- Generate a form component with the schematics command
- Output
schematics @esmf/semantic-ui-schematics:form
Generated files will be located under the folder structure as follows:
- Multiple version support:
- Without multiple version support:
- In the component's folder will be generated components for each form control from the form.
Files which are also automatically generated, but not included in the component's folder are:
To be able to view correctly the material icons add the following link: in the section of the index.html
By default, all the generated components will take the name of the aspect from the provided aspect model.
By running the command without the '--name flag'
ng generate @esmf/semantic-ui-schematics:form --dry-run=false
this will be the result in the generated component .ts file
selector: 'esmf-sdk-ui-complex-list-types-form',
templateUrl: './complex-list-types-form.component.html',
styleUrls: ['./complex-list-types-form.component.scss'],
export class ComplexListTypesFormComponent
By running the command with the '--name' flag
ng generate @esmf/semantic-ui-schematics:form --dry-run=false --name=custom
the name of the component will be changed. This will be reflected under folder structure and as well for the component selector.
selector: 'esmf-sdk-ui-custom-form', // <- provided name reflected in the selector name
templateUrl: './custom-form.component.html', // <- provided name reflected in the component path
styleUrls: ['./custom-form.component.scss'], // <- provided name reflected in the component files
export class CustomFormComponent {
} // <- provided name reflected in the component class name
The form can be generated for the whole Aspect Model, and in this case the first level of properties and entities will be considered or the form can be generated for a specific entity.
Choose a specific Entity or Aspect to show as form: (Use arrow keys)
> urn:samm:org.eclipse.examples.movement:1.0.0#Movement (Aspect)
urn:samm:org.eclipse.examples.movement:1.0.0#Entity (Entity)
The properties will be automatically read from the provided aspect model or entity, and you can select/deselect which of them should be removed from the form.
One or more properties of the selected Aspect Model Element or Entity can be excluded during the initial setup when the following question appears:
Choose the properties to hide in the form: (Press <space> to select, <a> to toggle all, <i> to invert selection, and <enter> to proceed)
>( ) Property moving
( ) Property speedLimitWarning
The properties will be automatically read from the provided aspect model, and you can select/deselect which of them should be removed from the form.
One or more constraints can be excluded during the initial setup when the following question appears:
Choose the constraints to ignore in the form: (Press <space> to select, <a> to toggle all, <i> to invert selection, and <enter> to proceed)
>( ) urn:samm:org.eclipse.digitaltwin:1.0.0#LengthConstraintEitherRight
( ) urn:samm:org.eclipse.digitaltwin:1.0.0#RangeConstraintCollection
The constraints will be automatically read from the corresponding subtree of the selected element (Aspect Model Element or Entity), and can be select/deselect in order to ignore/keep them in the generated form.
If a constraint relates to a subtree of previously excluded property, it will not be shown in the list during this step.
By default, the support for different versions of the Aspect Models is
turned on. It can be disabled using the command line parameter aspectModelVersionSupport
ng generate @esmf/semantic-ui-schematics:form --dry-run=false --aspectModelVersionSupport=false
For this kind of multi-version support, the schematics for form UI component generation creates files in the project's directory structure, as depicted below:
In this example, the Aspect Model is named Movement, Version is 1.0.0. You have the following directory structure after applying the schematic for form UI component generation:
+-- app
| +-- shared
| +-- components
| +-- movement-form
| +-- v100
| +-- movement-form.component.scss
| +-- movement-form.component.ts
| +-- movement-form.component.html
| +-- movement-form.module.ts
| +-- movement-form.service.ts
| +-- altitude
| +-- altitude.component.html
| +-- altitude.component.scss
| +-- altitude.component.ts
| +-- is-moving
| +-- is-moving.component.html
| +-- is-moving.component.scss
| +-- is-moving.component.ts
+-- assets
+-- i18n
+-- shared
+-- components
+-- movement-form
+-- v100
+-- en.movement-form.translation.json
Next time you use the schematic to create a form UI component from a different version of the Aspect Model, you will get additional subdirectories for the component and the language files.
