CUDA implementation of Game of Life
This was an assignment for the sobject "Ampliación de programación Avanzada" at UAH, coded by @ca0s and @Tokoro360
- CUDA toolkit > 5.5 (
- (GLUT)
$ ./gameoflife [-a/-m] rows cols [-nogui] [-drugs] Where:
- -a / -m stands for automatic / manual mode. Automatic generates a round automatically, manual waits for the user to press any key
- rows / cols determine the size of the grid
- -nogui makes the program use the console to print the grid
- -drugs will make your screen trippy
- "z" / "x" to zoom / unzoom
- arrow keys / mouse drag&drop for movement
- "p" to pause / unpause
- "a" to automatic mode on / off
- "q" to quit
- any other key to generate the next round when automatic mode is off