diff --git a/hypervisor.md b/hypervisor.md
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..710c154c7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/hypervisor.md
@@ -0,0 +1,129 @@
+# Hypervisor usage instructions
+The hypervisor feature is still at a highly experimental stage.
+In this document, we will use the term _host_ (or _host machine_) to address a cartesi machine instance that hosts a hypervisor, and the term _guest_ (or _guest machine_, or _virtual machine_) to address a machine running inside a hypervisor.
+## Quick start
+### Prepare the artifacts
+To test the hypervisor without building everything from scratch, you could download the rootfs and the kernel from google drive:
+- [rootfs](https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Hy9VibEf6SZU4qtqqb8n5CzHq-eN7uO7/view?usp=share_link)
+- [kernel](https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Wc9yAJLpxxg14aFDPvYcQQmrA7JPt1ZC/view?usp=share_link)
+### Build the emulator with a hypervisor support
+To build the emulator with hypervisor support you have to use the `hypervisor` [branch](https://github.com/cartesi-corp/machine-emulator/tree/feature/hypervisor) and follow the [regular build instructions](https://github.com/cartesi-corp/machine-emulator/blob/develop/README.md). After you execute `make install`, the emulator with hypervisor support will be installed in the `/opt/cartesi-hp` folder.
+### Run the virtual machine
+First of all, you have to make sure that you are using the correct emulator version. There is a special `set_lua_env_hp.sh` script for this in the repo root you may want to use. The command `source set_lua_env_hp.sh` will do the job.
+#### Booting a host
+To launch a new cartesi machine instance, use the following command:
+/opt/cartesi-hp/bin/cartesi-machine \
+    --ram-image=/path/to/downloaded/opensbi.bin \
+    --rom-image=/opt/cartesi/share/images/rom-v0.13.0.bin \
+    --ram-length=1024Mi \
+    --flash-drive=label:root,filename:/path/to/downloaded/rootfs-v0.15.0-dirty.ext2 \
+    -i -- "/bin/sh"
+This will give you a command prompt inside a host.
+#### Booting a guest
+All the hypervisor stuff you need is located inside the `/hp` folder on the host. To execute a virtual machine follow these steps:
+1. load the `kvm` kernel module: `cd /hp && insmod kvm.ko`;
+1. start the virtual machine with the provided script: `./start_machine.sh`.
+At this point, you should get a command prompt inside a virtual machine.
+### Looking around
+#### Testing network
+Inside both host and guest file systems you will find a `sender.py` and a `receiver.py` Python scripts. For the host, the scripts are located inside the `/hp` folder; for the guest look for them inside the `/opt` folder. These scripts could be used to test a network connection between the host and the guest.
+    - `receiver.py <address to listen> <port to listen>`: listens for the incoming data on the given address, and prints the data as soon as it is received;
+    - `sender.py <address to use> <port to use> <data>`: sends the `data` to the given address.
+#### Guest startup script
+The `init` process inside the guest executes an `/opt/start.sh` script. You may want to modify this script to customize the guest startup behavior.
+#### Modifying a guest file system
+At some point, you may want to persist changes in the guest file system. The corresponding `.ext2` file is located inside the host file system: `/hp/rootfs-virt.ext2`. You can mount this file and make any changes to the corresponding file system:
+$ sudo mount /path/to/downloaded/rootfs-v0.15.0-dirty.ext2 /mnt
+$ sudo mount /mnt/hp/rootfs-virt.ext2 /mnt-virt
+$ sudo umount /mnt-virt
+$ sudo umount /mnt
+## Bootstrapping from scratch
+### Build the emulator with a hypervisor support
+Please, refer to [this section](https://github.com/cartesi-corp/machine-emulator/blob/hypervisor/hypervisor.md#build-the-emulator-with-a-hypervisor-support).
+### Build a kernel
+The hypervisor extension support for the RISC-V architecture is available only in the Linux kernel v6.0.9+. So, the first step you have to do is to clone the `cartesi-corp/linux` repo and checkout the corresponding branch:
+$ git clone git@github.com:cartesi-corp/linux.git
+$ git checkout update/linux-6.0.9-ctsi-y
+To build the kernel you have to use the [correct config](https://github.com/cartesi-corp/image-kernel/blob/hypervisor-config/configs/kvm-linux-config). Do not forget to copy it to your Linux kernel repo root directory.
+You also have to use `opensbi` to boot the kernel to have the compatible SBI interface version:
+$ git clone git@github.com:cartesi-corp/opensbi.git
+$ git checkout feature/cartesi-legacy
+Now you are ready to build a kernel using the Cartesi toolchain:
+$ docker run -v /path/to/linux:/linux -v /path/to/opensbi:/opensbi -it cartesicorp/toolchain:0.14.0
+$ export ARCH=riscv; export CROSS_COMPILE=/opt/riscv/riscv64-cartesi-linux-gnu/bin/riscv64-cartesi-linux-gnu-; make Image
+$ export FW_PAYLOAD_PATH=/linux/arch/riscv/boot/Image; export PLATFORM=cartesi; make
+You should have three files as output:
+1. host kernel: `/path/to/opensbi/platform/cartesi/firmware/fw_payload.bin`;
+1. guest kernel: `/path/to/linux/arch/riscv/boot/Image`;
+1. kvm kernel module: `/path/to/linux/arch/riscv/kvm/kvm.ko`.
+### Build root file systems
+To be able to work with a hypervisor, you need root user permissions. The current root file system build does not provide this capability, so you have to use the version from the `hypervisor` [branch](https://github.com/cartesi-corp/image-rootfs/tree/hypervisor) to fix this. Other aspects are not different from the [regular build process](https://github.com/cartesi-corp/image-rootfs/blob/develop/README.md). Just keep in mind that after the host rootfs is compiled, you will have to copy the hypervisor-related files to it (KVM kernel module, lkvm tool, guest kernel, guest root file system, and any supporting scripts), so there should be enough free space.
+The same rootfs build may be used both for the host and the guest.
+### Build the LKVM tool
+To run a virtual machine [we need](https://github.com/kvm-riscv/howto/wiki/KVM-RISCV64-on-Spike#4-add-libfdt-library-to-cross_compile-sysroot-directory) lkvm tool. Here are the steps to build it (should be executed inside the toolchain container):
+$ git clone git://git.kernel.org/pub/scm/utils/dtc/dtc.git
+$ cd dtc
+$ export ARCH=riscv; export CROSS_COMPILE=/opt/riscv/riscv64-cartesi-linux-gnu/bin/riscv64-cartesi-linux-gnu-; export CC="${CROSS_COMPILE}gcc -mabi=lp64d -march=rv64gc"
+$ SYSROOT=$($CC -print-sysroot)
+$ make libfdt
+$ make NO_PYTHON=1 NO_YAML=1 DESTDIR=$SYSROOT PREFIX=/usr LIBDIR=/usr/lib64/lp64d install-lib install-includes
+$ cd ..
+$ git clone https://git.kernel.org/pub/scm/linux/kernel/git/will/kvmtool.git; cd kvmtool; make lkvm-static
+$ ${CROSS_COMPILE}strip lkvm-static
+The above commands will create `kvmtool/lkvm-static` that you need to copy to your host root file system.
diff --git a/lib/grpc-interfaces b/lib/grpc-interfaces
index 4ec6e6620..193192249 160000
--- a/lib/grpc-interfaces
+++ b/lib/grpc-interfaces
@@ -1 +1 @@
-Subproject commit 4ec6e6620abce44048b9a8493124683ef15e0731
+Subproject commit 1931922492dbdaf64a0cf17d91e7649c03edcebc
diff --git a/set_lua_env_hp.sh b/set_lua_env_hp.sh
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..f4682393d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/set_lua_env_hp.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+export LUA_CPATH="/opt/cartesi-hp/lib/?.so;/opt/cartesi-hp/lib/lua/5.3/?.so;/opt/cartesi-hp/lib/lua/5.3/cartesi-hp/?.so;/usr/lib/lua/5.3/?.so"
+export LUA_PATH="/opt/cartesi-hp/bin/?.lua;/opt/cartesi-hp/share/lua/5.3/?.lua;/usr/share/lua/5.3/?.lua"
diff --git a/src/clua-i-virtual-machine.cpp b/src/clua-i-virtual-machine.cpp
index bcbca0026..5033d1744 100644
--- a/src/clua-i-virtual-machine.cpp
+++ b/src/clua-i-virtual-machine.cpp
@@ -138,6 +138,25 @@ IMPL_MACHINE_OBJ_READ_WRITE(stval)
@@ -588,6 +607,25 @@ static const auto machine_obj_index = cartesi::clua_make_luaL_Reg_array({
     {"read_sscratch", machine_obj_index_read_sscratch},
     {"read_stval", machine_obj_index_read_stval},
     {"read_stvec", machine_obj_index_read_stvec},
+    {"read_hstatus", machine_obj_index_read_hstatus},
+    {"read_hideleg", machine_obj_index_read_hideleg},
+    {"read_hedeleg", machine_obj_index_read_hedeleg},
+    {"read_hie", machine_obj_index_read_hie},
+    {"read_hip", machine_obj_index_read_hip},
+    {"read_hvip", machine_obj_index_read_hvip},
+    {"read_hgatp", machine_obj_index_read_hgatp},
+    {"read_henvcfg", machine_obj_index_read_henvcfg},
+    {"read_htimedelta", machine_obj_index_read_htimedelta},
+    {"read_htval", machine_obj_index_read_htval},
+    {"read_vsepc", machine_obj_index_read_vsepc},
+    {"read_vsstatus", machine_obj_index_read_vsstatus},
+    {"read_vscause", machine_obj_index_read_vscause},
+    {"read_vstval", machine_obj_index_read_vstval},
+    {"read_vstvec", machine_obj_index_read_vstvec},
+    {"read_vsscratch", machine_obj_index_read_vsscratch},
+    {"read_vsatp", machine_obj_index_read_vsatp},
+    {"read_vsie", machine_obj_index_read_vsie},
+    {"read_vsip", machine_obj_index_read_vsip},
     {"read_word", machine_obj_index_read_word},
     {"read_x", machine_obj_index_read_x},
     {"read_f", machine_obj_index_read_f},
@@ -637,6 +675,25 @@ static const auto machine_obj_index = cartesi::clua_make_luaL_Reg_array({
     {"write_sscratch", machine_obj_index_write_sscratch},
     {"write_stval", machine_obj_index_write_stval},
     {"write_stvec", machine_obj_index_write_stvec},
+    {"write_hstatus", machine_obj_index_write_hstatus},
+    {"write_hideleg", machine_obj_index_write_hideleg},
+    {"write_hedeleg", machine_obj_index_write_hedeleg},
+    {"write_hie", machine_obj_index_write_hie},
+    {"write_hip", machine_obj_index_write_hip},
+    {"write_hvip", machine_obj_index_write_hvip},
+    {"write_hgatp", machine_obj_index_write_hgatp},
+    {"write_henvcfg", machine_obj_index_write_henvcfg},
+    {"write_htimedelta", machine_obj_index_write_htimedelta},
+    {"write_htval", machine_obj_index_write_htval},
+    {"write_vsepc", machine_obj_index_write_vsepc},
+    {"write_vsstatus", machine_obj_index_write_vsstatus},
+    {"write_vscause", machine_obj_index_write_vscause},
+    {"write_vstval", machine_obj_index_write_vstval},
+    {"write_vstvec", machine_obj_index_write_vstvec},
+    {"write_vsscratch", machine_obj_index_write_vsscratch},
+    {"write_vsatp", machine_obj_index_write_vsatp},
+    {"write_vsie", machine_obj_index_write_vsie},
+    {"write_vsip", machine_obj_index_write_vsip},
     {"write_x", machine_obj_index_write_x},
     {"write_f", machine_obj_index_write_f},
     {"replace_memory_range", machine_obj_index_replace_memory_range},
diff --git a/src/clua-machine-util.cpp b/src/clua-machine-util.cpp
index 76c3ff26e..4f777d471 100644
--- a/src/clua-machine-util.cpp
+++ b/src/clua-machine-util.cpp
@@ -540,6 +540,24 @@ CM_PROC_CSR clua_check_cm_proc_csr(lua_State *L, int idx) try {
         {"satp", CM_PROC_SATP},
         {"scounteren", CM_PROC_SCOUNTEREN},
         {"senvcfg", CM_PROC_SENVCFG},
+        {"hstatus", CM_PROC_HSTATUS},
+        {"hedeleg", CM_PROC_HEDELEG},
+        {"hideleg", CM_PROC_HIDELEG},
+        {"hip", CM_PROC_HIP},
+        {"hie", CM_PROC_HIE},
+        {"hvip", CM_PROC_HVIP},
+        {"hgatp", CM_PROC_HGATP},
+        {"htimedelta", CM_PROC_HTIMEDELTA},
+        {"htval", CM_PROC_HTVAL},
+        {"vsepc", CM_PROC_VSEPC},
+        {"vsstatus", CM_PROC_VSSTATUS},
+        {"vscause", CM_PROC_VSCAUSE},
+        {"vstval", CM_PROC_VSTVAL},
+        {"vstvec", CM_PROC_VSTVEC},
+        {"vsscratch", CM_PROC_VSSCRATCH},
+        {"vsatp", CM_PROC_VSATP},
+        {"vsip", CM_PROC_VSIP},
+        {"vsie", CM_PROC_VSIE},
         {"ilrsc", CM_PROC_ILRSC},
         {"iflags", CM_PROC_IFLAGS},
         {"clint_mtimecmp", CM_PROC_CLINT_MTIMECMP},
@@ -755,6 +773,24 @@ static void push_cm_processor_config(lua_State *L, const cm_processor_config *p)
@@ -1079,6 +1115,24 @@ static void check_cm_processor_config(lua_State *L, int tabidx, cm_processor_con
     p->satp = opt_uint_field(L, -1, "satp", def->satp);
     p->scounteren = opt_uint_field(L, -1, "scounteren", def->scounteren);
     p->senvcfg = opt_uint_field(L, -1, "senvcfg", def->senvcfg);
+    p->hstatus = opt_uint_field(L, -1, "hstatus", def->hstatus);
+    p->hideleg = opt_uint_field(L, -1, "hideleg", def->hideleg);
+    p->hedeleg = opt_uint_field(L, -1, "hedeleg", def->hedeleg);
+    p->hip = opt_uint_field(L, -1, "hip", def->hip);
+    p->hvip = opt_uint_field(L, -1, "hvip", def->hvip);
+    p->hie = opt_uint_field(L, -1, "hie", def->hie);
+    p->hgatp = opt_uint_field(L, -1, "hgatp", def->hgatp);
+    p->htimedelta = opt_uint_field(L, -1, "htimedelta", def->htimedelta);
+    p->htval = opt_uint_field(L, -1, "htval", def->htval);
+    p->vsepc = opt_uint_field(L, -1, "vsepc", def->vsepc);
+    p->vsstatus = opt_uint_field(L, -1, "vsstatus", def->vsstatus);
+    p->vscause = opt_uint_field(L, -1, "vscause", def->vscause);
+    p->vstval = opt_uint_field(L, -1, "vstval", def->vstval);
+    p->vstvec = opt_uint_field(L, -1, "vstvec", def->vstvec);
+    p->vsscratch = opt_uint_field(L, -1, "vsscratch", def->vsscratch);
+    p->vsatp = opt_uint_field(L, -1, "vsatp", def->vsatp);
+    p->vsie = opt_uint_field(L, -1, "vsie", def->vsie);
+    p->vsip = opt_uint_field(L, -1, "vsip", def->vsip);
     p->ilrsc = opt_uint_field(L, -1, "ilrsc", def->ilrsc);
     p->iflags = opt_uint_field(L, -1, "iflags", def->iflags);
     lua_pop(L, 1);
diff --git a/src/grpc-virtual-machine.cpp b/src/grpc-virtual-machine.cpp
index 3832e25ac..82570bfd4 100644
--- a/src/grpc-virtual-machine.cpp
+++ b/src/grpc-virtual-machine.cpp
@@ -665,6 +665,158 @@ void grpc_virtual_machine::do_write_senvcfg(uint64_t val) {
     write_csr(csr::senvcfg, val);
+uint64_t grpc_virtual_machine::do_read_hstatus(void) const {
+    return read_csr(csr::hstatus);
+void grpc_virtual_machine::do_write_hstatus(uint64_t val) {
+    write_csr(csr::hstatus, val);
+uint64_t grpc_virtual_machine::do_read_hideleg(void) const {
+    return read_csr(csr::hideleg);
+void grpc_virtual_machine::do_write_hideleg(uint64_t val) {
+    write_csr(csr::hideleg, val);
+uint64_t grpc_virtual_machine::do_read_hedeleg(void) const {
+    return read_csr(csr::hedeleg);
+void grpc_virtual_machine::do_write_hedeleg(uint64_t val) {
+    write_csr(csr::hedeleg, val);
+uint64_t grpc_virtual_machine::do_read_hip(void) const {
+    return read_csr(csr::hip);
+void grpc_virtual_machine::do_write_hip(uint64_t val) {
+    write_csr(csr::hip, val);
+uint64_t grpc_virtual_machine::do_read_hvip(void) const {
+    return read_csr(csr::hvip);
+void grpc_virtual_machine::do_write_hvip(uint64_t val) {
+    write_csr(csr::hvip, val);
+uint64_t grpc_virtual_machine::do_read_hie(void) const {
+    return read_csr(csr::hie);
+void grpc_virtual_machine::do_write_hie(uint64_t val) {
+    write_csr(csr::hie, val);
+uint64_t grpc_virtual_machine::do_read_hgatp(void) const {
+    return read_csr(csr::hgatp);
+void grpc_virtual_machine::do_write_hgatp(uint64_t val) {
+    write_csr(csr::hgatp, val);
+uint64_t grpc_virtual_machine::do_read_henvcfg(void) const {
+    return read_csr(csr::henvcfg);
+void grpc_virtual_machine::do_write_henvcfg(uint64_t val) {
+    write_csr(csr::henvcfg, val);
+uint64_t grpc_virtual_machine::do_read_htimedelta(void) const {
+    return read_csr(csr::htimedelta);
+void grpc_virtual_machine::do_write_htimedelta(uint64_t val) {
+    write_csr(csr::htimedelta, val);
+uint64_t grpc_virtual_machine::do_read_htval(void) const {
+    return read_csr(csr::htval);
+void grpc_virtual_machine::do_write_htval(uint64_t val) {
+    write_csr(csr::htval, val);
+uint64_t grpc_virtual_machine::do_read_vsepc(void) const {
+    return read_csr(csr::vsepc);
+void grpc_virtual_machine::do_write_vsepc(uint64_t val) {
+    write_csr(csr::vsepc, val);
+uint64_t grpc_virtual_machine::do_read_vsstatus(void) const {
+    return read_csr(csr::vsstatus);
+void grpc_virtual_machine::do_write_vsstatus(uint64_t val) {
+    write_csr(csr::vsstatus, val);
+uint64_t grpc_virtual_machine::do_read_vscause(void) const {
+    return read_csr(csr::vscause);
+void grpc_virtual_machine::do_write_vscause(uint64_t val) {
+    write_csr(csr::vscause, val);
+uint64_t grpc_virtual_machine::do_read_vstval(void) const {
+    return read_csr(csr::vstval);
+void grpc_virtual_machine::do_write_vstval(uint64_t val) {
+    write_csr(csr::vstval, val);
+uint64_t grpc_virtual_machine::do_read_vstvec(void) const {
+    return read_csr(csr::vstvec);
+void grpc_virtual_machine::do_write_vstvec(uint64_t val) {
+    write_csr(csr::vstvec, val);
+uint64_t grpc_virtual_machine::do_read_vsscratch(void) const {
+    return read_csr(csr::vsscratch);
+void grpc_virtual_machine::do_write_vsscratch(uint64_t val) {
+    write_csr(csr::vsscratch, val);
+uint64_t grpc_virtual_machine::do_read_vsatp(void) const {
+    return read_csr(csr::vsatp);
+void grpc_virtual_machine::do_write_vsatp(uint64_t val) {
+    write_csr(csr::vsatp, val);
+uint64_t grpc_virtual_machine::do_read_vsip(void) const {
+    return read_csr(csr::vsip);
+void grpc_virtual_machine::do_write_vsip(uint64_t val) {
+    write_csr(csr::vsip, val);
+uint64_t grpc_virtual_machine::do_read_vsie(void) const {
+    return read_csr(csr::vsie);
+void grpc_virtual_machine::do_write_vsie(uint64_t val) {
+    write_csr(csr::vsie, val);
 uint64_t grpc_virtual_machine::do_read_ilrsc(void) const {
     return read_csr(csr::ilrsc);
diff --git a/src/grpc-virtual-machine.h b/src/grpc-virtual-machine.h
index d8a53359b..33adad4d4 100644
--- a/src/grpc-virtual-machine.h
+++ b/src/grpc-virtual-machine.h
@@ -175,6 +175,44 @@ class grpc_virtual_machine : public i_virtual_machine {
     void do_write_scounteren(uint64_t val) override;
     uint64_t do_read_senvcfg(void) const override;
     void do_write_senvcfg(uint64_t val) override;
+    uint64_t do_read_hstatus(void) const override;
+    void do_write_hstatus(uint64_t val) override;
+    uint64_t do_read_hideleg(void) const override;
+    void do_write_hideleg(uint64_t val) override;
+    uint64_t do_read_hedeleg(void) const override;
+    void do_write_hedeleg(uint64_t val) override;
+    uint64_t do_read_hip(void) const override;
+    void do_write_hip(uint64_t val) override;
+    uint64_t do_read_hvip(void) const override;
+    void do_write_hvip(uint64_t val) override;
+    uint64_t do_read_hie(void) const override;
+    void do_write_hie(uint64_t val) override;
+    uint64_t do_read_hgatp(void) const override;
+    void do_write_hgatp(uint64_t val) override;
+    uint64_t do_read_henvcfg(void) const override;
+    void do_write_henvcfg(uint64_t val) override;
+    uint64_t do_read_htimedelta(void) const override;
+    void do_write_htimedelta(uint64_t val) override;
+    uint64_t do_read_htval(void) const override;
+    void do_write_htval(uint64_t val) override;
+    uint64_t do_read_vsepc(void) const override;
+    void do_write_vsepc(uint64_t val) override;
+    uint64_t do_read_vsstatus(void) const override;
+    void do_write_vsstatus(uint64_t val) override;
+    uint64_t do_read_vscause(void) const override;
+    void do_write_vscause(uint64_t val) override;
+    uint64_t do_read_vstval(void) const override;
+    void do_write_vstval(uint64_t val) override;
+    uint64_t do_read_vstvec(void) const override;
+    void do_write_vstvec(uint64_t val) override;
+    uint64_t do_read_vsscratch(void) const override;
+    void do_write_vsscratch(uint64_t val) override;
+    uint64_t do_read_vsatp(void) const override;
+    void do_write_vsatp(uint64_t val) override;
+    uint64_t do_read_vsip(void) const override;
+    void do_write_vsip(uint64_t val) override;
+    uint64_t do_read_vsie(void) const override;
+    void do_write_vsie(uint64_t val) override;
     uint64_t do_read_ilrsc(void) const override;
     void do_write_ilrsc(uint64_t val) override;
     uint64_t do_read_iflags(void) const override;
diff --git a/src/i-state-access.h b/src/i-state-access.h
index e6f5a9fa3..162b8b0a4 100644
--- a/src/i-state-access.h
+++ b/src/i-state-access.h
@@ -362,6 +362,234 @@ class i_state_access { // CRTP
         return derived().do_write_senvcfg(val);
+    /// \brief Reads CSR hstatus.
+    /// \returns Register value.
+    uint64_t read_hstatus(void) {
+        return derived().do_read_hstatus();
+    }
+    /// \brief Writes CSR hstatus.
+    /// \param val New register value.
+    void write_hstatus(uint64_t val) {
+        return derived().do_write_hstatus(val);
+    }
+    /// \brief Reads CSR hideleg.
+    /// \returns Register value.
+    uint64_t read_hideleg(void) {
+        return derived().do_read_hideleg();
+    }
+    /// \brief Writes CSR hideleg.
+    /// \param val New register value.
+    void write_hideleg(uint64_t val) {
+        return derived().do_write_hideleg(val);
+    }
+    /// \brief Reads CSR hedeleg.
+    /// \returns Register value.
+    uint64_t read_hedeleg(void) {
+        return derived().do_read_hedeleg();
+    }
+    /// \brief Writes CSR hedeleg.
+    /// \param val New register value.
+    void write_hedeleg(uint64_t val) {
+        return derived().do_write_hedeleg(val);
+    }
+    /// \brief Reads CSR hip.
+    /// \returns Register value.
+    uint64_t read_hip(void) {
+        return derived().do_read_hip();
+    }
+    /// \brief Writes CSR hip.
+    /// \param val New register value.
+    void write_hip(uint64_t val) {
+        return derived().do_write_hip(val);
+    }
+    /// \brief Reads CSR hvip.
+    /// \returns Register value.
+    uint64_t read_hvip(void) {
+        return derived().do_read_hvip();
+    }
+    /// \brief Writes CSR hvip.
+    /// \param val New register value.
+    void write_hvip(uint64_t val) {
+        return derived().do_write_hvip(val);
+    }
+    /// \brief Reads CSR hie.
+    /// \returns Register value.
+    uint64_t read_hie(void) {
+        return derived().do_read_hie();
+    }
+    /// \brief Writes CSR hie.
+    /// \param val New register value.
+    void write_hie(uint64_t val) {
+        return derived().do_write_hie(val);
+    }
+    /// \brief Reads CSR hgatp.
+    /// \returns Register value.
+    uint64_t read_hgatp(void) {
+        return derived().do_read_hgatp();
+    }
+    /// \brief Writes CSR hgatp.
+    /// \param val New register value.
+    void write_hgatp(uint64_t val) {
+        return derived().do_write_hgatp(val);
+    }
+    /// \brief Reads CSR henvcfg.
+    /// \returns Register value.
+    uint64_t read_henvcfg(void) {
+        return derived().do_read_henvcfg();
+    }
+    /// \brief Writes CSR henvcfg.
+    /// \param val New register value.
+    void write_henvcfg(uint64_t val) {
+        return derived().do_write_henvcfg(val);
+    }
+    /// \brief Reads CSR htimedelta.
+    /// \returns Register value.
+    uint64_t read_htimedelta(void) {
+        return derived().do_read_htimedelta();
+    }
+    /// \brief Writes CSR htimedelta.
+    /// \param val New register value.
+    void write_htimedelta(uint64_t val) {
+        return derived().do_write_htimedelta(val);
+    }
+    /// \brief Reads CSR htval.
+    /// \returns Register value.
+    uint64_t read_htval(void) {
+        return derived().do_read_htval();
+    }
+    /// \brief Writes CSR htval.
+    /// \param val New register value.
+    void write_htval(uint64_t val) {
+        return derived().do_write_htval(val);
+    }
+    /// \brief Reads CSR vsepc.
+    /// \returns Register value.
+    uint64_t read_vsepc(void) {
+        return derived().do_read_vsepc();
+    }
+    /// \brief Writes CSR vsepc.
+    /// \param val New register value.
+    void write_vsepc(uint64_t val) {
+        return derived().do_write_vsepc(val);
+    }
+    /// \brief Reads CSR vsstatus.
+    /// \returns Register value.
+    uint64_t read_vsstatus(void) {
+        return derived().do_read_vsstatus();
+    }
+    /// \brief Writes CSR vsstatus.
+    /// \param val New register value.
+    void write_vsstatus(uint64_t val) {
+        return derived().do_write_vsstatus(val);
+    }
+    /// \brief Reads CSR vscause.
+    /// \returns Register value.
+    uint64_t read_vscause(void) {
+        return derived().do_read_vscause();
+    }
+    /// \brief Writes CSR vscause.
+    /// \param val New register value.
+    void write_vscause(uint64_t val) {
+        return derived().do_write_vscause(val);
+    }
+    /// \brief Reads CSR vstval.
+    /// \returns Register value.
+    uint64_t read_vstval(void) {
+        return derived().do_read_vstval();
+    }
+    /// \brief Writes CSR vstval.
+    /// \param val New register value.
+    void write_vstval(uint64_t val) {
+        return derived().do_write_vstval(val);
+    }
+    /// \brief Reads CSR vstvec.
+    /// \returns Register value.
+    uint64_t read_vstvec(void) {
+        return derived().do_read_vstvec();
+    }
+    /// \brief Writes CSR vstvec.
+    /// \param val New register value.
+    void write_vstvec(uint64_t val) {
+        return derived().do_write_vstvec(val);
+    }
+    /// \brief Reads CSR vsscratch.
+    /// \returns Register value.
+    uint64_t read_vsscratch(void) {
+        return derived().do_read_vsscratch();
+    }
+    /// \brief Writes CSR vsscratch.
+    /// \param val New register value.
+    void write_vsscratch(uint64_t val) {
+        return derived().do_write_vsscratch(val);
+    }
+    /// \brief Reads CSR vsatp.
+    /// \returns Register value.
+    uint64_t read_vsatp(void) {
+        return derived().do_read_vsatp();
+    }
+    /// \brief Writes CSR vsatp.
