Blue Dot Consortium referred to as Blue Dot.
The Blue Dot Consortium provides a forum for technical interchange, collaboration, and support students interested in cooperative space engineering and taking space initiative.
The Blue Dot Consortium schedules activities and maintains resources that advance its mission (2).
Meetings of the Blue Dot Consortium are open to all members. However, the Senate (6.1) reserves the right to schedule private meetings open only to its members in extenuating circumstances. All Blue Dot Consortium events are open to the general membership unless deemed necessary by the Senate. In the case of an attendance-limited event, a reasonable effort will be undertaken to create a fair and equitable process.
The Blue Dot Consortium will host a video conference meeting, open to the general membership, and posted clearly on the Calendar (3.2.6), with hosting duties rotating between Senators (6.1) or their authorized proxies approximately every two weeks. Meetings may be postponed by a majority vote of the Senate, for up to one cycle, but not more than 28 days.
Any general member of Blue Dot may schedule a subject-specific meeting, and they must send notification of the event on the Messaging Platform (3.2.1) for recording in the Calendar (3.2.6).
The Blue Dot Consortium will seek out and plan speaker events that are available to the general membership. Events may include workshops, Q&As, talks, roundtable discussions, or any other event deemed to support the mission of Blue Dot.
Asynchronous meetups may be scheduled between any grouping of organizations, and groups are encouraged to schedule such meetings on the Calendar (3.2.6) A Majority vote of the Senate may veto any and all in-person meetings, or the host of the meeting (if applicable).
The Blue Dot Consortium shall maintain a controlled-access, online instant messaging service capable of supporting its mission in full. Currently, Blue Dot maintains the Blue Dot Consortium Discord Server. The link to join shall not be posted on any publically accessible forum.
The Blue Dot Consortium shall host and maintain a publicly accessible website. This website has at least two contact information channels that may be used to reach the Senate (6.1) and the Events Committee (6.2). The website makes it clear that any organization or unaffiliated student wishing to join should reach out to the Senate. Temporary Clause: hosting of the website will not be constitutionally mandated until 2021, and may be postponed for periods of 3 months by a majority vote of the Senate
The Blue Dot Consortium maintains publicly available repositories of resources, designs, and tools for supporting its mission in full. At the time of writing, Blue Dot maintains the Blue Dot Consortium GitHub Organization and a publically accessible and editable Google Drive Folder.
The External Presence Committee (6.5) may choose to maintain an externally facing social media presence in order to promote the organization. The Committee is encouraged to delegate roles and responsibilities in the pursuit of this goal.
Article 3.2.5 Email address - Discord Bot
The Blue Dot Consortium shall maintain an email address that forwards messages to all members of the Senate. This email address is [email protected]. This email shall also be used to conduct official business responses on behalf of the consortium.
The Blue Dot Consortium shall maintain a publicly accessible calendar that lists all events. Calendar access is coordinated via the current Messaging Platform.
All registered students at accredited educational institutions may join Blue Dot. Former Blue Dot members who have moved on from their institution may choose to keep their access to the Message Platform (3.2.1) and will receive a flag, “role,” or other delineation that they are alumni of Blue Dot. Members who choose not to affiliate or do not have an institutional affiliation may also join and will be given a tag clearly delineating their status.
Senators take on the role of publicizing the Blue Dot Consortium to their parent universities/organization, and may not restrict access in any way.
The Senate reserves the right to remove members as specified in Article 5, and for violations of relevant laws.
Be inclusive, nice, respectful, and helpful.
The guidelines for the Blue Dot community are as follows
Change your nickname to your preferred name (and optional affiliation)
Display your preferred pronouns in parentheses next to your name (preferably before any affiliation)
Post in the proper channels and keep with their intended purposes.
Treat all members with the respect that they are afforded.
Do not argue, ignore, block, or otherwise prevent the Senate/Admin team from doing their jobs.
