This project has still got some work TODO:
Add docker compose commands etc, to run the stack from the CLI ( including docker compose v2)
Add custom SMT to insert a value in the SinkRecord, and gradle build details etc.
Add Postgres service to docker compose
Add script to Dockerfile to create simple
on startup, including DB tableautocreate=true
- Use AVRO Schema to produce message on topic to test
Add automated integration test to start docker compose stack, produce message on a topic, and verify data is in the DB
Add cURL commands etc. to view all connector statuses (see this page Inspect Config and Status for a Connector )
Add multiple connect instance services by exposing dynamic
, ensuring connectors get created correctly on each deploy- todo check consumer group name prefix to support multiple instances of connect
Improve logging etc. using ENV VARS (e.g.
) -
Add Spring Boot REST APIs to support POSTing new FF VII Ally updates
Use a multi-project gradle setup, one for SMTs, one for Spring Boot app(s) -
Add jvm debug settings to
container/service and info in README ---agentlib:jdwp=transport=dt_socket,server=y,suspend=n,address=*:5005
Add gradle build command to docker compose to ensure the SMT jar is available?
Review usage of
, is this the best class to use? -
Apply Jacoco aggregation plugin to get all jacoco coverage data in one report
Use env vars in connector creation scripts to replace ENV VAR placeholders in the json config (currently they are hard coded)
Use JaCoCo aggregate coverage/test result when running Sonar, currently it is using the SMT lib data