- Preconditions on most of the public api to support earlier failures
- Make
- Improved multimethod support, mount/unmount life-cycle methods invoked as expected
- OM-260: remove cursor consistency checks
- OM-276: bad pending state for no local state
- OM-262: input behavior regression
- OM-270: incorrect no-local state behavior
- OM-274: incorrect -lookup behavior for IndexedCursor
- OM-267: bad logic for not found case in MapCusor -lookup implementation
- OM-271: typo, parent not passed to ref sub-cursor
- reference cursors
- om.core/commit!, like om.core/transact! but will not trigger a re-render
- add marquee tag
- add om.core/mounted?
- experimental support to write component local state into global state
- React 0.11.2
- om.core/root now properly returns mounted component
- default shouldComponentUpdate now compares state
- OM-243: fix regression in supporting components built from non-cursors
- OM-239: update components if cursor path changes
- OM-133: validate Om component fn return values
- OM-134: add om.core/set-state-nr! and om.core/update-state-nr!, they do not refresh (experimental)
- OM-162: extend default cursor to IEmptyableCollection (experimental)
- OM-180: add om.core/detach-root to remove Om render loop
- OM-214: Cursors should implement IHash
- BREAKING: :ctor options deprecated for :descriptor see docs
- depend on ClojureScript 0.0-2277
- depend on React 0.11.1
- OM-170: :tx-listen registration issues
- depend on Clojure 1.6.0 and ClojureScript 0.0-2268
- depend on React CLJS
- added ellipse tag
- OM-179: prevent forceUpdate() if component not mounted
- OM-175: error on render-to-str with set-state!
- Stale code around component local state
- Pure shouldComponentUpdate logic now uses equiv instead of identical?
- add om.core/rendering? predicate to detect React render phase
- more sensible handling of component local state w/o internal graft, we now rely on React's forceUpdate
- add ICursorDerive protocol
- OM-155: multiroot and & :tx-listen incompatible
- OM-152: pass ::index to :fn if available
- OM-150: add missing SVG tags
- OM-152: eliminate om.core/graft
- added ICursorDerive protocol
- document :ctor option to om.core/build
- add om.core/rendering? predicate
- pass ::index to :fn if available in om.core/build
- OM-150: missing SVG tags
- OM-155: multiroot & :tx-listen incompatible
- added pure-methods for reuse
- added specify-state-methods! for reuse
- can explicitly give a component an id via :om.core/id with :init-state
- OM-127: om.core/refresh!
- OM-28: om.core/update-state!
- protocols for local state
- Pure implementation methods now provided in immutable map
- Requires ClojureScript 0.0-2173
- IOmSwap protocol for app state representations besides standard atom
- :instrument option for om.core/root
- Add IDisplayName to support React Chrome Dev Tools
- om.core/build takes :ctor option to provide React backing component class besides om.core/Pure
- OM-122: IWillReceiveProps protocol
- Upgrade to React 0.9.0
- IDidMount, IDidUpdate no longer take node to match React 0.9.0-rc1
- om.dom/render-to-str added
- OM-72: :path option for om.core/root
- OM-112: transact! special cases when korks is nil
- OM-114: om.core/update! doesn't pass tag
- OM-110: transact! broken for empty path
signature changed to be more likeom.core/build
no longer takes keys, or function, or function argsom.core/transact!
no longer takes arguments after function
now takes optional 4th argument, a tagom.core/update!
now takes optional 4th argument, a tagom.core/root
now supports:tx-listen
option to observe all transactions
was brittle, now works without cursors