+    /// \param val New register value.
+    void write_vsatp(uint64_t val) {
+        return derived().do_write_vsatp(val);
+    }
+    /// \brief Reads CSR vsip.
+    /// \returns Register value.
+    uint64_t read_vsip(void) {
+        return derived().do_read_vsip();
+    }
+    /// \brief Writes CSR vsip.
+    /// \param val New register value.
+    void write_vsip(uint64_t val) {
+        return derived().do_write_vsip(val);
+    }
+    /// \brief Reads CSR vsie.
+    /// \returns Register value.
+    uint64_t read_vsie(void) {
+        return derived().do_read_vsie();
+    }
+    /// \brief Writes CSR vsie.
+    /// \param val New register value.
+    void write_vsie(uint64_t val) {
+        return derived().do_write_vsie(val);
+    }
     /// \brief Reads CSR stvec.
     /// \returns Register value.
     uint64_t read_stvec(void) {
@@ -511,6 +739,25 @@ class i_state_access { // CRTP
         return derived().do_read_iflags_X();
+    /// \brief Reads the iflags_VRT flag.
+    /// \returns The flag value.
+    /// \details This is Cartesi-specific.
+    bool read_iflags_VRT(void) {
+        return derived().do_read_iflags_VRT();
+    }
+    /// \brief Resets the iflags_VRT flag.
+    /// \details This is Cartesi-specific.
+    void reset_iflags_VRT(void) {
+        return derived().do_reset_iflags_VRT();
+    }
+    /// \brief Sets the iflags_VRT flag.
+    /// \details This is Cartesi-specific.
+    void set_iflags_VRT(void) {
+        return derived().do_set_iflags_VRT();
+    }
     /// \brief Reads the current privilege mode from iflags_PRV.
     /// \details This is Cartesi-specific.
     /// \returns Current privilege mode.
diff --git a/src/i-virtual-machine.h b/src/i-virtual-machine.h
index 5cf5c18d3..0f6626c6d 100644
--- a/src/i-virtual-machine.h
+++ b/src/i-virtual-machine.h
@@ -437,6 +437,196 @@ class i_virtual_machine {
+    /// \brief Reads the hstatus register
+    uint64_t read_hstatus(void) const {
+        return do_read_hstatus();
+    }
+    /// \brief Writes the hstatus register
+    void write_hstatus(uint64_t val) {
+        do_write_hstatus(val);
+    }
+    /// \brief Reads the hedeleg register
+    uint64_t read_hedeleg(void) const {
+        return do_read_hedeleg();
+    }
+    /// \brief Writes the hedeleg register
+    void write_hedeleg(uint64_t val) {
+        do_write_hedeleg(val);
+    }
+    /// \brief Reads the hideleg register
+    uint64_t read_hideleg(void) const {
+        return do_read_hideleg();
+    }
+    /// \brief Writes the hideleg register
+    void write_hideleg(uint64_t val) {
+        do_write_hideleg(val);
+    }
+    /// \brief Reads the hip register
+    uint64_t read_hip(void) const {
+        return do_read_hip();
+    }
+    /// \brief Writes the hip register
+    void write_hip(uint64_t val) {
+        do_write_hip(val);
+    }
+    /// \brief Reads the hvip register
+    uint64_t read_hvip(void) const {
+        return do_read_hvip();
+    }
+    /// \brief Writes the hvip register
+    void write_hvip(uint64_t val) {
+        do_write_hvip(val);
+    }
+    /// \brief Reads the hie register
+    uint64_t read_hie(void) const {
+        return do_read_hie();
+    }
+    /// \brief Writes the hie register
+    void write_hie(uint64_t val) {
+        do_write_hie(val);
+    }
+    /// \brief Reads the hgatp register
+    uint64_t read_hgatp(void) const {
+        return do_read_hgatp();
+    }
+    /// \brief Writes the hgatp register
+    void write_hgatp(uint64_t val) {
+        do_write_hgatp(val);
+    }
+    /// \brief Reads the henvcfg register
+    uint64_t read_henvcfg(void) const {
+        return do_read_henvcfg();
+    }
+    /// \brief Writes the henvcfg register
+    void write_henvcfg(uint64_t val) {
+        do_write_henvcfg(val);
+    }
+    /// \brief Reads the htimedelta register
+    uint64_t read_htimedelta(void) const {
+        return do_read_htimedelta();
+    }
+    /// \brief Writes the htimedelta register
+    void write_htimedelta(uint64_t val) {
+        do_write_htimedelta(val);
+    }
+    /// \brief Reads the htval register
+    uint64_t read_htval(void) const {
+        return do_read_htval();
+    }
+    /// \brief Writes the htval register
+    void write_htval(uint64_t val) {
+        do_write_htval(val);
+    }
+    /// \brief Reads the vsepc register
+    uint64_t read_vsepc(void) const {
+        return do_read_vsepc();
+    }
+    /// \brief Writes the vsepc register
+    void write_vsepc(uint64_t val) {
+        do_write_vsepc(val);
+    }
+    /// \brief Reads the vsstatus register
+    uint64_t read_vsstatus(void) const {
+        return do_read_vsstatus();
+    }
+    /// \brief Writes the vsstatus register
+    void write_vsstatus(uint64_t val) {
+        do_write_vsstatus(val);
+    }
+    /// \brief Reads the vscause register
+    uint64_t read_vscause(void) const {
+        return do_read_vscause();
+    }
+    /// \brief Writes the vscause register
+    void write_vscause(uint64_t val) {
+        do_write_vscause(val);
+    }
+    /// \brief Reads the vstval register
+    uint64_t read_vstval(void) const {
+        return do_read_vstval();
+    }
+    /// \brief Writes the vstval register
+    void write_vstval(uint64_t val) {
+        do_write_vstval(val);
+    }
+    /// \brief Reads the vstvec register
+    uint64_t read_vstvec(void) const {
+        return do_read_vstvec();
+    }
+    /// \brief Writes the vstvec register
+    void write_vstvec(uint64_t val) {
+        do_write_vstvec(val);
+    }
+    /// \brief Reads the vsscratch register
+    uint64_t read_vsscratch(void) const {
+        return do_read_vsscratch();
+    }
+    /// \brief Writes the vsscratch register
+    void write_vsscratch(uint64_t val) {
+        do_write_vsscratch(val);
+    }
+    /// \brief Reads the vsatp register
+    uint64_t read_vsatp(void) const {
+        return do_read_vsatp();
+    }
+    /// \brief Writes the vsatp register
+    void write_vsatp(uint64_t val) {
+        do_write_vsatp(val);
+    }
+    /// \brief Reads the vsie register
+    uint64_t read_vsie(void) const {
+        return do_read_vsie();
+    }
+    /// \brief Writes the vsie register
+    void write_vsie(uint64_t val) {
+        do_write_vsie(val);
+    }
+    /// \brief Reads the vsip register
+    uint64_t read_vsip(void) const {
+        return do_read_vsip();
+    }
+    /// \brief Writes the vsip register
+    void write_vsip(uint64_t val) {
+        do_write_vsip(val);
+    }
     /// \brief Reads the ilrsc register
     uint64_t read_ilrsc(void) const {
         return do_read_ilrsc();
@@ -713,6 +903,44 @@ class i_virtual_machine {
     virtual void do_write_scounteren(uint64_t val) = 0;
     virtual uint64_t do_read_senvcfg(void) const = 0;
     virtual void do_write_senvcfg(uint64_t val) = 0;
+    virtual uint64_t do_read_hstatus(void) const = 0;
+    virtual void do_write_hstatus(uint64_t val) = 0;
+    virtual uint64_t do_read_hedeleg(void) const = 0;
+    virtual void do_write_hedeleg(uint64_t val) = 0;
+    virtual uint64_t do_read_hideleg(void) const = 0;
+    virtual void do_write_hideleg(uint64_t val) = 0;
+    virtual uint64_t do_read_hip(void) const = 0;
+    virtual void do_write_hip(uint64_t val) = 0;
+    virtual uint64_t do_read_hvip(void) const = 0;
+    virtual void do_write_hvip(uint64_t val) = 0;
+    virtual uint64_t do_read_hie(void) const = 0;
+    virtual void do_write_hie(uint64_t val) = 0;
+    virtual uint64_t do_read_hgatp(void) const = 0;
+    virtual void do_write_hgatp(uint64_t val) = 0;
+    virtual uint64_t do_read_henvcfg(void) const = 0;
+    virtual void do_write_henvcfg(uint64_t val) = 0;
+    virtual uint64_t do_read_htimedelta(void) const = 0;
+    virtual void do_write_htimedelta(uint64_t val) = 0;
+    virtual uint64_t do_read_htval(void) const = 0;
+    virtual void do_write_htval(uint64_t val) = 0;
+    virtual uint64_t do_read_vsepc(void) const = 0;
+    virtual void do_write_vsepc(uint64_t val) = 0;
+    virtual uint64_t do_read_vsstatus(void) const = 0;
+    virtual void do_write_vsstatus(uint64_t val) = 0;
+    virtual uint64_t do_read_vscause(void) const = 0;
+    virtual void do_write_vscause(uint64_t val) = 0;
+    virtual uint64_t do_read_vstval(void) const = 0;
+    virtual void do_write_vstval(uint64_t val) = 0;
+    virtual uint64_t do_read_vstvec(void) const = 0;
+    virtual void do_write_vstvec(uint64_t val) = 0;
+    virtual uint64_t do_read_vsscratch(void) const = 0;
+    virtual void do_write_vsscratch(uint64_t val) = 0;
+    virtual uint64_t do_read_vsatp(void) const = 0;
+    virtual void do_write_vsatp(uint64_t val) = 0;
+    virtual uint64_t do_read_vsie(void) const = 0;
+    virtual void do_write_vsie(uint64_t val) = 0;
+    virtual uint64_t do_read_vsip(void) const = 0;
+    virtual void do_write_vsip(uint64_t val) = 0;
     virtual uint64_t do_read_ilrsc(void) const = 0;
     virtual void do_write_ilrsc(uint64_t val) = 0;
     virtual uint64_t do_read_iflags(void) const = 0;
diff --git a/src/interpret.cpp b/src/interpret.cpp
index 048347e2a..5c723c7df 100644
--- a/src/interpret.cpp
+++ b/src/interpret.cpp
@@ -155,7 +155,7 @@ static void dump_exception_or_interrupt(uint64_t cause, STATE &s) {
                 (void) fprintf(stderr, "supervisor software interrupt");
             case 2:
-                (void) fprintf(stderr, "reserved software interrupt");
+                (void) fprintf(stderr, "virtual software interrupt");
             case 3:
                 (void) fprintf(stderr, "machine software interrupt");
@@ -167,7 +167,7 @@ static void dump_exception_or_interrupt(uint64_t cause, STATE &s) {
                 (void) fprintf(stderr, "supervisor timer interrupt");
             case 6:
-                (void) fprintf(stderr, "reserved timer interrupt");
+                (void) fprintf(stderr, "virtual timer interrupt");
             case 7:
                 (void) fprintf(stderr, "machine timer interrupt");
@@ -179,7 +179,7 @@ static void dump_exception_or_interrupt(uint64_t cause, STATE &s) {
                 (void) fprintf(stderr, "supervisor external interrupt");
             case 10:
-                (void) fprintf(stderr, "reserved external interrupt");
+                (void) fprintf(stderr, "virtual external interrupt");
             case 11:
                 (void) fprintf(stderr, "machine external interrupt");
@@ -235,6 +235,18 @@ static void dump_exception_or_interrupt(uint64_t cause, STATE &s) {
             case 15:
                 (void) fprintf(stderr, "store/amo page fault");
+            case 20:
+                (void) fprintf(stderr, "instruction guest page fault");
+                break;
+            case 21:
+                (void) fprintf(stderr, "load guest page fault");
+                break;
+            case 22:
+                (void) fprintf(stderr, "virtual instruction page fault");
+                break;
+            case 23:
+                (void) fprintf(stderr, "store/amo guest page fault");
+                break;
                 (void) fprintf(stderr, "reserved");
@@ -294,11 +306,56 @@ static inline bool csr_is_read_only(CSR_address csraddr) {
     return ((to_underlying(csraddr) & 0xc00) == 0xc00);
-/// \brief Extract privilege level from CSR address.
+/// \brief Checks if CSR access is allowed from the current mode.
+/// \param a Machine state accessor object.
 /// \param csr Address of CSR in file.
-/// \returns Privilege level.
-static inline uint32_t csr_priv(CSR_address csr) {
-    return (to_underlying(csr) >> 8) & 3;
+/// \param status cause code in case of failure.
+/// \returns true if CSR access is allowed from the current mode, false otherwise.
+template <typename STATE_ACCESS>
+static inline bool csr_is_allowed_access(STATE_ACCESS &a, CSR_address csr, MCAUSE_constants &status) {
+    const uint8_t priv = a.read_iflags_PRV();
+    const uint8_t access_priv = priv == NOM_S ? 2 : priv;
+    const uint8_t register_priv = (to_underlying(csr) >> 8) & 3;
+    if (access_priv < register_priv) {
+        // we should not access Hypervisor and Virtual registers directly from the virtual mode
+        // for Hypervisor and Virtual registers register_priv = 2
+        if (a.read_iflags_VRT() && register_priv <= (NOM_S + 1)) {
+            status = MCAUSE_VIRTUAL_INSTRUCTION;
+        } else {
+            status = MCAUSE_ILLEGAL_INSN;
+        }
+        return false;
+    }
+    return true;
+static inline uint8_t encode_access_mode(uint8_t priv, bool virt) {
+    uint8_t access_mode = priv;
+    if (virt) {
+        access_mode |= ACCESS_MODE_V_MASK;
+    }
+    return access_mode;
+/// \brief Gets currently machine memory access mode.
+/// \param a Machine state accessor object.
+/// \returns machine memory access mode.
+template <typename STATE_ACCESS, bool FETCH = false>
+static inline uint8_t get_current_memory_access_mode(STATE_ACCESS &a) {
+    uint8_t priv = a.read_iflags_PRV();
+    bool virt = a.read_iflags_VRT();
+    // When MPRV is set, data loads and stores use privilege in MPP
+    // and virtual state in MPV instead of the current privilege level
+    // (code access, virtual-machine load/store instructions, HLV, HLVX, HSV are unaffected)
+    if ((a.read_mstatus() & MSTATUS_MPRV_MASK) && !virt && !FETCH) {
+        priv = (a.read_mstatus() & MSTATUS_MPP_MASK) >> MSTATUS_MPP_SHIFT;
+        virt = (a.read_mstatus() & MSTATUS_MPV_MASK) >> MSTATUS_MPV_SHIFT;
+    }
+    return encode_access_mode(priv, virt);
 /// \brief Changes privilege level.
@@ -310,6 +367,7 @@ template <typename STATE_ACCESS>
 static NO_INLINE void set_priv(STATE_ACCESS &a, int new_prv) {
     INC_COUNTER(a.get_statistics(), priv_level[new_prv]);
     // Invalidate all TLB entries
     INC_COUNTER(a.get_statistics(), tlb_flush_all);
@@ -320,6 +378,137 @@ static NO_INLINE void set_priv(STATE_ACCESS &a, int new_prv) {
     a.write_ilrsc(-1); // invalidate reserved address
+template <typename STATE_ACCESS>
+static inline uint64_t raise_exception_M(STATE_ACCESS &a, uint64_t pc, uint64_t cause, uint64_t tval) {
+    auto priv = a.read_iflags_PRV();
+    set_priv(a, NOM_M);
+    uint64_t mstatus = a.read_mstatus();
+    const uint64_t mie = (mstatus & MSTATUS_MIE_MASK) >> MSTATUS_MIE_SHIFT;
+    mstatus = (mstatus & ~MSTATUS_MPIE_MASK) | (mie << MSTATUS_MPIE_SHIFT);
+    mstatus &= ~MSTATUS_MPV_MASK;
+    mstatus &= ~MSTATUS_GVA_MASK;
+    mstatus &= ~MSTATUS_MIE_MASK;
+    if (a.read_iflags_VRT()) {
+        mstatus |= MSTATUS_MPV_MASK;
+        // For any trap (breakpoint, address misaligned, access fault, page fault, or guest-page fault)
+        // that writes a guest virtual address to stval, GVA is set to 1.
+        switch (cause) {
+            case MCAUSE_BREAKPOINT:
+            case MCAUSE_INSN_ACCESS_FAULT:
+            case MCAUSE_LOAD_ACCESS_FAULT:
+            case MCAUSE_FETCH_PAGE_FAULT:
+            case MCAUSE_LOAD_PAGE_FAULT:
+            case MCAUSE_STORE_AMO_PAGE_FAULT:
+                mstatus |= MSTATUS_GVA_MASK;
+            default:
+                break;
+        }
+    }
+    mstatus = (mstatus & ~MSTATUS_MPP_MASK) | (priv << MSTATUS_MPP_SHIFT);
+    a.write_mstatus(mstatus);
+    a.write_mcause(cause);
+    a.write_mepc(pc);
+    a.write_mtval(tval);
+    a.reset_iflags_VRT();
+    if (cause & MCAUSE_INTERRUPT_FLAG)
+        INC_COUNTER(a.get_naked_state(), m_int);
+    else if (cause >= MCAUSE_ECALL_BASE && cause <= MCAUSE_ECALL_BASE + NOM_M) // Do not count environment calls
+        INC_COUNTER(a.get_naked_state(), m_ex);
+    return a.read_mtvec();
+template <typename STATE_ACCESS>
+static inline uint64_t raise_exception_HS(STATE_ACCESS &a, uint64_t pc, uint64_t cause, uint64_t tval, uint64_t tval2) {
+    auto priv = a.read_iflags_PRV();
+    set_priv(a, NOM_S);
+    uint64_t mstatus = a.read_mstatus();
+    uint64_t hstatus = a.read_hstatus();
+    const uint64_t sie = (mstatus & MSTATUS_SIE_MASK) >> MSTATUS_SIE_SHIFT;
+    hstatus &= ~HSTATUS_SPV_MASK;
+    hstatus &= ~HSTATUS_GVA_MASK;
+    mstatus = (mstatus & ~MSTATUS_SPIE_MASK) | (sie << MSTATUS_SPIE_SHIFT);
+    mstatus = (mstatus & ~MSTATUS_SPP_MASK) | (priv << MSTATUS_SPP_SHIFT);
+    mstatus &= ~MSTATUS_SIE_MASK;
+    // if V was 1 before the trap, field hstatus.SPVP is set the same as sstatus.SPP
+    if (a.read_iflags_VRT()) {
+        hstatus = (hstatus & ~HSTATUS_SPVP_MASK) | (priv << HSTATUS_SPVP_SHIFT);
+        hstatus |= HSTATUS_SPV_MASK;
+        // For any trap (breakpoint, address misaligned, access fault, page fault, or guest-page fault)
+        // that writes a guest virtual address to stval, GVA is set to 1.
+        switch (cause) {
+            case MCAUSE_BREAKPOINT:
+            case MCAUSE_INSN_ACCESS_FAULT:
+            case MCAUSE_LOAD_ACCESS_FAULT:
+            case MCAUSE_FETCH_PAGE_FAULT:
+            case MCAUSE_LOAD_PAGE_FAULT:
+            case MCAUSE_STORE_AMO_PAGE_FAULT:
+                hstatus |= HSTATUS_GVA_MASK;
+            default:
+                break;
+        }
+    }
+    a.write_hstatus(hstatus);
+    a.write_mstatus(mstatus);
+    a.write_scause(cause);
+    a.write_sepc(pc);
+    a.write_stval(tval);
+    a.write_htval(tval2);
+    a.reset_iflags_VRT();
+    if (cause & MCAUSE_INTERRUPT_FLAG)
+        INC_COUNTER(a.get_naked_state(), sv_int);
+    else if (cause >= MCAUSE_ECALL_BASE && cause <= MCAUSE_ECALL_BASE + NOM_M) // Do not count environment calls
+        INC_COUNTER(a.get_naked_state(), sv_ex);
+    return a.read_stvec();
+template <typename STATE_ACCESS>
+static inline uint64_t raise_exception_VS(STATE_ACCESS &a, uint64_t pc, uint64_t cause, uint64_t tval) {
+    auto priv = a.read_iflags_PRV();
+    set_priv(a, NOM_S);
+    uint64_t vsstatus = a.read_vsstatus();
+    const uint64_t sie = (vsstatus & MSTATUS_SIE_MASK) >> MSTATUS_SIE_SHIFT;
+    vsstatus = (vsstatus & ~MSTATUS_SPIE_MASK) | (sie << MSTATUS_SPIE_SHIFT);
+    vsstatus = (vsstatus & ~MSTATUS_SPP_MASK) | (priv << MSTATUS_SPP_SHIFT);
+    vsstatus &= ~MSTATUS_SIE_MASK;
+    a.write_vsstatus(vsstatus);
+    a.write_vscause(cause);
+    a.write_vsepc(pc);
+    a.write_vstval(tval);
+    if (cause & MCAUSE_INTERRUPT_FLAG)
+        INC_COUNTER(a.get_naked_state(), sv_int);
+    else if (cause >= MCAUSE_ECALL_BASE && cause <= MCAUSE_ECALL_BASE + NOM_M) // Do not count environment calls
+        INC_COUNTER(a.get_naked_state(), sv_ex);
+    return a.read_vstvec();
 /// \brief Raise an exception (or interrupt).
 /// \param a Machine state accessor object.
 /// \param pc Machine current program counter.
@@ -328,7 +517,7 @@ static NO_INLINE void set_priv(STATE_ACCESS &a, int new_prv) {
 /// \returns The new program counter, pointing to the raised exception trap handler.
 /// \details This function is outlined to minimize host CPU code cache pressure.
 template <typename STATE_ACCESS>
-static NO_INLINE uint64_t raise_exception(STATE_ACCESS &a, uint64_t pc, uint64_t cause, uint64_t tval) {
+static NO_INLINE uint64_t raise_exception(STATE_ACCESS &a, uint64_t pc, uint64_t cause, uint64_t tval, uint64_t tval2) {
 #if defined(DUMP_EXCEPTIONS) || defined(DUMP_MMU_EXCEPTIONS) || defined(DUMP_INTERRUPTS) ||                            \
@@ -365,68 +554,76 @@ static NO_INLINE uint64_t raise_exception(STATE_ACCESS &a, uint64_t pc, uint64_t
-    // Check if exception should be delegated to supervisor privilege
-    // For each interrupt or exception number, there is a bit at mideleg
-    // or medeleg saying if it should be delegated
-    bool deleg = false;
-    auto priv = a.read_iflags_PRV();
-    if (priv <= PRV_S) {
-        if (cause & MCAUSE_INTERRUPT_FLAG) {
-            // Clear the MCAUSE_INTERRUPT_FLAG bit before shifting
-            deleg = (a.read_mideleg() >> (cause & (XLEN - 1))) & 1;
-        } else {
-            deleg = (a.read_medeleg() >> cause) & 1;
-        }
-    }
     // Every raised exception increases the exception counter, so we can compute minstret later
     a.write_icycleinstret(a.read_icycleinstret() + 1);
-    uint64_t new_pc = 0;
-    if (deleg) {
-        a.write_scause(cause);
-        a.write_sepc(pc);
-        a.write_stval(tval);
-        uint64_t mstatus = a.read_mstatus();
-        mstatus = (mstatus & ~MSTATUS_SPIE_MASK) | (((mstatus >> MSTATUS_SIE_SHIFT) & 1) << MSTATUS_SPIE_SHIFT);
-        mstatus = (mstatus & ~MSTATUS_SPP_MASK) | (priv << MSTATUS_SPP_SHIFT);
-        mstatus &= ~MSTATUS_SIE_MASK;
-        a.write_mstatus(mstatus);
-        if (priv != PRV_S) {
-            set_priv(a, PRV_S);
+    // check if the exception should be delegated
+    const uint8_t priv = a.read_iflags_PRV();
+    const bool virt = a.read_iflags_VRT();
+    uint64_t vsdeleg = 0;
+    uint64_t hsdeleg = 0;
+    const bool interrupt = cause & MCAUSE_INTERRUPT_FLAG;
+    if (interrupt) {
+        if (virt && (priv == NOM_S || priv == NOM_U)) {
+            vsdeleg = a.read_hideleg();
-        new_pc = a.read_stvec();
-        if (cause & MCAUSE_INTERRUPT_FLAG) {
-            INC_COUNTER(a.get_statistics(), sv_int);
-        } else if (cause >= MCAUSE_ECALL_BASE && cause <= MCAUSE_ECALL_BASE + PRV_M) { // Do not count environment calls
-            INC_COUNTER(a.get_statistics(), sv_ex);
+        if (priv != NOM_M) {
+            hsdeleg = a.read_mideleg();
     } else {
-        a.write_mcause(cause);
-        a.write_mepc(pc);
-        a.write_mtval(tval);
-        uint64_t mstatus = a.read_mstatus();
-        mstatus = (mstatus & ~MSTATUS_MPIE_MASK) | (((mstatus >> MSTATUS_MIE_SHIFT) & 1) << MSTATUS_MPIE_SHIFT);
-        mstatus = (mstatus & ~MSTATUS_MPP_MASK) | (priv << MSTATUS_MPP_SHIFT);
-        mstatus &= ~MSTATUS_MIE_MASK;
-        a.write_mstatus(mstatus);
-        if (priv != PRV_M) {
-            set_priv(a, PRV_M);
+        if (virt && (priv == NOM_S || priv == NOM_U)) {
+            vsdeleg = a.read_medeleg() & a.read_hedeleg();
-        new_pc = a.read_mtvec();
-        if (cause & MCAUSE_INTERRUPT_FLAG) {
-            INC_COUNTER(a.get_statistics(), m_int);
-        } else if (cause >= MCAUSE_ECALL_BASE && cause <= MCAUSE_ECALL_BASE + PRV_M) { // Do not count environment calls
-            INC_COUNTER(a.get_statistics(), m_ex);
+        if (priv != NOM_M) {
+            hsdeleg = a.read_medeleg();
+    }
+    // delegate exception to the corresponding mode
+    uint64_t new_pc = 0;
+    if (priv <= NOM_S && ((vsdeleg >> cause) & 1)) {
+        if (interrupt) {
+            --cause;
+        }
+        new_pc = raise_exception_VS(a, pc, cause, tval);
+    } else if (priv <= NOM_S && ((hsdeleg >> cause) & 1)) {
+        new_pc = raise_exception_HS(a, pc, cause, tval, tval2);
+    } else {
+        new_pc = raise_exception_M(a, pc, cause, tval);
     return new_pc;
+template <typename STATE_ACCESS>
+static inline uint32_t get_enabled_irq_mask_M(STATE_ACCESS &a, uint64_t mie, uint8_t priv) {
+    const uint32_t deleg = ~a.read_mideleg();
+    if (priv < NOM_M || (priv == NOM_M && mie)) { // enabled M
+        return deleg;
+    } else {
+        return 0;
+    }
+template <typename STATE_ACCESS>
+static inline uint32_t get_enabled_irq_mask_HS(STATE_ACCESS &a, uint64_t sie, uint8_t priv) {
+    const uint32_t deleg = a.read_mideleg() & ~a.read_hideleg();
+    if (a.read_iflags_VRT() || priv < NOM_S || (priv == NOM_S && sie)) { // enabled S
+        return deleg;
+    } else {
+        return 0;
+    }
+template <typename STATE_ACCESS>
+static inline uint32_t get_enabled_irq_mask_VS(STATE_ACCESS &a, uint64_t sie, uint8_t priv) {
+    const uint32_t deleg = a.read_hideleg();
+    if (priv < NOM_S || (priv == NOM_S && sie)) { // enabled VS
+        return deleg;
+    } else {
+        return 0;
+    }
 /// \brief Obtains a mask of pending and enabled interrupts.
 /// \param a Machine state accessor object.
 /// \returns The mask.