We do not permit the following:
Discrimination on the basis of race, creed, color, ethnicity, national origin, religion,\ sex, sexual orientation, gender expression, age, height, weight, physical or mental ability, veteran status, military obligations, marital status, and any other factor.
Personal attacks, harassment, and hate speech.
NSFW content.
Targeted or distracting use of profanity.
Unwarranted, continual commercial promotion.
Violations of intellectual property or NDAs.
Violations of federal information release restrictions.
Any other Federally illegal activity.
Any other actions that disrupt a safe, respectful environment.\
1st violation — private warning
2nd violation — 24 hour mute
3rd violation — banned from the server
Please fill out our anonymous Google form that sends a Discord message to the Senate. Or, reach out to a member of the Senate or Advisory Board and wait for it to be handled appropriately and anonymously. When a Senator makes a decision, it is backed by the Senate. If you would like to appeal or disagree with said decision, contact the Senate privately. All offenses will be logged and shared knowledge of the Senate.
The Senate is composed of one representative from each educational institution. Each institution maintains full autonomy in choosing its representative and will not be placed under any Senate obligations. There will also be one Senator representing members of the Blue Dot Consortium who are unaffiliated with an accredited educational institution.
The Community Committee is led by 1-3 Senate appointees. The Committee maintains the Schedule and Discord and plans internal events to build community. Any member may request to be placed on or lead the Committee, and there is no maximum size. Committee leadership has an ultimate say in determining Committee membership and count.
The Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) Committee is led by 2-3 Senate appointees, maintains the Discord server, works with each of the other committees, and advances Blue Dot’s Mission by maintaining outside relations. Any member may request to be placed on or lead the Committee, and there is no maximum size. Committee leadership has an ultimate say in determining Committee membership and count.
The Events Committee is led by 1-3 Senate appointees. The Committee plans online and in-person events (3.1.3, 3.1.4), and maintains the Calendar. Any member may request to be placed on or lead the Committee, and there is no maximum size. Committee leadership has an ultimate say in determining Committee membership and count.
The External Presence Committee is led by 1-3 Senate appointees. The Committee maintains the website, explanatory writing on publicly accessible institutional knowledge websites, and optionally a social media presence. Any member may request to be placed on or lead the Committee, and there is no maximum size. Committee leads have an ultimate say in determining Committee membership and count.
The Documentation Committee is led by 1-3 Senate appointees. The Committee organizes and maintains Blue Dot’s Institutional Knowledge Repositories (3.2.3). Any member may request to be placed on or lead the Committee, and there is no maximum size. Committee leads have ultimate say Committee membership and count.
Senators and Committee Leads set the standard, uphold the constitution, and complete their job as described in this in their responsibilities as described throughout this document or the cause of an Article 5 violation, they will be nominated for removal by a majority vote of the Senate. A hearing will then be scheduled by the Senate, no less than one week after the nomination for removal, and the nominated member notified. The nominated member will be allowed to make a statement describing their commitment to the organization, actions they intend to undertake to improve their performance and answer questions from the Senate. The Senate must pass a two-thirds majority (not including the nominated member) to remove a committee lead or a Senator. Should an officer be removed from office, they may remain a regular member of the Blue Dot Consortium.
A movement to dissolve Blue Dot may be ratified by a unanimous vote of the Senate.
This article must be last.
The first and last two words of this constitution must be Blue and Dot, in that order.\
Amendments to this constitution must be proposed to the Senate. If approved by two-thirds of the Senate, the amendment takes effect immediately. Senators who do not cast a vote within 24 hours will be assumed to sit in abstinence.
Any amendments proposed must be considered for a period no less than the time between two general meetings and no less than 10 Gregorian Calendar days in the J2000 epoch on planet Earth in the Inner Solar System of the Star Sol, in the Gould Belt of the Orion Arm of the Milky Way Galaxy, in its Local Group in the Virgo and Laniakea Superclusters of the Observable Universe, otherwise known as the Pale Blue Dot.
This constitution derived its structure and some of its clauses from the Stanford Space Initiative Constitution, revision 10 March 2019.