", sex)
+ life_circumstances = u.query_gpt(messages=messages, max_tokens=100, temperature=1)
-def execute_generate_process_description(number_of_instances=1, degree_of_variation="low", save_to_db=False,
- save_as_txt=False, config=None):
- if config is None:
- with open('patient_journey_generator/process_description_configurations/patient_journey_configuration.json',
- 'r') as f:
- config = json.load(f)
- print("Using default configuration.")
- else:
- config = json.loads(config.read().decode('utf-8'))
- print("Using custom configuration.")
- result = ""
- for i in range(number_of_instances):
- process_description = generate_process_description(degree_of_variation, save_to_db, save_as_txt,
- iteration=i + 1, config=config)
- result += f"Process Description {i + 1}:
- return mark_safe(result)
-def generate_process_description(degree_of_variation="low", save_to_db=False, save_as_txt=False, iteration=0,
- config=None):
- # load configuration
- config = config
- instance_config = get_instance_config(config, degree_of_variation)
- # general parameters
- domain = instance_config["domain"]
- case = instance_config["case"]
- case_notion = instance_config["case_notion"]
- event_types = instance_config["event_types"]
- # case attributes
- case_attributes_dict = instance_config["case_attributes_dict"]
- case_attributes = ', '.join(f"{key}: {value}" for key, value in case_attributes_dict.items())
- # process description attributes
- time_specifications = instance_config["time_specifications"]
- writing_style = instance_config["writing_style"]
- example = instance_config["example"]
- # instructions
- perspective_instructions = instance_config["perspective_instructions"]
- writing_instructions = instance_config["writing_instructions"]
- authenticity_instructions = instance_config["authenticity_instructions"]
- generation_prompt = [
- {
- "role": "system",
- "content": "Imagine being an expert in the field of process mining. Your task is to create a process "
- f"description within the domain of {domain}.\n"
- f"The case and therefore the object of the process description is: {case}.\n"
- f"The case notion and therefore the scope of the process description is: {case_notion}.\n"
- f"The attributes that characterize the case are: {case_attributes}.\n"
- f"When creating the process description, only consider the following event types: {event_types}\n"
- f"Include time specifications for the events as {time_specifications}."
- },
- {
- "role": "user",
- "content": f"{perspective_instructions}"
- f"{writing_instructions}"
- f"{authenticity_instructions}"
- }
- ]
- # execute generation prompt
- generation_prompt_temperature = instance_config["generation_prompt_temperature"]
- process_description = u.query_gpt(messages=generation_prompt, temperature=generation_prompt_temperature,
- model="gpt-3.5-turbo")
- if writing_style == "similar_to_example":
- adaptation_prompt = [
- {
- "role": "system",
- "content": "You are an expert in writing style adaptation. Your task is to adapt the process "
- "description so it resembles the example closely in terms of writing style and everything "
- "this entails while still being authentic."
- f"It is very important that the content, especially case attributes ({case_attributes}), "
- "events and temporal specifications, remain the same, and only the writing style is adapted."
- },
- {
- "role": "user",
- "content": "Please adapt the process description to be more similar to the example."