@@ -435,43 +632,26 @@ static inline uint32_t get_pending_irq_mask(STATE_ACCESS &a) {
     const uint64_t mip = a.read_mip();
     const uint64_t mie = a.read_mie();
-    // interrupt trap condition 2: bit i is set in both mip and mie
     const uint32_t pending_ints = mip & mie;
     if (pending_ints == 0) {
         return 0;
-    uint32_t enabled_ints = 0;
     auto priv = a.read_iflags_PRV();
-    switch (priv) {
-        // interrupt trap condition 1a: the current privilege mode is M
-        case PRV_M: {
-            const uint64_t mstatus = a.read_mstatus();
-            // interrupt trap condition 1a: ... and the MIE bit in the mstatus
-            // register is set
-            if (mstatus & MSTATUS_MIE_MASK) {
-                // interrupt trap condition 3: bit i is not set in mideleg
-                enabled_ints = ~a.read_mideleg();
-            }
-            break;
-        }
-        // interrupt trap condition 1b: the current privilege mode has less
-        // privilege than M-mode
-        case PRV_S: {
-            const uint64_t mstatus = a.read_mstatus();
-            // Interrupts not set in mideleg are machine-mode
-            // and cannot be masked by supervisor mode
-            if (mstatus & MSTATUS_SIE_MASK) {
-                enabled_ints = -1;
-            } else {
-                // interrupt trap condition 3: bit i is not set in mideleg
-                enabled_ints = ~a.read_mideleg();
-            }
-            break;
+    auto mstatus = a.read_mstatus();
+    const uint64_t status_mie = (mstatus & MSTATUS_MIE_MASK) >> MSTATUS_MIE_SHIFT;
+    uint64_t status_sie = (mstatus & MSTATUS_SIE_MASK) >> MSTATUS_SIE_SHIFT;
+    if (a.read_iflags_VRT()) {
+        status_sie = (a.read_vsstatus() & MSTATUS_SIE_MASK) >> MSTATUS_SIE_SHIFT;
+    }
+    uint32_t enabled_ints = get_enabled_irq_mask_M(a, status_mie, priv);
+    if ((enabled_ints & pending_ints) == 0) {
+        enabled_ints = get_enabled_irq_mask_HS(a, status_sie, priv);
+        if (a.read_iflags_VRT() && ((enabled_ints & pending_ints) == 0)) {
+            enabled_ints = get_enabled_irq_mask_VS(a, status_sie, priv);
-        default:
-            enabled_ints = -1;
-            break;
     return pending_ints & enabled_ints;
@@ -493,8 +673,9 @@ static inline uint32_t get_highest_priority_irq_num(uint32_t v) {
     // Multiple simultaneous interrupts destined for HS-mode are handled in the following decreasing
     // priority order: SEI, SSI, STI, SGEI, VSEI, VSSI, VSTI.
     const std::array interrupts_priority{
-        MIP_MEIP_MASK, MIP_MSIP_MASK, MIP_MTIP_MASK, // Machine interrupts has higher priority
-        MIP_SEIP_MASK, MIP_SSIP_MASK, MIP_STIP_MASK  // Supervisor interrupts
+        MIP_MEIP_MASK, MIP_MSIP_MASK, MIP_MTIP_MASK,    // Machine interrupts has higher priority
+        MIP_SEIP_MASK, MIP_SSIP_MASK, MIP_STIP_MASK,    // Supervisor interrupts
+        MIP_VSEIP_MASK, MIP_VSSIP_MASK, MIP_VSTIP_MASK, // Virtual interrupts
     for (const uint32_t mask : interrupts_priority) {
         if (v & mask) {
@@ -515,7 +696,7 @@ static inline uint64_t raise_interrupt_if_any(STATE_ACCESS &a, uint64_t pc) {
     const uint32_t mask = get_pending_irq_mask(a);
     if (unlikely(mask != 0)) {
         const uint64_t irq_num = get_highest_priority_irq_num(mask);
-        return raise_exception(a, pc, irq_num | MCAUSE_INTERRUPT_FLAG, 0);
+        return raise_exception(a, pc, irq_num | MCAUSE_INTERRUPT_FLAG, 0, 0);
     return pc;
@@ -813,19 +994,32 @@ static FORCE_INLINE int32_t insn_get_C_SWSP_imm(uint32_t insn) {
 /// instead of always storing it in register (this is an optimization).
 template <typename T, typename STATE_ACCESS, bool RAISE_STORE_EXCEPTIONS = false>
 static NO_INLINE std::pair<bool, uint64_t> read_virtual_memory_slow(STATE_ACCESS &a, uint64_t pc, uint64_t mcycle,
-    uint64_t vaddr, T *pval) {
+    uint64_t vaddr, uint8_t access_mode, uint8_t xwr_shift, T *pval) {
     using U = std::make_unsigned_t<T>;
     // No support for misaligned accesses: They are handled by a trap in BBL
     if (unlikely(vaddr & (sizeof(T) - 1))) {
-        pc = raise_exception(a, pc,
+        MCAUSE_constants c = MCAUSE_LOAD_ADDRESS_MISALIGNED; // NOLINT(misc-const-correctness)
+        if constexpr (RAISE_STORE_EXCEPTIONS) {
+        }
+        pc = raise_exception(a, pc, c, vaddr, 0);
         return {false, pc};
     // Deal with aligned accesses
     uint64_t paddr{};
-    if (unlikely(!translate_virtual_address(a, &paddr, vaddr, PTE_XWR_R_SHIFT))) {
-            vaddr);
+    uint8_t cause = // NOLINT(misc-const-correctness)
+        translate_virtual_address<STATE_ACCESS, ACCESS_TYPE_LOAD>(a, &paddr, vaddr, access_mode, xwr_shift);
+    if (unlikely(cause)) {
+        if constexpr (RAISE_STORE_EXCEPTIONS) {
+            if (cause == MCAUSE_LOAD_PAGE_FAULT) {
+                cause = MCAUSE_STORE_AMO_PAGE_FAULT;
+            } else {
+                cause = MCAUSE_STORE_AMO_GUEST_PAGE_FAULT;
+            }
+        }
+        // When a guest-page-fault trap is taken into HS-mode, htval is written with the guest
+        // physical address that faulted, shifted right by 2 bits.
+        pc = raise_exception(a, pc, cause, vaddr, paddr >> 2);
         return {false, pc};
     auto &pma = a.template find_pma_entry<T>(paddr);
@@ -846,8 +1040,11 @@ static NO_INLINE std::pair<bool, uint64_t> read_virtual_memory_slow(STATE_ACCESS
-        vaddr);
+    MCAUSE_constants c = MCAUSE_LOAD_ACCESS_FAULT; // NOLINT(misc-const-correctness)
+    if constexpr (RAISE_STORE_EXCEPTIONS) {
+    }
+    pc = raise_exception(a, pc, c, vaddr, 0);
     return {false, pc};
@@ -863,10 +1060,11 @@ template <typename T, typename STATE_ACCESS, bool RAISE_STORE_EXCEPTIONS = false
 static FORCE_INLINE bool read_virtual_memory(STATE_ACCESS &a, uint64_t &pc, uint64_t mcycle, uint64_t vaddr, T *pval) {
     // Try hitting the TLB
     if (unlikely(!(a.template read_memory_word_via_tlb<TLB_READ>(vaddr, pval)))) {
+        auto access_mode = get_current_memory_access_mode(a);
         // Outline the slow path into a function call to minimize host CPU code cache pressure
         INC_COUNTER(a.get_statistics(), tlb_rmiss);
-        auto [status, new_pc] =
-            read_virtual_memory_slow<T, STATE_ACCESS, RAISE_STORE_EXCEPTIONS>(a, pc, mcycle, vaddr, pval);
+        auto [status, new_pc] = read_virtual_memory_slow<T, STATE_ACCESS, RAISE_STORE_EXCEPTIONS>(a, pc, mcycle, vaddr,
+            access_mode, PTE_XWR_R_SHIFT, pval);
         pc = new_pc;
         return status;
@@ -890,17 +1088,21 @@ static FORCE_INLINE bool read_virtual_memory(STATE_ACCESS &a, uint64_t &pc, uint
 /// instead of always storing it in register (this is an optimization).
 template <typename T, typename STATE_ACCESS>
 static NO_INLINE std::pair<execute_status, uint64_t> write_virtual_memory_slow(STATE_ACCESS &a, uint64_t pc,
-    uint64_t mcycle, uint64_t vaddr, uint64_t val64) {
+    uint64_t mcycle, uint64_t vaddr, uint8_t access_mode, uint64_t val64) {
     using U = std::make_unsigned_t<T>;
     // No support for misaligned accesses: They are handled by a trap in BBL
     if (unlikely(vaddr & (sizeof(T) - 1))) {
-        pc = raise_exception(a, pc, MCAUSE_STORE_AMO_ADDRESS_MISALIGNED, vaddr);
+        pc = raise_exception(a, pc, MCAUSE_STORE_AMO_ADDRESS_MISALIGNED, vaddr, 0);
         return {execute_status::failure, pc};
     // Deal with aligned accesses
     uint64_t paddr{};
-    if (unlikely(!translate_virtual_address(a, &paddr, vaddr, PTE_XWR_W_SHIFT))) {
-        pc = raise_exception(a, pc, MCAUSE_STORE_AMO_PAGE_FAULT, vaddr);
+    const uint8_t cause =
+        translate_virtual_address<STATE_ACCESS, ACCESS_TYPE_STORE>(a, &paddr, vaddr, access_mode, PTE_XWR_W_SHIFT);
+    if (unlikely(cause)) {
+        // When a guest-page-fault trap is taken into HS-mode, htval is written with the guest
+        // physical address that faulted, shifted right by 2 bits.
+        pc = raise_exception(a, pc, cause, vaddr, paddr >> 2);
         return {execute_status::failure, pc};
     auto &pma = a.template find_pma_entry<T>(paddr);
@@ -919,7 +1121,7 @@ static NO_INLINE std::pair<execute_status, uint64_t> write_virtual_memory_slow(S
-    pc = raise_exception(a, pc, MCAUSE_STORE_AMO_ACCESS_FAULT, vaddr);
+    pc = raise_exception(a, pc, MCAUSE_STORE_AMO_ACCESS_FAULT, vaddr, 0);
     return {execute_status::failure, pc};
@@ -937,8 +1139,9 @@ static FORCE_INLINE execute_status write_virtual_memory(STATE_ACCESS &a, uint64_
     // Try hitting the TLB
     if (unlikely((!a.template write_memory_word_via_tlb<TLB_WRITE>(vaddr, static_cast<T>(val64))))) {
         INC_COUNTER(a.get_statistics(), tlb_wmiss);
+        auto access_mode = get_current_memory_access_mode(a);
         // Outline the slow path into a function call to minimize host CPU code cache pressure
-        auto [status, new_pc] = write_virtual_memory_slow<T>(a, pc, mcycle, vaddr, val64);
+        auto [status, new_pc] = write_virtual_memory_slow<T>(a, pc, mcycle, vaddr, access_mode, val64);
         pc = new_pc;
         return status;
@@ -956,11 +1159,12 @@ static void dump_insn(STATE_ACCESS &a, uint64_t pc, uint32_t insn, const char *n
 #ifdef DUMP_INSN
     uint64_t ppc = 0;
+    auto access_mode = get_current_memory_access_mode(a);
     // If we are running in the microinterpreter, we may or may not be collecting a step access log.
     // To prevent additional address translation end up in the log,
     // the following check will always be false when MICROARCHITECTURE is defined.
     if (std::is_same<STATE_ACCESS, state_access>::value &&
-        !translate_virtual_address<STATE_ACCESS, false>(a, &ppc, pc, PTE_XWR_X_SHIFT)) {
+        translate_virtual_address<STATE_ACCESS, ACCESS_TYPE_LOAD, false>(a, &ppc, pc, access_mode, PTE_XWR_X_SHIFT)) {
         ppc = pc;
         fprintf(stderr, "v    %08" PRIx64, ppc);
     } else {
@@ -986,7 +1190,13 @@ static void dump_insn(STATE_ACCESS &a, uint64_t pc, uint32_t insn, const char *n
 /// illegal.
 template <typename STATE_ACCESS>
 static FORCE_INLINE execute_status raise_illegal_insn_exception(STATE_ACCESS &a, uint64_t &pc, uint32_t insn) {
-    pc = raise_exception(a, pc, MCAUSE_ILLEGAL_INSN, insn);
+    pc = raise_exception(a, pc, MCAUSE_ILLEGAL_INSN, insn, 0);
+    return execute_status::failure;
+template <typename STATE_ACCESS>
+static FORCE_INLINE execute_status raise_virtual_insn_exception(STATE_ACCESS &a, uint64_t &pc, uint32_t insn) {
+    pc = raise_exception(a, pc, MCAUSE_VIRTUAL_INSTRUCTION, insn, 0);
     return execute_status::failure;
@@ -998,7 +1208,7 @@ static FORCE_INLINE execute_status raise_illegal_insn_exception(STATE_ACCESS &a,
 /// \details This function is tail-called whenever the caller identified that the next value of pc is misaligned.
 template <typename STATE_ACCESS>
 static FORCE_INLINE execute_status raise_misaligned_fetch_exception(STATE_ACCESS &a, uint64_t &pc, uint64_t new_pc) {
-    pc = raise_exception(a, pc, MCAUSE_INSN_ADDRESS_MISALIGNED, new_pc);
+    pc = raise_exception(a, pc, MCAUSE_INSN_ADDRESS_MISALIGNED, new_pc, 0);
     return execute_status::failure;
@@ -1503,9 +1713,9 @@ template <typename STATE_ACCESS>
 static inline bool rdcounteren(STATE_ACCESS &a, uint64_t mask) {
     uint64_t counteren = MCOUNTEREN_R_MASK;
     auto priv = a.read_iflags_PRV();
-    if (priv <= PRV_S) {
+    if (priv <= NOM_S) {
         counteren &= a.read_mcounteren();
-        if (priv < PRV_S) {
+        if (priv < NOM_S) {
             counteren &= a.read_scounteren();
@@ -1536,13 +1746,124 @@ static inline uint64_t read_csr_time(STATE_ACCESS &a, uint64_t mcycle, bool *sta
     if (unlikely(!rdcounteren(a, MCOUNTEREN_TM_MASK))) {
         return read_csr_fail(status);
-    const uint64_t mtime = rtc_cycle_to_time(mcycle);
+    uint64_t mtime = rtc_cycle_to_time(mcycle);
+    if (a.read_iflags_VRT()) {
+        mtime += a.read_htimedelta();
+    }
     return read_csr_success(mtime, status);
+template <typename STATE_ACCESS>
+static inline uint64_t read_csr_hstatus(STATE_ACCESS &a, bool *status) {
+    return read_csr_success(a.read_hstatus() & HSTATUS_R_MASK, status);
+template <typename STATE_ACCESS>
+static inline uint64_t read_csr_hedeleg(STATE_ACCESS &a, bool *status) {
+    return read_csr_success(a.read_hedeleg(), status);
+template <typename STATE_ACCESS>
+static inline uint64_t read_csr_hideleg(STATE_ACCESS &a, bool *status) {
+    return read_csr_success(a.read_hideleg(), status);
+template <typename STATE_ACCESS>
+static inline uint64_t read_csr_hie(STATE_ACCESS &a, bool *status) {
+    return read_csr_success(a.read_hie(), status);
+template <typename STATE_ACCESS>
+static inline uint64_t read_csr_hip(STATE_ACCESS &a, bool *status) {
+    return read_csr_success(a.read_hip(), status);
+template <typename STATE_ACCESS>
+static inline uint64_t read_csr_hvip(STATE_ACCESS &a, bool *status) {
+    return read_csr_success(a.read_hvip(), status);
+template <typename STATE_ACCESS>
+static inline uint64_t read_csr_henvcfg(STATE_ACCESS &a, bool *status) {
+    return read_csr_success(a.read_henvcfg() & MENVCFG_R_MASK, status);
+template <typename STATE_ACCESS>
+static inline uint64_t read_csr_hgatp(STATE_ACCESS &a, bool *status) {
+    const uint64_t mstatus = a.read_mstatus();
+    const uint8_t priv = a.read_iflags_PRV();
+    // When mstatus.TVM=1, attempts to read or write hgatp while executing in HS-mode will
+    // raise an illegal instruction exception.
+    if (unlikely(priv == NOM_S && (mstatus & MSTATUS_TVM_MASK))) {
+        return execute_status::failure;
+    }
+    return read_csr_success(a.read_hgatp(), status);
+template <typename STATE_ACCESS>
+static inline uint64_t read_csr_htimedelta(STATE_ACCESS &a, bool *status) {
+    return read_csr_success(a.read_htimedelta(), status);
+template <typename STATE_ACCESS>
+static inline uint64_t read_csr_htval(STATE_ACCESS &a, bool *status) {
+    return read_csr_success(a.read_htval(), status);
+template <typename STATE_ACCESS>
+static inline uint64_t read_csr_vsstatus(STATE_ACCESS &a, bool *status) {
+    return read_csr_success(a.read_vsstatus(), status);
+template <typename STATE_ACCESS>
+static inline uint64_t read_csr_vsie(STATE_ACCESS &a, bool *status) {
+    return read_csr_success(a.read_vsie(), status);
+template <typename STATE_ACCESS>
+static inline uint64_t read_csr_vstvec(STATE_ACCESS &a, bool *status) {
+    return read_csr_success(a.read_vstvec(), status);
+template <typename STATE_ACCESS>
+static inline uint64_t read_csr_vsscratch(STATE_ACCESS &a, bool *status) {
+    return read_csr_success(a.read_vsscratch(), status);
+template <typename STATE_ACCESS>
+static inline uint64_t read_csr_vsepc(STATE_ACCESS &a, bool *status) {
+    return read_csr_success(a.read_vsepc(), status);
+template <typename STATE_ACCESS>
+static inline uint64_t read_csr_vscause(STATE_ACCESS &a, bool *status) {
+    return read_csr_success(a.read_vscause(), status);
+template <typename STATE_ACCESS>
+static inline uint64_t read_csr_vstval(STATE_ACCESS &a, bool *status) {
+    return read_csr_success(a.read_vstval(), status);
+template <typename STATE_ACCESS>
+static inline uint64_t read_csr_vsip(STATE_ACCESS &a, bool *status) {
+    return read_csr_success(a.read_vsip(), status);
+template <typename STATE_ACCESS>
+static inline uint64_t read_csr_vsatp(STATE_ACCESS &a, bool *status) {
+    return read_csr_success(a.read_vsatp(), status);
 template <typename STATE_ACCESS>
 static inline uint64_t read_csr_sstatus(STATE_ACCESS &a, bool *status) {
-    return read_csr_success(a.read_mstatus() & SSTATUS_R_MASK, status);
+    if (a.read_iflags_VRT()) {
+        return read_csr_success(a.read_vsstatus() & VSSTATUS_R_MASK, status);
+    } else {
+        return read_csr_success(a.read_mstatus() & SSTATUS_R_MASK, status);
+    }
 template <typename STATE_ACCESS>
@@ -1552,14 +1873,23 @@ static inline uint64_t read_csr_senvcfg(STATE_ACCESS &a, bool *status) {
 template <typename STATE_ACCESS>
 static inline uint64_t read_csr_sie(STATE_ACCESS &a, bool *status) {
-    const uint64_t mie = a.read_mie();
-    const uint64_t mideleg = a.read_mideleg();
-    return read_csr_success(mie & mideleg, status);
+    if (a.read_iflags_VRT()) {
+        const uint64_t sie = a.read_vsie();
+        return read_csr_success(sie, status);
+    } else {
+        const uint64_t mie = a.read_mie() & (MIP_SSIP_MASK | MIP_SEIP_MASK | MIP_STIP_MASK);
+        const uint64_t mideleg = a.read_mideleg();
+        return read_csr_success(mie & mideleg, status);
+    }
 template <typename STATE_ACCESS>
 static inline uint64_t read_csr_stvec(STATE_ACCESS &a, bool *status) {
-    return read_csr_success(a.read_stvec(), status);
+    if (a.read_iflags_VRT()) {
+        return read_csr_success(a.read_vstvec(), status);
+    } else {
+        return read_csr_success(a.read_stvec(), status);
+    }
 template <typename STATE_ACCESS>
@@ -1569,42 +1899,75 @@ static inline uint64_t read_csr_scounteren(STATE_ACCESS &a, bool *status) {
 template <typename STATE_ACCESS>
 static inline uint64_t read_csr_sscratch(STATE_ACCESS &a, bool *status) {
-    return read_csr_success(a.read_sscratch(), status);
+    if (a.read_iflags_VRT()) {
+        return read_csr_success(a.read_vsscratch(), status);
+    } else {
+        return read_csr_success(a.read_sscratch(), status);
+    }
 template <typename STATE_ACCESS>
 static inline uint64_t read_csr_sepc(STATE_ACCESS &a, bool *status) {
-    return read_csr_success(a.read_sepc(), status);
+    if (a.read_iflags_VRT()) {
+        return read_csr_success(a.read_vsepc(), status);
+    } else {
+        return read_csr_success(a.read_sepc(), status);
+    }
 template <typename STATE_ACCESS>
 static inline uint64_t read_csr_scause(STATE_ACCESS &a, bool *status) {
-    return read_csr_success(a.read_scause(), status);
+    if (a.read_iflags_VRT()) {
+        return read_csr_success(a.read_vscause(), status);
+    } else {
+        return read_csr_success(a.read_scause(), status);
+    }
 template <typename STATE_ACCESS>
 static inline uint64_t read_csr_stval(STATE_ACCESS &a, bool *status) {
-    return read_csr_success(a.read_stval(), status);
+    if (a.read_iflags_VRT()) {
+        return read_csr_success(a.read_vstval(), status);
+    } else {
+        return read_csr_success(a.read_stval(), status);
+    }
 template <typename STATE_ACCESS>
 static inline uint64_t read_csr_sip(STATE_ACCESS &a, bool *status) {
-    // Ensure values are are loaded in order: do not nest with operator
-    const uint64_t mip = a.read_mip();
-    const uint64_t mideleg = a.read_mideleg();
-    return read_csr_success(mip & mideleg, status);
+    //  Ensure values are are loaded in order: do not nest with operator
+    if (a.read_iflags_VRT()) {
+        const uint64_t sip = a.read_vsip();
+        return read_csr_success(sip, status);
+    } else {
+        const uint64_t mip = a.read_mip() & (MIP_SSIP_MASK | MIP_SEIP_MASK | MIP_STIP_MASK);
+        const uint64_t mideleg = a.read_mideleg();
+        return read_csr_success(mip & mideleg, status);
+    }
 template <typename STATE_ACCESS>
 static inline uint64_t read_csr_satp(STATE_ACCESS &a, bool *status) {
-    const uint64_t mstatus = a.read_mstatus();
     auto priv = a.read_iflags_PRV();
-    // When TVM=1, attempts to read or write the satp CSR
-    // while executing in S-mode will raise an illegal instruction exception
-    if (unlikely(priv == PRV_S && (mstatus & MSTATUS_TVM_MASK))) {
-        return read_csr_fail(status);
+    if (a.read_iflags_VRT()) {
+        const uint64_t hstatus = a.read_hstatus();
+        // When VTVM=1, an attempt in VS-mode to access CSR satp raises a virtual instruction
+        // exception
+        if (unlikely(priv == NOM_S && (hstatus & HSTATUS_VTVM_MASK))) {
+            return read_csr_fail(status);
+        }
+        const uint64_t atp = a.read_vsatp();
+        return read_csr_success(atp, status);
+    } else {
+        const uint64_t mstatus = a.read_mstatus();
+        // When TVM=1, attempts to read or write the satp CSR
+        // while executing in S-mode will raise an illegal instruction exception
+        if (unlikely(priv == NOM_S && (mstatus & MSTATUS_TVM_MASK))) {
+            return read_csr_fail(status);
+        }
+        const uint64_t atp = a.read_satp();
+        return read_csr_success(atp, status);
-    return read_csr_success(a.read_satp(), status);
 template <typename STATE_ACCESS>
@@ -1704,6 +2067,12 @@ static inline uint64_t read_csr_fflags(STATE_ACCESS &a, bool *status) {
     if (unlikely((a.read_mstatus() & MSTATUS_FS_MASK) == MSTATUS_FS_OFF)) {
         return read_csr_fail(status);
+    if (a.read_iflags_VRT()) {
+        const uint64_t vsstatus = a.read_vsstatus();
+        if (unlikely((vsstatus & MSTATUS_FS_MASK) == MSTATUS_FS_OFF)) {
+            return read_csr_fail(status);
+        }
+    }
     const uint64_t fflags = (a.read_fcsr() & FCSR_FFLAGS_RW_MASK) >> FCSR_FFLAGS_SHIFT;
     return read_csr_success(fflags, status);
@@ -1714,6 +2083,12 @@ static inline uint64_t read_csr_frm(STATE_ACCESS &a, bool *status) {
     if (unlikely((a.read_mstatus() & MSTATUS_FS_MASK) == MSTATUS_FS_OFF)) {
         return read_csr_fail(status);
+    if (a.read_iflags_VRT()) {
+        const uint64_t vsstatus = a.read_vsstatus();
+        if (unlikely((vsstatus & MSTATUS_FS_MASK) == MSTATUS_FS_OFF)) {
+            return read_csr_fail(status);
+        }
+    }
     const uint64_t frm = (a.read_fcsr() & FCSR_FRM_RW_MASK) >> FCSR_FRM_SHIFT;
     return read_csr_success(frm, status);
@@ -1724,103 +2099,206 @@ static inline uint64_t read_csr_fcsr(STATE_ACCESS &a, bool *status) {
     if (unlikely((a.read_mstatus() & MSTATUS_FS_MASK) == MSTATUS_FS_OFF)) {
         return read_csr_fail(status);
+    if (a.read_iflags_VRT()) {
+        auto vsstatus = a.read_vsstatus();
+        if (unlikely((vsstatus & MSTATUS_FS_MASK) == MSTATUS_FS_OFF)) {
+            return read_csr_fail(status);
+        }
+    }
     return read_csr_success(a.read_fcsr(), status);
 /// \brief Reads the value of a CSR given its address
 /// \param a Machine state accessor object.
 /// \param csraddr Address of CSR in file.
-/// \param status Returns the status of the operation (true for success, false otherwise).
-/// \returns Register value.
-/// \details This function is outlined to minimize host CPU code cache pressure.
