kwargs={},
@@ -328,6 +331,7 @@ def put(self):
     def test_role_required_no_provider_raises_exception(self):
         handler = self.handler_without_provider(
+            kwargs={},
@@ -339,6 +343,7 @@ def test_role_required_no_provider_raises_exception(self):
     def test_role_required_none_raises_authorization_error(self):
         handler = self.handler_with_provider(
+            kwargs={},
@@ -350,6 +355,7 @@ def test_role_required_none_raises_authorization_error(self):
     def test_role_required_incorrect_role_raises_exception(self):
         handler = self.handler_with_provider(
+            kwargs={},
@@ -361,6 +367,7 @@ def test_role_required_incorrect_role_raises_exception(self):
     def test_role_required_success(self):
         handler = self.handler_with_provider(
+            kwargs={},
@@ -439,6 +446,7 @@ def post(self):
     def test_access_required_no_provider_raises_exception(self):
         handler = self.handler_without_provider(
+            kwargs={},
@@ -450,6 +458,7 @@ def test_access_required_no_provider_raises_exception(self):
     def test_access_required_unauthorized_raises_exception(self):
         handler = self.handler_with_provider(
+            kwargs={},
@@ -461,6 +470,7 @@ def test_access_required_unauthorized_raises_exception(self):
     def test_access_required_success(self):
         handler = self.handler_with_provider(
+            kwargs={},
diff --git a/tests/rest/test_request_router.py b/tests/rest/test_request_router.py
index 90c59e4..d8635a3 100644
--- a/tests/rest/test_request_router.py
+++ b/tests/rest/test_request_router.py
@@ -29,23 +29,21 @@
-import logging
 import unittest
-import prestans.rest
-LOGGER_MCLOGFACE = logging.Logger("temp", level='ERROR')
-LOGGER_MCLOGFACE.disabled = 50  # silence the logger
+from prestans.http import VERB
+from prestans import parser
+from prestans import rest
+from prestans import types
-class MyModel(prestans.types.Model):
-    id = prestans.types.Integer()
+class MyModel(types.Model):
+    id = types.Integer()
-class _UserHandler(prestans.rest.RequestHandler):
-    __parser_config__ = prestans.parser.Config(
-        GET=prestans.parser.VerbConfig(
+class _UserHandler(rest.RequestHandler):
+    __parser_config__ = parser.Config(
+        GET=parser.VerbConfig(
@@ -63,7 +61,7 @@ def __call__(cls, status, response_headers, exc_info=None):
-class RequestRouterTest(unittest.TestCase):
+class RequestRouterTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
     def test_script_alias_match_with_global_match_group_should_not_pass_call(self):
         WSGIScriptAliasMatch /mountpoint(.*) script.wsgi
@@ -73,8 +71,8 @@ def test_script_alias_match_with_global_match_group_should_not_pass_call(self):
         expected_value = 123
-        self._test_routing_behavour(environ={
-            "REQUEST_METHOD": prestans.http.VERB.GET,
+        self._test_routing_behaviour(environ={
+            "REQUEST_METHOD": VERB.GET,
             "SCRIPT_NAME": "/mountpoint/some/path/{}".format(expected_value),
             "PATH_INFO": "",
             "wsgi.version": (1, 0),
@@ -91,8 +89,8 @@ def test_script_alias_match_with_match_group_should_pass_call(self):
         with router ``TestRequestRouter``
-        self._test_routing_behavour(environ={
-            "REQUEST_METHOD": prestans.http.VERB.GET,
+        self._test_routing_behaviour(environ={
+            "REQUEST_METHOD": VERB.GET,
             "SCRIPT_NAME": "/mountpoint",
             "PATH_INFO": "/some/path/{}".format(123),
             "wsgi.url_scheme": "http",
@@ -105,8 +103,8 @@ def test_script_alias_match_with_solidus_should_pass_call(self):
         WSGIScriptAliasMatch /mountpoint/(.*) script.wsgi/$1
-        self._test_routing_behavour(environ={
-            "REQUEST_METHOD": prestans.http.VERB.GET,
+        self._test_routing_behaviour(environ={
+            "REQUEST_METHOD": VERB.GET,
             "SCRIPT_NAME": "/mountpoint/",
             "PATH_INFO": "/some/path/{}".format(123),
             "wsgi.url_scheme": "http",
@@ -122,8 +120,8 @@ def test_router_should_not_crash_with_no_path_info_field(self):
         expected_value = 123
-        self._test_routing_behavour(environ={
-            "REQUEST_METHOD": prestans.http.VERB.GET,
+        self._test_routing_behaviour(environ={
+            "REQUEST_METHOD": VERB.GET,
             "SCRIPT_NAME": "/mountpoint/some/path/{}".format(123),
             "wsgi.url_scheme": "http",
             "SERVER_NAME": "localhost",
@@ -140,21 +138,23 @@ def test_router_should_not_crash_with_no_script_name_field(self):
         expected_value = 123
-        self._test_routing_behavour(environ={
-            "REQUEST_METHOD": prestans.http.VERB.GET,
+        self._test_routing_behaviour(environ={
+            "REQUEST_METHOD": VERB.GET,
             "PATH_INFO": "/some/path/{}".format(123),
             "wsgi.url_scheme": "http",
             "SERVER_NAME": "localhost",
             "SERVER_PORT": "1234"})
-    def _test_routing_behavour(self, environ, should_pass=True, expected_value=123, match=r"/some/path/([0-9]+)"):
+    def _test_routing_behaviour(self, environ, should_pass=True, expected_value=123, match=r"/some/path/([0-9]+)"):
+        from prestans.deserializer import JSON
-        test_router = prestans.rest.RequestRouter([
+        test_router = rest.RequestRouter([
             (match, _UserHandler)
-        ], application_name="test-router", logger=LOGGER_MCLOGFACE)
+        ], application_name="test-router")
         response = test_router(environ=environ, start_response=MockStartResponse.__call__)
-        response_parsed = prestans.deserializer.JSON().loads(response[0])
+        response_parsed = JSON().loads(response[0])
         if should_pass:
             self.assert_should_find_route(environ, expected_value, match, response_parsed)
@@ -178,7 +178,3 @@ def gen_route_match_failure_message(self, environ, match, assertion="SHOULD"):
-if __name__ == '__main__':
-    unittest.main()
diff --git a/tests/test_exception.py b/tests/test_exception.py
index 4c7c817..c00bd0f 100644
--- a/tests/test_exception.py
+++ b/tests/test_exception.py
@@ -201,7 +201,7 @@ def test_init(self):
         self.assertEquals(attribute_filter_differs.http_status, STATUS.BAD_REQUEST)
-            "attribute filter does not contain attributes (cat, dog) that are not part of template"
+            "attribute filter contains attributes (cat, dog) that are not part of template"
diff --git a/tox.ini b/tox.ini
index 9fe8ad1..67be850 100644
--- a/tox.ini
+++ b/tox.ini
@@ -8,5 +8,6 @@ envlist =
 deps = jinja2
+       webtest
 commands =
     py.test tests
\ No newline at end of file