Unit Testing with AngularJS
Jasmine is a testing framework. Even though JavaScript is by nature asynchronous, jasmine tests are not. This makes it much easier to test.
A suite begins with a describe() which encapsulates additional suites and specs (tests).
describe('some text about the contents', function(){
// we can do anything in this space that we could do in any function
describe('more specific suite', function(){
it('brief description of what is being tested and how it should behave', function(){
// we can do anything in this space that we could do in any function
expect( 1 === 1).toBeTruthy();
expect( 1 === 2).not.toBeTruthy();
disable suite or test by pre-fixing an "x"
focus a suite or test by prefixing an "f"
a test without a second parameter is pending
it('should do stuff');
A test which contains a function called pending() is disabled
Allow us to set up and tear down between tests. They exist within Suites outside of tests. They run at the level of the suites which contain them.
// do something here before each test in the current and lower suites
// do something here after each test in the current and lower suites
See also: Jasmine Hook Execution Order
Matcher | What Tested | Use With | Example |
toBe(<expected>) |
=== |
objects, primitives, boolean | expect(1).toBe(1) |
toBeCloseTo(<expected>, <number of decimals to check>) |
floating point | floating point | expect(42.21).toBeCloseTo(42.2, 1) |
toBeDefined() |
Not undefined |
any | expect(myProperty).toBeDefined() |
toBeFalsy() |
== |
expect(null).toBeFalsy() |
toBeGreaterThan(<expected>) |
> |
expect(1).toBeGreaterThan(0) |
toBeGreaterThanOrEqual(<expected>) |
>= |
expect(1).toBeGreaterThanOrEqual(1) |
toBeLessThan(<expected>) |
< |
toBeLessThanOrEqual(<expected>) |
=< |
toBeNaN() |
Not a Number | ||
toBeNegativeInfinity() |
-Infinity | ||
toBeNull() |
=== Null |
toBePositiveInfinity() |
Infinity | ||
toBeThruthy() |
== |
toContain(<expected>) |
indexOf > -1 |
strings, arrays, objects | expect(myArray).toContain(55) |
toEqual(<expected>) |
== |
any | expect(1).toEqual("1") |
toHaveBeenCalled() |
execution | spies | expect(mySpy).toHaveBeenCalled() |
toHaveBeenCalledBefore(<other spy>) |
execution | spies | expect(mySpy).toHaveBeenCalledBefore(myOtherSpy) |
toHaveBeenCalledTimes(integer) |
execution | spies | expect(mySpy).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(5) |
toHaveBeenCalledWith(<payload>) |
execution | spies | `expect(mySpy).tohaveBeenCalledWith("app |
toMatch(<expression>) |
// |
strings | expect("my string").toMatch(/string/) |
toThrow(<foo>) |
any exception | functions | Use .bind(null, params...) when params needed. expect(service.foo.bind(null, 123)).toThrow() |
toThrowError(<error>) |
specific exception | functions | Use .bind(null, params...) when params needed. expect(service.foo.bind(null, 123)).toThrow("badd error") |
A spy can stub any function and tracks calls to it and all arguments. A spy only exists in the describe
or it
block in which it is defined,
and will be removed after each spec
For an existing object:
spyOn(object, 'method');
for a new object:
var x = jasmine.createSpy('name');
Creates an angular environment in which one can run tests.
Create a config file in project root. Typically named kamra.conf.js
module.exports = function(config) {
basePath: 'src', // folder containing source code
frameworks: ['jasmine'],
files: [
// libraries need by your app or tests. Notice the offset relative to basePath
// Src files
// tests
// helpers - custom libs, fixtures, etc
// templates
exclude: [], // add files to exclude here
preprocessors: {
'**/*.html': ['ng-html2js'], // the lib loads the templates into a cache so angular can find them in memory
'**/*/js': ['coverage'] // unit test coverage reporter
moduleName: "AppTemplates" // module name to use in cache
reporters: ['summary', 'coverage'], // tells karma what outputs are desired. Each of which may have their own configuration entries
port: 9876, // default port for karma
autowatch: true, // tells karma to re-run tests on any change to any entry in the files array. Will be ignored if singleRun is false
browsers: ['Chrome'], // List default browser(s) to run tests in.
customLaunchers: {}, // configure browsers with specific settings (ie., headless, sandbox, no-plugins)
singleRun: true // Karma captures browsers, runs the tests and exits
Name | Purpose | Dev/Depend |
angular-mocks | wrapper to enable mocking of angular objects | dev |
jasmine | test framework | dev |
jasmine-core | dev | |
karma | test runner | dev |
karma-chrome-launcher | runs tests in chrome | dev |
karma-edge-launcher | runs tests in MS Edge | dev |
karma-firefox-launcher | runs tests in Firefox | dev |
karma-safari-launcher | runs tests in safari | dev |
karma-ie-launcher | run tests in IE | dev |
karma-jasmine | framework plugin support for jasmine | dev |
karma-coverage | coverage reporter plugin | dev |
karma-summary-reporter | summarize test results for all browsers plugin | dev |
karma-ng-html2js-prepocessor | caches templates | dev |
jquery | replaces angular's built-in ngLite | dev |
angular | main lib | depend |
... | all other libs needed for app | depend |
If karma is installed globably can call karma
directly otherwise either reference it's relative path ./node_modules/path/to/karma/bin
in node_modules or call it through the package manager yarn karma args
"test": "karma start karma.conf.js --no-single-run --reporters progress,html,coverage",
"test:win": "karma start karma.conf.js --single-run --browsers Chrome,Firefox,Edge,IE --reporters summary,coverage",
"test:mac": "karma start karma.conf.js --single-run --browsers Chrome,Firefox,Safari --reporters summary,coverage"