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Create Azure VM Image with Packer - Shared Image Gallery (SIG) Destination


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Packer - SIG Destination

Create Shared Image Gallery or skip if want to use an existing one

# Create resource group
az group create --name avsig200 --location eastus2

# Create shared image gallery resource
az sig create --resource-group avsig200 --gallery-name avgallery200

# Create shared image gallery image definition
az sig image-definition create --resource-group avsig200 --gallery-name avgallery200 --gallery-image-definition avimage200 --os-type Linux --publisher avpublisher200  --offer avoffer200 --sku avsku200

Execute Packer build to create Shared Image Gallery image version

packer build -var location=eastus2 -var sig_gallery_resource_group=avsig200 -var sig_gallery_name=avgallery200 -var sig_image_name=avimage200 -var sig_image_version=1.0.0 packer-sig-ubuntu.json

Create test VM from the Shared Image Gallery image

# Create resource group for the test VM
az group create --name avtestvm200 --location eastus2

# Create test VM with public IP
az vm create --resource-group avtestvm200 --name ubuntuvm --image "/subscriptions/c9c8ae57-acdb-48a9-99f8-d57704f18dee/resourceGroups/avsig200/providers/Microsoft.Compute/galleries/avgallery200/images/avimage200/versions/1.0.0" --admin-username azureuser --admin-password "Password@123"

Run certification tool against the VM

Generate VHD SAS URL from the Shared Gallery Image

For more details and screenshots, see this blog post which shows how to use the same approach for creating VHD SAS URL from a managed image by converting it to Shared Image Gallery first.

# Create Azure Managed Disk from Shared Image Gallery
az disk create --resource-group avsig200 --location eastus2 --name my-disk-from-image --gallery-image-reference /subscriptions/c9c8ae57-acdb-48a9-99f8-d57704f18dee/resourceGroups/avsig200/providers/Microsoft.Compute/galleries/avgallery200/images/avimage200/versions/1.0.0

# Generate SAS URL for the Managed Disk
az disk grant-access --resource-group avsig200 --name my-disk-from-image --duration-in-seconds 36000 --access-level Read

# Copy Azure Managed Disk to Azure Blob Storage Container

# Create storage account
az storage account create --resource-group avsig200 --name avvhdstorage200 --location eastus2 --sku Standard_LRS --kind StorageV2 --access-tier Hot

# Create storage container
az storage container create --resource-group avsig200 --account-name avvhdstorage200 --name myvhds

# Create writable SAS URL for the container
az storage container generate-sas --account-name avvhdstorage200 --name myvhds --permissions acw --expiry "2021-12-31T00:00:00Z"

# Copy managed disk using its SAS URL to the container
azcopy copy "" ""

# Create SAS for the VHD to use in Partner Center
az storage container generate-sas --account-name avvhdstorage200 --name myvhds --permissions rl --start "2020-12-01T00:00:00Z" --expiry "2021-01-31T00:00:00Z"

# Append SAS token to the URL of the container to use in Azure Marketplace
# For example: