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Add a transition

Adam Argyle edited this page Sep 30, 2020 · 4 revisions

High Level Steps

  1. Write transition
  2. Include the transition in the library bundle(s)
  3. Include the transition in the Svelte docsite

Writing a transition

Goal: Have a fun easy place to test a transition and prepare for annoying library integrations.

  1. Sandbox for getting started
  2. Look to see which shape type your transition fits into (circle, square, polygon or wipe)
  3. Isolate the stateful custom properties you need
  4. Create your 2 keyframe animations (in and out)
  5. Have a nice working demo that can be toggled in and out


  1. ~2 custom properties with your clip paths in them
  2. 2 keyframe animations using your custom properties
  3. name are consistent with each other and the rest of the library

Integrate into the bundle(s)

Goal: Put all the picky named things into their picky named locations

  1. Fork this repo!
  2. Find the applicable shape folder in transition.css/src/
  3. Add your custom properties to the _vars.css file in that directory
  4. Create 2 new files: src/${shape}/in-${your_transition}.css & src/${shape}/out-${your_transition}.css
  5. Paste the following template into each file and replace the names with yours:
@keyframes shape-state-name {
  from {
    clip-path: var(--your-property1);
  to {
    clip-path: var(--your-property2);

[transition-style="state:shape:name"] {
  animation-name: shape-state-name;
  1. Add your animation keyframes to your new files
  2. Add your 2 new files to _includes.css
  3. Create a pull request to the main branch with your new transition!

Include in the Svelte site

Goal: Include your new transition in

  1. Checkout the svelte branch
  2. Open svelte-docsite/src/transitions.js and add your transitions to the list
  3. Run npm run dev and visit localhost:5000 to verify your transition is listed
  4. Create a pull request to the svelte branch!

Transition docsite uses the CDN version of this library, so in order to try your transition in the docsite, open svelte-docsite/public/index.html and point the import to a build of yours.

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