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arendjr edited this page Dec 12, 2012 · 13 revisions

Every object in the game is a so-called "game object". This includes characters, room, items, etc.. Here is an overview of all the game objects that are currently defined.

Character derives from StatsItem

Characters are in-game characters. There are two major types of characters: players and non-playing characters (NPCs). The former are controlled by human players, the latter aren't.

Class derives from GameObject

A Class defines the class of a character. For example, "knight", "soldier", "mage".

Container derives from Item

Containers are items that may contain other items.

Event derives from GameObject

Event is a template object from which visual, sound, or other game events may be generated.

Exit derives from GameObject

Exits provide a way for characters to move from one room to another. Exits are not created in their own right. Instead, the are generated from the definitions of portals between rooms.


GameObject is the basic type that all game objects adhere to. It defines many useful properties and methods applicable to all other objects. GameObject is not an independent type, so you cannot instantiate objects of it.

Group derives from GameObject

A group is not a physical or tangible entity. Instead, it simply defines which characters form a group or party together.

Item derives from GameObject

Every item you may see or collect (weapons, potions, decorative items in rooms, etc..) is an Item. When talking about items we typically don't include characters even though technically, characters are also items. This make them share common properties and methods with items.

Player derives from Character

Players are player-controlled characters.

Portals derives from GameObject

Portals are connections between two rooms. They may be used by characters to move between rooms, though not all portals allow this. Portals can also be created so that they only allow sounds or visuals to travel between rooms.

Race derives from GameObject

A Race defines the race of a character. For example, "human", "animal", "elf".

Realm derives from GameObject

The Realm encompasses the entire game world. There is only one Realm, and it used for tracking things that affect the entire game world, no, realm.

Room derives from GameObject

Rooms are locations where characters can be. They may be actual physical rooms, but really any place where you can go to counts.

Shield derives from StatsItem

Shield are items that can be used for defensive purposes.

StatsItem derives from Item

Stats items are items which have associated character stats. They may have modifiers attached that modify the current effective stats. StatsItem is not an independent type, so you cannot instantiate objects of it.

Weapon derives from StatsItem

Weapons are items that can be used for attacking characters.

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