All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. See standard-version for commit guidelines.
0.1.0 (2020-06-18)
- action: Remove deprecated exclude option from persist state
- action: Remove deprecated array utils functions
- action: remove deprecated array utils functions (44d99c9)
- action: remove deprecated exclude option from persist state (5ca933a)
- persist-state: add ability to select store data to persist (#437) (3f4e5ae)
- fix peer deps (7632dd6)
- fix peer deps (53d7db4)
- remove peer deps (b5b11f9)
- router store peer deps (5e71c3c)
- build: update nx to 9.4.0 (#447) (e75ef62)
- devtools: fix multiple logging of same actions (#441) (7992435)
- entity-store: change set cache location (d318901)
- entity-store: improve type safety of entity store upsert operations (#439) (08c4656)
- query-entity: selection of a single entity can be undefined (#445) (888a825)
- run-store-action: add untyped store support (#451) (f95ec5f)