- f"Example: '{example}'"
- f"Process Description: '{process_description}'"
- }
- ]
- # execute adaptation prompt
- adaptation_prompt_temperature = instance_config["adaptation_prompt_temperature"]
- process_description = u.query_gpt(messages=adaptation_prompt, temperature=adaptation_prompt_temperature,
- model="gpt-3.5-turbo")
- # save process description
- timestamp = datetime.now().strftime("%Y-%m-%d_%H-%M-%S")
- patient_journey_name = f"{timestamp}_{case}_{degree_of_variation}_{writing_style}_{iteration}"
- if save_to_db:
- PatientJourney.manager.create(name=patient_journey_name, patient_journey=process_description)
- if save_as_txt:
- directory = "patient_journey_generator/generated_process_descriptions"
- if not os.path.exists(directory):
- os.makedirs(directory)
- with open(f"{directory}/{patient_journey_name}.txt", "w") as file:
- file.write(process_description)
- # add instance configuration to process description for display
- process_description += f"
Instance Configuration:
Degree of Variation: {degree_of_variation}
Event Types: {event_types}
Case Attributes: {case_attributes}
Time Specifications: {time_specifications}
Writing Style: {writing_style}
- return process_description
-def get_instance_config(config, degree_of_variation):
- instance_config = copy.deepcopy(config)
- # low degree of variation
- if degree_of_variation == "low":
- for key, value in instance_config.items():
- if key == "event_types":
- if isinstance(value, list):
- instance_config[key] = ', '.join(value)
- # adjustment for evaluation of process description batch with "low" degree of variation
- # instance_config[key] = "Symptom Onset, Hospital Admission, Hospital Discharge, Symptom Offset"
- elif key == "case_attributes_dict":
- for attribute, values in value.items():
- if isinstance(values, list):
- instance_config[key][attribute] = values[0]
- elif isinstance(value, list):
- instance_config[key] = value[0]
- instance_config["writing_style"] = "free"
- instance_config["generation_prompt_temperature"] = 0.1
- instance_config["adaptation_prompt_temperature"] = 0.1
- # medium degree of variation
- elif degree_of_variation == "medium":
- for key, value in instance_config.items():
- if key == "event_types":
- if isinstance(value, list):
- num_event_types = random.randint(3, len(value))
- selected_event_types = random.sample(value, num_event_types)
- instance_config[key] = ', '.join(selected_event_types)
- elif key == "case_attributes_dict":
- for attribute, values in value.items():
- if isinstance(values, list):
- instance_config[key][attribute] = random.choice(values)
- elif isinstance(value, list):
- instance_config[key] = value[0]
- instance_config["writing_style"] = "free"
- instance_config["generation_prompt_temperature"] = 0.6
- instance_config["adaptation_prompt_temperature"] = 0.6
- # high degree of variation
- elif degree_of_variation == "high":
- for key, value in instance_config.items():
- if key == "event_types":
- if isinstance(value, list):
- num_event_types = random.randint(3, len(value))
- selected_event_types = random.sample(value, num_event_types)
- instance_config[key] = ', '.join(selected_event_types)
- elif key == "case_attributes_dict":
- for attribute, values in value.items():
- if isinstance(values, list):
- instance_config[key][attribute] = random.choice(values)
- elif isinstance(value, list):
- instance_config[key] = random.choice(value)
- instance_config["writing_style"] = "similar_to_example"
- instance_config["generation_prompt_temperature"] = 1
- instance_config["adaptation_prompt_temperature"] = 1
- return instance_config
+ return life_circumstances
diff --git a/tracex_project/patient_journey_generator/process_description_configs.py b/tracex_project/patient_journey_generator/process_description_configs.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 96cc6c7..0000000
--- a/tracex_project/patient_journey_generator/process_description_configs.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,137 +0,0 @@
- "domain": "patient journeys",
- "case": "Patient",
- "case_notion": "Symptom Onset to Symptom Offset",
- "event_types": ["Symptom Onset", "Symptom Offset", "Diagnosis", "Doctor Visit", "Treatment", "Hospital Admission", "Hospital Discharge", "Medication", "Lifestyle Change", "Feelings"],
- "case_attributes_dict": {
- "age": [18, 20, 22, 25, 28, 30, 32, 35, 38, 40, 42, 45, 48, 50, 52, 55, 58, 60, 62, 65],
