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Create a Rancher Server with a single node cluster (some experiments require multi node)

Configure Rancher Cluster

Deploy the Demo Microservice and Install Litmus

Run Experiments and Observe (repeat steps for each experiment)


Create a Rancher Server

Note: I am using ranchers getting stared with Vagrant configuration along with a demo microservice):
  1. Install plugins to create VirtualBox VMs

    vagrant plugin install vagrant-vboxmanage
    vagrant plugin install vagrant-vbguest
  2. Create the environment

    vagrant up --provider=virtualbox
  3. Navigate to the browser
    #username|password: admin|admin

Configure Rancher Cluster

  1. Change the name of the cluster (optional)

  2. Scroll to the bottom and check etcd,Control Plane, and Worker.

  3. Copy the contents of the clipboard then hit Save

  4. SSH into vagrant

    vagrant ssh server-01
  5. Paste contents of clipboard into server terminal

  6. Open a new terminal on the server and watch the container

    docker ps
    docker container logs <name> --follow
  7. Navigate back to browser and wait for cluster to have an active status

  8. Once created click on the cluster to access the dashboard

  9. Under Kubeconfig File copy the file contents and put it in a file under this dir

    touch kube.yaml
    vim kube.yaml 
    #insert(i),paste,save and quite (:wq)

Deploy the Microservice and install Litmus

  1. Check you have access to rancher on your local machine, deploy demo microservice, verify pods are running

    kubectl --kubeconfig kube.yaml get pods --namespace=cattle-system
    kubectl --kubeconfig kube.yaml create -f sock-shop.yaml
    #verify - wait for running status
    kubectl --kubeconfig kube.yaml get pods -n sock-shop
  2. Deploy Litmus ChaosOperator

    kubectl --kubeconfig kube.yaml apply -f
  3. Install Litmus Experiments

    curl -sL -o litmus.tar.gz
    tar -zxvf litmus.tar.gz
    rm litmus.tar.gz
    find chaos-charts-1.9.0 -name experiments.yaml | grep generic | xargs kubectl --kubeconfig kube.yaml apply -n sock-shop -f
  4. Create Service Account

    kubectl  --kubeconfig kube.yaml create -f rbac.yaml
  5. Access url of sock shop microservice

    Get front-end deployment port info:

    kubectl  --kubeconfig kube.yaml get deploy front-end -n sock-shop -o jsonpath='{.spec.template.spec.containers[?( == "front-end")].ports[0].containerPort}'

    Set port forwarding

    kubectl  --kubeconfig kube.yaml port-forward deploy/front-end -n sock-shop 3000:8079
    #browser address:

Run Experiments and Observe

  1. Delete any existing Chaos engines in the namespace

    kubectl --kubeconfig kube.yaml delete chaosengine rancher-chaos -n sock-shop
  2. Run the experiment

     kubectl --kubeconfig kube.yaml create -f litmus/pod-memory-hog.yaml -n sock-shop
  3. Observe Results (Takes a few seconds for command to turnover, results initially in await state)

    kubectl --kubeconfig kube.yaml get pods -n sock-shop --watch
    kubectl --kubeconfig kube.yaml describe chaosengine rancher-chaos -n sock-shop
    kubectl --kubeconfig kube.yaml describe chaosresult rancher-chaos-pod-memory-hog -n sock-shop
    #to save results to file: 
    kubectl --kubeconfig kube.yaml describe chaosengine rancher-chaos -n sock-shop > litmus-results/chaosengine-pod-memory-hog.txt
    kubectl --kubeconfig kube.yaml describe chaosresult rancher-chaos-pod-memory-hog -n sock-shop > litmus-results/chaosresult-pod-memory-hog.txt
  4. Uninstall

    kubectl --kubeconfig kube.yaml delete -f
    kubectl delete chaosengine --all -n sock-shop
    kubectl --kubeconfig kube.yaml delete chaosengine --all -n litmus
    kubectl --kubeconfig kube.yaml delete namespaces sock-shop