+/// \param cause cause code in case of operation failure
+/// \param val register value in case of operation success
+/// \returns true if operation succeeded, false otherwise.
 template <typename STATE_ACCESS>
-static NO_INLINE uint64_t read_csr(STATE_ACCESS &a, uint64_t mcycle, CSR_address csraddr, bool *status) {
-    if (unlikely(csr_priv(csraddr) > a.read_iflags_PRV())) {
-        return read_csr_fail(status);
+static NO_INLINE bool read_csr(STATE_ACCESS &a, uint64_t mcycle, CSR_address csraddr, uint64_t &val,
+    MCAUSE_constants &cause) {
+    if (unlikely(!csr_is_allowed_access(a, csraddr, cause))) {
+        return false;
+    bool status = false;
+    MCAUSE_constants _cause = MCAUSE_ILLEGAL_INSN;
     switch (csraddr) {
         case CSR_address::fflags:
-            return read_csr_fflags(a, status);
+            val = read_csr_fflags(a, &status);
+            break;
         case CSR_address::frm:
-            return read_csr_frm(a, status);
+            val = read_csr_frm(a, &status);
+            break;
         case CSR_address::fcsr:
-            return read_csr_fcsr(a, status);
+            val = read_csr_fcsr(a, &status);
+            break;
         case CSR_address::ucycle:
-            return read_csr_cycle(a, mcycle, status);
+            val = read_csr_cycle(a, mcycle, &status);
+            break;
         case CSR_address::uinstret:
-            return read_csr_instret(a, mcycle, status);
+            val = read_csr_instret(a, mcycle, &status);
+            break;
         case CSR_address::utime:
-            return read_csr_time(a, mcycle, status);
+            val = read_csr_time(a, mcycle, &status);
+            break;
         case CSR_address::sstatus:
-            return read_csr_sstatus(a, status);
+            val = read_csr_sstatus(a, &status);
+            break;
         case CSR_address::senvcfg:
-            return read_csr_senvcfg(a, status);
+            val = read_csr_senvcfg(a, &status);
+            break;
         case CSR_address::sie:
-            return read_csr_sie(a, status);
+            val = read_csr_sie(a, &status);
+            break;
         case CSR_address::stvec:
-            return read_csr_stvec(a, status);
+            val = read_csr_stvec(a, &status);
+            break;
         case CSR_address::scounteren:
-            return read_csr_scounteren(a, status);
+            val = read_csr_scounteren(a, &status);
+            break;
         case CSR_address::sscratch:
-            return read_csr_sscratch(a, status);
+            val = read_csr_sscratch(a, &status);
+            break;
         case CSR_address::sepc:
-            return read_csr_sepc(a, status);
+            val = read_csr_sepc(a, &status);
+            break;
         case CSR_address::scause:
-            return read_csr_scause(a, status);
+            val = read_csr_scause(a, &status);
+            break;
         case CSR_address::stval:
-            return read_csr_stval(a, status);
+            val = read_csr_stval(a, &status);
+            break;
         case CSR_address::sip:
-            return read_csr_sip(a, status);
+            val = read_csr_sip(a, &status);
+            break;
         case CSR_address::satp:
-            return read_csr_satp(a, status);
+            val = read_csr_satp(a, &status);
+            if (!status) {
+                _cause = MCAUSE_VIRTUAL_INSTRUCTION;
+            }
+            break;
         case CSR_address::mstatus:
-            return read_csr_mstatus(a, status);
+            val = read_csr_mstatus(a, &status);
+            break;
         case CSR_address::menvcfg:
-            return read_csr_menvcfg(a, status);
+            val = read_csr_menvcfg(a, &status);
+            break;
         case CSR_address::misa:
-            return read_csr_misa(a, status);
+            val = read_csr_misa(a, &status);
+            break;
         case CSR_address::medeleg:
-            return read_csr_medeleg(a, status);
+            val = read_csr_medeleg(a, &status);
+            break;
         case CSR_address::mideleg:
-            return read_csr_mideleg(a, status);
+            val = read_csr_mideleg(a, &status);
+            break;
         case CSR_address::mie:
-            return read_csr_mie(a, status);
+            val = read_csr_mie(a, &status);
+            break;
         case CSR_address::mtvec:
-            return read_csr_mtvec(a, status);
+            val = read_csr_mtvec(a, &status);
+            break;
         case CSR_address::mcounteren:
-            return read_csr_mcounteren(a, status);
+            val = read_csr_mcounteren(a, &status);
+            break;
         case CSR_address::mscratch:
-            return read_csr_mscratch(a, status);
+            val = read_csr_mscratch(a, &status);
+            break;
         case CSR_address::mepc:
-            return read_csr_mepc(a, status);
+            val = read_csr_mepc(a, &status);
+            break;
         case CSR_address::mcause:
-            return read_csr_mcause(a, status);
+            val = read_csr_mcause(a, &status);
+            break;
         case CSR_address::mtval:
-            return read_csr_mtval(a, status);
+            val = read_csr_mtval(a, &status);
+            break;
         case CSR_address::mip:
-            return read_csr_mip(a, status);
+            val = read_csr_mip(a, &status);
+            break;
         case CSR_address::mcycle:
-            return read_csr_mcycle(mcycle, status);
+            val = read_csr_mcycle(mcycle, &status);
+            break;
         case CSR_address::minstret:
-            return read_csr_minstret(a, mcycle, status);
+            val = read_csr_minstret(a, mcycle, &status);
+            break;
         case CSR_address::mvendorid:
-            return read_csr_mvendorid(a, status);
+            val = read_csr_mvendorid(a, &status);
+            break;
         case CSR_address::marchid:
-            return read_csr_marchid(a, status);
+            val = read_csr_marchid(a, &status);
+            break;
         case CSR_address::mimpid:
-            return read_csr_mimpid(a, status);
+            val = read_csr_mimpid(a, &status);
+            break;
-        // All hardwired to zero
-        case CSR_address::mhartid:
-        case CSR_address::mcountinhibit:
-        case CSR_address::mconfigptr:
+        case CSR_address::hstatus:
+            val = read_csr_hstatus(a, &status);
+            break;
+        case CSR_address::hedeleg:
+            val = read_csr_hedeleg(a, &status);
+            break;
+        case CSR_address::hideleg:
+            val = read_csr_hideleg(a, &status);
+            break;
+        case CSR_address::hie:
+            val = read_csr_hie(a, &status);
+            break;
+        case CSR_address::hip:
+            val = read_csr_hip(a, &status);
+            break;
+        case CSR_address::hvip:
+            val = read_csr_hvip(a, &status);
+            break;
+        case CSR_address::henvcfg:
+            val = read_csr_henvcfg(a, &status);
+            break;
+        case CSR_address::hgatp:
+            val = read_csr_hgatp(a, &status);
+            break;
+        case CSR_address::htimedelta:
+            val = read_csr_htimedelta(a, &status);
+            break;
+        case CSR_address::htval:
+            val = read_csr_htval(a, &status);
+            break;
+        case CSR_address::vsstatus:
+            val = read_csr_vsstatus(a, &status);
+            break;
+        case CSR_address::vsie:
+            val = read_csr_vsie(a, &status);
+            break;
+        case CSR_address::vstvec:
+            val = read_csr_vstvec(a, &status);
+            break;
+        case CSR_address::vsscratch:
+            val = read_csr_vsscratch(a, &status);
+            break;
+        case CSR_address::vsepc:
+            val = read_csr_vsepc(a, &status);
+            break;
+        case CSR_address::vscause:
+            val = read_csr_vscause(a, &status);
+            break;
+        case CSR_address::vstval:
+            val = read_csr_vstval(a, &status);
+            break;
+        case CSR_address::vsip:
+            val = read_csr_vsip(a, &status);
+            break;
+        case CSR_address::vsatp:
+            val = read_csr_vsatp(a, &status);
+            break;
+        // All hardwired to zero
+        case CSR_address::mhartid:
+        case CSR_address::mcountinhibit:
+        case CSR_address::mconfigptr:
         case CSR_address::mhpmcounter3:
         case CSR_address::mhpmcounter4:
         case CSR_address::mhpmcounter5:
@@ -1879,25 +2357,321 @@ static NO_INLINE uint64_t read_csr(STATE_ACCESS &a, uint64_t mcycle, CSR_address
         case CSR_address::mhpmevent29:
         case CSR_address::mhpmevent30:
         case CSR_address::mhpmevent31:
+        case CSR_address::mtval2:
+        case CSR_address::mtinst:
         case CSR_address::tselect:
         case CSR_address::tdata1:
         case CSR_address::tdata2:
         case CSR_address::tdata3:
-            return read_csr_success(0, status);
+        case CSR_address::htinst:
+        case CSR_address::hgeip:
+        case CSR_address::hgeie:
+        case CSR_address::hcounteren:
+            val = read_csr_success(0, &status);
+            break;
             // Invalid CSRs
             fprintf(stderr, "csr_read: invalid CSR=0x%x\n", static_cast<int>(csraddr));
-            return read_csr_fail(status);
+            val = read_csr_fail(&status);
+    }
+    if (!status) {
+        cause = _cause;
+    return status;
 template <typename STATE_ACCESS>
-static execute_status write_csr_sstatus(STATE_ACCESS &a, uint64_t val) {
+static void propagate_virtual_ip(STATE_ACCESS &a, uint64_t val) {
+    // this method syncronizes virtual 'interrupt pending' bits accross all
+    // the registers that keep track of them: mip, hip, hvip, vsip.
+    // the final registers' values depend on mideleg and hideleg.
+    // 1. take VSEI, VSTI, VSSI, SGEI bits values
+    // for bits of mideleg that are zero, the corresponding bits in hip are read-only zeros
+    auto virtual_bits = val & HIX_MASK & a.read_mideleg();
+    // 2. write virtual bits to hvip
+    // hvip does not have SGEIP bit, thus applying the mask here
+    const uint64_t hvip = (a.read_hvip() & ~HVIP_RW_MASK) | (virtual_bits & HVIP_RW_MASK);
+    a.write_hvip(hvip);
+    // 3. write virtual bits to hip
+    // hip.SGEIP is read-only 0 as we do not support guest external interrupts
+    // hip.VSEIP is the logical-OR of hvip.VSEIP and the bit of hgeip selected by hstatus.VGEIN (not supported)
+    // hip.VSTIP is the logical-OR of hvip.VSTIP and any other platform-specific timer interrupt signal
+    //    directed to VS-level (not supported)
+    // hip.VSSIP is an alias of hvip.VSSIP
+    // thus, hip = hvip
+    const uint64_t hip = (a.read_hip() & ~HVIP_RW_MASK) | (virtual_bits & HVIP_RW_MASK);
+    a.write_hip(hip);
+    // 4. write virtual bits to mip
+    // SGEIP, VSEIP, VSTIP, and VSSIP in mip are aliases for the same bits in hip
+    auto mip = (a.read_mip() & ~HIP_R_MASK) | virtual_bits;
+    a.write_mip(mip);
+    // 5. write VSEI, VSTI, VSSI bits to vsip (SGEI is absent in vsip)
+    // when bits 2, 6, 10 in hideleg are zero, bits 1, 5, 9 in vsip are read-only zero
+    // else, bits 1, 5, 9 in vsip are aliases for the bits 2, 6, 10 in hip
+    auto alias_bits = (a.read_hip() >> 1) & VSIP_RW_MASK & (a.read_hideleg() >> 1);
+    auto vsip = (a.read_vsip() & ~VSIP_RW_MASK) | alias_bits;
+    a.write_vsip(vsip);
+template <typename STATE_ACCESS>
+static void propagate_virtual_ie(STATE_ACCESS &a, uint64_t val) {
+    // this method syncronizes virtual 'interrupt enabled' bits accross all
+    // the registers that keep track of them: mie, hie, vsie.
+    // the final registers' values depend on mideleg and hideleg.
+    // 1. take VSEI, VSTI, VSSI, SGEI bits values
+    // for bits of mideleg that are zero, the corresponding bits in hie are read-only zeros
+    auto virtual_bits = val & HIE_W_MASK & a.read_mideleg();
+    // 2. write virtual bits to hie
+    auto hie = (a.read_hie() & ~HIE_W_MASK) | virtual_bits;
+    a.write_hie(hie);
+    // 3. write virtual bits to mie
+    // SGEIE, VSEIE, VSTIE, and VSSIE in mie are aliases for the same bits in hie
+    auto mie = (a.read_mie() & ~HIE_W_MASK) | virtual_bits;
+    a.write_mie(mie);
+    // 4. write VSEI, VSTI, VSSI bits to vsie (SGEI is absent in vsie)
+    // when bits 2, 6, 10 in hideleg are zero, bits 1, 5, 9 in vsie are read-only zero
+    // else, bits 1, 5, 9 in vsie are aliases for the bits 2, 6, 10 in hie
+    auto alias_bits = (a.read_hie() >> 1) & VSIE_RW_MASK & (a.read_hideleg() >> 1);
+    auto vsie = (a.read_vsie() & ~VSIE_RW_MASK) | alias_bits;
+    a.write_vsie(vsie);
+template <typename STATE_ACCESS>
+static execute_status write_csr_hstatus(STATE_ACCESS &a, uint64_t val) {
+    a.write_hstatus(val & HSTATUS_W_MASK);
+    return execute_status::success;
+template <typename STATE_ACCESS>
+static execute_status write_csr_hedeleg(STATE_ACCESS &a, uint64_t val) {
+    a.write_hedeleg(val & HEDELEG_W_MASK);
+    return execute_status::success;
+template <typename STATE_ACCESS>
+static execute_status write_csr_hideleg(STATE_ACCESS &a, uint64_t val) {
+    a.write_hideleg(val & HIDELEG_W_MASK);
+    // propagating the current hie/hip values will enable no new interrupts but
+    // will take into account hideleg changes for the hie/hip and vsie/vsip registers
+    propagate_virtual_ie(a, a.read_hie() & STANDARD_BITS_MASK);
+    propagate_virtual_ip(a, a.read_hip() & STANDARD_BITS_MASK);
+    return execute_status::success_and_serve_interrupts;
+template <typename STATE_ACCESS>
+static execute_status write_csr_hie(STATE_ACCESS &a, uint64_t val) {
+    // write non-standard bits
+    a.write_hie(val & ~STANDARD_BITS_MASK);
+    // hie has only virtual bits, so we have to only propagate them here
+    propagate_virtual_ie(a, val & HIE_W_MASK);
+    return execute_status::success_and_serve_interrupts;
+template <typename STATE_ACCESS>
+static execute_status write_csr_hip(STATE_ACCESS &a, uint64_t val) {
+    // write non-standard portion
+    a.write_hip(val & ~STANDARD_BITS_MASK);
+    // we only have to propagate VSSIP here as it is the only
+    // writable bit in hip
+    propagate_virtual_ip(a, val & HIP_W_MASK);
+    return execute_status::success_and_serve_interrupts;
+template <typename STATE_ACCESS>
+static execute_status write_csr_hgatp(STATE_ACCESS &a, uint64_t val) {
+    // the TLB shutdown is not happening here as in the write_csr_(v)satp methods:
+    // hgatp can only be changed when virtual mode is off, and when virtual mode is off
+    // the address translation function will not use it. Enabling virtual mode will trigger
+    // a TLB shootdown.
     const uint64_t mstatus = a.read_mstatus();
-    return write_csr_mstatus(a, (mstatus & ~SSTATUS_W_MASK) | (val & SSTATUS_W_MASK));
+    const uint8_t priv = a.read_iflags_PRV();
+    // When mstatus.TVM=1, attempts to read or write hgatp while executing in HS-mode will
+    // raise an illegal instruction exception.
+    if (unlikely(priv == NOM_S && (mstatus & MSTATUS_TVM_MASK))) {
+        return execute_status::failure;
+    }
+    auto atp_mode = val >> SATP_MODE_SHIFT;
+    switch (atp_mode) {
+        case SATP_MODE_BARE:
+        case SATP_MODE_SV39:
+        case SATP_MODE_SV48:
+        case SATP_MODE_SV57:
+            // lowest two bits of the PPN in hgatp always read as zeroes
+            a.write_hgatp((val >> 2) << 2);
+            break;
+    }
+    return execute_status::success;
+template <typename STATE_ACCESS>
+static execute_status write_csr_hvip(STATE_ACCESS &a, uint64_t val) {
+    // write non-standard portion
+    a.write_hvip(val & ~STANDARD_BITS_MASK);
+    // hvip has only virtual bits, so we have to only propagate them here
+    propagate_virtual_ip(a, val & HVIP_RW_MASK);
+    return execute_status::success_and_serve_interrupts;
+template <typename STATE_ACCESS>
+static execute_status write_csr_henvcfg(STATE_ACCESS &a, uint64_t val) {
+    uint64_t henvcfg = a.read_henvcfg() & MENVCFG_R_MASK;
+    // Modify only bits that can be written to
+    henvcfg = (henvcfg & ~MENVCFG_W_MASK) | (val & MENVCFG_W_MASK);
+    // Store results
+    a.write_henvcfg(henvcfg);
+    return execute_status::success;
+template <typename STATE_ACCESS>
+static execute_status write_csr_htimedelta(STATE_ACCESS &a, uint64_t val) {
+    a.write_htimedelta(val);
+    return execute_status::success;
+template <typename STATE_ACCESS>
+static execute_status write_csr_htval(STATE_ACCESS &a, uint64_t val) {
+    a.write_htval(val);
+    return execute_status::success;
+template <typename STATE_ACCESS>
+static execute_status write_csr_vsstatus(STATE_ACCESS &a, uint64_t val) {
+    const uint64_t old_vsstatus = a.read_vsstatus() & VSSTATUS_R_MASK;
+    uint64_t vsstatus = (old_vsstatus & ~VSSTATUS_W_MASK) | (val & VSSTATUS_W_MASK);
+    auto mstatus = a.read_mstatus();
+    if ((vsstatus & MSTATUS_FS_MASK) != MSTATUS_FS_OFF) {
+        mstatus |= MSTATUS_FS_DIRTY;
+        mstatus |= MSTATUS_SD_MASK;
+        vsstatus |= MSTATUS_FS_DIRTY;
+        vsstatus |= MSTATUS_SD_MASK;
+    } else {
+        vsstatus &= ~MSTATUS_SD_MASK;
+    }
+    a.write_mstatus(mstatus);
+    a.write_vsstatus(vsstatus);
+    const uint64_t mod = flush_tlb(a, old_vsstatus, vsstatus);
+    // When changing an interrupt enabled bit, we may have to service any pending interrupt
+    if (mod & MSTATUS_SIE_MASK) {
+        return execute_status::success_and_serve_interrupts;
+    }
+    return execute_status::success;
+template <typename STATE_ACCESS>
+static execute_status write_csr_vsie(STATE_ACCESS &a, uint64_t val) {
+    // store non-standard bits
+    a.write_vsie(val & ~STANDARD_BITS_MASK);
+    // vsie has only virtual bits, so we have to only propagate them here
+    auto vsie_bits = (val & VSIE_RW_MASK) << 1;
+    propagate_virtual_ie(a, vsie_bits);
+    return execute_status::success_and_serve_interrupts;
+template <typename STATE_ACCESS>
+static execute_status write_csr_vstvec(STATE_ACCESS &a, uint64_t val) {
+    a.write_vstvec(val);
+    return execute_status::success;
+template <typename STATE_ACCESS>
+static execute_status write_csr_vsscratch(STATE_ACCESS &a, uint64_t val) {
+    a.write_vsscratch(val);
+    return execute_status::success;
+template <typename STATE_ACCESS>
+static execute_status write_csr_vsepc(STATE_ACCESS &a, uint64_t val) {
+    a.write_vsepc(val);
+    return execute_status::success;
+template <typename STATE_ACCESS>
+static execute_status write_csr_vscause(STATE_ACCESS &a, uint64_t val) {
+    a.write_vscause(val);
+    return execute_status::success;
+template <typename STATE_ACCESS>
+static execute_status write_csr_vstval(STATE_ACCESS &a, uint64_t val) {
+    a.write_vstval(val);
+    return execute_status::success;
+template <typename STATE_ACCESS>
+static execute_status write_csr_vsip(STATE_ACCESS &a, uint64_t val) {
+    // store non-standard bits
+    a.write_vsip(val & ~STANDARD_BITS_MASK);
+    // vsip has only virtual bits, so we have to only propagate them here
+    propagate_virtual_ip(a, val & VSIP_RW_MASK);
+    return execute_status::success_and_serve_interrupts;
+template <typename STATE_ACCESS>
+static execute_status write_csr_vsatp(STATE_ACCESS &a, uint64_t val) {
+    const uint64_t old_satp = a.read_vsatp();
+    const uint64_t atp = old_satp;
+    auto mode = val >> SATP_MODE_SHIFT;
+    switch (mode) {
+        case SATP_MODE_BARE:
+        case SATP_MODE_SV39:
+        case SATP_MODE_SV48:
+        case SATP_MODE_SV57:
+            a.write_vsatp(val);
+            break;
+        default:
+            return execute_status::success;
+    }
+    uint64_t asid = (atp & SATP_ASID_MASK) >> SATP_ASID_SHIFT;
+    if (asid != ASID_MAX_MASK) { // Software is not testing ASID bits
+        a.get_statistics().max_asid = std::max(a.get_statistics().max_asid, asid);
+    }
+    // Changes to MODE and ASID, flushes the TLBs.
+    // Note that there is no need to flush the TLB when PPN has changed,
+    // because software is required to execute SFENCE.VMA when recycling an ASID.
+    const uint64_t mod = old_satp ^ atp;
+    if (mod & (SATP_ASID_MASK | SATP_MODE_MASK)) {
+        a.flush_all_tlb();
+        INC_COUNTER(a.get_statistics(), tlb_flush_all);
+        INC_COUNTER(a.get_statistics(), tlb_flush_satp);
+        return execute_status::success_and_flush_fetch;
+    }
+    return execute_status::success;
+template <typename STATE_ACCESS>
+static execute_status write_csr_sstatus(STATE_ACCESS &a, uint64_t val) {
+    if (a.read_iflags_VRT()) {
+        return write_csr_vsstatus(a, val);
+    } else {
+        const uint64_t mstatus = a.read_mstatus();
+        return write_csr_mstatus(a, (mstatus & ~SSTATUS_W_MASK) | (val & SSTATUS_W_MASK));
+    }
 template <typename STATE_ACCESS>
@@ -1909,16 +2683,22 @@ static execute_status write_csr_senvcfg(STATE_ACCESS &a, uint64_t val) {
 template <typename STATE_ACCESS>
 static execute_status write_csr_sie(STATE_ACCESS &a, uint64_t val) {
-    uint64_t mie = a.read_mie();
-    const uint64_t mask = a.read_mideleg();
-    mie = (mie & ~mask) | (val & mask);
-    a.write_mie(mie);
-    return execute_status::success_and_serve_interrupts;
+    if (a.read_iflags_VRT()) {
+        return write_csr_vsie(a, val);
+    } else {
+        const uint64_t mie = (a.read_mie() & ~SIE_RW_MASK) | (val & SIE_RW_MASK);
+        a.write_mie(mie);
+        return execute_status::success_and_serve_interrupts;
+    }
 template <typename STATE_ACCESS>
 static execute_status write_csr_stvec(STATE_ACCESS &a, uint64_t val) {
-    a.write_stvec(val & ~1);
+    if (a.read_iflags_VRT()) {
+        a.write_vstvec(val & ~1);
+    } else {
+        a.write_stvec(val & ~1);
+    }
     return execute_status::success;
@@ -1930,50 +2710,83 @@ static execute_status write_csr_scounteren(STATE_ACCESS &a, uint64_t val) {
 template <typename STATE_ACCESS>
 static execute_status write_csr_sscratch(STATE_ACCESS &a, uint64_t val) {
-    a.write_sscratch(val);
+    if (a.read_iflags_VRT()) {
+        a.write_vsscratch(val);
+    } else {
+        a.write_sscratch(val);
+    }
     return execute_status::success;
 template <typename STATE_ACCESS>
 static execute_status write_csr_sepc(STATE_ACCESS &a, uint64_t val) {
-    a.write_sepc(val & ~1);
+    if (a.read_iflags_VRT()) {
+        a.write_vsepc(val & ~1);
+    } else {
+        a.write_sepc(val & ~1);
+    }
     return execute_status::success;
 template <typename STATE_ACCESS>
 static execute_status write_csr_scause(STATE_ACCESS &a, uint64_t val) {
-    a.write_scause(val);
+    if (a.read_iflags_VRT()) {
+        a.write_vscause(val);
+    } else {
+        a.write_scause(val);
+    }
     return execute_status::success;
 template <typename STATE_ACCESS>
 static execute_status write_csr_stval(STATE_ACCESS &a, uint64_t val) {
-    a.write_stval(val);
+    if (a.read_iflags_VRT()) {
+        a.write_vstval(val);
+    } else {
+        a.write_stval(val);
+    }
     return execute_status::success;
 template <typename STATE_ACCESS>
 static execute_status write_csr_sip(STATE_ACCESS &a, uint64_t val) {
-    const uint64_t mask = a.read_mideleg();
-    uint64_t mip = a.read_mip();
-    mip = (mip & ~mask) | (val & mask);
-    a.write_mip(mip);
+    if (a.read_iflags_VRT()) {
+        return write_csr_vsip(a, val);
+    } else {
+        const uint64_t mip = (a.read_mip() & ~SIP_RW_MASK) | (val & SIP_RW_MASK);
+        a.write_mip(mip);
+        return execute_status::success_and_serve_interrupts;
+    }
     return execute_status::success_and_serve_interrupts;
 template <typename STATE_ACCESS>
 static NO_INLINE execute_status write_csr_satp(STATE_ACCESS &a, uint64_t val) {
-    const uint64_t mstatus = a.read_mstatus();
     auto priv = a.read_iflags_PRV();
+    uint64_t old_satp = 0;
-    // When TVM=1, attempts to read or write the satp CSR
-    // while executing in S-mode will raise an illegal instruction exception
-    if (unlikely(priv == PRV_S && (mstatus & MSTATUS_TVM_MASK))) {
-        return execute_status::failure;
+    if (a.read_iflags_VRT()) {
+        const uint64_t hstatus = a.read_hstatus();
+        // When VTVM=1, an attempt in VS-mode to access CSR satp raises a virtual instruction
+        // exception
+        if (unlikely(priv == NOM_S && (hstatus & HSTATUS_VTVM_MASK))) {
+            return execute_status::failure;
+        }
+        old_satp = a.read_vsatp();
+    } else {
+        const uint64_t mstatus = a.read_mstatus();
+        // When TVM=1, attempts to read or write the satp CSR while executing in S-mode will
+        // raise an illegal instruction exception
+        if (unlikely(priv == NOM_S && (mstatus & MSTATUS_TVM_MASK))) {
+            return execute_status::failure;
+        }
+        old_satp = a.read_satp();
-    const uint64_t old_satp = a.read_satp();
-    uint64_t stap = old_satp;
+    uint64_t atp = old_satp;
     const uint64_t mode = val >> SATP_MODE_SHIFT;
     // Checks for supported MODE
@@ -1982,7 +2795,7 @@ static NO_INLINE execute_status write_csr_satp(STATE_ACCESS &a, uint64_t val) {
         case SATP_MODE_SV39:
         case SATP_MODE_SV48:
         case SATP_MODE_SV57:
-            stap = (val & SATP_PPN_MASK) | (val & SATP_ASID_MASK) | (val & SATP_MODE_MASK);
+            atp = (val & SATP_PPN_MASK) | (val & SATP_ASID_MASK) | (val & SATP_MODE_MASK);
             // Implementations are not required to support all MODE settings,
@@ -1990,10 +2803,14 @@ static NO_INLINE execute_status write_csr_satp(STATE_ACCESS &a, uint64_t val) {
             // the entire write has no effect; no fields in satp are modified.
             return execute_status::success;
-    a.write_satp(stap);
+    if (a.read_iflags_VRT()) {
+        a.write_vsatp(atp);
+    } else {
+        a.write_satp(atp);
+    }
-    uint64_t asid = (stap & SATP_ASID_MASK) >> SATP_ASID_SHIFT;
+    uint64_t asid = (atp & SATP_ASID_MASK) >> SATP_ASID_SHIFT;
     if (asid != ASID_MAX_MASK) { // Software is not testing ASID bits
         a.get_statistics().max_asid = std::max(a.get_statistics().max_asid, asid);
@@ -2002,7 +2819,7 @@ static NO_INLINE execute_status write_csr_satp(STATE_ACCESS &a, uint64_t val) {
     // Changes to MODE and ASID, flushes the TLBs.
     // Note that there is no need to flush the TLB when PPN has changed,
     // because software is required to execute SFENCE.VMA when recycling an ASID.
-    const uint64_t mod = old_satp ^ stap;
+    const uint64_t mod = old_satp ^ atp;
     if (mod & (SATP_ASID_MASK | SATP_MODE_MASK)) {
         INC_COUNTER(a.get_statistics(), tlb_flush_all);
@@ -2012,39 +2829,12 @@ static NO_INLINE execute_status write_csr_satp(STATE_ACCESS &a, uint64_t val) {
     return execute_status::success;
-template <typename STATE_ACCESS>
-static execute_status write_csr_mstatus(STATE_ACCESS &a, uint64_t val) {
-    const uint64_t old_mstatus = a.read_mstatus() & MSTATUS_R_MASK;
-    // M-mode software can determine whether a privilege mode is implemented
-    // by writing that mode to MPP then reading it back.
-    if (PRV_HS == ((val & MSTATUS_MPP_MASK) >> MSTATUS_MPP_SHIFT)) {
-        // HS-mode is not supported yet, set val MPP to U-mode
-        val = val & ~MSTATUS_MPP_MASK;
-    }
-    // Modify only bits that can be written to
-    uint64_t mstatus = (old_mstatus & ~MSTATUS_W_MASK) | (val & MSTATUS_W_MASK);
-    // Is FS enabled?
-    if ((mstatus & MSTATUS_FS_MASK) != MSTATUS_FS_OFF) {
-        // Implementations may choose to track the dirtiness of the floating-point register state
-        // imprecisely by reporting the state to be dirty even when it has not been modified.
-        // In our implementation an attempt to set FS to Initial or Clean causes FS to be set to Dirty,
-        // therefore FS is always Dirty when enabled.
-        mstatus |= MSTATUS_FS_DIRTY;
-        // The SD bit is read-only and is set when either the FS, VS, or XS bits encode a Dirty state
-        mstatus |= MSTATUS_SD_MASK;
-    } else {
-        // No FS, VS or XS dirty state, SD bit can be cleared
-        mstatus &= ~MSTATUS_SD_MASK;
-    }
-    // Store results
-    a.write_mstatus(mstatus);
+template <typename STATE_ACCESS, bool control_mprv = false>
+static uint64_t flush_tlb(STATE_ACCESS &a, uint64_t old_status, uint64_t new_status) {
+    const uint64_t mod = old_status ^ new_status;
     // If MMU configuration was changed, we may have to flush the TLBs
     bool flush_tlb_read = false;
     bool flush_tlb_write = false;
-    const uint64_t mod = old_mstatus ^ mstatus;
     if ((mod & MSTATUS_MXR_MASK) != 0) {
         // MXR allows read access to execute-only pages,
         // therefore it only affects read translations
@@ -2056,12 +2846,15 @@ static execute_status write_csr_mstatus(STATE_ACCESS &a, uint64_t val) {
         flush_tlb_read = true;
         flush_tlb_write = true;
-    if ((mod & MSTATUS_MPRV_MASK) != 0 || ((mstatus & MSTATUS_MPRV_MASK) && (mod & MSTATUS_MPP_MASK) != 0)) {
-        // When MPRV is set, data loads and stores use privilege in MPP
-        // instead of the current privilege level, but code access is unaffected,
-        // therefore it only affects read/write translations
-        flush_tlb_read = true;
-        flush_tlb_write = true;
+    if constexpr (control_mprv) {
+        if ((mod & MSTATUS_MPRV_MASK) != 0 || ((new_status & MSTATUS_MPRV_MASK) && (mod & MSTATUS_MPP_MASK) != 0)) {
+            // When MPRV is set, data loads and stores use privilege in MPP
+            // instead of the current privilege level, but code access is unaffected,
+            // therefore it only affects read/write translations
+            flush_tlb_read = true;
+            flush_tlb_write = true;
+        }
     // Flush TLBs when needed
@@ -2077,6 +2870,38 @@ static execute_status write_csr_mstatus(STATE_ACCESS &a, uint64_t val) {
         INC_COUNTER(a.get_statistics(), tlb_flush_mstatus);
+    return mod;
+template <typename STATE_ACCESS>
+static execute_status write_csr_mstatus(STATE_ACCESS &a, uint64_t val) {
+    const uint64_t old_mstatus = a.read_mstatus() & MSTATUS_R_MASK;
+    // M-mode software can determine whether a privilege mode is implemented
+    // by writing that mode to MPP then reading it back.
+        val = val & ~MSTATUS_MPP_MASK;
+    }
+    // Modify only bits that can be written to
+    uint64_t mstatus = (old_mstatus & ~MSTATUS_W_MASK) | (val & MSTATUS_W_MASK);
+    // Is FS enabled?
