When running a node, there are a variety of possible configurations that are supported.
Path to a JSON file that specifies this node's configuration. Command line arguments will override arguments set in the config file.
Example JSON config file:
"plugin-dir": "/home/ubuntu/avalanchego/plugins",
"log-level": "debug"
If set to false
, this node will not expose the Admin API. Defaults to false
. See here for more information.
If set to true
, API calls require an authorization token. Defaults to false
. See here for more information.
The password needed to create/revoke authorization tokens. If --api-auth-required=true
, must be specified; otherwise ignored. See here for more information.
If set to true
, this node will expose the Health API. Defaults to true
. See here for more information.
If set to true
, this node will expose the Info API. Defaults to true
. See here for more information.
If set to true
, this node will expose the IPCs API. Defaults to false
. See here for more information.
If set to false
, this node will not expose the Keystore API. Defaults to true
. See here for more information.
If set to false
, this node will not expose the Metrics API. Defaults to true
. See here for more information.
When set to true
, assertions will execute at runtime throughout the codebase. This is intended for use in debugging, as we may get a more specific error message. Defaults to true
Bootstrap IDs is an array of validator IDs. These IDs will be used to authenticate bootstrapping peers. This only needs to be set when --p2p-tls-enabled=true
. An example setting of this field would be --bootstrap-ids="NodeID-7Xhw2mDxuDS44j42TCB6U5579esbSt3Lg,NodeID-MFrZFVCXPv5iCn6M9K6XduxGTYp891xXZ"
. Defaults to empty (does not attempt to bootstrap from other nodes.)
Bootstrap IPs is an array of IPv4:port pairs. These IP Addresses will be used to bootstrap the current Avalanche state. An example setting of this field would be --bootstrap-ips=","
. Defaults to empty (does not attempt to bootstrap from other nodes.)
If true, will retry bootstrapping if it fails.
Max number of times to retry bootstrapping after a failure.
Upgrade at most conn-meter-max-conns
connections from a given IP per conn-meter-reset-duration
. If conn-meter-reset-duration
is 0, incoming connections are not rate-limited.
Upgrade at most conn-meter-max-conns
connections from a given IP per conn-meter-reset-duration
. If conn-meter-reset-duration
is 0, incoming connections are not rate-limited.
(string, file path):
Specifies the directory to which the database is persisted. Defaults to "$HOME/.avalanchego/db"
If set to false
, state updates are performed solely to an in-memory database, without making any changes on permanent storage. When set to true
, state updates are written to a local persistent database. Defaults to true
Path to a JSON file containing the genesis data to use. Ignored when running standard networks (Mainnet, Testnet.) If not given, uses default genesis data. For an example of a JSON representation of genesis data, see here.
The address that HTTP APIs listen on. Defaults to
. This means that by default, your node can only handle API calls made from the same machine. To allow API calls from other machines, use --http-host=
Each node runs an HTTP server that provides the APIs for interacting with the node and the Avalanche network. This argument specifies the port that the HTTP server will listen on. The default value is 9650
(string, file path):
This argument specifies the location of the TLS certificate used by the node for the HTTPS server. This must be specified when --http-tls-enabled=true
. There is no default value.
If set to true
, this flag will attempt to upgrade the server to use HTTPS. Defaults to false
(string, file path):
This argument specifies the location of the TLS private key used by the node for the HTTPS server. This must be specified when --http-tls-enabled=true
. There is no default value.
Comma separated list of chain ids to connect to. There is no default value.
The directory (Unix) or named pipe prefix (Windows) for IPC sockets. Defaults to /tmp.
Attempts to raise the process file descriptor limit to at least this value. Defaults to 32768
(string, {Off, Fatal, Error, Warn, Info, Debug, Verbo}
The log level determines which events to log. There are 7 different levels, in order from highest priority to lowest.
: No logs have this level of logging.Fatal
: Fatal errors that are not recoverable.Error
: Errors that the node encounters, these errors were able to be recovered.Warn
: A Warning that might be indicative of a spurious byzantine node, or potential future error.Info
: Useful descriptions of node status updates.Debug
: Debug logging is useful when attempting to understand possible bugs in the code. More information that would be typically desired for normal usage will be displayed.Verbo
: Tracks extensive amounts of information the node is processing. This includes message contents and binary dumps of data for extremely low level protocol analysis.
When specifying a log level note that all logs with the specified priority or higher will be tracked. Defaults to Info
(string, {Off, Fatal, Error, Warn, Info, Debug, Verbo}
The log level determines which events to display to the screen. If left blank, will default to the value provided to --log-level
(string, {auto, plain, colors}
Whether to color/highlight display logs. Default highlights when the output is a terminal. Otherwise, should be one of {auto, plain, colors}
(string, file path):
Specifies the directory in which system logs are kept. Defaults to "$HOME/.avalanchego/logs"
The identity of the network the node should connect to. Can be one of:
-> Connect to Main net (default).--network-id=fuji
-> Connect to the Fuji test-network.--network-id=testnet
-> Connect to the current test-network. (Right now, this is Fuji.)--network-id=local
-> Connect to a local test-network.--network-id=network-{id}
-> Connect to the network with the given ID.id
must be in the range[0, 2^32)
Validators must know their public facing IP addresses so they can let other nodes know how to connect to them. If this argument is not provided, the node will attempt to perform NAT traversal to get the node’s public IP. Should be set to
to create a local network. If not set, attempts to learn IP using NAT traversal.
