Note: for the below examples, the string "TopLevelResource" would be replaced with the name of your top-level resource (e.g., "VirtualMachine", "VirtualNetwork", "SqlServer"), and the string "ChildResource" would be replaced with the name of your child resource (e.g., "VirtualMachineExtension", "VirtualNetworkPeering", "SqlDatabase")
All top-level resources should have a Remove-*
cmdlet that allows users to delete a specific resource. The user can delete a resource by providing all identity properties, the resource id, or the object representation of the resource. This cmdlet should implement SupportsShouldProcess
to allow users to provide the -WhatIf
parameter and see what the result of executing the cmdlet is without the resource actually being deleted. This cmdlet should also implement the -PassThru
parameter, which allows the user to receive output when no output would normally be provided.
To enable the scenarios mentioned previously, the cmdlet will need three parameter sets:
Remove-AzTopLevelResource -ResourceGroupName <String> -Name <String> [-PassThru] [-WhatIf] [-Confirm]
Remove-AzTopLevelResource -InputObject <PSTopLevelResource> [-PassThru] [-WhatIf] [-Confirm]
Remove-AzTopLevelResource -ResourceId <String> [-PassThru] [-WhatIf] [-Confirm]
The first parameter set has required -ResourceGroupName
and -Name
parameters, which allows the user to explicitly provide the identity properties of the resource that they want to delete. The second parameter has a required -InputObject
parameter, which allows the user to pipe the result of the Get-*
and Set/Update-*
cmdlets to this cmdlet and delete the corresponding resource. The third parameter has a required -ResourceId
parameter, which allows the user to delete a specific resource by resource id.
namespace Microsoft.Azure.Commands.Service
[Cmdlet(VerbsCommon.Remove, "AzTopLevelResource", DefaultParameterSetName = DeleteByNameParameterSet, SupportsShouldProcess = true), OutputType(typeof(bool))]
public class RemoveTopLevelResourceCommand : ServiceBaseCmdlet
private const string DeleteByNameParameterSet = "DeleteByNameParameterSet";
private const string DeleteByInputObjectParameterSet = "DeleteByInputObjectParameterSet";
private const string DeleteByResourceIdParameterSet = "DeleteByResourceIdParameterSet";
[Parameter(Mandatory = true, ParameterSetName = DeleteByNameParameterSet)]
public string ResourceGroupName { get; set; }
[Parameter(Mandatory = true, ParameterSetName = DeleteByNameParameterSet)]
public string Name { get; set; }
[Parameter(Mandatory = true, ValueFromPipeline = true, ParameterSetName = DeleteByInputObjectParameterSet)]
public PSTopLevelResource InputObject { get; set; }
[Parameter(Mandatory = true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = true, ParameterSetName = DeleteByResourceIdParameterSet)]
public string ResourceId { get; set; }
[Parameter(Mandatory = false)]
public SwitchParameter PassThru { get; set; }
public override void ExecuteCmdlet()
if (this.IsParameterBound(c => c.InputObject))
this.ResourceGroupName = this.InputObject.ResourceGroupName;
this.Name = this.InputObject.Name;
if (this.IsParameterBound(c => c.ResourceId))
var resourceIdentifier = new ResourceIdentifier(this.ResourceId);
this.ResourceGroupName = resourceIdentifier.ResourceGroupName;
this.Name = resourceIdentifier.ResourceName;
if (this.ShouldProcess(this.Name, string.Format("Deleting TopLevelResource '{0}' in resource group {0}", this.Name, this.ResourceGroupName)))
this.MySDKClient.TopLevelResource.Delete(this.ResourceGroupName, this.Name);
if (this.PassThru.IsPresent)
All child resources should have a Remove-*
cmdlet that allows users to delete a specific child resource. The user can delete a child resource by providing all identity properties, the resource id of the child resource, or the object representation of the child resource. This cmdlet should implement SupportsShouldProcess
to allow users to provide the -WhatIf
parameter and see what the result of executing the cmdlet is without the child resource actually being deleted. This cmdlet should also implement the -PassThru
parameter, which allows the user to receive the output when no output would normally be provided.