- "sex": ["male", "female"],
- "occupation": ["flight attendant", "teacher", "engineer", "chef", "artist", "musician", "nurse", "journalist", "software developer", "farmer", "scientist", "lawyer", "salesperson", "mechanic", "pilot", "police officer", "fitness instructor", "librarian", "architect", "politician"],
- "domestic_status": ["single", "married", "divorced", "widowed", "in a relationship"],
- "origin": ["France", "Germany", "Spain", "Italy", "Portugal", "Belgium", "Netherlands", "Switzerland", "Austria", "Sweden", "Norway", "Denmark", "Finland", "Poland", "Czech Republic", "Slovakia", "Hungary", "Romania", "Bulgaria", "Greece"],
- "condition": ["Covid-19", "asthma", "diabetes type 1", "diabetes type 2", "chronic kidney disease", "coronary artery disease", "stroke", "hypertension", "arthritis", "osteoporosis", "chronic obstructive pulmonary disease", "anxiety disorder", "depressive disorder", "bipolar disorder", "schizophrenia", "autism spectrum disorder", "dementia", "Parkinson's disease", "multiple sclerosis", "muscular dystrophy", "cystic fibrosis"],
- "preexisting_conditions": ["none", "diabetes", "asthma", "hypertension", "cardiovascular disease", "arthritis", "chronic kidney disease", "depression", "anxiety disorder", "obesity", "thyroid disorder", "cancer", "COPD", "migraines", "allergies", "eczema", "HIV/AIDS", "Parkinson's disease", "multiple sclerosis", "epilepsy"]
- },
- "time_specifications": ["timestamps and durations", "timestamps", "durations", "none"],
- "writing_style": "similar_to_example",
- "example": [
- "I was admitted to the hospital on 01/01/2020. After a week, I was discharged. I was prescribed medication for the next two weeks.",
- "I started feeling sick on 01/01/2020. I went to the hospital and was admitted. After a week, I was discharged and given medication to take for two weeks.",
- "It was my first ever COVID infection, the likelihood of hospitalization were high. I Am a obese 26yo male, "
- "with underlying health conditions and a disabillty. the first 4 days were pure hell that i hope no one has "
- "to go through, the cough was so dry and bad, it was almost like i was a patient in a old care home with "
- "tuberculosis, that is just how bad it was. The fever, chills, constant need to turn the heating on and off, "
- "grimacing in severe body aches and pain. i just wanted it to end. Finally after day 9 i am feeling like "
- "myself and LONG COVID seems unlikely as all my symptoms are gone besides some lingering myalgia and "
- "dehydration upon waking. I am scheduling for another booster and flu shot next week so i dont have to go "
- "through this again. I live in Australia btw.",
- "I’m a global health researcher working to address health and gender inequalities "
- "in the Global South. During my work in areas where Malaria or Dengue "
- "Fever are endemic, I always took extra precautions to avoid getting infected."
- "During lockdown, like most working mothers, I became the major "
- "responsible for childcare and housework. To finish all my research "
- "related activities, I frequently worked until late at night. During "
- "the day I was juggling work, home and homeschooling... In mid"
- "May I started feeling weak and had more trouble breathing. As someone "
- "with an immunodeficiency disorder, I didn’t pay too much"
- "attention. I though it was due to sleep deprivation and excessive working "
- "hours... But it was COVID-19. The symptoms worsened quickly"
- "and in a few days I was not able to get out of bed. Now I was"
- "under lockdown, unable to work or look after my kids, with stress piling up."
- "My physician considered the symptoms mild, recommending isolation and"
- "rest at home. I was bedridden for three weeks, with difficulty breathing,"
- "headache, conjunctivitis, sore throat, aches and pain. I completely lost my"
- "appetite. During two months I could not taste or smell anything, hot or cold,"
- "sweet, salty, spice, nothing at all. My fatigue was debilitating. More than four"
- "months later, my symptoms have not gone away. My heart still races a few"
- "times a day - even while I am sitting at the computer and writing this piece."
- "It is hard to concentrate for long periods. However, it is also way too soon"
- "to understand how long my COVID-19 damage will last."
