diff --git a/WebRTCiOSSDK/api/AntMediaClientProtocol.swift b/WebRTCiOSSDK/api/AntMediaClientProtocol.swift index 76de0ce..41cb0d7 100644 --- a/WebRTCiOSSDK/api/AntMediaClientProtocol.swift +++ b/WebRTCiOSSDK/api/AntMediaClientProtocol.swift @@ -32,8 +32,13 @@ public protocol AntMediaClientProtocol { Sets the required options to for Ant Media Client to Run - Parameters: - url: Full Ant Media Server's websocket url. You can use ws or wss . It should be something - ws://your_server_address:5080/WebRTCAppEE/websocket - wss://your_server_address:5443/WebRTCAppEE/websocket + ws://your_server_address:5080/WebRTCAppEE/websocket?target=origin + wss://your_server_address:5443/WebRTCAppEE/websocket?target=origin + target query details: + It's not mandatory if you don't use the new Load Balancer mechanism + It uses one of the nodes on Cluster mode + Example parameters: "origin" or "edge" + Default value is origin - streamId: The stream id that you use in your connection. You either play or publish with this stream id. - token: If you active one-time token on server side, you should enter token value in here. If one-time token is not activated, just leave empty - mode: The Mode of the Client. It should .play, .publish or .join. If it's .play, it means your WebRTC client will play a stream with your streamId