+    if ((mstatus & MSTATUS_FS_MASK) != MSTATUS_FS_OFF) {
+        // Implementations may choose to track the dirtiness of the floating-point register state
+        // imprecisely by reporting the state to be dirty even when it has not been modified.
+        // In our implementation an attempt to set FS to Initial or Clean causes FS to be set to Dirty,
+        // therefore FS is always Dirty when enabled.
+        mstatus |= MSTATUS_FS_DIRTY;
+        // The SD bit is read-only and is set when either the FS, VS, or XS bits encode a Dirty state
+        mstatus |= MSTATUS_SD_MASK;
+    } else {
+        // No FS, VS or XS dirty state, SD bit can be cleared
+        mstatus &= ~MSTATUS_SD_MASK;
+    }
+    // Store results
+    a.write_mstatus(mstatus);
+    const uint64_t mod = flush_tlb<STATE_ACCESS, true>(a, old_mstatus, mstatus);
     // When changing an interrupt enabled bit, we may have to service any pending interrupt
     if ((mod & (MSTATUS_SIE_MASK | MSTATUS_MIE_MASK)) != 0) {
         return execute_status::success_and_serve_interrupts;
@@ -2088,7 +2913,6 @@ static execute_status write_csr_mstatus(STATE_ACCESS &a, uint64_t val) {
 template <typename STATE_ACCESS>
 static execute_status write_csr_menvcfg(STATE_ACCESS &a, uint64_t val) {
     uint64_t menvcfg = a.read_menvcfg() & MENVCFG_R_MASK;
     // Modify only bits that can be written to
     menvcfg = (menvcfg & ~MENVCFG_W_MASK) | (val & MENVCFG_W_MASK);
     // Store results
@@ -2098,27 +2922,34 @@ static execute_status write_csr_menvcfg(STATE_ACCESS &a, uint64_t val) {
 template <typename STATE_ACCESS>
 static execute_status write_csr_medeleg(STATE_ACCESS &a, uint64_t val) {
-    // For exceptions that cannot occur in less privileged modes,
-    // the corresponding medeleg bits should be read-only zero
-    a.write_medeleg((a.read_medeleg() & ~MEDELEG_W_MASK) | (val & MEDELEG_W_MASK));
+    a.write_medeleg(val & MEDELEG_W_MASK);
     return execute_status::success;
 template <typename STATE_ACCESS>
 static execute_status write_csr_mideleg(STATE_ACCESS &a, uint64_t val) {
-    const uint64_t mask = MIP_SSIP_MASK | MIP_STIP_MASK | MIP_SEIP_MASK;
     uint64_t mideleg = a.read_mideleg();
-    mideleg = (mideleg & ~mask) | (val & mask);
+    mideleg = (mideleg & ~MIDELEG_W_MASK) | (val & MIDELEG_W_MASK);
+    // for bits of mideleg that are zero, the corresponding bits in hideleg are read-only zeros
+    a.write_hideleg(a.read_hideleg() & mideleg);
+    // propagating the current hie/hip values will enable no new interrupts but will take into
+    // account mideleg and hideleg changes for the hie/hip and vsie/vsip registers
+    propagate_virtual_ie(a, a.read_hie() & STANDARD_BITS_MASK);
+    propagate_virtual_ip(a, a.read_hip() & STANDARD_BITS_MASK);
     return execute_status::success_and_serve_interrupts;
 template <typename STATE_ACCESS>
 static execute_status write_csr_mie(STATE_ACCESS &a, uint64_t val) {
-    uint64_t mie = a.read_mie();
-    mie = (mie & ~mask) | (val & mask);
-    a.write_mie(mie);
+    a.write_mie((val & ~STANDARD_BITS_MASK) | (val & MIE_W_MASK));
+    // virtual exceptions bits are not writable in mie,
+    // so we are not calling `propagate_virtual_ie` here
     return execute_status::success_and_serve_interrupts;
@@ -2182,10 +3013,11 @@ static execute_status write_csr_mtval(STATE_ACCESS &a, uint64_t val) {
 template <typename STATE_ACCESS>
 static execute_status write_csr_mip(STATE_ACCESS &a, uint64_t val) {
-    const uint64_t mask = MIP_SSIP_MASK | MIP_STIP_MASK | MIP_SEIP_MASK;
-    auto mip = a.read_mip();
-    mip = (mip & ~mask) | (val & mask);
-    a.write_mip(mip);
+    a.write_mip((val & ~STANDARD_BITS_MASK) | (val & MIP_W_MASK));
+    // virtual exceptions bits are not writable in mip,
+    // so we are not calling `propagate_virtual_ip` here
     return execute_status::success_and_serve_interrupts;
@@ -2196,6 +3028,12 @@ static inline execute_status write_csr_fflags(STATE_ACCESS &a, uint64_t val) {
     if (unlikely((mstatus & MSTATUS_FS_MASK) == MSTATUS_FS_OFF)) {
         return execute_status::failure;
+    if (a.read_iflags_VRT()) {
+        const uint64_t vsstatus = a.read_vsstatus();
+        if (unlikely((vsstatus & MSTATUS_FS_MASK) == MSTATUS_FS_OFF)) {
+            return execute_status::failure;
+        }
+    }
     const uint64_t fcsr = (a.read_fcsr() & ~FCSR_FFLAGS_RW_MASK) | ((val << FCSR_FFLAGS_SHIFT) & FCSR_FFLAGS_RW_MASK);
     return execute_status::success;
@@ -2208,6 +3046,12 @@ static inline execute_status write_csr_frm(STATE_ACCESS &a, uint64_t val) {
     if (unlikely((mstatus & MSTATUS_FS_MASK) == MSTATUS_FS_OFF)) {
         return execute_status::failure;
+    if (a.read_iflags_VRT()) {
+        const uint64_t vsstatus = a.read_vsstatus();
+        if (unlikely((vsstatus & MSTATUS_FS_MASK) == MSTATUS_FS_OFF)) {
+            return execute_status::failure;
+        }
+    }
     const uint64_t fcsr = (a.read_fcsr() & ~FCSR_FRM_RW_MASK) | ((val << FCSR_FRM_SHIFT) & FCSR_FRM_RW_MASK);
     return execute_status::success;
@@ -2220,6 +3064,12 @@ static inline execute_status write_csr_fcsr(STATE_ACCESS &a, uint64_t val) {
     if (unlikely((mstatus & MSTATUS_FS_MASK) == MSTATUS_FS_OFF)) {
         return execute_status::failure;
+    if (a.read_iflags_VRT()) {
+        const uint64_t vsstatus = a.read_vsstatus();
+        if (unlikely((vsstatus & MSTATUS_FS_MASK) == MSTATUS_FS_OFF)) {
+            return execute_status::failure;
+        }
+    }
     const uint64_t fcsr = val & FCSR_RW_MASK;
     return execute_status::success;
@@ -2229,19 +3079,22 @@ static inline execute_status write_csr_fcsr(STATE_ACCESS &a, uint64_t val) {
 /// \param a Machine state accessor object.
 /// \param csraddr Address of CSR in file.
 /// \param val New register value.
+/// \param status cause code in case of error.
 /// \returns The status of the operation (true for success, false otherwise).
 /// \details This function is outlined to minimize host CPU code cache pressure.
 template <typename STATE_ACCESS>
-static NO_INLINE execute_status write_csr(STATE_ACCESS &a, uint64_t mcycle, CSR_address csraddr, uint64_t val) {
+static NO_INLINE execute_status write_csr(STATE_ACCESS &a, uint64_t mcycle, CSR_address csraddr, uint64_t val,
+    MCAUSE_constants &status) {
 #if defined(DUMP_CSR)
     fprintf(stderr, "csr_write: csr=0x%03x val=0x", static_cast<int>(csraddr));
     fprintf(stderr, "\n");
     if (unlikely(csr_is_read_only(csraddr))) {
+        status = MCAUSE_ILLEGAL_INSN;
         return execute_status::failure;
-    if (unlikely(csr_priv(csraddr) > a.read_iflags_PRV())) {
+    if (unlikely(!csr_is_allowed_access(a, csraddr, status))) {
         return execute_status::failure;
@@ -2309,6 +3162,46 @@ static NO_INLINE execute_status write_csr(STATE_ACCESS &a, uint64_t mcycle, CSR_
         case CSR_address::minstret:
             return write_csr_minstret(a, mcycle, val);
+        case CSR_address::hstatus:
+            return write_csr_hstatus(a, val);
+        case CSR_address::hedeleg:
+            return write_csr_hedeleg(a, val);
+        case CSR_address::hideleg:
+            return write_csr_hideleg(a, val);
+        case CSR_address::hie:
+            return write_csr_hie(a, val);
+        case CSR_address::hip:
+            return write_csr_hip(a, val);
+        case CSR_address::hvip:
+            return write_csr_hvip(a, val);
+        case CSR_address::henvcfg:
+            return write_csr_henvcfg(a, val);
+        case CSR_address::hgatp:
+            return write_csr_hgatp(a, val);
+        case CSR_address::htimedelta:
+            return write_csr_htimedelta(a, val);
+        case CSR_address::htval:
+            return write_csr_htval(a, val);
+        case CSR_address::vsstatus:
+            return write_csr_vsstatus(a, val);
+        case CSR_address::vsie:
+            return write_csr_vsie(a, val);
+        case CSR_address::vstvec:
+            return write_csr_vstvec(a, val);
+        case CSR_address::vsscratch:
+            return write_csr_vsscratch(a, val);
+        case CSR_address::vsepc:
+            return write_csr_vsepc(a, val);
+        case CSR_address::vscause:
+            return write_csr_vscause(a, val);
+        case CSR_address::vstval:
+            return write_csr_vstval(a, val);
+        case CSR_address::vsip:
+            return write_csr_vsip(a, val);
+        case CSR_address::vsatp:
+            return write_csr_vsatp(a, val);
         // Ignore writes
         case CSR_address::misa:
         case CSR_address::mhpmcounter3:
@@ -2370,10 +3263,15 @@ static NO_INLINE execute_status write_csr(STATE_ACCESS &a, uint64_t mcycle, CSR_
         case CSR_address::mhpmevent29:
         case CSR_address::mhpmevent30:
         case CSR_address::mhpmevent31:
+        case CSR_address::mtval2:
+        case CSR_address::mtinst:
         case CSR_address::tselect:
         case CSR_address::tdata1:
         case CSR_address::tdata2:
         case CSR_address::tdata3:
+        case CSR_address::htinst:
+        case CSR_address::hgeie:
+        case CSR_address::hcounteren:
             return execute_status::success;
@@ -2381,6 +3279,7 @@ static NO_INLINE execute_status write_csr(STATE_ACCESS &a, uint64_t mcycle, CSR_
             fprintf(stderr, "csr_write: invalid CSR=0x%x\n", static_cast<int>(csraddr));
+            status = MCAUSE_ILLEGAL_INSN;
             return execute_status::failure;
@@ -2390,23 +3289,28 @@ static FORCE_INLINE execute_status execute_csr_RW(STATE_ACCESS &a, uint64_t &pc,
     const RS1VAL &rs1val) {
     auto csraddr = static_cast<CSR_address>(insn_I_get_uimm(insn));
     // Try to read old CSR value
-    bool status = true;
     uint64_t csrval = 0;
     // If rd=r0, we do not read from the CSR to avoid side-effects
     const uint32_t rd = insn_get_rd(insn);
     if (rd != 0) {
-        csrval = read_csr(a, mcycle, csraddr, &status);
-    }
-    if (unlikely(!status)) {
-        return raise_illegal_insn_exception(a, pc, insn);
+        if (unlikely(!read_csr(a, mcycle, csraddr, csrval, status))) {
+            if (status == MCAUSE_VIRTUAL_INSTRUCTION) {
+                return raise_virtual_insn_exception(a, pc, insn);
+            }
+            return raise_illegal_insn_exception(a, pc, insn);
+        }
     // Try to write new CSR value
     //??D When we optimize the inner interpreter loop, we
     //    will have to check if there was a change to the
     //    memory manager and report back from here so we
     //    break out of the inner loop
-    const execute_status wstatus = write_csr(a, mcycle, csraddr, rs1val(a, insn));
+    const execute_status wstatus = write_csr(a, mcycle, csraddr, rs1val(a, insn), status);
     if (unlikely(wstatus == execute_status::failure)) {
+        if (status == MCAUSE_VIRTUAL_INSTRUCTION) {
+            return raise_virtual_insn_exception(a, pc, insn);
+        }
         return raise_illegal_insn_exception(a, pc, insn);
     // Write to rd only after potential read/write exceptions
@@ -2438,11 +3342,15 @@ static FORCE_INLINE execute_status execute_csr_SC(STATE_ACCESS &a, uint64_t &pc,
     const F &f) {
     auto csraddr = static_cast<CSR_address>(insn_I_get_uimm(insn));
     // Try to read old CSR value
-    bool status = false;
-    const uint64_t csrval = read_csr(a, mcycle, csraddr, &status);
-    if (unlikely(!status)) {
+    uint64_t csrval = 0;
+    if (unlikely(!read_csr(a, mcycle, csraddr, csrval, status))) {
+        if (status == MCAUSE_VIRTUAL_INSTRUCTION) {
+            return raise_virtual_insn_exception(a, pc, insn);
+        }
         return raise_illegal_insn_exception(a, pc, insn);
     // Load value of rs1 before potentially overwriting it
     // with the value of the csr when rd=rs1
     const uint32_t rs1 = insn_get_rs1(insn);
@@ -2453,8 +3361,11 @@ static FORCE_INLINE execute_status execute_csr_SC(STATE_ACCESS &a, uint64_t &pc,
         //    will have to check if there was a change to the
         //    memory manager and report back from here so we
         //    break out of the inner loop
-        wstatus = write_csr(a, mcycle, csraddr, f(csrval, rs1val));
+        wstatus = write_csr(a, mcycle, csraddr, f(csrval, rs1val), status);
         if (unlikely(wstatus == execute_status::failure)) {
+            if (status == MCAUSE_VIRTUAL_INSTRUCTION) {
+                return raise_virtual_insn_exception(a, pc, insn);
+            }
             return raise_illegal_insn_exception(a, pc, insn);
@@ -2486,9 +3397,12 @@ static FORCE_INLINE execute_status execute_csr_SCI(STATE_ACCESS &a, uint64_t &pc
     const F &f) {
     auto csraddr = static_cast<CSR_address>(insn_I_get_uimm(insn));
     // Try to read old CSR value
-    bool status = false;
-    const uint64_t csrval = read_csr(a, mcycle, csraddr, &status);
-    if (unlikely(!status)) {
+    uint64_t csrval = 0;
+    if (unlikely(!read_csr(a, mcycle, csraddr, csrval, status))) {
+        if (status == MCAUSE_VIRTUAL_INSTRUCTION) {
+            return raise_virtual_insn_exception(a, pc, insn);
+        }
         return raise_illegal_insn_exception(a, pc, insn);
     const uint32_t rs1 = insn_get_rs1(insn);
@@ -2498,8 +3412,11 @@ static FORCE_INLINE execute_status execute_csr_SCI(STATE_ACCESS &a, uint64_t &pc
         //    will have to check if there was a change to the
         //    memory manager and report back from here so we
         //    break out of the inner loop
-        wstatus = write_csr(a, mcycle, csraddr, f(csrval, rs1));
+        wstatus = write_csr(a, mcycle, csraddr, f(csrval, rs1), status);
         if (unlikely(wstatus == execute_status::failure)) {
+            if (status == MCAUSE_VIRTUAL_INSTRUCTION) {
+                return raise_virtual_insn_exception(a, pc, insn);
+            }
             return raise_illegal_insn_exception(a, pc, insn);
@@ -2530,8 +3447,11 @@ static FORCE_INLINE execute_status execute_CSRRCI(STATE_ACCESS &a, uint64_t &pc,
 template <typename STATE_ACCESS>
 static FORCE_INLINE execute_status execute_ECALL(STATE_ACCESS &a, uint64_t &pc, uint32_t insn) {
     dump_insn(a, pc, insn, "ecall");
-    auto priv = a.read_iflags_PRV();
-    pc = raise_exception(a, pc, MCAUSE_ECALL_BASE + priv, 0);
+    auto ecall_base_shift = a.read_iflags_PRV();
+    if (a.read_iflags_VRT() && ecall_base_shift == NOM_S) {
+        ++ecall_base_shift; // differentiate between VS and HS ecalls
+    }
+    pc = raise_exception(a, pc, MCAUSE_ECALL_BASE + ecall_base_shift, 0, 0);
     return execute_status::failure;
@@ -2540,7 +3460,7 @@ template <typename STATE_ACCESS>
 static FORCE_INLINE execute_status execute_EBREAK(STATE_ACCESS &a, uint64_t &pc, uint32_t insn) {
     (void) a;
     dump_insn(a, pc, insn, "ebreak");
-    pc = raise_exception(a, pc, MCAUSE_BREAKPOINT, pc);
+    pc = raise_exception(a, pc, MCAUSE_BREAKPOINT, pc, 0);
     return execute_status::failure;
@@ -2548,29 +3468,52 @@ static FORCE_INLINE execute_status execute_EBREAK(STATE_ACCESS &a, uint64_t &pc,
 template <typename STATE_ACCESS>
 static FORCE_INLINE execute_status execute_SRET(STATE_ACCESS &a, uint64_t &pc, uint32_t insn) {
     dump_insn(a, pc, insn, "sret");
-    auto priv = a.read_iflags_PRV();
     uint64_t mstatus = a.read_mstatus();
-    if (unlikely(priv < PRV_S || (priv == PRV_S && (mstatus & MSTATUS_TSR_MASK)))) {
+    uint64_t hstatus = a.read_hstatus();
+    const uint8_t priv = a.read_iflags_PRV();
+    const bool virt = a.read_iflags_VRT();
+    if (unlikely(priv < NOM_S || (priv == NOM_S && (mstatus & MSTATUS_TSR_MASK)))) {
         return raise_illegal_insn_exception(a, pc, insn);
-    auto spp = (mstatus & MSTATUS_SPP_MASK) >> MSTATUS_SPP_SHIFT;
-    /* set the IE state to previous IE state */
-    auto spie = (mstatus & MSTATUS_SPIE_MASK) >> MSTATUS_SPIE_SHIFT;
-    mstatus = (mstatus & ~MSTATUS_SIE_MASK) | (spie << MSTATUS_SIE_SHIFT);
-    /* set SPIE to 1 */
-    mstatus |= MSTATUS_SPIE_MASK;
-    /* set SPP to U */
-    mstatus &= ~MSTATUS_SPP_MASK;
-    /* An SRET instruction that changes the privilege mode to a mode
-     * less privileged than M also sets MPRV = 0 */
-    if (spp < PRV_M) {
-        mstatus &= ~MSTATUS_MPRV_MASK;
-    }
-    a.write_mstatus(mstatus);
-    if (priv != spp) {
+    if (!virt && (priv == NOM_S || priv == NOM_M)) {
+        auto spp = (mstatus & MSTATUS_SPP_MASK) >> MSTATUS_SPP_SHIFT;
+        auto spv = (hstatus & HSTATUS_SPV_MASK) >> HSTATUS_SPV_SHIFT;
+        auto spie = (mstatus & MSTATUS_SPIE_MASK) >> MSTATUS_SPIE_SHIFT;
+        mstatus = (mstatus & ~MSTATUS_SIE_MASK) | (spie << MSTATUS_SIE_SHIFT);
+        mstatus |= MSTATUS_SPIE_MASK;
+        mstatus &= ~MSTATUS_SPP_MASK;
+        set_priv(a, spp);
+        if (spv == 1) {
+            a.set_iflags_VRT();
+        }
+        hstatus &= ~HSTATUS_SPV_MASK;
+        /* An SRET instruction that changes the privilege mode to a mode
+         * less privileged than M also sets MPRV = 0 */
+        if (spp < NOM_M) {
+            mstatus &= ~MSTATUS_MPRV_MASK;
+        }
+        a.write_hstatus(hstatus);
+        a.write_mstatus(mstatus);
+        pc = a.read_sepc();
+    } else if (virt && priv == NOM_S) { // VS mode
+        if (hstatus & HSTATUS_VTSR_MASK) {
+            pc = raise_exception(a, pc, MCAUSE_VIRTUAL_INSTRUCTION, insn, 0);
+            return advance_to_raised_exception(a, pc);
+        }
+        uint64_t vsstatus = a.read_vsstatus();
+        auto spp = (vsstatus & MSTATUS_SPP_MASK) >> MSTATUS_SPP_SHIFT;
+        auto spie = (vsstatus & MSTATUS_SPIE_MASK) >> MSTATUS_SPIE_SHIFT;
+        vsstatus = (vsstatus & ~MSTATUS_SIE_MASK) | (spie << MSTATUS_SIE_SHIFT);
+        vsstatus |= MSTATUS_SPIE_MASK;
+        vsstatus &= ~MSTATUS_SPP_MASK;
         set_priv(a, spp);
+        a.write_vsstatus(vsstatus);
+        pc = a.read_vsepc();
+    } else {
+        return raise_illegal_insn_exception(a, pc, insn);
-    pc = a.read_sepc();
     return execute_status::success_and_serve_interrupts;
@@ -2579,28 +3522,39 @@ template <typename STATE_ACCESS>
 static FORCE_INLINE execute_status execute_MRET(STATE_ACCESS &a, uint64_t &pc, uint32_t insn) {
     dump_insn(a, pc, insn, "mret");
     auto priv = a.read_iflags_PRV();
-    if (unlikely(priv < PRV_M)) {
+    if (unlikely(priv < NOM_M)) {
         return raise_illegal_insn_exception(a, pc, insn);
     uint64_t mstatus = a.read_mstatus();
     auto mpp = (mstatus & MSTATUS_MPP_MASK) >> MSTATUS_MPP_SHIFT;
+    auto mpv = (mstatus & MSTATUS_MPV_MASK) >> MSTATUS_MPV_SHIFT;
+    if (mpp == NOM_M) {
+        a.reset_iflags_VRT();
+    } else {
+        if (mpv) {
+            a.set_iflags_VRT();
+        } else {
+            a.reset_iflags_VRT();
+        }
+    }
     //??D we can save one shift here, but maybe the compiler already does
     /* set the IE state to previous IE state */
     auto mpie = (mstatus & MSTATUS_MPIE_MASK) >> MSTATUS_MPIE_SHIFT;
     mstatus = (mstatus & ~MSTATUS_MIE_MASK) | (mpie << MSTATUS_MIE_SHIFT);
     /* set MPIE to 1 */
     mstatus |= MSTATUS_MPIE_MASK;
-    /* set MPP to U */
+    /* set MPP to 0 */
     mstatus &= ~MSTATUS_MPP_MASK;
+    /* set MPV to 0 */
+    mstatus &= ~MSTATUS_MPV_MASK;
     /* An MRET instruction that changes the privilege mode to a mode
      * less privileged than M also sets MPRV = 0 */
-    if (mpp < PRV_M) {
+    if (mpp < NOM_M) {
         mstatus &= ~MSTATUS_MPRV_MASK;
-    if (priv != mpp) {
-        set_priv(a, mpp);
-    }
+    set_priv(a, mpp);
     pc = a.read_mepc();
     return execute_status::success_and_serve_interrupts;
@@ -2611,12 +3565,17 @@ template <typename STATE_ACCESS>
 static FORCE_INLINE execute_status execute_WFI(STATE_ACCESS &a, uint64_t &pc, uint64_t &mcycle, uint32_t insn) {
     dump_insn(a, pc, insn, "wfi");
     // Check privileges and do nothing else
-    auto priv = a.read_iflags_PRV();
+    const uint8_t priv = a.read_iflags_PRV();
     const uint64_t mstatus = a.read_mstatus();
     // WFI can always causes an illegal instruction exception in less-privileged modes when TW=1
-    if (unlikely(priv == PRV_U || (priv < PRV_M && (mstatus & MSTATUS_TW_MASK)))) {
+    if (unlikely(priv == NOM_U || (priv < NOM_M && (mstatus & MSTATUS_TW_MASK)))) {
         return raise_illegal_insn_exception(a, pc, insn);
+    const uint64_t hstatus = a.read_hstatus();
+    if (unlikely(priv == NOM_S && a.read_iflags_VRT() && (hstatus & HSTATUS_VTW_MASK))) {
+        return raise_virtual_insn_exception(a, pc, insn);
+    }
     // Poll console, this may advance mcycle when in interactive mode
     mcycle = a.poll_console(mcycle);
     return advance_to_next_insn(a, pc);
@@ -3203,24 +4162,8 @@ static FORCE_INLINE execute_status execute_JALR(STATE_ACCESS &a, uint64_t &pc, u
     return execute_jump(a, pc, new_pc);
-/// \brief Implementation of the SFENCE.VMA instruction.
-/// \details This function is outlined to minimize host CPU code cache pressure.
 template <typename STATE_ACCESS>
-static FORCE_INLINE execute_status execute_SFENCE_VMA(STATE_ACCESS &a, uint64_t &pc, uint32_t insn) {
-    // rs1 and rs2 are arbitrary, rest is set
-    if (unlikely((insn & 0b11111110000000000111111111111111) != 0b00010010000000000000000001110011)) {
-        return raise_illegal_insn_exception(a, pc, insn);
-    }
-    INC_COUNTER(a.get_statistics(), fence_vma);
-    dump_insn(a, pc, insn, "sfence.vma");
-    auto priv = a.read_iflags_PRV();
-    const uint64_t mstatus = a.read_mstatus();
-    // When TVM=1, attempts to execute an SFENCE.VMA while executing in S-mode
-    // will raise an illegal instruction exception.
-    if (unlikely(priv == PRV_U || (priv == PRV_S && (mstatus & MSTATUS_TVM_MASK)))) {
-        return raise_illegal_insn_exception(a, pc, insn);
-    }
+static execute_status execute_XFENCE(STATE_ACCESS &a, uint64_t &pc, uint32_t insn) {
     const uint32_t rs1 = insn_get_rs1(insn);
     const uint32_t rs2 = insn_get_rs2(insn);
     if (rs1 == 0) {
@@ -3254,6 +4197,265 @@ static FORCE_INLINE execute_status execute_SFENCE_VMA(STATE_ACCESS &a, uint64_t
     return advance_to_next_insn(a, pc, execute_status::success_and_flush_fetch);
+/// \brief Implementation of the SFENCE.VMA instruction.
+/// \details This function is outlined to minimize host CPU code cache pressure.
+template <typename STATE_ACCESS>
+static execute_status execute_SFENCE_VMA(STATE_ACCESS &a, uint64_t &pc, uint32_t insn) {
+    INC_COUNTER(a.get_naked_state(), fence_vma);
+    dump_insn(a, pc, insn, "sfence.vma");
+    auto priv = a.read_iflags_PRV();
+    if (a.read_iflags_VRT()) {
+        const uint64_t hstatus = a.read_hstatus();
+        if (unlikely(priv == NOM_S && (hstatus & HSTATUS_VTVM_MASK))) {
+            return raise_virtual_insn_exception(a, pc, insn);
+        }
+    } else {
+        const uint64_t mstatus = a.read_mstatus();
+        if (unlikely(priv == NOM_U || (priv == NOM_S && (mstatus & MSTATUS_TVM_MASK)))) {
+            return raise_illegal_insn_exception(a, pc, insn);
+        }
+    }
+    return execute_XFENCE(a, pc, insn);
+/// \brief Implementation of the HFENCE.VVMA instruction.
+template <typename STATE_ACCESS>
+static execute_status execute_HFENCE_VVMA(STATE_ACCESS &a, uint64_t &pc, uint32_t insn) {
+    const uint8_t priv = a.read_iflags_PRV();
+    // HFENCE.VVMA is valid only in M-mode or HS-mode
+    if (unlikely(priv != NOM_M && priv != NOM_S)) {
+        return raise_illegal_insn_exception(a, pc, insn);
+    }
+    return execute_XFENCE(a, pc, insn);
+/// \brief Implementation of the HFENCE.GVMA instruction.
+template <typename STATE_ACCESS>
+static execute_status execute_HFENCE_GVMA(STATE_ACCESS &a, uint64_t &pc, uint32_t insn) {
+    const uint8_t priv = a.read_iflags_PRV();
+    // HFENCE.GVMA is valid only in HS-mode when mstatus.TVM=0, or in M-mode (irrespective of mstatus.TVM)
+    if (unlikely(priv != NOM_M && priv != NOM_S)) {
+        return raise_illegal_insn_exception(a, pc, insn);
+    }
+    const uint64_t mstatus = a.read_mstatus();
+    if (unlikely(priv == NOM_S && (mstatus & MSTATUS_TVM_MASK))) {
+        return raise_illegal_insn_exception(a, pc, insn);
+    }
+    return execute_XFENCE(a, pc, insn);
+/// \brief Implementation of the SINVAL.VMA instruction.
+template <typename STATE_ACCESS>
+static execute_status execute_SINVAL_VMA(STATE_ACCESS &a, uint64_t &pc, uint32_t insn) {
+    // this instruction is a part of the Svinval extension
+    return raise_illegal_insn_exception(a, pc, insn);
+/// \brief Implementation of the SFENCE.W.INVAL instruction.
