Download Packer binary
Review Packer templates
Set environment variables with credentials of Service Principal that has Contributor role on the Azure subscription
Create new Azure Storage Account for the VHD or use an existing storage account in the same region as the Packer build (e.g. eastus2 below)
# Create resource group for storage account
az group create --name avvhd100 --location eastus2
# Create storage account
az storage account create --resource-group avvhd100 --name avvhdstorage100 --location eastus2 --sku Standard_LRS --kind StorageV2 --access-tier Hot
Execute Packer build to create VHD image in an existing storage account
# Ubuntu Image
packer build -var location=eastus2 -var storage_resource_group=avvhd100 -var storage_account=avvhdstorage100 packer-vhd-ubuntu.json
# Windows Server Image
packer build -var location=eastus2 -var storage_resource_group=avvhd100 -var storage_account=avvhdstorage100 packer-vhd-windows.json
Create SAS for the VHD to use in Partner Center
# Generate SAS for the container called /system where unmanaged VHD image was captured
az storage container generate-sas --account-name avvhdstorage100 --name system --permissions rl --start "2020-12-01T00:00:00Z" --expiry "2021-01-31T00:00:00Z"
# Append SAS token to the URL of the container to use in Partner Center
# For example:
Create test VM from the VHD image
# Create resource group for the managed image and test VM
az group create --name avtestvm100 --location eastus2
# Create managed image from the VHD that Packer generated
az image create --resource-group avtestvm100 --name ubuntu-image --source "" --location eastus2 --os-type "Linux" --storage-sku "Standard_LRS"
# Create test VM with public IP
az vm create --resource-group avtestvm100 --name ubuntuvm --image ubuntu-image --admin-username azureuser --admin-password "Password@123"
Run certification tool against the VM
- Certification Test Tool for Azure Certified
- Using Self-Test API to validate VM images for publishing in Azure Marketplace
Delete resource group used for test VM
az group delete --name avtestvm100