Valid values if param is present: opendns
, ifconfigco
or ifconfigme
. This overrides --public-ip
. If set, will poll the remote service every --dynamic-update-duration
and update the node’s public IP address.
The time between poll events for --dynamic-public-ip
or NAT traversal. The recommended minimum is 1 minute. Defaults to 5m
Enables signature verification. When set to false
, signatures won’t be checked in VMs that allow signatures to be disabled. Defaults to true
The port through which the staking server will connect to the Avalanche network externally. Defaults to 9651
Avalanche uses two-way authenticated TLS connections to securely identify the stakingID
of connected peers. However, This can be disabled for testing. When TLS is disabled, the stakingID
will be derived from the IP Address the node claims it owns. This will also disable encryption of inter-node communication. This should only be specified for testing. Defaults to true
. This must be true when --staking-enabled=true
Avalanche uses Proof of Stake (PoS) as Sybil resistance to make it prohibitively expensive to attack the network. When this is true
, --p2p-tls-enabled
must be set to true
in order to secure P2P communications.
(string, file path):
Avalanche uses two-way authenticated TLS connections to securely identify the stakingID
of connected peers when --p2p-tls-enabled=true
. This argument specifies the location of the TLS certificate used by the node. This must be specified when --p2p-tls-enabled=true
. Defaults to ""
(string, file path):
Avalanche uses two-way authenticated TLS connections to securely identify the stakingID
of connected peers when --p2p-tls-enabled=true
. This argument specifies the location of the TLS private key used by the node. This must be specified when --p2p-tls-enabled=true
. Defaults to ""
Weight to provide to each peer when staking is disabled. Defaults to 1
If this is true
, print the version and quit. Defaults to false
The following options affect the correctness of the platform. They may need to be changed network-wide, and as a result, an ordinary user should not change from the defaults.
Amount of time a peer is benchlisted after surpassing --benchlist-fail-threshold
. Defaults to 1h
Number of consecutive failed queries to a node before benching it (assuming all queries to it will fail). Defaults to 10
Enables peer specific query latency metrics. Defaults to false
Minimum amount of time messages to a peer must be failing before the peer is benched. Defaults to 5m
Time between gossiping accepted frontiers. Defaults to 10s
Timeout before killing an unresponsive chain. Defaults to 5s
Transaction fee, in nAVAX, for transactions that create new state. Defaults to 1000000
nAVAX (.001 AVAX) per transaction.
The minimum stake, in nAVAX, that can be delegated to a validator of the Primary Network.
Defaults to 25000000000
(25 AVAX) on Main Net. Defaults to 5000000
(.005 AVAX) on Test Net.
The minimum delegation fee that can be charged for delegation on the Primary Network, multiplied by 10,000
. Must be in the range [0, 1000000]
. Defaults to 20000
(2%) on Main Net.
Minimum staking duration. The Default on Main Net is 336h
(two weeks.)
The minimum stake, in nAVAX, required to validate the Primary Network.
Defaults to 2000000000000
(2,000 AVAX) on Main Net. Defaults to 5000000
(.005 AVAX) on Test Net.
The maximum staking duration, in hours. Defaults to 8760h
(365 days) on Main Net.
The maximum stake, in nAVAX, that can be placed on a validator on the primary network. Defaults to 3000000000000000
(3,000,000 AVAX) on Main Net. This includes stake provided by both the validator and by delegators to the validator.
DAG implementations of Snow consensus define b
as the number of transactions a vertex should include. Increasing b
will, theoretically, increase throughput while increasing latency. The node will wait for at most 1 second to collect a batch, and will then issue the entire batch at once. The value must be at least 1
. Defaults to 30
DAG implementations of Snow consensus define p
as the number of parents a vertex should include. Increasing p
will improve the amortization of network queries. However, by increasing the connectivity of the graph, the complexity of the graph traversals is increased. The value must be at least 2
. Defaults to 5
Snow consensus requires repolling transactions that are issued during low time of network usage. This parameter lets one define how aggressive the client will be in finalizing these pending transactions. This should only be changed after careful consideration of the tradeoffs of Snow consensus. The value must be at least 1
and at most --snow-rogue-commit-threshold
. Defaults to 4
Snow consensus defines k
as the number of validators that are sampled during each network poll. This parameter lets one define the k
value used for consensus. This should only be changed after careful consideration of the tradeoffs of Snow consensus. The value must be at least 1
. Defaults to 20
Snow consensus defines alpha
as the number of validators that must prefer a transaction during each network poll to increase the confidence in the transaction. This parameter lets us define the alpha
value used for consensus. This should only be changed after careful consideration of the tradeoffs of Snow consensus. The value must be at greater than k/2
. Defaults to 14
Snow consensus defines beta1
as the number of consecutive polls that a virtuous transaction must increase its confidence for it to be accepted. This parameter lets us define the beta1
value used for consensus. This should only be changed after careful consideration of the tradeoffs of Snow consensus. The value must be at least 1
. Defaults to 15
Snow consensus defines beta2
as the number of consecutive polls that a rogue transaction must increase its confidence for it to be accepted. This parameter lets us define the beta2
value used for consensus. This should only be changed after careful consideration of the tradeoffs of Snow consensus. The value must be at least beta1
. Defaults to 30
Consumption period of the staking function, in hours. The Default on Main Net is 8760h
(365 days).