- ],
- "perspective_instructions_old": "Write the process description from the perspective of the Patient and consider their case attributes.",
- "writing_instructions_old": "Create a process description in the form of a written text of your case. It is important that you write an authentic, continuous text, as if written by the Patient themselves.",
- "authenticity_instructions_old": "Please try to consider the Patient's background and the events that plausibly could have happened to them when creating the process description and the events that they experienced.",
- "perspective_instructions": "Describe the process from the patient's perspective, incorporating their case attributes and personal experiences.",
- "writing_instructions": "Write a continuous, authentic narrative as if you were the patient, detailing events in chronological order.",
- "authenticity_instructions": "Ensure the description reflects the patient's background and experiences, portraying events with empathy and accuracy.",
- "domain": "patient journeys",
- "case": "Patient",
- "case_notion": "Symptom Onset to Symptom Offset",
- "event_types": ["Symptom Onset", "Symptom Offset", "Diagnosis", "Doctor Visit", "Treatment", "Hospital Admission", "Hospital Discharge", "Medication", "Lifestyle Change", "Feelings"],
- "case_attributes_dict": {
- "age": [34, 18, 20, 22, 25, 28, 30, 32, 35, 38, 40, 42, 45, 48, 50, 52, 55, 58, 60, 62, 65],
- "sex": ["female", "male"],
- "occupation": ["flight attendant", "teacher", "engineer", "chef", "artist", "musician", "nurse", "journalist", "software developer", "farmer", "scientist", "lawyer", "salesperson", "mechanic", "pilot", "police officer", "fitness instructor", "librarian", "architect", "politician"],
- "domestic_status": ["married", "single", "divorced", "widowed", "in a relationship"],
- "origin": ["France", "Germany", "Spain", "Italy", "Portugal", "Belgium", "Netherlands", "Switzerland", "Austria", "Sweden", "Norway", "Denmark", "Finland", "Poland", "Czech Republic", "Slovakia", "Hungary", "Romania", "Bulgaria", "Greece"],
- "condition": ["Covid-19", "asthma", "diabetes type 1", "diabetes type 2", "chronic kidney disease", "coronary artery disease", "stroke", "hypertension", "arthritis", "osteoporosis", "chronic obstructive pulmonary disease", "anxiety disorder", "depressive disorder", "bipolar disorder", "schizophrenia", "autism spectrum disorder", "dementia", "Parkinson's disease", "multiple sclerosis", "muscular dystrophy", "cystic fibrosis"],
- "preexisting_conditions": ["none", "diabetes", "asthma", "hypertension", "cardiovascular disease", "arthritis", "chronic kidney disease", "depression", "anxiety disorder", "obesity", "thyroid disorder", "cancer", "COPD", "migraines", "allergies", "eczema", "HIV/AIDS", "Parkinson's disease", "multiple sclerosis", "epilepsy"]
- },
- "time_specifications": ["timestamps and durations", "timestamps", "durations", "none"],
- "writing_style": "similar_to_example",
- "example": [
- "I was admitted to the hospital on 01/01/2020. After a week, I was discharged. I was prescribed medication for the next two weeks.",
- "I started feeling sick on 01/01/2020. I went to the hospital and was admitted. After a week, I was discharged and given medication to take for two weeks.",
- "It was my first ever COVID infection, the likelihood of hospitalization were high. I Am a obese 26yo male, "
- "with underlying health conditions and a disabillty. the first 4 days were pure hell that i hope no one has "
- "to go through, the cough was so dry and bad, it was almost like i was a patient in a old care home with "
- "tuberculosis, that is just how bad it was. The fever, chills, constant need to turn the heating on and off, "
- "grimacing in severe body aches and pain. i just wanted it to end. Finally after day 9 i am feeling like "
- "myself and LONG COVID seems unlikely as all my symptoms are gone besides some lingering myalgia and "
- "dehydration upon waking. I am scheduling for another booster and flu shot next week so i dont have to go "
- "through this again. I live in Australia btw.",
- "I’m a global health researcher working to address health and gender inequalities "
- "in the Global South. During my work in areas where Malaria or Dengue "
- "Fever are endemic, I always took extra precautions to avoid getting infected."