Please note that you (eventually) need to manually adapt file src/app/app.module.ts in order to specify which versions of the form UI component you would like to use. In the example below, versions 1.0.0 and 1.1.0 are to be used as components.
import {NgModule} from '@angular/core';
import {BrowserModule} from '@angular/platform-browser';
import {AppComponent} from './app.component';
import {BrowserAnimationsModule} from '@angular/platform-browser/animations';
import {
MovementFormModule as MovementFormModule_v100
} from './shared/components/movement-form/v100/movement-form.module';
import {
MovementFormModule as MovementFormModule_v110
} from './shared/components/movement-form/v110/movement-form.module';
imports: [
MovementFormModule_v100, // <-- Manually added
MovementFormModule_v110 // <-- Manually added
This gives you the choice to decide which UI components (and in which version) are used to compose your web application. You then can use this specific version of the form UI component, e.g. in src/app/app.component.html:
User can choose to have the form read only, by default it will be editable.
Do you want to set the form read only?
User may choose Yes or No.
In order to see the translations for the generated form we need to run:
schematics ../<folder of the scheamtics project>/src/collection.json:i18n --dry-run=false
ng generate @esmf/semantic-ui-schematics:i18n --dry-run=false
This command will install in demo project the following libraries: "@jsverse/transloco": "6.x", "ngx-i18n-combine": " ^1.x" And the translation file will be generated: en.movement-form.translation.json
If you want to use a pre-existing config file, without going through the generation wizard, you may feed the path to the .json config using the 'configFile' flag by running the command like this:
ng generate @esmf/semantic-ui-schematics:form --configFile=<config-file-name>-wizard.configs.json
Example of configuration file:
"aspectModelTFiles": ["Movement.ttl"],
"excludedProperties": [],
"configFile": "test-wizard.config.json",
"complexProps": [],
"configFileName": "test",
"selectedModelElementUrn": "urn:samm:org.eclipse.examples.movement:1.0.0#Movement",
"enableVersionSupport": true,
"getOptionalMaterialTheme": false,
"viewEncapsulation": "Emulated",
"readOnlyForm": false,
"overwrite": true
If you want to skip installation of dependencies you may use the '--skip-install' flag
ng generate @esmf/semantic-ui-schematics:form --skip-install
If you want to overwrite the already existing generated files, you may use the '--overwrite' flag
ng generate @esmf/semantic-ui-schematics:form --overwrite
If you want to add the indigo pink material theme, you may use the '--getOptionalMaterialTheme' flag
when the wizard will prompt the question:
Do you want to add the Angular Material theme? (Indigo Pink Theme)
User may choose Yes or No.
if user did not set --getOptionalMaterialTheme to true but wants to add a material theme to the project, in angular.json in styles section the following code can be added:
"styles": [
By default, the view encapsulation for the generated form component is set to None. If you want to change the View Encapsulation strategy, you may use the '--viewEncapsulation' flag where user can choose one of the following options: None, Emulated, ShadowDom.
when the wizard will prompt the question:
Do you want to specify view encapsulation strategy?
User may choose one of the values: None, Emulated, ShadowDom.
ng generate environments
This command will generate the environments folder that will contain 2 files: environment.ts and environment.development.ts
As a result, a set of components with form fields and respective controls will be generated, as well as necessary utils and types.
Generated form structure may vary depending on the model: from a Root Form Group with a set of simple Child Form
Controls to nested controls with FormGroup
s and FormArray
Despite the possible variations, each form consists of a Root Form Group and Child Form Controls, which are
generated as separate components and can be accessed/reused directly if needed.
Since the generated form is an Angular Reactive Form, all its methods are available for usage, according to the respective control type.
Each form field or form group can have multiple validators depending on the subtree structure, taking into consideration element's data type, associated constraints, etc.
