This document describes how to get set up for working on apertium-sme-smn.
Apart than apertium/vislcg3/hfst, this package depends on two monolingual packages:
- giella-sme
- giella-smn
If you want to do development, you’ll most likely want them checked out from SVN, and compiled with support for Apertium.
If you’ve already got the full Giellatekno setup as described at you just need to compile langs/sme and langs/smn with apertium-support, so do:
cd $GTHOME/langs/sme ./configure –enable-apertium –with-hfst make cd $GTHOME/langs/smn ./configure –enable-apertium –with-hfst make
If you don’t have the Xerox tools installed, or you don’t want all of Giellatekno SVN installed, you can check out and compile only the minimal bits you need from SVN. First, put
in the file ~/.bashrc, then open a new terminal and do
mkdir $GTHOME cd $GTHOME svn checkout cd $GTCORE ./configure make
mkdir $GTHOME/langs cd $GTHOME/langs svn checkout svn checkout
cd $GTHOME/langs/sme ./ ./configure –enable-apertium –with-hfst –without-xfst –disable-spellers –disable-analysers –disable-generators make
cd $GTHOME/langs/smn ./ ./configure –enable-apertium –with-hfst –without-xfst –disable-spellers –disable-analysers –disable-generators make
Before compiling, you need to configure it to know where sme and smn are. This should work if you’ve got the regular GTHOME svn setup (as described above, or using the regular Giellatekno setup):
./ –with-lang1=$GTHOME/langs/sme/tools/mt/apertium –with-lang2=$GTHOME/langs/smn/tools/mt/apertium
Then do
and check that it works with
make test
To run the regression tests, do
This will overwrite the files named t/latest-pending.results and t/latest-regression.results. You can view the differences with
svn diff
Test results are kept in SVN since that means we don’t have to keep moving things back and forth between “Pending” and “Regression” in the wiki whenever we pass a new test (or fail an old one), and we get a nice log of our progression.