+template <typename STATE_ACCESS>
+static execute_status execute_SFENCE_W_INVAL(STATE_ACCESS &a, uint64_t &pc, uint32_t insn) {
+    // this instruction is a part of the Svinval extension
+    return raise_illegal_insn_exception(a, pc, insn);
+/// \brief Implementation of the SFENCE.INVAL.IR instruction.
+template <typename STATE_ACCESS>
+static execute_status execute_SFENCE_INVAL_IR(STATE_ACCESS &a, uint64_t &pc, uint32_t insn) {
+    // this instruction is a part of the Svinval extension
+    return raise_illegal_insn_exception(a, pc, insn);
+/// \brief Implementation of the HINVAL.VVMA instruction.
+template <typename STATE_ACCESS>
+static execute_status execute_HINVAL_VVMA(STATE_ACCESS &a, uint64_t &pc, uint32_t insn) {
+    // this instruction is a part of the Svinval extension
+    return raise_illegal_insn_exception(a, pc, insn);
+/// \brief Implementation of the HINVAL.GVMA instruction.
+template <typename STATE_ACCESS>
+static execute_status execute_HINVAL_GVMA(STATE_ACCESS &a, uint64_t &pc, uint32_t insn) {
+    // this instruction is a part of the Svinval extension
+    return raise_illegal_insn_exception(a, pc, insn);
+template <typename STATE_ACCESS>
+static inline execute_status check_HV_insn_allowed(STATE_ACCESS &a, uint8_t &access_mode, uint64_t &pc, uint32_t insn) {
+    uint8_t priv = a.read_iflags_PRV();
+    const bool virt = a.read_iflags_VRT();
+    // HV instructions are not allowed in virtual mode
+    if (unlikely(virt)) {
+        return raise_virtual_insn_exception(a, pc, insn);
+    }
+    const uint64_t hstatus = a.read_hstatus();
+    // HV instructions are not allowed in user mode unless hstatus.HU is set
+    if (unlikely(priv == NOM_U && !(hstatus & HSTATUS_HU_MASK))) {
+        return raise_illegal_insn_exception(a, pc, insn);
+    }
+    // hstatus.SPVP controls the privilege level of access
+    priv = NOM_U;
+    if (hstatus & HSTATUS_SPVP_MASK) {
+        priv = NOM_S;
+    }
+    // HV instructions perform a memory access as though we are in a virtual mode
+    access_mode = encode_access_mode(priv, true);
+    return execute_status::success;
+template <typename T, typename STATE_ACCESS>
+static inline execute_status execute_HLV(STATE_ACCESS &a, uint64_t &pc, uint64_t mcycle, uint32_t insn,
+    uint8_t xwr_shift) {
+    uint8_t access_mode = NOM_U;
+    auto hv_allowed = check_HV_insn_allowed(a, access_mode, pc, insn);
+    if (unlikely(hv_allowed != execute_status::success)) {
+        return hv_allowed;
+    }
+    const uint64_t vaddr = a.read_x(insn_get_rs1(insn));
+    T val;
+    auto [status, new_pc] =
+        read_virtual_memory_slow<T, STATE_ACCESS, false>(a, pc, mcycle, vaddr, access_mode, xwr_shift, &val);
+    pc = new_pc;
+    if (status) {
+        const uint32_t rd = insn_get_rd(insn);
+        // don't write x0
+        if (rd != 0) {
+            // This static branch is eliminated by the compiler
+            if (std::is_signed<T>::value) {
+                a.write_x(rd, static_cast<int64_t>(val));
+            } else {
+                a.write_x(rd, static_cast<uint64_t>(val));
+            }
+        }
+        return advance_to_next_insn(a, pc);
+    } else {
+        return advance_to_raised_exception(a, pc);
+    }
+template <typename T, typename STATE_ACCESS>
+static inline execute_status execute_HLV(STATE_ACCESS &a, uint64_t &pc, uint64_t mcycle, uint32_t insn) {
+    return execute_HLV<T, STATE_ACCESS>(a, pc, mcycle, insn, PTE_XWR_R_SHIFT);
+/// \brief Implementation of the HLV.B instruction.
+template <typename STATE_ACCESS>
+static execute_status execute_HLV_B(STATE_ACCESS &a, uint64_t &pc, uint64_t mcycle, uint32_t insn) {
+    dump_insn(a, pc, insn, "hlv.b");
+    return execute_HLV<int8_t>(a, pc, mcycle, insn);
+/// \brief Implementation of the HLV.BU instruction.
+template <typename STATE_ACCESS>
+static execute_status execute_HLV_BU(STATE_ACCESS &a, uint64_t &pc, uint64_t mcycle, uint32_t insn) {
+    dump_insn(a, pc, insn, "hlv.bu");
+    return execute_HLV<uint8_t>(a, pc, mcycle, insn);
+/// \brief Implementation of the HLV.H instruction.
+template <typename STATE_ACCESS>
+static execute_status execute_HLV_H(STATE_ACCESS &a, uint64_t &pc, uint64_t mcycle, uint32_t insn) {
+    dump_insn(a, pc, insn, "hlv.h");
+    return execute_HLV<int16_t>(a, pc, mcycle, insn);
+/// \brief Implementation of the HLV.HU instruction.
+template <typename STATE_ACCESS>
+static execute_status execute_HLV_HU(STATE_ACCESS &a, uint64_t &pc, uint64_t mcycle, uint32_t insn) {
+    dump_insn(a, pc, insn, "hlv.hu");
+    return execute_HLV<uint16_t>(a, pc, mcycle, insn);
+/// \brief Implementation of the HLV.W instruction.
+template <typename STATE_ACCESS>
+static execute_status execute_HLV_W(STATE_ACCESS &a, uint64_t &pc, uint64_t mcycle, uint32_t insn) {
+    dump_insn(a, pc, insn, "hlv.w");
+    return execute_HLV<int32_t>(a, pc, mcycle, insn);
+/// \brief Implementation of the HLV.WU instruction.
+template <typename STATE_ACCESS>
+static execute_status execute_HLV_WU(STATE_ACCESS &a, uint64_t &pc, uint64_t mcycle, uint32_t insn) {
+    dump_insn(a, pc, insn, "hlv.wu");
+    return execute_HLV<uint32_t>(a, pc, mcycle, insn);
+template <typename T, typename STATE_ACCESS>
+static inline execute_status execute_HLVX(STATE_ACCESS &a, uint64_t &pc, uint64_t mcycle, uint32_t insn) {
+    return execute_HLV<T, STATE_ACCESS>(a, pc, mcycle, insn, PTE_XWR_X_SHIFT);
+/// \brief Implementation of the HLVX.HU instruction.
+template <typename STATE_ACCESS>
+static execute_status execute_HLVX_HU(STATE_ACCESS &a, uint64_t &pc, uint64_t mcycle, uint32_t insn) {
+    dump_insn(a, pc, insn, "hlvx.hu");
+    return execute_HLVX<uint16_t>(a, pc, mcycle, insn);
+/// \brief Implementation of the HLVX.WU instruction.
+template <typename STATE_ACCESS>
+static execute_status execute_HLVX_WU(STATE_ACCESS &a, uint64_t &pc, uint64_t mcycle, uint32_t insn) {
+    dump_insn(a, pc, insn, "hlvx.wu");
+    return execute_HLVX<uint32_t>(a, pc, mcycle, insn);
+/// \brief Implementation of the HLV.D instruction.
+template <typename STATE_ACCESS>
+static execute_status execute_HLV_D(STATE_ACCESS &a, uint64_t &pc, uint64_t mcycle, uint32_t insn) {
+    dump_insn(a, pc, insn, "hlv.d");
+    return execute_HLV<int64_t>(a, pc, mcycle, insn);
+template <typename T, typename STATE_ACCESS>
+static inline execute_status execute_HSV(STATE_ACCESS &a, uint64_t &pc, uint64_t mcycle, uint32_t insn) {
+    uint8_t access_mode = NOM_U;
+    auto hv_allowed = check_HV_insn_allowed(a, access_mode, pc, insn);
+    if (unlikely(hv_allowed != execute_status::success)) {
+        return hv_allowed;
+    }
+    const uint64_t vaddr = a.read_x(insn_get_rs1(insn));
+    const uint64_t val = a.read_x(insn_get_rs2(insn));
+    auto [status, new_pc] = write_virtual_memory_slow<T>(a, pc, mcycle, vaddr, access_mode, val);
+    pc = new_pc;
+    if (status) {
+        return advance_to_next_insn(a, pc);
+    } else {
+        return advance_to_raised_exception(a, pc);
+    }
+/// \brief Implementation of the HSV.B instruction.
+template <typename STATE_ACCESS>
+static execute_status execute_HSV_B(STATE_ACCESS &a, uint64_t &pc, uint64_t mcycle, uint32_t insn) {
+    dump_insn(a, pc, insn, "hsv.b");
+    return execute_HSV<uint8_t>(a, pc, mcycle, insn);
+/// \brief Implementation of the HSV.H instruction.
+template <typename STATE_ACCESS>
+static execute_status execute_HSV_H(STATE_ACCESS &a, uint64_t &pc, uint64_t mcycle, uint32_t insn) {
+    dump_insn(a, pc, insn, "hsv.h");
+    return execute_HSV<uint16_t>(a, pc, mcycle, insn);
+/// \brief Implementation of the HSV.W instruction.
+template <typename STATE_ACCESS>
+static execute_status execute_HSV_W(STATE_ACCESS &a, uint64_t &pc, uint64_t mcycle, uint32_t insn) {
+    dump_insn(a, pc, insn, "hsv.w");
+    return execute_HSV<uint32_t>(a, pc, mcycle, insn);
+/// \brief Implementation of the HSV.D instruction.
+template <typename STATE_ACCESS>
+static execute_status execute_HSV_D(STATE_ACCESS &a, uint64_t &pc, uint64_t mcycle, uint32_t insn) {
+    dump_insn(a, pc, insn, "hsv.d");
+    return execute_HSV<uint64_t>(a, pc, mcycle, insn);
 template <typename STATE_ACCESS>
 static FORCE_INLINE execute_status execute_SRLI_SRAI(STATE_ACCESS &a, uint64_t &pc, uint32_t insn) {
     switch (static_cast<insn_SRLI_SRAI_funct7_sr1>(insn_get_funct7_sr1(insn))) {
@@ -3467,20 +4669,131 @@ static FORCE_INLINE execute_status execute_SRLW_DIVUW_SRAW(STATE_ACCESS &a, uint
 template <typename STATE_ACCESS>
-static FORCE_INLINE execute_status execute_privileged(STATE_ACCESS &a, uint64_t &pc, uint64_t &mcycle, uint32_t insn) {
-    switch (static_cast<insn_privileged>(insn)) {
-        case insn_privileged::ECALL:
+static FORCE_INLINE execute_status execute_privileged_E(STATE_ACCESS &a, uint64_t &pc, uint32_t insn) {
+    switch (static_cast<insn_E_rs2>(insn_get_rs2(insn))) {
+        case insn_E_rs2::ECALL:
             return execute_ECALL(a, pc, insn);
-        case insn_privileged::EBREAK:
+        case insn_E_rs2::EBREAK:
             return execute_EBREAK(a, pc, insn);
-        case insn_privileged::SRET:
-            return execute_SRET(a, pc, insn);
-        case insn_privileged::MRET:
-            return execute_MRET(a, pc, insn);
-        case insn_privileged::WFI:
+        default:
+            return raise_illegal_insn_exception(a, pc, insn);
+    }
+template <typename STATE_ACCESS>
+static inline execute_status execute_privileged_WFI_SRET(STATE_ACCESS &a, uint64_t &pc, uint64_t &mcycle,
+    uint32_t insn) {
+    switch (static_cast<insn_WFI_SRET_rs2>(insn_get_rs2(insn))) {
+        case insn_WFI_SRET_rs2::WFI:
             return execute_WFI(a, pc, mcycle, insn);
+        case insn_WFI_SRET_rs2::SRET:
+            return execute_SRET(a, pc, insn);
+        default:
+            return raise_illegal_insn_exception(a, pc, insn);
+    }
+template <typename STATE_ACCESS>
+static inline execute_status execute_privileged_SFENCE_INVAL(STATE_ACCESS &a, uint64_t &pc, uint32_t insn) {
+    switch (static_cast<insn_SFENCE_INVAL_rs2>(insn_get_rs2(insn))) {
+        case insn_SFENCE_INVAL_rs2::SFENCE_W_INVAL:
+            return execute_SFENCE_W_INVAL(a, pc, insn);
+        case insn_SFENCE_INVAL_rs2::SFENCE_INVAL_IR:
+            return execute_SFENCE_INVAL_IR(a, pc, insn);
+        default:
+            return raise_illegal_insn_exception(a, pc, insn);
+    }
+template <typename STATE_ACCESS>
+static inline execute_status execute_privileged_HLV_B(STATE_ACCESS &a, uint64_t &pc, uint64_t mcycle, uint32_t insn) {
+    switch (static_cast<insn_HLV_B_rs2>(insn_get_rs2(insn))) {
+        case insn_HLV_B_rs2::HLV_B:
+            return execute_HLV_B(a, pc, mcycle, insn);
+        case insn_HLV_B_rs2::HLV_BU:
+            return execute_HLV_BU(a, pc, mcycle, insn);
+        default:
+            return raise_illegal_insn_exception(a, pc, insn);
+    }
+template <typename STATE_ACCESS>
+static inline execute_status execute_privileged_HLV_H(STATE_ACCESS &a, uint64_t &pc, uint64_t mcycle, uint32_t insn) {
+    switch (static_cast<insn_HLV_H_rs2>(insn_get_rs2(insn))) {
+        case insn_HLV_H_rs2::HLV_H:
+            return execute_HLV_H(a, pc, mcycle, insn);
+        case insn_HLV_H_rs2::HLV_HU:
+            return execute_HLV_HU(a, pc, mcycle, insn);
+        case insn_HLV_H_rs2::HLVX_HU:
+            return execute_HLVX_HU(a, pc, mcycle, insn);
+            return raise_illegal_insn_exception(a, pc, insn);
+    }
+template <typename STATE_ACCESS>
+static inline execute_status execute_privileged_HLV_W(STATE_ACCESS &a, uint64_t &pc, uint64_t mcycle, uint32_t insn) {
+    switch (static_cast<insn_HLV_W_rs2>(insn_get_rs2(insn))) {
+        case insn_HLV_W_rs2::HLV_W:
+            return execute_HLV_W(a, pc, mcycle, insn);
+        case insn_HLV_W_rs2::HLV_WU:
+            return execute_HLV_WU(a, pc, mcycle, insn);
+        case insn_HLV_W_rs2::HLVX_WU:
+            return execute_HLVX_WU(a, pc, mcycle, insn);
+        default:
+            return raise_illegal_insn_exception(a, pc, insn);
+    }
+template <typename STATE_ACCESS>
+static inline execute_status execute_privileged(STATE_ACCESS &a, uint64_t &pc, uint64_t &mcycle, uint32_t insn) {
+    switch (static_cast<insn_privileged_funct7>(insn_get_funct7(insn))) {
+        case insn_privileged_funct7::E:
+            return execute_privileged_E(a, pc, insn);
+        case insn_privileged_funct7::WFI_SRET:
+            return execute_privileged_WFI_SRET(a, pc, mcycle, insn);
+        case insn_privileged_funct7::SFENCE_INVAL:
+            return execute_privileged_SFENCE_INVAL(a, pc, insn);
+        case insn_privileged_funct7::MRET:
+            return execute_MRET(a, pc, insn);
+        case insn_privileged_funct7::SFENCE_VMA:
             return execute_SFENCE_VMA(a, pc, insn);
+        case insn_privileged_funct7::SINVAL_VMA:
+            return execute_SINVAL_VMA(a, pc, insn);
+        case insn_privileged_funct7::HFENCE_VVMA:
+            return execute_HFENCE_VVMA(a, pc, insn);
+        case insn_privileged_funct7::HFENCE_GVMA:
+            return execute_HFENCE_GVMA(a, pc, insn);
+        case insn_privileged_funct7::HINVAL_VVMA:
+            return execute_HINVAL_VVMA(a, pc, insn);
+        case insn_privileged_funct7::HINVAL_GVMA:
+            return execute_HINVAL_GVMA(a, pc, insn);
+        default:
+            return raise_illegal_insn_exception(a, pc, insn);
+    }
+template <typename STATE_ACCESS>
+static inline execute_status execute_hv_store_load(STATE_ACCESS &a, uint64_t &pc, uint64_t mcycle, uint32_t insn) {
+    switch (static_cast<insn_privileged_funct7>(insn_get_funct7(insn))) {
+        case insn_privileged_funct7::HLV_B:
+            return execute_privileged_HLV_B(a, pc, mcycle, insn);
+        case insn_privileged_funct7::HLV_H:
+            return execute_privileged_HLV_H(a, pc, mcycle, insn);
+        case insn_privileged_funct7::HLV_W:
+            return execute_privileged_HLV_W(a, pc, mcycle, insn);
+        case insn_privileged_funct7::HSV_B:
+            return execute_HSV_B(a, pc, mcycle, insn);
+        case insn_privileged_funct7::HSV_H:
+            return execute_HSV_H(a, pc, mcycle, insn);
+        case insn_privileged_funct7::HSV_W:
+            return execute_HSV_W(a, pc, mcycle, insn);
+        case insn_privileged_funct7::HLV_D:
+            return execute_HLV_D(a, pc, mcycle, insn);
+        case insn_privileged_funct7::HSV_D:
+            return execute_HSV_D(a, pc, mcycle, insn);
+        default:
+            return raise_illegal_insn_exception(a, pc, insn);
@@ -5026,7 +6339,7 @@ static FORCE_INLINE execute_status execute_C_MV(STATE_ACCESS &a, uint64_t &pc, u
 template <typename STATE_ACCESS>
 static FORCE_INLINE execute_status execute_C_EBREAK(STATE_ACCESS &a, uint64_t &pc, uint32_t insn) {
     dump_insn(a, pc, insn, "c.ebreak");
-    pc = raise_exception(a, pc, MCAUSE_BREAKPOINT, pc);
+    pc = raise_exception(a, pc, MCAUSE_BREAKPOINT, pc, 0);
     return advance_to_raised_exception(a, pc);
@@ -5172,6 +6485,12 @@ static FORCE_INLINE execute_status execute_insn(STATE_ACCESS &a, uint64_t &pc, u
                 if (unlikely((a.read_mstatus() & MSTATUS_FS_MASK) == MSTATUS_FS_OFF)) {
                     return raise_illegal_insn_exception(a, pc, insn);
+                if (a.read_iflags_VRT()) {
+                    auto vsstatus = a.read_vsstatus();
+                    if (unlikely((vsstatus & MSTATUS_FS_MASK) == MSTATUS_FS_OFF)) {
+                        return raise_virtual_insn_exception(a, pc, insn);
+                    }
+                }
                 switch (c_funct3) {
                     case insn_c_funct3::C_FLD:
                         return execute_C_FLD(a, pc, mcycle, insn);
@@ -5326,6 +6645,8 @@ static FORCE_INLINE execute_status execute_insn(STATE_ACCESS &a, uint64_t &pc, u
                 return execute_SRLW_DIVUW_SRAW(a, pc, insn);
             case insn_funct3_00000_opcode::privileged:
                 return execute_privileged(a, pc, mcycle, insn);
+            case insn_funct3_00000_opcode::hv_store_load:
+                return execute_hv_store_load(a, pc, mcycle, insn);
             default: {
                 // Here we are sure that the next instruction, at best, can only be a floating point instruction,
                 // or, at worst, an illegal instruction.
@@ -5335,6 +6656,12 @@ static FORCE_INLINE execute_status execute_insn(STATE_ACCESS &a, uint64_t &pc, u
                 if (unlikely((a.read_mstatus() & MSTATUS_FS_MASK) == MSTATUS_FS_OFF)) {
                     return raise_illegal_insn_exception(a, pc, insn);
+                if (a.read_iflags_VRT()) {
+                    auto vsstatus = a.read_vsstatus();
+                    if (unlikely((vsstatus & MSTATUS_FS_MASK) == MSTATUS_FS_OFF)) {
+                        return raise_virtual_insn_exception(a, pc, insn);
+                    }
+                }
                 switch (funct3_00000_opcode) {
                     case insn_funct3_00000_opcode::FSW:
                         return execute_FSW(a, pc, mcycle, insn);
@@ -5405,9 +6732,14 @@ template <typename STATE_ACCESS>
 static FORCE_INLINE fetch_status fetch_translate_pc_slow(STATE_ACCESS &a, uint64_t &pc, uint64_t vaddr,
     unsigned char **phptr) {
     uint64_t paddr{};
+    auto access_mode = get_current_memory_access_mode<STATE_ACCESS, true>(a);
     // Walk page table and obtain the physical address
-    if (unlikely(!translate_virtual_address(a, &paddr, vaddr, PTE_XWR_X_SHIFT))) {
-        pc = raise_exception(a, pc, MCAUSE_FETCH_PAGE_FAULT, vaddr);
+    const uint8_t cause =
+        translate_virtual_address<STATE_ACCESS, ACCESS_TYPE_FETCH>(a, &paddr, vaddr, access_mode, PTE_XWR_X_SHIFT);
+    if (unlikely(cause)) {
+        // When a guest-page-fault trap is taken into HS-mode, htval is written with the guest
+        // physical address that faulted, shifted right by 2 bits.
+        pc = raise_exception(a, pc, cause, vaddr, paddr >> 2);
         return fetch_status::exception;
     // Walk memory map to find the range that contains the physical address
@@ -5415,7 +6747,7 @@ static FORCE_INLINE fetch_status fetch_translate_pc_slow(STATE_ACCESS &a, uint64
     // We only execute directly from RAM (as in "random access memory")
     // If the range is not memory or not executable, this as a PMA violation
     if (unlikely(!pma.get_istart_M() || !pma.get_istart_X())) {
-        pc = raise_exception(a, pc, MCAUSE_INSN_ACCESS_FAULT, vaddr);
+        pc = raise_exception(a, pc, MCAUSE_INSN_ACCESS_FAULT, vaddr, 0);
         return fetch_status::exception;
     unsigned char *hpage = a.template replace_tlb_entry<TLB_CODE>(vaddr, paddr, pma);
diff --git a/src/jsonrpc-virtual-machine.cpp b/src/jsonrpc-virtual-machine.cpp
index 45c237e79..cb04dff9f 100644
--- a/src/jsonrpc-virtual-machine.cpp
+++ b/src/jsonrpc-virtual-machine.cpp
@@ -624,6 +624,150 @@ void jsonrpc_virtual_machine::do_write_senvcfg(uint64_t val) {
     write_csr(csr::senvcfg, val);
+uint64_t jsonrpc_virtual_machine::do_read_hstatus(void) const {
+    return read_csr(csr::hstatus);
+void jsonrpc_virtual_machine::do_write_hstatus(uint64_t val) {
+    write_csr(csr::hstatus, val);
+uint64_t jsonrpc_virtual_machine::do_read_hideleg(void) const {
+    return read_csr(csr::hideleg);
+void jsonrpc_virtual_machine::do_write_hideleg(uint64_t val) {
+    write_csr(csr::hideleg, val);
+uint64_t jsonrpc_virtual_machine::do_read_hedeleg(void) const {
+    return read_csr(csr::hedeleg);
+void jsonrpc_virtual_machine::do_write_hedeleg(uint64_t val) {
+    write_csr(csr::hedeleg, val);
+uint64_t jsonrpc_virtual_machine::do_read_hip(void) const {
+    return read_csr(csr::hip);
+void jsonrpc_virtual_machine::do_write_hip(uint64_t val) {
+    write_csr(csr::hip, val);
+uint64_t jsonrpc_virtual_machine::do_read_hvip(void) const {
+    return read_csr(csr::hvip);
+void jsonrpc_virtual_machine::do_write_hvip(uint64_t val) {
+    write_csr(csr::hvip, val);
+uint64_t jsonrpc_virtual_machine::do_read_hie(void) const {
+    return read_csr(csr::hie);
+void jsonrpc_virtual_machine::do_write_hie(uint64_t val) {
+    write_csr(csr::hie, val);
+uint64_t jsonrpc_virtual_machine::do_read_hgatp(void) const {
+    return read_csr(csr::hgatp);
+void jsonrpc_virtual_machine::do_write_hgatp(uint64_t val) {
+    write_csr(csr::hgatp, val);
+uint64_t jsonrpc_virtual_machine::do_read_htimedelta(void) const {
+    return read_csr(csr::htimedelta);
+void jsonrpc_virtual_machine::do_write_htimedelta(uint64_t val) {
+    write_csr(csr::htimedelta, val);
+uint64_t jsonrpc_virtual_machine::do_read_htval(void) const {
+    return read_csr(csr::htval);
+void jsonrpc_virtual_machine::do_write_htval(uint64_t val) {
+    write_csr(csr::htval, val);
+uint64_t jsonrpc_virtual_machine::do_read_vsepc(void) const {
+    return read_csr(csr::vsepc);
+void jsonrpc_virtual_machine::do_write_vsepc(uint64_t val) {
+    write_csr(csr::vsepc, val);
+uint64_t jsonrpc_virtual_machine::do_read_vsstatus(void) const {
+    return read_csr(csr::vsstatus);
+void jsonrpc_virtual_machine::do_write_vsstatus(uint64_t val) {
+    write_csr(csr::vsstatus, val);
+uint64_t jsonrpc_virtual_machine::do_read_vscause(void) const {
+    return read_csr(csr::vscause);
+void jsonrpc_virtual_machine::do_write_vscause(uint64_t val) {
+    write_csr(csr::vscause, val);
+uint64_t jsonrpc_virtual_machine::do_read_vstval(void) const {
+    return read_csr(csr::vstval);
+void jsonrpc_virtual_machine::do_write_vstval(uint64_t val) {
+    write_csr(csr::vstval, val);
+uint64_t jsonrpc_virtual_machine::do_read_vstvec(void) const {
+    return read_csr(csr::vstvec);
+void jsonrpc_virtual_machine::do_write_vstvec(uint64_t val) {
+    write_csr(csr::vstvec, val);
+uint64_t jsonrpc_virtual_machine::do_read_vsscratch(void) const {
+    return read_csr(csr::vsscratch);
+void jsonrpc_virtual_machine::do_write_vsscratch(uint64_t val) {
+    write_csr(csr::vsscratch, val);
+uint64_t jsonrpc_virtual_machine::do_read_vsatp(void) const {
+    return read_csr(csr::vsatp);
+void jsonrpc_virtual_machine::do_write_vsatp(uint64_t val) {
+    write_csr(csr::vsatp, val);
+uint64_t jsonrpc_virtual_machine::do_read_vsip(void) const {
+    return read_csr(csr::vsip);
+void jsonrpc_virtual_machine::do_write_vsip(uint64_t val) {
+    write_csr(csr::vsip, val);
+uint64_t jsonrpc_virtual_machine::do_read_vsie(void) const {
+    return read_csr(csr::vsie);
+void jsonrpc_virtual_machine::do_write_vsie(uint64_t val) {
+    write_csr(csr::vsie, val);
 uint64_t jsonrpc_virtual_machine::do_read_ilrsc(void) const {
     return read_csr(csr::ilrsc);
diff --git a/src/jsonrpc-virtual-machine.h b/src/jsonrpc-virtual-machine.h
index f96f8b5f0..096eb9782 100644
--- a/src/jsonrpc-virtual-machine.h
+++ b/src/jsonrpc-virtual-machine.h
@@ -133,6 +133,44 @@ class jsonrpc_virtual_machine final : public i_virtual_machine {
     void do_write_scounteren(uint64_t val) override;
     uint64_t do_read_senvcfg(void) const override;
     void do_write_senvcfg(uint64_t val) override;
+    uint64_t do_read_hstatus(void) const override;
+    void do_write_hstatus(uint64_t val) override;
+    uint64_t do_read_hideleg(void) const override;
+    void do_write_hideleg(uint64_t val) override;
+    uint64_t do_read_hedeleg(void) const override;
+    void do_write_hedeleg(uint64_t val) override;
+    uint64_t do_read_hip(void) const override;
+    void do_write_hip(uint64_t val) override;
+    uint64_t do_read_hvip(void) const override;
+    void do_write_hvip(uint64_t val) override;
+    uint64_t do_read_hie(void) const override;
+    void do_write_hie(uint64_t val) override;
+    uint64_t do_read_hgatp(void) const override;
+    void do_write_hgatp(uint64_t val) override;
+    uint64_t do_read_henvcfg(void) const override;
+    void do_write_henvcfg(uint64_t val) override;
+    uint64_t do_read_htimedelta(void) const override;
+    void do_write_htimedelta(uint64_t val) override;
+    uint64_t do_read_htval(void) const override;
+    void do_write_htval(uint64_t val) override;
+    uint64_t do_read_vsepc(void) const override;
+    void do_write_vsepc(uint64_t val) override;
+    uint64_t do_read_vsstatus(void) const override;
+    void do_write_vsstatus(uint64_t val) override;
+    uint64_t do_read_vscause(void) const override;
+    void do_write_vscause(uint64_t val) override;
+    uint64_t do_read_vstval(void) const override;
+    void do_write_vstval(uint64_t val) override;
+    uint64_t do_read_vstvec(void) const override;
+    void do_write_vstvec(uint64_t val) override;
+    uint64_t do_read_vsscratch(void) const override;
+    void do_write_vsscratch(uint64_t val) override;
+    uint64_t do_read_vsatp(void) const override;
+    void do_write_vsatp(uint64_t val) override;
+    uint64_t do_read_vsip(void) const override;
+    void do_write_vsip(uint64_t val) override;
+    uint64_t do_read_vsie(void) const override;
+    void do_write_vsie(uint64_t val) override;
     uint64_t do_read_ilrsc(void) const override;
     void do_write_ilrsc(uint64_t val) override;
     uint64_t do_read_iflags(void) const override;
diff --git a/src/machine-c-api.cpp b/src/machine-c-api.cpp
index 0808d5b7b..6f756cb50 100644
--- a/src/machine-c-api.cpp
+++ b/src/machine-c-api.cpp
@@ -1144,6 +1144,25 @@ IMPL_MACHINE_READ_WRITE(stval)
@@ -1161,8 +1180,8 @@ IMPL_MACHINE_READ_WRITE(uarch_pc)
 // clang-format-on
-uint64_t cm_packed_iflags(int PRV, int X, int Y, int H) {
-    return cartesi::machine_state::packed_iflags(PRV, X, Y, H);
+uint64_t cm_packed_iflags(int VRT, int PRV, int X, int Y, int H) {
+    return cartesi::machine_state::packed_iflags(VRT, PRV, X, Y, H);
 int cm_read_iflags_Y(const cm_machine *m, bool *val, char **err_msg) try {
diff --git a/src/machine-c-api.h b/src/machine-c-api.h
index 7c411e89f..b3f068674 100644
--- a/src/machine-c-api.h
+++ b/src/machine-c-api.h
@@ -128,6 +128,24 @@ typedef enum { // NOLINT(modernize-use-using)
@@ -181,6 +199,25 @@ typedef struct {                        // NOLINT(modernize-use-using)
     uint64_t satp;                      ///< Value of satp CSR
     uint64_t scounteren;                ///< Value of scounteren CSR
     uint64_t senvcfg;                   ///< Value of senvcfg CSR
+    uint64_t hstatus;                   ///< Value of hstatus CSR
+    uint64_t hideleg;                   ///< Value of hideleg CSR
+    uint64_t hedeleg;                   ///< Value of hedeleg CSR
+    uint64_t hie;                       ///< Value of hie CSR
+    uint64_t hip;                       ///< Value of hip CSR
+    uint64_t hvip;                      ///< Value of hvip CSR
+    uint64_t hgatp;                     ///< Value of hgatp CSR
+    uint64_t henvcfg;                   ///< Value of henvcfg CSR
+    uint64_t htimedelta;                ///< Value of htimedelta CSR
+    uint64_t htval;                     ///< Value of htval CSR
+    uint64_t vsepc;                     ///< Value of vsepc CSR
+    uint64_t vsstatus;                  ///< Value of vsstatus CSR
+    uint64_t vscause;                   ///< Value of vscause CSR
+    uint64_t vstval;                    ///< Value of vstval CSR
+    uint64_t vstvec;                    ///< Value of vstvec CSR
+    uint64_t vsscratch;                 ///< Value of vsscratch CSR
+    uint64_t vsatp;                     ///< Value of vsatp CSR
+    uint64_t vsip;                      ///< Value of vsip CSR
+    uint64_t vsie;                      ///< Value of vsie CSR
     uint64_t ilrsc;                     ///< Value of ilrsc CSR
     uint64_t iflags;                    ///< Value of iflags CSR
 } cm_processor_config;
@@ -1215,6 +1252,348 @@ CM_API int cm_read_senvcfg(const cm_machine *m, uint64_t *val, char **err_msg);
 /// \returns 0 for success, non zero code for error
 CM_API int cm_write_senvcfg(cm_machine *m, uint64_t val, char **err_msg);
+/// \brief Reads the value of the hstatus register.
