jupytext | kernelspec | ||||||||||||||||||
To make a RESTful call, one needs to send a json
HTTP POST request to the server, which contains at least a text
field or a tokens
field. The input to RESTful API is very flexible. It can be one of the following 3 formats:
- It can be a document of raw
filled intotext
. The server will split it into sentences. - It can be a
of sentences, each sentence is a rawstr
, filled intotext
. - It can be a
of tokenized sentences, each sentence is a list ofstr
typed tokens, filled intotokens
Additionally, fine-grained controls are performed with the arguments defined in
curl -X POST "https://hanlp.hankcs.com/api/parse" \
-H "accept: application/json" -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d "{\"text\":\"2021年HanLPv2.1为生产环境带来次世代最先进的多语种NLP技术。阿婆主来到北京立方庭参观自然语义科技公司。\",\"tokens\":null,\"tasks\":null,\"skip_tasks\":null,\"language\":null}"
We mostly follow the conventional file format of each NLP task instead of re-inventing them. Thus, we use `.tsv` for tagging and
`.conllu` for parsing etc. For more details, refer to [datasets](https://hanlp.hankcs.com/docs/api/hanlp/datasets/index.html).
The input format to models is specified per model and per task. Generally speaking, if a model has no tokenizer built in, then its input is
a sentence in list[str]
form (a list of tokens), or multiple such sentences nested in a list
If a model has a tokenizer built in, each sentence is in str
Additionally, you can use skip_tasks='tok*'
to ask the model to use your tokenized inputs instead of tokenizing
them, in which case, each of your sentence needs to be in list[str]
form, as if there was no tokenizer.
For any model, its input is of sentence level, which means you have to split a document into sentences beforehand.
You may want to try :class:`~hanlp.components.eos.ngram.NgramSentenceBoundaryDetector` for sentence splitting.
The outputs of both :class:`~hanlp_restful.HanLPClient` and
:class:`~hanlp.components.mtl.multi_task_learning.MultiTaskLearning` are unified as the same
:class:`~hanlp_common.document.Document` format.
For example, the following RESTful codes will output such an instance.
:tags: [output_scroll]
from hanlp_restful import HanLPClient
HanLP = HanLPClient('https://hanlp.hankcs.com/api', auth=None) # Fill in your auth
The outputs above is represented as a json
dictionary where each key is a task name and its value is
the output of the corresponding task.
For each output, if it's a nested list
then it contains multiple sentences otherwise it's just one single sentence.
We make the following naming convention of NLP tasks, each consists of 3 letters.
Each NLP task can exploit multiple datasets with their annotations, see our [annotations](annotations/index) for details.
key | Task | Chinese |
tok | Tokenization. Each element is a token. | 分词 |
pos | Part-of-Speech Tagging. Each element is a tag. | 词性标注 |
lem | Lemmatization. Each element is a lemma. | 词干提取 |
fea | Features of Universal Dependencies. Each element is a feature. | 词法语法特征 |
ner | Named Entity Recognition. Each element is a tuple of (entity, type, begin, end) , where end s are exclusive offsets. |
命名实体识别 |
dep | Dependency Parsing. Each element is a tuple of (head, relation) where head starts with index 0 (which is ROOT ). |
依存句法分析 |
con | Constituency Parsing. Each list is a bracketed constituent. | 短语成分分析 |
srl | Semantic Role Labeling. Similar to ner , each element is a tuple of (arg/pred, label, begin, end) , where the predicate is labeled as PRED . |
语义角色标注 |
sdp | Semantic Dependency Parsing. Similar to dep , however each token can have any number (including zero) of heads and corresponding relations. |
语义依存分析 |
amr | Abstract Meaning Representation. Each AMR graph is represented as list of logical triples. See AMR guidelines. | 抽象意义表示 |
When there are multiple models performing the same task, their keys are appended with a secondary identifier.
For example, tok/fine
and tok/corase
means a fine-grained tokenization model and a coarse-grained one respectively.