- "During lockdown, like most working mothers, I became the major "
- "responsible for childcare and housework. To finish all my research "
- "related activities, I frequently worked until late at night. During "
- "the day I was juggling work, home and homeschooling... In mid"
- "May I started feeling weak and had more trouble breathing. As someone "
- "with an immunodeficiency disorder, I didn’t pay too much"
- "attention. I though it was due to sleep deprivation and excessive working "
- "hours... But it was COVID-19. The symptoms worsened quickly"
- "and in a few days I was not able to get out of bed. Now I was"
- "under lockdown, unable to work or look after my kids, with stress piling up."
- "My physician considered the symptoms mild, recommending isolation and"
- "rest at home. I was bedridden for three weeks, with difficulty breathing,"
- "headache, conjunctivitis, sore throat, aches and pain. I completely lost my"
- "appetite. During two months I could not taste or smell anything, hot or cold,"
- "sweet, salty, spice, nothing at all. My fatigue was debilitating. More than four"
- "months later, my symptoms have not gone away. My heart still races a few"
- "times a day - even while I am sitting at the computer and writing this piece."
- "It is hard to concentrate for long periods. However, it is also way too soon"
- "to understand how long my COVID-19 damage will last."
- ],
- "perspective_instructions": "Describe the process from the patient's perspective, incorporating their case attributes and personal experiences.",
- "writing_instructions": "Write a continuous, authentic narrative as if you were the patient, detailing events in chronological order.",
- "authenticity_instructions": "Ensure the description reflects the patient's background and experiences, portraying events with empathy and accuracy.",
-# verteile case attributes über ganze description
- "domain": "retail orders",
- "case": "Product",
- "case_notion": "Order",
- "event_types": "Order Creation, Order Payment, Order Delivery",
- "case_attributes_dict": {
- "product_type": "smartphone",
- "model": "iPhone 13",
- "color": "red",
- "price": 999,
- "payment_method": "credit card",
- "retailer": "Apple Store",
- "delivery_address": "1234 Elm Street",
- "delivery_date": "01/01/2022"
- },
- "time_specifications": "timestamps and durations",
- "writing_style": "not_similar_to_example",
- "example": "I ordered a smartphone on 01/01/2022. I paid for it with my credit card. The smartphone was delivered to my address on 01/02/2022.",
- "perspective_instructions": "Write the process description from the perspective of an omniscient observer of the ordering process and consider the case attributes.",
- "writing_instructions": "Please create a process description in the form of a written text of your case. It is important that you write an authentic, continuous text.",
- "authenticity_instructions": "Please try to consider the aspects that this process might entail and include all parties that might be involved in this process and the activities that plausibly could have happened when creating the process description and the events that might have happened."
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tracex_project/patient_journey_generator/process_description_configurations/manufacturing_carpenter_configuration.json b/tracex_project/patient_journey_generator/process_description_configurations/manufacturing_carpenter_configuration.json
deleted file mode 100644
index ae379c5..0000000
--- a/tracex_project/patient_journey_generator/process_description_configurations/manufacturing_carpenter_configuration.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,70 +0,0 @@
- "domain": "manufacturing",
- "case": "Carpenter",
- "case_notion": "Project Completion",
- "event_types": [
- "Design Approval",
- "Material Procurement",
- "Construction Start",
- "Milestone Review",
- "Adjustments",
- "Quality Check",
- "Client Feedback",
- "Final Touches",
- "Project Completion",
- "Delivery"
- ],
- "case_attributes_dict": {
- "age": [20, 25, 30, 35, 40, 45, 50, 55, 60],
- "sex": ["female", "male"],
- "origin": [
- "USA",
- "Canada",
- "Mexico",
- "Brazil",
- "Argentina",
- "UK",
- "France",
- "Germany",
- "Italy",
- "Spain"
- ],
- "skill_level": [
- "beginner",
- "intermediate",
- "advanced",
- "expert"
- ],
- "object_type": [
- "cabinet",
- "table",
- "chair",
- "bookshelf",
- "wardrobe",
- "desk",
- "bed",
- "bench",
- "stool",
- "door"
- ],
- "tools_used": [
- "hand saw",
- "hammer",
- "chisel",
- "screwdriver",
- "drill",
- "sander",
- "planer",
- "router"
- ]
- },
- "time_specifications": ["timestamps and durations", "timestamps", "durations", "none"],
- "writing_style": "free",
- "example": [
- "The project started with client approval of the design on 03/15/2023. I procured all necessary materials by the end of the week. Construction began promptly, and by the first milestone review on 04/01/2023, the main structure was completed. After some adjustments based on the client’s feedback and a thorough quality check, the final touches were added. The project was completed on 04/25/2023 and delivered to a satisfied client.",
- "I received the materials on 05/01/2023 and started working on the bespoke cabinet. The client requested a specific design that included intricate carvings. After the initial construction phase, I conducted a detailed quality check and incorporated the client's feedback for some minor adjustments. The final product was completed on 05/20/2023 and was ready for delivery."
