There are three things we can do to improve our code:
- automated testing (best)
- good comments (best)
- typing (good)
This meeting is to address the latter 2.
VS Code works wonderfully with Typescript but that is a lot to learn. Instead we can utilize a subset of JSDOC which is supported by typescript.
@fires - associate an event message @param - arguments into a function @property - parts of a typedef or public properties of a class @returns - used when a function returns something other than void @type - used when an internal variable is not obvious how it is being used @typedef - use when a variable type is used often
The typings folder is recognized by vscode as the home of type definitions. It is likely noted in a .gitignore
file where it should be removed.
class Settings extends ChildWindow {
* @param {BrowserWindow} parentWindow - some window
constructor(parentWindow) {
* @param {object} cfg
* @fires broadcast
* @returns {void}
const superBroadcast = (cfg) => ipcRenderer.send('broadcast', cfg);
In type definitions and often seen in a Class
Typically use for in-line one-offs where the type is not obvious
/** @type {boolean} */
this.failover = settings.get('failover');
* @typedef {object} HostType
* @property {string} host
* @property {number} timestamp
* @property {Boolean} public
* @property {number=} id
* @typedef {object} UserConfigType
* @property {HostType[]} hosts
* @property {string} updateHost
* @property {boolean} failover
* @property {boolean} allowDevTools
* @property {boolean} allowSettings
* @property {boolean} allowDocs
* @property {string} versionThreshold
* @property {string=} extension
* Creates main Vue application instance
* @param {(webApp: object, hostConfig: HostType|object)} cb
* @returns {Function} - callback
* @fires currentHost
const createApp = (cb) => {
/** @type {HostType|object} */
hostConfig = ipcRenderer.sendSync('currentHost', {});
webAppConfig.url = hostConfig.url;
webApp = new Vue(webAppConfig);
console.log('createApp', webApp);
return cb(webApp, hostConfig);
- Create a jsconfig.json file in repository root
{ "compilerOptions": { "module": "commonjs", "target": "es6" } }
- Create a typings folder in repository root.
- include an empty .gitkeep
- https://jsdoc.app/
- https://www.valentinog.com/blog/jsdoc/
- https://dev.to/ingosteinke/using-jsdoc-to-write-better-javascript-code-17a
- https://dev.to/shhdharmen/how-to-utilise-jsdoc-comment-tags-so-that-visual-studio-code-intellisense-works-great-3ho4
- https://dev.to/sumansarkar/how-to-use-jsdoc-annotations-with-vscode-for-intellisense-7co
- https://www.typescriptlang.org/docs/handbook/intro-to-js-ts.html
- https://www.typescriptlang.org/docs/handbook/type-checking-javascript-files.html