To enable the scenarios mentioned previously, the cmdlet will need four parameter sets:
Remove-AzChildResource -ResourceGroupName <String> -TopLevelResourceName <String> -Name <String> [-PassThru] [-WhatIf] [-Confirm]
Remove-AzChildResource -TopLevelResourceObject <PSTopLevelResource> -Name <String> [-PassThru] [-WhatIf] [-Confirm]
Remove-AzChildResource -InputObject <PSChildResource> [-PassThru] [-WhatIf] [-Confirm]
Remove-AzChildResource -ResourceId <String> [-PassThru] [-WhatIf] [-Confirm]
The first parameter set has required -ResourceGroupName
, -TopLevelResourceName
and -Name
parameters, which allows the user to explicitly provide the identity properties of the child resource that they want to delete. The second parameter has a required -TopLevelResourceObject
parameter, which allows the user to pipe the result of the parent resource's Get-*
and Set/Update-*
cmdlets to this cmdlet, as well as a required -Name
parameter. The third parameter has a required -InputObject
parameter, which allows the user to pipe the result of the Get-*
and Set/Update-*
cmdlets to this cmdlet and delete the corresponding child resource. The fourth parameter has a required -ResourceId
parameter, which allows the user to delete the specific child resource by resource id.
namespace Microsoft.Azure.Commands.Service
[Cmdlet(VerbsCommon.Remove, "AzChildResource", DefaultParameterSetName = DeleteByNameParameterSet, SupportsShouldProcess = true), OutputType(typeof(bool))]
public class RemoveChildResourceCommand : ServiceBaseCmdlet
private const string DeleteByNameParameterSet = "DeleteByNameParameterSet";
private const string DeleteByParentObjectParameterSet = "DeleteByParentObjectParameterSet";
private const string DeleteByInputObjectParameterSet = "DeleteByInputObjectParameterSet";
private const string DeleteByResourceIdParameterSet = "DeleteByResourceIdParameterSet";
[Parameter(Mandatory = true, ParameterSetName = DeleteByNameParameterSet)]
public string ResourceGroupName { get; set; }
[Parameter(Mandatory = true, ParameterSetName = DeleteByNameParameterSet)]
public string TopLevelResourceName { get; set; }
[Parameter(Mandatory = true, ParameterSetName = DeleteByNameParameterSet)]
[Parameter(Mandatory = true, ParameterSetName = DeleteByParentObjectParameterSet)]
public string Name { get; set; }
[Parameter(Mandatory = true, ValueFromPipeline = true, ParameterSetName = DeleteByParentObjectParameterSet)]
public PSTopLevelResource TopLevelResourceObject { get; set; }
[Parameter(Mandatory = true, ValueFromPipeline = true, ParameterSetName = DeleteByInputObjectParameterSet)]
public PSChildResource InputObject { get; set; }
[Parameter(Mandatory = true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = true, ParameterSetName = DeleteByResourceIdParameterSet)]
public string ResourceId { get; set; }
[Parameter(Mandatory = false)]
public SwitchParameter PassThru { get; set; }
public override void ExecuteCmdlet()
if (this.IsParameterBound(c => c.TopLevelResourceObject))
this.ResourceGroupName = this.TopLevelResourceObject.ResourceGroupName;
this.TopLevelResourceName = this.TopLevelResourceObject.Name;
if (this.IsParameterBound(c => c.InputObject))
this.ResourceGroupName = this.InputObject.ResourceGroupName;
this.TopLevelResourceName = this.InputObject.TopLevelResourceName;
this.Name = this.InputObject.Name;
if (this.IsParameterBound(c => c.ResourceId))
var resourceIdentifier = new ResourceIdentifier(this.ResourceId);
this.ResourceGroupName = resourceIdentifier.ResourceGroupName;
this.TopLevelResourceName = resourceIdentifier.ParentResource;
this.Name = resourceIdentifier.ResourceName;
if (this.ShouldProcess(this.Name, string.Format("Deleting ChildResource '{0}' in resource group '{1}' under parent TopLevelResource '{2}'.", this.Name, this.ResourceGroupName, this.TopLevelResourceName)))
this.MySDKClient.ChildResource.Delete(this.ResourceGroupName, this.TopLevelResourceName, this.Name);
if (this.IsPassThru.IsPresent)