- ],
- "perspective_instructions": "Describe the carpentry project from the carpenter's perspective, including specific tasks and client interactions.",
- "writing_instructions": "Write a continuous, authentic narrative as if you were the carpenter, detailing the project stages in chronological order. Ensure the text flows naturally and maintains a consistent voice throughout.",
- "authenticity_instructions": "Infuse the description with realistic details that align with the carpenter's background and plausible project events. Consider the technical, aesthetic, and functional contexts that shape the work."
diff --git a/tracex_project/patient_journey_generator/process_description_configurations/patient_journey_configuration.json b/tracex_project/patient_journey_generator/process_description_configurations/patient_journey_configuration.json
deleted file mode 100644
index f8b58d4..0000000
--- a/tracex_project/patient_journey_generator/process_description_configurations/patient_journey_configuration.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,122 +0,0 @@
- "domain": "Healthcare",
- "case": "Patient",
- "case_notion": "Course of Illness",
- "event_types": [
- "Symptom Onset",
- "Symptom Offset",
- "Diagnosis",
- "Doctor Visit",
- "Treatment",
- "Hospital Admission",
- "Hospital Discharge",
- "Medication",
- "Lifestyle Change",
- "Feelings"
- ],
- "case_attributes_dict": {
- "age": [34, 18, 20, 22, 25, 28, 30, 32, 35, 38, 40, 42, 45, 48, 50, 52, 55, 58, 60, 62, 65],
- "sex": ["female", "male"],
- "occupation": [
- "flight attendant",
- "teacher",
- "engineer",
- "chef",
- "artist",
- "musician",
- "nurse",
- "journalist",
- "software developer",
- "farmer",
- "scientist",
- "lawyer",
- "salesperson",
- "mechanic",
- "pilot",
- "police officer",
- "fitness instructor",
- "librarian",
- "architect",
- "politician"
- ],
- "domestic_status": ["married", "single", "divorced", "widowed", "in a relationship"],
- "origin": [
- "France",
- "Germany",
- "Spain",
- "Italy",
- "Portugal",
- "Belgium",
- "Netherlands",
- "Switzerland",
- "Austria",
- "Sweden",
- "Norway",
- "Denmark",
- "Finland",
- "Poland",
- "Czech Republic",
- "Slovakia",
- "Hungary",
- "Romania",
- "Bulgaria",
- "Greece"
- ],
- "condition": [
- "Covid-19",
- "asthma",
- "diabetes type 1",
- "diabetes type 2",
- "chronic kidney disease",
- "coronary artery disease",
- "stroke",
- "hypertension",
- "arthritis",
- "osteoporosis",
- "chronic obstructive pulmonary disease",
- "anxiety disorder",
- "depressive disorder",
- "bipolar disorder",
- "schizophrenia",
- "autism spectrum disorder",
- "dementia",
- "Parkinson's disease",
- "multiple sclerosis",
- "muscular dystrophy",
- "cystic fibrosis"
- ],
- "preexisting_conditions": [
- "none",
- "diabetes",
- "asthma",
- "hypertension",
- "cardiovascular disease",
- "arthritis",
- "chronic kidney disease",
- "depression",
- "anxiety disorder",
- "obesity",
- "thyroid disorder",
- "cancer",
- "COPD",
- "migraines",
- "allergies",
- "eczema",
- "Parkinson's disease",
- "multiple sclerosis",
- "epilepsy"
- ]
- },
- "time_specifications": ["timestamps and durations", "timestamps", "durations", "none"],
- "writing_style": "free",
- "example": [
- "I was admitted to the hospital on 01/01/2020. After a week, I was discharged. I was prescribed medication for the next two weeks.",
- "I started feeling sick on 01/01/2020. I went to the hospital and was admitted. After a week, I was discharged and given medication to take for two weeks.",