Each field/group can be marked as "required" depending on whether the corresponding element in the parsed model is
considered as optional or not (has "isOptional": true | false
During the generation process, validation rules from constraints will be extracted and applied to the corresponding form elements (individual fields or groups) if they were not explicitly excluded in one of the prompter questions.
When dealing with complex data types, the validation rules from constraints are applied to its children in most cases, however, there are exceptions. For instance, Length Constraint is applied directly to a group when working with Collection Characteristics (Collection, Set, Sorted Set, List).
Consult ESMF documentation for more details on how different types of constraints work with different element types.
- EncodingConstraint
- FixedPointConstraint
- LengthConstraint
- RangeConstraint (except dates)
- RegularExpressionConstraint
- LanguageConstraint
- LocaleConstraint
- RangeConstraint (for dates)
Since some fields can imply additional restrictions depending on the corresponding element type or its configuration, additional validators will be applied to the respective form control. A typical example of such case could be "Either" characteristic, which expects values of its child controls to be specified and unique.
- Either
- StructuredValue
- xsd:string
- xsd:boolean
- xsd:decimal
- xsd:integer
- xsd:double
- xsd:float
- xsd:byte
- xsd:short
- xsd:int
- xsd:long
- xsd:unsignedByte
- xsd:unsignedShort
- xsd:unsignedInt
- xsd:unsignedLong
- xsd:positiveInteger
- xsd:nonNegativeInteger
- xsd:negativeInteger
- xsd:nonPositiveInteger
- xsd:gYear
- xsd:gMonth
- xsd:gDay
- xsd:gYearMonth
- xsd:gMonthDay
- xsd:duration
- xsd:yearMonthDuration
- xsd:dayTimeDuration
- xsd:time
- xsd:hexBinary
- xsd:base64Binary
- xsd:anyURI
- samm:curie
- rdf:langString
- xsd:date
- xsd:dateTime
- xsd:dateTimeStamp
For simple scenarios, the root component of the generated form provides the following outputs:
@Output() formSubmit: EventEmitter<Movement> = new EventEmitter();
@Output() formCancel: EventEmitter<void> = new EventEmitter();
However, more complex scenarios, like patching form value, manually updating its validity, manipulating child controls, etc., may require a direct access to the Root Form Group or its Child Form Controls, that is why each control has been made public and can be imported and used directly.
An example with root "Movement" form:
import {MovementForm} from "./shared/components/movement-form/v100/movement-form.component";
import {TrafficLight} from "./shared/types/movement/v100/movement.types";
// ...
export class AppComponent implements OnInit {
ngOnInit() {
isMoving: true,
position: {
latitude: 1,
longitude: 2,
altitude: 3
speed: 100,
speedLimitWarning: TrafficLight.Yellow
For elements which are represented by a collection of elements, a table will be generated.
It is represented by a FormArray
with child FormControl
s, which contains the factual model, and the table itself
acts as a visual representation of the model, or a view.
Since it's not possible to predict a number of FormControl
s in the FormArray
, as well as all the potential
use-cases, controls of this type should be handled explicitly.
In order to provide a convenient way to communicate with the table and its respective form control, such components are
accompanied by the following members:
FormControl - a form control of typeFormArray
(empty by default)[NAME]
Events - a list ofObservable
s for each supported event
Usage example:
import {
} from "./shared/components/complex-list-types-form/v100/list-property/list-property.component";
// ...
export class AppComponent implements OnInit {
ngOnInit() {
listPropertyEvents.add$.subscribe(() => {
listPropertyFormControl.push(new FormControl({
CharacteristicX: 1,
CharacteristicY: 2,
CharacteristicZ: 3
listPropertyEvents.edit$.subscribe((selection) => {
selection.forEach(item => {
const control = listPropertyFormControl.at(item.controlIndex);
const newValue = {
CharacteristicX: 1,
CharacteristicY: 2,
CharacteristicZ: 3
listPropertyEvents.delete$.subscribe((selection) => {
selection.forEach(item => listPropertyFormControl.removeAt(item.controlIndex));