+/// \param m Pointer to valid machine instance
+/// \param val Receives value of the register.
+/// \param err_msg Receives the error message if function execution fails
+/// or NULL in case of successfull function execution. In case of failure error_msg
+/// must be deleted by the function caller using cm_delete_error_message
+/// \returns 0 for success, non zero code for error
+CM_API int cm_read_hstatus(const cm_machine *m, uint64_t *val, char **err_msg);
+/// \brief Writes the value of the hstatus register.
+/// \param m Pointer to valid machine instance
+/// \param val New register value.
+/// \param err_msg Receives the error message if function execution fails
+/// or NULL in case of successfull function execution. In case of failure error_msg
+/// must be deleted by the function caller using cm_delete_error_message
+/// \returns 0 for success, non zero code for error
+CM_API int cm_write_hstatus(cm_machine *m, uint64_t val, char **err_msg);
+/// \brief Reads the value of the hideleg register.
+/// \param m Pointer to valid machine instance
+/// \param val Receives value of the register.
+/// \param err_msg Receives the error message if function execution fails
+/// or NULL in case of successfull function execution. In case of failure error_msg
+/// must be deleted by the function caller using cm_delete_error_message
+/// \returns 0 for success, non zero code for error
+CM_API int cm_read_hideleg(const cm_machine *m, uint64_t *val, char **err_msg);
+/// \brief Writes the value of the hideleg register.
+/// \param m Pointer to valid machine instance
+/// \param val New register value.
+/// \param err_msg Receives the error message if function execution fails
+/// or NULL in case of successfull function execution. In case of failure error_msg
+/// must be deleted by the function caller using cm_delete_error_message
+/// \returns 0 for success, non zero code for error
+CM_API int cm_write_hideleg(cm_machine *m, uint64_t val, char **err_msg);
+/// \brief Reads the value of the hedeleg register.
+/// \param m Pointer to valid machine instance
+/// \param val Receives value of the register.
+/// \param err_msg Receives the error message if function execution fails
+/// or NULL in case of successfull function execution. In case of failure error_msg
+/// must be deleted by the function caller using cm_delete_error_message
+/// \returns 0 for success, non zero code for error
+CM_API int cm_read_hedeleg(const cm_machine *m, uint64_t *val, char **err_msg);
+/// \brief Writes the value of the hedeleg register.
+/// \param m Pointer to valid machine instance
+/// \param val New register value.
+/// \param err_msg Receives the error message if function execution fails
+/// or NULL in case of successfull function execution. In case of failure error_msg
+/// must be deleted by the function caller using cm_delete_error_message
+/// \returns 0 for success, non zero code for error
+CM_API int cm_write_hedeleg(cm_machine *m, uint64_t val, char **err_msg);
+/// \brief Reads the value of the hip register.
+/// \param m Pointer to valid machine instance
+/// \param val Receives value of the register.
+/// \param err_msg Receives the error message if function execution fails
+/// or NULL in case of successfull function execution. In case of failure error_msg
+/// must be deleted by the function caller using cm_delete_error_message
+/// \returns 0 for success, non zero code for error
+CM_API int cm_read_hip(const cm_machine *m, uint64_t *val, char **err_msg);
+/// \brief Writes the value of the hip register.
+/// \param m Pointer to valid machine instance
+/// \param val New register value.
+/// \param err_msg Receives the error message if function execution fails
+/// or NULL in case of successfull function execution. In case of failure error_msg
+/// must be deleted by the function caller using cm_delete_error_message
+/// \returns 0 for success, non zero code for error
+CM_API int cm_write_hip(cm_machine *m, uint64_t val, char **err_msg);
+/// \brief Reads the value of the hvip register.
+/// \param m Pointer to valid machine instance
+/// \param val Receives value of the register.
+/// \param err_msg Receives the error message if function execution fails
+/// or NULL in case of successfull function execution. In case of failure error_msg
+/// must be deleted by the function caller using cm_delete_error_message
+/// \returns 0 for success, non zero code for error
+CM_API int cm_read_hvip(const cm_machine *m, uint64_t *val, char **err_msg);
+/// \brief Writes the value of the hvip register.
+/// \param m Pointer to valid machine instance
+/// \param val New register value.
+/// \param err_msg Receives the error message if function execution fails
+/// or NULL in case of successfull function execution. In case of failure error_msg
+/// must be deleted by the function caller using cm_delete_error_message
+/// \returns 0 for success, non zero code for error
+CM_API int cm_write_hvip(cm_machine *m, uint64_t val, char **err_msg);
+/// \brief Reads the value of the hie register.
+/// \param m Pointer to valid machine instance
+/// \param val Receives value of the register.
+/// \param err_msg Receives the error message if function execution fails
+/// or NULL in case of successfull function execution. In case of failure error_msg
+/// must be deleted by the function caller using cm_delete_error_message
+/// \returns 0 for success, non zero code for error
+CM_API int cm_read_hie(const cm_machine *m, uint64_t *val, char **err_msg);
+/// \brief Writes the value of the hie register.
+/// \param m Pointer to valid machine instance
+/// \param val New register value.
+/// \param err_msg Receives the error message if function execution fails
+/// or NULL in case of successfull function execution. In case of failure error_msg
+/// must be deleted by the function caller using cm_delete_error_message
+/// \returns 0 for success, non zero code for error
+CM_API int cm_write_hie(cm_machine *m, uint64_t val, char **err_msg);
+/// \brief Reads the value of the hgatp register.
+/// \param m Pointer to valid machine instance
+/// \param val Receives value of the register.
+/// \param err_msg Receives the error message if function execution fails
+/// or NULL in case of successfull function execution. In case of failure error_msg
+/// must be deleted by the function caller using cm_delete_error_message
+/// \returns 0 for success, non zero code for error
+CM_API int cm_read_hgatp(const cm_machine *m, uint64_t *val, char **err_msg);
+/// \brief Writes the value of the hgatp register.
+/// \param m Pointer to valid machine instance
+/// \param val New register value.
+/// \param err_msg Receives the error message if function execution fails
+/// or NULL in case of successfull function execution. In case of failure error_msg
+/// must be deleted by the function caller using cm_delete_error_message
+/// \returns 0 for success, non zero code for error
+CM_API int cm_write_hgatp(cm_machine *m, uint64_t val, char **err_msg);
+/// \brief Reads the value of the henvcfg register.
+/// \param m Pointer to valid machine instance
+/// \param val Receives value of the register.
+/// \param err_msg Receives the error message if function execution fails
+/// or NULL in case of successfull function execution. In case of failure error_msg
+/// must be deleted by the function caller using cm_delete_error_message
+/// \returns 0 for success, non zero code for error
+CM_API int cm_read_henvcfg(const cm_machine *m, uint64_t *val, char **err_msg);
+/// \brief Writes the value of the henvcfg register.
+/// \param m Pointer to valid machine instance
+/// \param val New register value.
+/// \param err_msg Receives the error message if function execution fails
+/// or NULL in case of successfull function execution. In case of failure error_msg
+/// must be deleted by the function caller using cm_delete_error_message
+/// \returns 0 for success, non zero code for error
+CM_API int cm_write_henvcfg(cm_machine *m, uint64_t val, char **err_msg);
+/// \brief Reads the value of the htimedelta register.
+/// \param m Pointer to valid machine instance
+/// \param val Receives value of the register.
+/// \param err_msg Receives the error message if function execution fails
+/// or NULL in case of successfull function execution. In case of failure error_msg
+/// must be deleted by the function caller using cm_delete_error_message
+/// \returns 0 for success, non zero code for error
+CM_API int cm_read_htimedelta(const cm_machine *m, uint64_t *val, char **err_msg);
+/// \brief Writes the value of the htimedelta register.
+/// \param m Pointer to valid machine instance
+/// \param val New register value.
+/// \param err_msg Receives the error message if function execution fails
+/// or NULL in case of successfull function execution. In case of failure error_msg
+/// must be deleted by the function caller using cm_delete_error_message
+/// \returns 0 for success, non zero code for error
+CM_API int cm_write_htimedelta(cm_machine *m, uint64_t val, char **err_msg);
+/// \brief Reads the value of the htval register.
+/// \param m Pointer to valid machine instance
+/// \param val Receives value of the register.
+/// \param err_msg Receives the error message if function execution fails
+/// or NULL in case of successfull function execution. In case of failure error_msg
+/// must be deleted by the function caller using cm_delete_error_message
+/// \returns 0 for success, non zero code for error
+CM_API int cm_read_htval(const cm_machine *m, uint64_t *val, char **err_msg);
+/// \brief Writes the value of the htval register.
+/// \param m Pointer to valid machine instance
+/// \param val New register value.
+/// \param err_msg Receives the error message if function execution fails
+/// or NULL in case of successfull function execution. In case of failure error_msg
+/// must be deleted by the function caller using cm_delete_error_message
+/// \returns 0 for success, non zero code for error
+CM_API int cm_write_htval(cm_machine *m, uint64_t val, char **err_msg);
+/// \brief Reads the value of the vsepc register.
+/// \param m Pointer to valid machine instance
+/// \param val Receives value of the register.
+/// \param err_msg Receives the error message if function execution fails
+/// or NULL in case of successfull function execution. In case of failure error_msg
+/// must be deleted by the function caller using cm_delete_error_message
+/// \returns 0 for success, non zero code for error
+CM_API int cm_read_vsepc(const cm_machine *m, uint64_t *val, char **err_msg);
+/// \brief Writes the value of the vsepc register.
+/// \param m Pointer to valid machine instance
+/// \param val New register value.
+/// \param err_msg Receives the error message if function execution fails
+/// or NULL in case of successfull function execution. In case of failure error_msg
+/// must be deleted by the function caller using cm_delete_error_message
+/// \returns 0 for success, non zero code for error
+CM_API int cm_write_vsepc(cm_machine *m, uint64_t val, char **err_msg);
+/// \brief Reads the value of the vsstatus register.
+/// \param m Pointer to valid machine instance
+/// \param val Receives value of the register.
+/// \param err_msg Receives the error message if function execution fails
+/// or NULL in case of successfull function execution. In case of failure error_msg
+/// must be deleted by the function caller using cm_delete_error_message
+/// \returns 0 for success, non zero code for error
+CM_API int cm_read_vsstatus(const cm_machine *m, uint64_t *val, char **err_msg);
+/// \brief Writes the value of the vsstatus register.
+/// \param m Pointer to valid machine instance
+/// \param val New register value.
+/// \param err_msg Receives the error message if function execution fails
+/// or NULL in case of successfull function execution. In case of failure error_msg
+/// must be deleted by the function caller using cm_delete_error_message
+/// \returns 0 for success, non zero code for error
+CM_API int cm_write_vsstatus(cm_machine *m, uint64_t val, char **err_msg);
+/// \brief Reads the value of the vscause register.
+/// \param m Pointer to valid machine instance
+/// \param val Receives value of the register.
+/// \param err_msg Receives the error message if function execution fails
+/// or NULL in case of successfull function execution. In case of failure error_msg
+/// must be deleted by the function caller using cm_delete_error_message
+/// \returns 0 for success, non zero code for error
+CM_API int cm_read_vscause(const cm_machine *m, uint64_t *val, char **err_msg);
+/// \brief Writes the value of the vscause register.
+/// \param m Pointer to valid machine instance
+/// \param val New register value.
+/// \param err_msg Receives the error message if function execution fails
+/// or NULL in case of successfull function execution. In case of failure error_msg
+/// must be deleted by the function caller using cm_delete_error_message
+/// \returns 0 for success, non zero code for error
+CM_API int cm_write_vscause(cm_machine *m, uint64_t val, char **err_msg);
+/// \brief Reads the value of the vstval register.
+/// \param m Pointer to valid machine instance
+/// \param val Receives value of the register.
+/// \param err_msg Receives the error message if function execution fails
+/// or NULL in case of successfull function execution. In case of failure error_msg
+/// must be deleted by the function caller using cm_delete_error_message
+/// \returns 0 for success, non zero code for error
+CM_API int cm_read_vstval(const cm_machine *m, uint64_t *val, char **err_msg);
+/// \brief Writes the value of the vstval register.
+/// \param m Pointer to valid machine instance
+/// \param val New register value.
+/// \param err_msg Receives the error message if function execution fails
+/// or NULL in case of successfull function execution. In case of failure error_msg
+/// must be deleted by the function caller using cm_delete_error_message
+/// \returns 0 for success, non zero code for error
+CM_API int cm_write_vstval(cm_machine *m, uint64_t val, char **err_msg);
+/// \brief Reads the value of the vstvec register.
+/// \param m Pointer to valid machine instance
+/// \param val Receives value of the register.
+/// \param err_msg Receives the error message if function execution fails
+/// or NULL in case of successfull function execution. In case of failure error_msg
+/// must be deleted by the function caller using cm_delete_error_message
+/// \returns 0 for success, non zero code for error
+CM_API int cm_read_vstvec(const cm_machine *m, uint64_t *val, char **err_msg);
+/// \brief Writes the value of the vstvec register.
+/// \param m Pointer to valid machine instance
+/// \param val New register value.
+/// \param err_msg Receives the error message if function execution fails
+/// or NULL in case of successfull function execution. In case of failure error_msg
+/// must be deleted by the function caller using cm_delete_error_message
+/// \returns 0 for success, non zero code for error
+CM_API int cm_write_vstvec(cm_machine *m, uint64_t val, char **err_msg);
+/// \brief Reads the value of the vsscratch register.
+/// \param m Pointer to valid machine instance
+/// \param val Receives value of the register.
+/// \param err_msg Receives the error message if function execution fails
+/// or NULL in case of successfull function execution. In case of failure error_msg
+/// must be deleted by the function caller using cm_delete_error_message
+/// \returns 0 for success, non zero code for error
+CM_API int cm_read_vsscratch(const cm_machine *m, uint64_t *val, char **err_msg);
+/// \brief Writes the value of the vsscratch register.
+/// \param m Pointer to valid machine instance
+/// \param val New register value.
+/// \param err_msg Receives the error message if function execution fails
+/// or NULL in case of successfull function execution. In case of failure error_msg
+/// must be deleted by the function caller using cm_delete_error_message
+/// \returns 0 for success, non zero code for error
+CM_API int cm_write_vsscratch(cm_machine *m, uint64_t val, char **err_msg);
+/// \brief Reads the value of the vsatp register.
+/// \param m Pointer to valid machine instance
+/// \param val Receives value of the register.
+/// \param err_msg Receives the error message if function execution fails
+/// or NULL in case of successfull function execution. In case of failure error_msg
+/// must be deleted by the function caller using cm_delete_error_message
+/// \returns 0 for success, non zero code for error
+CM_API int cm_read_vsatp(const cm_machine *m, uint64_t *val, char **err_msg);
+/// \brief Writes the value of the vsatp register.
+/// \param m Pointer to valid machine instance
+/// \param val New register value.
+/// \param err_msg Receives the error message if function execution fails
+/// or NULL in case of successfull function execution. In case of failure error_msg
+/// must be deleted by the function caller using cm_delete_error_message
+/// \returns 0 for success, non zero code for error
+CM_API int cm_write_vsatp(cm_machine *m, uint64_t val, char **err_msg);
+/// \brief Reads the value of the vsie register.
+/// \param m Pointer to valid machine instance
+/// \param val Receives value of the register.
+/// \param err_msg Receives the error message if function execution fails
+/// or NULL in case of successfull function execution. In case of failure error_msg
+/// must be deleted by the function caller using cm_delete_error_message
+/// \returns 0 for success, non zero code for error
+CM_API int cm_read_vsie(const cm_machine *m, uint64_t *val, char **err_msg);
+/// \brief Writes the value of the vsie register.
+/// \param m Pointer to valid machine instance
+/// \param val New register value.
+/// \param err_msg Receives the error message if function execution fails
+/// or NULL in case of successfull function execution. In case of failure error_msg
+/// must be deleted by the function caller using cm_delete_error_message
+/// \returns 0 for success, non zero code for error
+CM_API int cm_write_vsie(cm_machine *m, uint64_t val, char **err_msg);
+/// \brief Reads the value of the vsip register.
+/// \param m Pointer to valid machine instance
+/// \param val Receives value of the register.
+/// \param err_msg Receives the error message if function execution fails
+/// or NULL in case of successfull function execution. In case of failure error_msg
+/// must be deleted by the function caller using cm_delete_error_message
+/// \returns 0 for success, non zero code for error
+CM_API int cm_read_vsip(const cm_machine *m, uint64_t *val, char **err_msg);
+/// \brief Writes the value of the vsip register.
+/// \param m Pointer to valid machine instance
+/// \param val New register value.
+/// \param err_msg Receives the error message if function execution fails
+/// or NULL in case of successfull function execution. In case of failure error_msg
+/// must be deleted by the function caller using cm_delete_error_message
+/// \returns 0 for success, non zero code for error
+CM_API int cm_write_vsip(cm_machine *m, uint64_t val, char **err_msg);
 /// \brief Reads the value of the ilrsc register.
 /// \param m Pointer to valid machine instance
 /// \param val Receives value of the register.
@@ -1247,7 +1626,7 @@ CM_API int cm_read_iflags(const cm_machine *m, uint64_t *val, char **err_msg);
 /// \brief Returns packed iflags from its component fields.
 /// \param val Receives value of the register.
-CM_API uint64_t cm_packed_iflags(int PRV, int X, int Y, int H);
+CM_API uint64_t cm_packed_iflags(int VRT, int PRV, int X, int Y, int H);
 /// \brief Reads the value of the iflags register.
 /// \param m Pointer to valid machine instance
diff --git a/src/machine-config.h b/src/machine-config.h
index c05986fcd..f147b8477 100644
--- a/src/machine-config.h
+++ b/src/machine-config.h
@@ -63,6 +63,25 @@ struct processor_config final {
     uint64_t satp{SATP_INIT};                   ///< Value of satp CSR
     uint64_t scounteren{SCOUNTEREN_INIT};       ///< Value of scounteren CSR
     uint64_t senvcfg{SENVCFG_INIT};             ///< Value of senvcfg CSR
+    uint64_t hstatus{HSTATUS_INIT};             ///< Value of hstatus CSR
+    uint64_t hideleg{HIDELEG_INIT};             ///< Value of hideleg CSR
+    uint64_t hedeleg{HEDELEG_INIT};             ///< Value of hedeleg CSR
+    uint64_t hie{HIE_INIT};                     ///< Value of hie CSR
+    uint64_t hip{HIP_INIT};                     ///< Value of hip CSR
+    uint64_t hvip{HVIP_INIT};                   ///< Value of hvip CSR
+    uint64_t hgatp{HGATP_INIT};                 ///< Value of hgatp CSR
+    uint64_t henvcfg{HENVCFG_INIT};             ///< Value of henvcfg CSR
+    uint64_t htimedelta{HTIMEDELTA_INIT};       ///< Value of htimedelta CSR
+    uint64_t htval{HTVAL_INIT};                 ///< Value of htval CSR
+    uint64_t vsepc{VSEPC_INIT};                 ///< Value of vsepc CSR
+    uint64_t vsstatus{VSSTATUS_INIT};           ///< Value of vsstatus CSR
+    uint64_t vscause{VSCAUSE_INIT};             ///< Value of vscause CSR
+    uint64_t vstval{VSTVAL_INIT};               ///< Value of vstval CSR
+    uint64_t vstvec{VSTVEC_INIT};               ///< Value of vstvec CSR
+    uint64_t vsscratch{VSSCRATCH_INIT};         ///< Value of vsscratch CSR
+    uint64_t vsatp{VSATP_INIT};                 ///< Value of vsatp CSR
+    uint64_t vsip{VSIP_INIT};                   ///< Value of vsip CSR
+    uint64_t vsie{VSIE_INIT};                   ///< Value of vsie CSR
     uint64_t ilrsc{ILRSC_INIT};                 ///< Value of ilrsc CSR
     uint64_t iflags{IFLAGS_INIT};               ///< Value of iflags CSR
diff --git a/src/machine-state.h b/src/machine-state.h
index c042a6ee1..53b226cde 100644
--- a/src/machine-state.h
+++ b/src/machine-state.h
@@ -38,7 +38,8 @@
 namespace cartesi {
 struct unpacked_iflags {
-    uint8_t PRV; ///< Privilege level.
+    bool V;      ///< Virtual mode.
+    uint8_t NOM; ///< Nominal privilege level.
     bool X;      ///< CPU has yielded with automatic reset.
     bool Y;      ///< CPU has yielded with manual reset.
     bool H;      ///< CPU has been permanently halted.
@@ -93,6 +94,27 @@ struct machine_state {
     uint64_t scounteren; ///< CSR scounteren.
     uint64_t senvcfg;    ///< CSR senvcfg.
+    uint64_t hstatus;    ///< CSR hstatus.
+    uint64_t hideleg;    ///< CSR hideleg.
+    uint64_t hedeleg;    ///< CSR hedeleg.
+    uint64_t hip;        ///< CSR hip.
+    uint64_t hvip;       ///< CSR hvip.
+    uint64_t hie;        ///< CSR hie.
+    uint64_t hgatp;      ///< CSR hgatp.
+    uint64_t henvcfg;    ///< CSR henvcfg.
+    uint64_t htimedelta; ///< CSR htimedelta.
+    uint64_t htval;      ///< CSR htval.
+    uint64_t vsepc;     ///< CSR vsepc.
+    uint64_t vsstatus;  ///< CSR vsstatus.
+    uint64_t vscause;   ///< CSR vscause.
+    uint64_t vstval;    ///< CSR vstval.
+    uint64_t vstvec;    ///< CSR vstvec.
+    uint64_t vsscratch; ///< CSR vsscratch.
+    uint64_t vsatp;     ///< CSR vsatp.
+    uint64_t vsie;      ///< CSR vsie.
+    uint64_t vsip;      ///< CSR vsip.
     // Cartesi-specific state
     uint64_t ilrsc; ///< Cartesi-specific CSR ilrsc (For LR/SC instructions).
@@ -133,26 +155,29 @@ struct machine_state {
     /// \brief Reads the value of the iflags register.
     /// \returns The value of the register.
     uint64_t read_iflags(void) const {
-        return packed_iflags(iflags.PRV, iflags.X, iflags.Y, iflags.H);
+        return packed_iflags(iflags.V, iflags.NOM, iflags.X, iflags.Y, iflags.H);
     /// \brief Reads the value of the iflags register.