- "It was my first ever COVID infection, the likelihood of hospitalization were high. I am an obese 26yo male, with underlying health conditions and a disability. The first 4 days were pure hell that i hope no one has to go through, the cough was so dry and bad, it was almost like i was a patient in an old care home with tuberculosis, that is just how bad it was. The fever, chills, constant need to turn the heating on and off, grimacing in severe body aches and pain. I just wanted it to end. Finally after day 9 i am feeling like myself and LONG COVID seems unlikely as all my symptoms are gone besides some lingering myalgia and dehydration upon waking. I am scheduling for another booster and flu shot next week so i dont have to go through this again. I live in Australia btw.",
- "I’m a global health researcher working to address health and gender inequalities in the Global South. During my work in areas where Malaria or Dengue Fever are endemic, I always took extra precautions to avoid getting infected. During lockdown, like most working mothers, I became the major responsible for childcare and housework. To finish all my research related activities, I frequently worked until late at night. During the day I was juggling work, home and homeschooling... In mid May I started feeling weak and had more trouble breathing. As someone with an immunodeficiency disorder, I didn’t pay too much attention. I thought it was due to sleep deprivation and excessive working hours... But it was COVID-19. The symptoms worsened quickly and in a few days I was not able to get out of bed. Now I was under lockdown, unable to work or look after my kids, with stress piling up. My physician considered the symptoms mild, recommending isolation and rest at home. I was bedridden for three weeks, with difficulty breathing, headache, conjunctivitis, sore throat, aches and pain. I completely lost my appetite. During two months I could not taste or smell anything, hot or cold, sweet, salty, spice, nothing at all. My fatigue was debilitating. More than four months later, my symptoms have not gone away. My heart still races a few times a day - even while I am sitting at the computer and writing this piece. It is hard to concentrate for long periods. However, it is also way too soon to understand how long my COVID-19 damage will last."
- ],
- "perspective_instructions": "Describe the process from the patient's perspective, incorporating their case attributes and personal experiences.",
- "writing_instructions": "Write a continuous, authentic narrative as if you were the patient, detailing events in chronological order. Ensure the text flows naturally and maintains a consistent voice throughout.",
- "authenticity_instructions": "Infuse the description with realistic details that align with the patient's background and plausible life events. Consider the socio-cultural and emotional contexts that shape their experiences."
diff --git a/tracex_project/patient_journey_generator/templates/journey_generator_overview.html b/tracex_project/patient_journey_generator/templates/journey_generator_overview.html
index a7962cd..fdd25b3 100644
--- a/tracex_project/patient_journey_generator/templates/journey_generator_overview.html
+++ b/tracex_project/patient_journey_generator/templates/journey_generator_overview.html
@@ -23,51 +23,45 @@
{% if generated_journey %}

Generated Process Descriptions
{{ generated_journey|safe }}
Generated Patient Journey
{{ generated_journey }}
- {% else %}

Welcome to the Process Description Generator of TracEX
This tool enables you to generate multiple instances of process descriptions for the selected configuration.
- If you do not select a suitable configuration, the default "Patient Journey" configuration will be used.
- You can select to what degree the instances should differ from each other, how many instances should be created and whether you want to save them to the database or as a text file.
- Please note that our extraction pipeline can currently only handle process descriptions of the type "Patient Journey".
- {% endif %}