- FIX: update WebRTC library add abr
- FIX: Add namespace to plugin as required by gradle.
- FIX: Update WebRTC library version.
- ENHAN: Add manuel publish option.
- FIX: Fix the data channel connectivity issue.
- FIX: Fix the C++ onTrack failed error on Android Devices.
- ENHAN: Cleanup duplicated samples.
- FIX: Update WebRTC library version.
- FEAT: Migrate to the unified plan and implement multitrack conference
- FIX: Fix the playback issue.
- FIX: Fix the token cannot pass issue.
- FIX: Fix the websocket connection closed issue in case of there is no participant in the room.
- ENHAN: Add multitrack conference solution.
- NOTE: Minimum compatible Ant Media Server version is 2.8.0
- FIX: Make samples compatible with web and fix push notification type error.
- FEAT: Add sending push notification from sdk.
- FIX: Fix broken images in README.md.
- ENHAN: Update README.md file with complate function list.
- FIX: Fix an issue which prevents the sdk from working on the mobile devices
- FIX: Fix the issue of not being able to use sdk on the web
- ENHAN: Update dependencies
- FEAT: Webrtc client lib updated added option to : force stream quality , fix IOS screen rotation and audio issues
- ENHAN: Update WebRTC stack
- FIX: Fix conference widget issue and Bring back dart 3 compatibility
- FIX: Fix DataChannel and make ice servers configurable
- FIX: CI problems
- FEAT: Increase flutter_webrtc version, add web support
- ENHAN: Updated sample's code
- REFAC: Removed unnecessary code
- REFAC: Updated readme.md file , removed signaling class
- FEAT: Data Channel implemented, Updated the sdk usability, Call screen's UI can be customised.
- ENHA: Update sdk-code structure and optimize a code, And create a common helper class for all functions
- FIX: Resolve Switch Camera and Mic issue in SDK & Samples
- ENHA: Correction in Samples
- INIT: Initial Release