- Ligand coordinates in XYZ file
- Openbabel:
sudo apt install obabel
- Antechamber
- Acpype
obabel -ixyz -omol2 -OLIGX.mol2
acpype -i LIGX.mol2
Prerequisites: charmm36-feb2021.ff
gmx pdb2gmx -f protein.pdb -o 1-pdb2gmx.gro -ff charmm36-feb2021 -water tip3p 2>&1 | tee 1-pdb2gmx.log
Follow the sections titled "Build the Complex" and "Build the Topology" described here. Make sure the filename of the complex is 2-complex.gro
gmx editconf -f 2-complex.gro -o 3-newbox.gro -bt dodecahedron -d 1.0 2>&1 | tee 3-newbox.log
gmx solvate -cp 3-newbox.gro -cs spc216.gro -p -o 4-solvated.gro 2>&1 | tee 4-solvate.log
Download ions-PME.mdp
from here.
gmx grompp -f ions-PME.mdp -c 4-solvated.gro -p -o 5-solvated.tpr -maxwarn 1 2>&1 | tee 5-grompp.log
gmx genion -s 5-solvated.tpr -o 6-neutralized.gro -p -pname NA -nname CL -neutral << 2>&1 | tee 6-neutralize.log
Select the SOL group (15) at the prompt.
Download em.mdp
from here.
gmx grompp -f em.mdp -c 6-neutralized.gro -p -o 7-neutralized.tpr 2>&1 | tee 7-grompp.log
gmx mdrun -deffnm 7-neutralized -v -c 8-minimized.gro 2>&1 | tee 8-minimization.log
- Get GNUplot:
sudo apt install gnuplot
- If that doesn't work, try:
sudo apt install gnuplot-x11
- Download 9-minimization-potential.p
Extract potential data from EDR file:
gmx energy -f 7-neutralized.edr -o 9-minimized-potential.xvg 2>&1 | tee 16-energy.log
Select potential at the prompt. Plot using gnuplot:
gnuplot 9-minimization-potential.p
gmx make_ndx -f LIGX.gro -o index_LIGX.ndx 2>&1 | tee 10-index.log
Enter the following at the prompt to select all ligand atoms other than hydrogens:
0 & ! a H*
gmx genrestr -f LIGX.gro -n index_LIGX.ndx -o posre_LIGX.itp -fc 1000 1000 1000 2>&1 | tee 11-genrestr.log
Select the ligand (3) at the prompt.
Follow the section titled Restraining the Ligand
from here.
gmx make_ndx -f 8-minimized.gro -o index.ndx 2>&1 | tee 13-index.log
Enter the following at the prompt to group the protein and the ligand:
1 | 13
Download nvt.mdp.
gmx grompp -f nvt.mdp -c 8-minimized.gro -r 8-minimized.gro -p -n index.ndx -o 14-nvt.tpr 2>&1 | tee 14-grompp.log
gmx mdrun -deffnm 14-nvt -v -c 15-nvt.gro 2>&1 | tee 15-nvt.log
- Download 16-nvt-temperature.p Extract temperature data from EDR file:
gmx energy -f 14-nvt.edr -o 16-nvt-temperature.xvg 2>&1 | tee 16-energy.log
Select temperature at the prompt. Plot using gnuplot:
gnuplot 16-nvt-temperature.p
Download npt.mdp.
gmx grompp -f npt.mdp -c 15-nvt.gro -t 14-nvt.cpt -r 15-nvt.gro -p -n index.ndx -o 17-npt.tpr 2>&1 | tee 17-grompp.log
gmx mdrun -deffnm 17-npt -v -c 18-npt.gro 2>&1 | tee 18-npt.log
- Download 19-npt-pressure.p Extract pressure data from EDR file:
gmx energy -f 17-npt.edr -o 19-npt-pressure.xvg 2>&1 | tee 19-energy-pressure.log
Select pressure at the prompt. Plot using gnuplot:
gnuplot 19-nvt-pressure.p
- Download 20-npt-density.p Extract density data from EDR file:
mpirun -np 1 gmx_mpi energy -f 17-npt.edr -o 20-npt-density.xvg 2>&1 | tee 20-energy-density.log
Select density at the prompt. Plot using gnuplot:
gnuplot 20-nvt-density.p
Download md.mdp.
gmx grompp -f md.mdp -c 18-npt.gro -t 17-npt.cpt -r 18-npt.gro -p -n index.ndx -o 21-md.tpr 2>&1 | tee 21-grompp.log
gmx mdrun -deffnm 21-md -v -c 22-md.gro 2>&1 | tee 22-md.log