The required amount of nAVAX to be burned for a transaction to be valid. This parameter requires network agreement in its current form. Changing this value from the default should only be done on private networks. Defaults to 1000000
nAVAX per transaction.
Fraction of time a validator must be online to receive rewards. Defaults to 0.6
Maximum number of messages a non-staker is allowed to have pending. Defaults to 20
Portion of pending message buffer reserved for messages from validators. Defaults to 0.375
Portion of chain’s CPU time reserved for messages from validators. Defaults to 0.375
Initial timeout value of the adaptive timeout manager, in nanoseconds. Defaults to 5s
Minimum timeout value of the adaptive timeout manager, in nanoseconds. Defaults to 2s
Maximum timeout value of the adaptive timeout manager, in nanoseconds. Defaults to 10s
Halflife used when calculating average network latency. Larger value --> less volatile network latency calculation. Defaults to 5m
Requests to peers will time out after [network-timeout-coefficient
] * [average request latency]. Defaults to 2
Node will report unhealthy if connected to less than this many peers. Defaults to 1
Node will report unhealthy if it hasn't received a message for this amount of time. Defaults to 1m
Node will report unhealthy if it hasn't received a message for this amount of time. Defaults to 1m
Node will report unhealthy if its send queue is more than this portion full. Must be in [0,1]. Defaults to 0.9
Node will report unhealthy if more than this portion of message sends fail. Must be in [0,1]. Defaults to 0.25
Health check runs with this freqency. Defaults to 30s
Halflife of averagers used in health checks (to measure the rate of message failures, for example.) Larger value --> less volatile calculation of averages. Defaults to 10s
[Deprecated] (boolean):
An optional server helps run throughput tests by injecting load into the network on command. If enabled, this server is started up and listens for commands from a test coordinator. Defaults to false
[Deprecated] (string):
This option lets one specify on which port the throughput server, if enabled, will listen. Defaults to 9652
Comma separated list of subnets that this node would validate if added to. Defaults to empty (will only validate the Primary Network).
Some users have had an issue where their AvalancheGo node gets into an unhealthy state when their node loses internet connectivity or when their IP address changes. To help deal with this, there are command line flags that cause the node to restart if it disconnected from all peers. They are:
(boolean, defaults to false
(duration, defaults to 10s
(duration, defaults to 1m
If restart-on-disconnected
is true
, the node will check every disconnected-check-frequency
to see whether it has lost connection to all peers. If the node has lost connection to all peers for disconnected-restart-timeout
, it will restart.
If restart-on-disconnected
is false
or eitherdisconnected-check-frequency
is 0, node will not restart.
(string, file path):
Specifies the directory in which the evm
plugin is kept. Defaults to "$HOME/.avalanchego/build/plugins"
This allows you to specify a config to be passed into Coreth, the VM running the C Chain. The default values for this config are:
"snowman-api-enabled": false,
"coreth-admin-api-enabled": false,
"net-api-enabled": true,
"rpc-gas-cap": 2500000000,
"rpc-tx-fee-cap": 100,
"eth-api-enabled": true,
"personal-api-enabled": true,
"tx-pool-api-enabled": true,
"debug-api-enabled": false,
"web3-api-enabled": true
Note: if a config is specified, all default options are overridden. For example:
./build/avalanchego --config-file=config.json
"coreth-config": {
"snowman-api-enabled": false,
"coreth-admin-api-enabled": false,
"net-api-enabled": true,
"rpc-gas-cap": 2500000000,
"rpc-tx-fee-cap": 100,
"eth-api-enabled": true,
"tx-pool-api-enabled": true,
"debug-api-enabled": true,
"web3-api-enabled": true
Since the option personal-api-enabled
is excluded, it will be set to false and disable the personal_*
The options specify parameters for Coreth (the C Chain) as follows:
-> Enables Snowman API.coreth-admin-apienabled
-> Enables Admin API on Coreth plugin.net-api-enabled
-> Enablesnet_*
-> Sets the maximum gas to be consumed by an RPC Call (used ineth_estimateGas
-> Sets the global transaction fee (price * gaslimit) cap for send-transction variants. The unit is AVAX.eth-api-enabled
-> Enableseth_*
-> Enablespersonal_*
-> Enablestxpool_*
-> Enablesdebug_*
-> Enablesweb3_*