     /// \param val New register value.
     void write_iflags(uint64_t val) {
-        iflags.H = (val >> IFLAGS_H_SHIFT) & 1;
-        iflags.Y = (val >> IFLAGS_Y_SHIFT) & 1;
-        iflags.X = (val >> IFLAGS_X_SHIFT) & 1;
-        iflags.PRV = (val >> IFLAGS_PRV_SHIFT) & 3;
+        iflags.H = (val & IFLAGS_H_MASK) >> IFLAGS_H_SHIFT;
+        iflags.Y = (val & IFLAGS_Y_MASK) >> IFLAGS_Y_SHIFT;
+        iflags.X = (val & IFLAGS_X_MASK) >> IFLAGS_X_SHIFT;
+        iflags.NOM = (val & IFLAGS_NOM_MASK) >> IFLAGS_NOM_SHIFT;
+        iflags.V = (val & IFLAGS_V_MASK) >> IFLAGS_V_SHIFT;
     /// \brief Packs iflags into the CSR value
-    /// \param PRV privilege level
+    /// \param V virtual mode
+    /// \param NOM nominal privilege level
     /// \param I Waiting for interrupts flag
     /// \param Y Yielded flag
     /// \param H Halted flag
     /// \returns Packed iflags
-    static uint64_t packed_iflags(int PRV, int X, int Y, int H) {
-        return (PRV << IFLAGS_PRV_SHIFT) | (X << IFLAGS_X_SHIFT) | (Y << IFLAGS_Y_SHIFT) | (H << IFLAGS_H_SHIFT);
+    static uint64_t packed_iflags(int V, int NOM, int X, int Y, int H) {
+        return (V << IFLAGS_V_SHIFT) | (NOM << IFLAGS_NOM_SHIFT) | (X << IFLAGS_X_SHIFT) | (Y << IFLAGS_Y_SHIFT) |
+            (H << IFLAGS_H_SHIFT);
diff --git a/src/machine.cpp b/src/machine.cpp
index c48271340..de22c0f23 100644
--- a/src/machine.cpp
+++ b/src/machine.cpp
@@ -344,6 +344,25 @@ machine::machine(const machine_config &c, const machine_runtime_config &r) :
+    write_hstatus(m_c.processor.hstatus);
+    write_hedeleg(m_c.processor.hedeleg);
+    write_hideleg(m_c.processor.hideleg);
+    write_hie(m_c.processor.hie);
+    write_hip(m_c.processor.hip);
+    write_hvip(m_c.processor.hvip);
+    write_hgatp(m_c.processor.hgatp);
+    write_henvcfg(m_c.processor.henvcfg);
+    write_htimedelta(m_c.processor.htimedelta);
+    write_htval(m_c.processor.htval);
+    write_vsepc(m_c.processor.vsepc);
+    write_vsstatus(m_c.processor.vsstatus);
+    write_vscause(m_c.processor.vscause);
+    write_vstval(m_c.processor.vstval);
+    write_vstvec(m_c.processor.vstvec);
+    write_vsscratch(m_c.processor.vsscratch);
+    write_vsatp(m_c.processor.vsatp);
+    write_vsie(m_c.processor.vsie);
+    write_vsip(m_c.processor.vsip);
@@ -532,6 +551,25 @@ machine_config machine::get_serialization_config(void) const {
     c.processor.satp = read_satp();
     c.processor.scounteren = read_scounteren();
     c.processor.senvcfg = read_senvcfg();
+    c.processor.hstatus = read_hstatus();
+    c.processor.hideleg = read_hideleg();
+    c.processor.hedeleg = read_hedeleg();
+    c.processor.hie = read_hie();
+    c.processor.hip = read_hip();
+    c.processor.hvip = read_hvip();
+    c.processor.hgatp = read_hgatp();
+    c.processor.henvcfg = read_henvcfg();
+    c.processor.htimedelta = read_htimedelta();
+    c.processor.htval = read_htval();
+    c.processor.vsepc = read_vsepc();
+    c.processor.vsstatus = read_vsstatus();
+    c.processor.vscause = read_vscause();
+    c.processor.vstval = read_vstval();
+    c.processor.vstvec = read_vstvec();
+    c.processor.vsscratch = read_vsscratch();
+    c.processor.vsatp = read_vsatp();
+    c.processor.vsie = read_vsie();
+    c.processor.vsip = read_vsip();
     c.processor.ilrsc = read_ilrsc();
     c.processor.iflags = read_iflags();
     // Copy current CLINT state to config
@@ -724,9 +762,9 @@ machine::~machine() {
     (void) fprintf(stderr, "fence.i: %" PRIu64 "\n", m_s.stats.fence_i);
     (void) fprintf(stderr, "fence.vma: %" PRIu64 "\n", m_s.stats.fence_vma);
     (void) fprintf(stderr, "max asid: %" PRIu64 "\n", m_s.stats.max_asid);
-    (void) fprintf(stderr, "User mode: %" PRIu64 "\n", m_s.stats.priv_level[PRV_U]);
-    (void) fprintf(stderr, "Supervisor mode: %" PRIu64 "\n", m_s.stats.priv_level[PRV_S]);
-    (void) fprintf(stderr, "Machine mode: %" PRIu64 "\n", m_s.stats.priv_level[PRV_M]);
+    (void) fprintf(stderr, "User mode: %" PRIu64 "\n", m_s.stats.priv_level[NOM_U]);
+    (void) fprintf(stderr, "Supervisor mode: %" PRIu64 "\n", m_s.stats.priv_level[NOM_S]);
+    (void) fprintf(stderr, "Machine mode: %" PRIu64 "\n", m_s.stats.priv_level[NOM_M]);
     (void) fprintf(stderr, "tlb code hit ratio: %.4f\n", TLB_HIT_RATIO(m_s, tlb_cmiss, tlb_chit));
     (void) fprintf(stderr, "tlb read hit ratio: %.4f\n", TLB_HIT_RATIO(m_s, tlb_rmiss, tlb_rhit));
@@ -993,6 +1031,158 @@ void machine::write_senvcfg(uint64_t val) {
     m_s.senvcfg = val;
+uint64_t machine::read_hstatus(void) const {
+    return m_s.hstatus;
+void machine::write_hstatus(uint64_t val) {
+    m_s.hstatus = val;
+uint64_t machine::read_hideleg(void) const {
+    return m_s.hideleg;
+void machine::write_hideleg(uint64_t val) {
+    m_s.hideleg = val;
+uint64_t machine::read_hedeleg(void) const {
+    return m_s.hedeleg;
+void machine::write_hedeleg(uint64_t val) {
+    m_s.hedeleg = val;
+uint64_t machine::read_hie(void) const {
+    return m_s.hie;
+void machine::write_hie(uint64_t val) {
+    m_s.hie = val;
+uint64_t machine::read_hip(void) const {
+    return m_s.hip;
+void machine::write_hip(uint64_t val) {
+    m_s.hip = val;
+uint64_t machine::read_hvip(void) const {
+    return m_s.hvip;
+void machine::write_hvip(uint64_t val) {
+    m_s.hvip = val;
+uint64_t machine::read_hgatp(void) const {
+    return m_s.hgatp;
+void machine::write_hgatp(uint64_t val) {
+    m_s.hgatp = val;
+uint64_t machine::read_henvcfg(void) const {
+    return m_s.henvcfg;
+void machine::write_henvcfg(uint64_t val) {
+    m_s.henvcfg = val;
+uint64_t machine::read_htimedelta(void) const {
+    return m_s.htimedelta;
+void machine::write_htimedelta(uint64_t val) {
+    m_s.htimedelta = val;
+uint64_t machine::read_htval(void) const {
+    return m_s.htval;
+void machine::write_htval(uint64_t val) {
+    m_s.htval = val;
+uint64_t machine::read_vsepc(void) const {
+    return m_s.vsepc;
+void machine::write_vsepc(uint64_t val) {
+    m_s.vsepc = val;
+uint64_t machine::read_vsstatus(void) const {
+    return m_s.vsstatus;
+void machine::write_vsstatus(uint64_t val) {
+    m_s.vsstatus = val;
+uint64_t machine::read_vscause(void) const {
+    return m_s.vscause;
+void machine::write_vscause(uint64_t val) {
+    m_s.vscause = val;
+uint64_t machine::read_vstval(void) const {
+    return m_s.vstval;
+void machine::write_vstval(uint64_t val) {
+    m_s.vstval = val;
+uint64_t machine::read_vstvec(void) const {
+    return m_s.vstvec;
+void machine::write_vstvec(uint64_t val) {
+    m_s.vstvec = val;
+uint64_t machine::read_vsscratch(void) const {
+    return m_s.vsscratch;
+void machine::write_vsscratch(uint64_t val) {
+    m_s.vsscratch = val;
+uint64_t machine::read_vsatp(void) const {
+    return m_s.vsatp;
+void machine::write_vsatp(uint64_t val) {
+    m_s.vsatp = val;
+uint64_t machine::read_vsie(void) const {
+    return m_s.vsie;
+void machine::write_vsie(uint64_t val) {
+    m_s.vsie = val;
+uint64_t machine::read_vsip(void) const {
+    return m_s.vsip;
+void machine::write_vsip(uint64_t val) {
+    m_s.vsip = val;
 uint64_t machine::read_ilrsc(void) const {
     return m_s.ilrsc;
@@ -1131,6 +1321,44 @@ uint64_t machine::read_csr(csr r) const {
             return read_scounteren();
         case csr::senvcfg:
             return read_senvcfg();
+        case csr::hstatus:
+            return read_hstatus();
+        case csr::hideleg:
+            return read_hideleg();
+        case csr::hedeleg:
+            return read_hedeleg();
+        case csr::hie:
+            return read_hie();
+        case csr::hip:
+            return read_hip();
+        case csr::hvip:
+            return read_hvip();
+        case csr::hgatp:
+            return read_hgatp();
+        case csr::henvcfg:
+            return read_henvcfg();
+        case csr::htimedelta:
+            return read_htimedelta();
+        case csr::htval:
+            return read_htval();
+        case csr::vsepc:
+            return read_vsepc();
+        case csr::vsstatus:
+            return read_vsstatus();
+        case csr::vscause:
+            return read_vscause();
+        case csr::vstval:
+            return read_vstval();
+        case csr::vstvec:
+            return read_vstvec();
+        case csr::vsscratch:
+            return read_vsscratch();
+        case csr::vsatp:
+            return read_vsatp();
+        case csr::vsie:
+            return read_vsie();
+        case csr::vsip:
+            return read_vsip();
         case csr::ilrsc:
             return read_ilrsc();
         case csr::iflags:
@@ -1213,6 +1441,44 @@ void machine::write_csr(csr csr, uint64_t value) {
             return write_scounteren(value);
         case csr::senvcfg:
             return write_senvcfg(value);
+        case csr::hstatus:
+            return write_hstatus(value);
+        case csr::hideleg:
+            return write_hideleg(value);
+        case csr::hedeleg:
+            return write_hedeleg(value);
+        case csr::hie:
+            return write_hie(value);
+        case csr::hip:
+            return write_hip(value);
+        case csr::hvip:
+            return write_hvip(value);
+        case csr::hgatp:
+            return write_hgatp(value);
+        case csr::henvcfg:
+            return write_henvcfg(value);
+        case csr::htimedelta:
+            return write_htimedelta(value);
+        case csr::htval:
+            return write_htval(value);
+        case csr::vsepc:
+            return write_vsepc(value);
+        case csr::vsstatus:
+            return write_vsstatus(value);
+        case csr::vscause:
+            return write_vscause(value);
+        case csr::vstvec:
+            return write_vstvec(value);
+        case csr::vstval:
+            return write_vstval(value);
+        case csr::vsscratch:
+            return write_vsscratch(value);
+        case csr::vsatp:
+            return write_vsatp(value);
+        case csr::vsie:
+            return write_vsie(value);
+        case csr::vsip:
+            return write_vsip(value);
         case csr::ilrsc:
             return write_ilrsc(value);
         case csr::iflags:
@@ -1306,6 +1572,44 @@ uint64_t machine::get_csr_address(csr csr) {
             return shadow_state_get_csr_abs_addr(shadow_state_csr::scounteren);
         case csr::senvcfg:
             return shadow_state_get_csr_abs_addr(shadow_state_csr::senvcfg);
+        case csr::hstatus:
+            return shadow_state_get_csr_abs_addr(shadow_state_csr::hstatus);
+        case csr::hideleg:
+            return shadow_state_get_csr_abs_addr(shadow_state_csr::hideleg);
+        case csr::hedeleg:
+            return shadow_state_get_csr_abs_addr(shadow_state_csr::hedeleg);
+        case csr::hie:
+            return shadow_state_get_csr_abs_addr(shadow_state_csr::hie);
+        case csr::hip:
+            return shadow_state_get_csr_abs_addr(shadow_state_csr::hip);
+        case csr::hvip:
+            return shadow_state_get_csr_abs_addr(shadow_state_csr::hvip);
+        case csr::hgatp:
+            return shadow_state_get_csr_abs_addr(shadow_state_csr::hgatp);
+        case csr::henvcfg:
+            return shadow_state_get_csr_abs_addr(shadow_state_csr::henvcfg);
+        case csr::htimedelta:
+            return shadow_state_get_csr_abs_addr(shadow_state_csr::htimedelta);
+        case csr::htval:
+            return shadow_state_get_csr_abs_addr(shadow_state_csr::htval);
+        case csr::vsepc:
+            return shadow_state_get_csr_abs_addr(shadow_state_csr::vsepc);
+        case csr::vsstatus:
+            return shadow_state_get_csr_abs_addr(shadow_state_csr::vsstatus);
+        case csr::vscause:
+            return shadow_state_get_csr_abs_addr(shadow_state_csr::vscause);
+        case csr::vstval:
+            return shadow_state_get_csr_abs_addr(shadow_state_csr::vstval);
+        case csr::vstvec:
+            return shadow_state_get_csr_abs_addr(shadow_state_csr::vstvec);
+        case csr::vsscratch:
+            return shadow_state_get_csr_abs_addr(shadow_state_csr::vsscratch);
+        case csr::vsatp:
+            return shadow_state_get_csr_abs_addr(shadow_state_csr::vsatp);
+        case csr::vsie:
+            return shadow_state_get_csr_abs_addr(shadow_state_csr::vsie);
+        case csr::vsip:
+            return shadow_state_get_csr_abs_addr(shadow_state_csr::vsip);
         case csr::ilrsc:
             return shadow_state_get_csr_abs_addr(shadow_state_csr::ilrsc);
         case csr::iflags:
@@ -1336,7 +1640,19 @@ uint64_t machine::get_csr_address(csr csr) {
 uint8_t machine::read_iflags_PRV(void) const {
-    return m_s.iflags.PRV;
+    return m_s.iflags.NOM;
+bool machine::read_iflags_VRT(void) const {
+    return m_s.iflags.V;
+void machine::reset_iflags_VRT(void) {
+    m_s.iflags.V = false;
+void machine::set_iflags_VRT(void) {
+    m_s.iflags.V = true;
 bool machine::read_iflags_Y(void) const {
@@ -1738,6 +2054,19 @@ void machine::write_memory(uint64_t address, const unsigned char *data, size_t l
     memcpy(pma.get_memory().get_host_memory() + (address - pma.get_start()), data, length);
+static uint8_t get_access_mode(uint8_t priv, bool virt, uint64_t mstatus) {
+    if ((mstatus & MSTATUS_MPRV_MASK) && !virt) {
+        priv = (mstatus & MSTATUS_MPP_MASK) >> MSTATUS_MPP_SHIFT;
+        virt = (mstatus & MSTATUS_MPV_MASK) >> MSTATUS_MPV_SHIFT;
+    }
+    uint8_t access_mode = priv;
+    if (virt) {
+        access_mode |= ACCESS_MODE_V_MASK;
+    }
+    return access_mode;
 void machine::read_virtual_memory(uint64_t vaddr_start, unsigned char *data, uint64_t length) {
     state_access a(*this);
     if (length == 0) {
@@ -1752,9 +2081,17 @@ void machine::read_virtual_memory(uint64_t vaddr_start, unsigned char *data, uin
     // copy page by page, because we need to perform address translation again for each page
     for (uint64_t vaddr_page = vaddr_page_start; vaddr_page < vaddr_page_limit; vaddr_page += PMA_PAGE_SIZE) {
         uint64_t paddr_page = 0;
-        if (!translate_virtual_address<state_access, false>(a, &paddr_page, vaddr_page, PTE_XWR_R_SHIFT)) {
-            throw std::invalid_argument{"page fault"};
+        auto priv = read_iflags_PRV();
+        auto virt = read_iflags_VRT();
+        auto mstatus = read_mstatus();
+        auto access_mode = get_access_mode(priv, virt, mstatus);
+        const uint8_t cause = translate_virtual_address<state_access, ACCESS_TYPE_LOAD, false>(a, &paddr_page,
+            vaddr_page, access_mode, PTE_XWR_R_SHIFT);
+        if (cause) {
+            throw std::runtime_error{"page fault"};
         uint64_t paddr = paddr_page;
         uint64_t vaddr = vaddr_page;
         uint64_t chunklen = std::min<uint64_t>(PMA_PAGE_SIZE, vaddr_limit - vaddr);
@@ -1783,10 +2120,16 @@ void machine::write_virtual_memory(uint64_t vaddr_start, const unsigned char *da
     // copy page by page, because we need to perform address translation again for each page
     for (uint64_t vaddr_page = vaddr_page_start; vaddr_page < vaddr_page_limit; vaddr_page += PMA_PAGE_SIZE) {
         uint64_t paddr_page = 0;
+        auto priv = read_iflags_PRV();
+        auto virt = read_iflags_VRT();
+        auto mstatus = read_mstatus();
+        auto access_mode = get_access_mode(priv, virt, mstatus);
         // perform address translation using read access mode,
         // so we can write any reachable virtual memory range
-        if (!translate_virtual_address<state_access, false>(a, &paddr_page, vaddr_page, PTE_XWR_R_SHIFT)) {
-            throw std::invalid_argument{"page fault"};
+        const uint8_t cause = translate_virtual_address<state_access, ACCESS_TYPE_STORE, false>(a, &paddr_page,
+            vaddr_page, access_mode, PTE_XWR_R_SHIFT);
+        if (cause) {
+            throw std::runtime_error{"page fault"};
         uint64_t paddr = paddr_page;
         uint64_t vaddr = vaddr_page;
diff --git a/src/machine.h b/src/machine.h
index b2d1cb0df..a90371de6 100644
--- a/src/machine.h
+++ b/src/machine.h
@@ -162,6 +162,25 @@ class machine final {
+        hstatus,
+        hideleg,
+        hedeleg,
+        hie,
+        hip,
+        hvip,
+        hgatp,
+        henvcfg,
+        htimedelta,
+        htval,
+        vsepc,
+        vsstatus,
+        vscause,
+        vstval,
+        vstvec,
+        vsscratch,
+        vsatp,
+        vsie,
+        vsip,
@@ -608,13 +627,165 @@ class machine final {
     /// \param value New register value.
     void write_ilrsc(uint64_t value);
+    /// \brief Writes the value of the hstatus register.
+    /// \param val New register value.
+    void write_hstatus(uint64_t val);
+    /// \brief Reads the value of the hstatus register.
+    /// \returns The value of the register.
+    uint64_t read_hstatus(void) const;
+    /// \brief Writes the value of the hideleg register.
+    /// \param val New register value.
+    void write_hideleg(uint64_t val);
+    /// \brief Reads the value of the hideleg register.
+    /// \returns The value of the register.
+    uint64_t read_hideleg(void) const;
+    /// \brief Writes the value of the hedeleg register.
+    /// \param val New register value.
+    void write_hedeleg(uint64_t val);
+    /// \brief Reads the value of the hedeleg register.
+    /// \returns The value of the register.
+    uint64_t read_hedeleg(void) const;
+    /// \brief Writes the value of the hie register.
+    /// \param val New register value.
+    void write_hie(uint64_t val);
+    /// \brief Reads the value of the hie register.
+    /// \returns The value of the register.
+    uint64_t read_hie(void) const;
+    /// \brief Writes the value of the hip register.
+    /// \param val New register value.
+    void write_hip(uint64_t val);
+    /// \brief Reads the value of the hip register.
+    /// \returns The value of the register.
+    uint64_t read_hip(void) const;
+    /// \brief Writes the value of the hvip register.
+    /// \param val New register value.
+    void write_hvip(uint64_t val);
+    /// \brief Reads the value of the hvip register.
+    /// \returns The value of the register.
+    uint64_t read_hvip(void) const;
+    /// \brief Writes the value of the hgatp register.
+    /// \param val New register value.
+    void write_hgatp(uint64_t val);
+    /// \brief Reads the value of the hgatp register.
+    /// \returns The value of the register.
+    uint64_t read_hgatp(void) const;
+    /// \brief Writes the value of the henvcfg register.
+    /// \param val New register value.
+    void write_henvcfg(uint64_t val);
+    /// \brief Reads the value of the henvcfg register.
+    /// \returns The value of the register.
+    uint64_t read_henvcfg(void) const;
+    /// \brief Writes the value of the htimedelta register.
+    /// \param val New register value.
+    void write_htimedelta(uint64_t val);
+    /// \brief Reads the value of the htimedelta register.
+    /// \returns The value of the register.
+    uint64_t read_htimedelta(void) const;
+    /// \brief Writes the value of the htval register.
+    /// \param val New register value.
+    void write_htval(uint64_t val);
+    /// \brief Reads the value of the htval register.
+    /// \returns The value of the register.
+    uint64_t read_htval(void) const;
+    /// \brief Writes the value of the vsepc register.
+    /// \param val New register value.
+    void write_vsepc(uint64_t val);
+    /// \brief Reads the value of the vsepc register.
+    /// \returns The value of the register.
+    uint64_t read_vsepc(void) const;
+    /// \brief Writes the value of the vsstatus register.
+    /// \param val New register value.
+    void write_vsstatus(uint64_t val);
+    /// \brief Reads the value of the vsstatus register.
+    /// \returns The value of the register.
+    uint64_t read_vsstatus(void) const;
+    /// \brief Writes the value of the vscause register.
+    /// \param val New register value.
+    void write_vscause(uint64_t val);
+    /// \brief Reads the value of the vscause register.
+    /// \returns The value of the register.
+    uint64_t read_vscause(void) const;
+    /// \brief Writes the value of the vstval register.
+    /// \param val New register value.
+    void write_vstval(uint64_t val);
+    /// \brief Reads the value of the vstval register.
+    /// \returns The value of the register.
+    uint64_t read_vstval(void) const;
+    /// \brief Writes the value of the vstvec register.
+    /// \param val New register value.
+    void write_vstvec(uint64_t val);
+    /// \brief Reads the value of the vstvec register.
+    /// \returns The value of the register.
+    uint64_t read_vstvec(void) const;
+    /// \brief Writes the value of the vsscratch register.
+    /// \param val New register value.
+    void write_vsscratch(uint64_t val);
+    /// \brief Reads the value of the vsscratch register.
+    /// \returns The value of the register.
+    uint64_t read_vsscratch(void) const;
+    /// \brief Writes the value of the vsatp register.
+    /// \param val New register value.
+    void write_vsatp(uint64_t val);
+    /// \brief Reads the value of the vsatp register.
+    /// \returns The value of the register.
+    uint64_t read_vsatp(void) const;
+    /// \brief Writes the value of the vsie register.
+    /// \param val New register value.
+    void write_vsie(uint64_t val);
+    /// \brief Reads the value of the vsie register.
+    /// \returns The value of the register.
+    uint64_t read_vsie(void) const;
+    /// \brief Writes the value of the vsip register.
+    /// \param val New register value.
+    void write_vsip(uint64_t val);
+    /// \brief Reads the value of the vsip register.
+    /// \returns The value of the register.
+    uint64_t read_vsip(void) const;
     /// \brief Reads the value of the iflags register.
     /// \returns The value of the register.
     uint64_t read_iflags(void) const;
     /// \brief Returns packed iflags from its component fields.
     /// \returns The value of the register.
-    uint64_t packed_iflags(int PRV, int Y, int H);
+    uint64_t packed_iflags(int V, int NOM, int Y, int H);
     /// \brief Reads the value of the iflags register.
     /// \param value New register value.
@@ -712,6 +883,16 @@ class machine final {
     /// \returns The field value.
     uint8_t read_iflags_PRV(void) const;
+    /// \brief Checks the value of the iflags_VRT field.
+    /// \returns The field value.
+    bool read_iflags_VRT(void) const;
+    /// \brief Sets the iflags_VRT flag.
+    void set_iflags_VRT(void);
+    /// \brief Resets the iflags_VRT flag.
+    void reset_iflags_VRT(void);
     /// \brief Sets the iflags_H flag.
     void set_iflags_H(void);
diff --git a/src/protobuf-util.cpp b/src/protobuf-util.cpp
index ba22f7818..5d65b81dc 100644
--- a/src/protobuf-util.cpp
+++ b/src/protobuf-util.cpp
@@ -152,6 +152,25 @@ void set_proto_machine_config(const machine_config &c, CartesiMachine::MachineCo
+    proto_p->set_hstatus(c.processor.hstatus);
+    proto_p->set_hedeleg(c.processor.hedeleg);
+    proto_p->set_hideleg(c.processor.hideleg);
+    proto_p->set_hie(c.processor.hie);
+    proto_p->set_hip(c.processor.hip);
+    proto_p->set_hvip(c.processor.hvip);
+    proto_p->set_hgatp(c.processor.hgatp);
+    proto_p->set_henvcfg(c.processor.henvcfg);
+    proto_p->set_htimedelta(c.processor.htimedelta);
+    proto_p->set_htval(c.processor.htval);
+    proto_p->set_vsepc(c.processor.vsepc);
+    proto_p->set_vsstatus(c.processor.vsstatus);
+    proto_p->set_vscause(c.processor.vscause);
+    proto_p->set_vstval(c.processor.vstval);
+    proto_p->set_vstvec(c.processor.vstvec);
+    proto_p->set_vsscratch(c.processor.vsscratch);
+    proto_p->set_vsatp(c.processor.vsatp);
+    proto_p->set_vsie(c.processor.vsie);
+    proto_p->set_vsip(c.processor.vsip);
     for (const auto &f : c.flash_drive) {
@@ -648,6 +667,63 @@ processor_config get_proto_processor_config(const CartesiMachine::ProcessorConfi
     if (proto_p.has_senvcfg()) {
         p.senvcfg = proto_p.senvcfg();
+    if (proto_p.has_hstatus()) {
+        p.hstatus = proto_p.hstatus();
+    }
+    if (proto_p.has_hideleg()) {
+        p.hideleg = proto_p.hideleg();
+    }
+    if (proto_p.has_hedeleg()) {
+        p.hedeleg = proto_p.hedeleg();
+    }
+    if (proto_p.has_hie()) {
+        p.hie = proto_p.hie();
+    }
+    if (proto_p.has_hip()) {
+        p.hip = proto_p.hip();
+    }
+    if (proto_p.has_hvip()) {
+        p.hvip = proto_p.hvip();
+    }
+    if (proto_p.has_hgatp()) {
+        p.hgatp = proto_p.hgatp();
+    }
+    if (proto_p.has_henvcfg()) {
+        p.henvcfg = proto_p.henvcfg();
+    }
+    if (proto_p.has_htimedelta()) {
+        p.htimedelta = proto_p.htimedelta();
+    }
+    if (proto_p.has_htval()) {
+        p.htval = proto_p.htval();
+    }
+    if (proto_p.has_vsepc()) {
+        p.vsepc = proto_p.vsepc();
+    }
+    if (proto_p.has_vsstatus()) {
+        p.vsstatus = proto_p.vsstatus();
+    }
+    if (proto_p.has_vscause()) {
+        p.vscause = proto_p.vscause();
+    }
+    if (proto_p.has_vstval()) {
+        p.vstval = proto_p.vstval();
+    }
+    if (proto_p.has_vstvec()) {
+        p.vstvec = proto_p.vstvec();
+    }
+    if (proto_p.has_vsscratch()) {
+        p.vsscratch = proto_p.vsscratch();
+    }
+    if (proto_p.has_vsatp()) {
+        p.vsatp = proto_p.vsatp();
+    }
+    if (proto_p.has_vsie()) {
+        p.vsie = proto_p.vsie();
+    }
+    if (proto_p.has_vsip()) {
+        p.vsip = proto_p.vsip();
+    }
     if (proto_p.has_ilrsc()) {
         p.ilrsc = proto_p.ilrsc();
diff --git a/src/riscv-constants.h b/src/riscv-constants.h
index 4749d3d63..d98ee6b1e 100644
--- a/src/riscv-constants.h
+++ b/src/riscv-constants.h
@@ -41,21 +41,31 @@ enum REG_COUNT { X_REG_COUNT = 32, F_REG_COUNT = 32, UARCH_X_REG_COUNT = 32 };
 /// \brief MIP shifts
 enum MIP_shifts {
     MIP_SSIP_SHIFT = 1,
     MIP_MSIP_SHIFT = 3,
     MIP_STIP_SHIFT = 5,
     MIP_MTIP_SHIFT = 7,
     MIP_SEIP_SHIFT = 9,
-    MIP_MEIP_SHIFT = 11
+    MIP_VSEIP_SHIFT = 10,
+    MIP_MEIP_SHIFT = 11,
 /// \brief MIP masks
 enum MIP_masks : uint64_t {
-    MIP_SSIP_MASK = UINT64_C(1) << MIP_SSIP_SHIFT, ///< Supervisor software interrupt
-    MIP_MSIP_MASK = UINT64_C(1) << MIP_MSIP_SHIFT, ///< Machine software interrupt
-    MIP_STIP_MASK = UINT64_C(1) << MIP_STIP_SHIFT, ///< Supervisor timer interrupt
-    MIP_MTIP_MASK = UINT64_C(1) << MIP_MTIP_SHIFT, ///< Machine timer interrupt
-    MIP_SEIP_MASK = UINT64_C(1) << MIP_SEIP_SHIFT, ///< Supervisor external interrupt
-    MIP_MEIP_MASK = UINT64_C(1) << MIP_MEIP_SHIFT  ///< Machine external interrupt
+    MIP_SSIP_MASK = UINT64_C(1) << MIP_SSIP_SHIFT,   ///< Supervisor software interrupt
+    MIP_VSSIP_MASK = UINT64_C(1) << MIP_VSSIP_SHIFT, ///< VS-level software interrupt
+    MIP_MSIP_MASK = UINT64_C(1) << MIP_MSIP_SHIFT,   ///< Machine software interrupt
+    MIP_STIP_MASK = UINT64_C(1) << MIP_STIP_SHIFT,   ///< Supervisor timer interrupt
+    MIP_VSTIP_MASK = UINT64_C(1) << MIP_VSTIP_SHIFT, ///< VS-level timer interrupt
+    MIP_MTIP_MASK = UINT64_C(1) << MIP_MTIP_SHIFT,   ///< Machine timer interrupt
+    MIP_SEIP_MASK = UINT64_C(1) << MIP_SEIP_SHIFT,   ///< Supervisor external interrupt
+    MIP_VSEIP_MASK = UINT64_C(1) << MIP_VSEIP_SHIFT, ///< VS-level external interrupt
+    MIP_MEIP_MASK = UINT64_C(1) << MIP_MEIP_SHIFT,   ///< Machine external interrupt
+        UINT64_C(1) << MIP_SGEIP_SHIFT, ///< Interrupt-pending bit for guest external interrupts at HS-level
 /// \brief mcause for exceptions
@@ -68,13 +78,18 @@ enum MCAUSE_constants : uint64_t {
     MCAUSE_LOAD_ACCESS_FAULT = 0x5,            ///< Load access fault
     MCAUSE_STORE_AMO_ADDRESS_MISALIGNED = 0x6, ///< Store/AMO address misaligned
     MCAUSE_STORE_AMO_ACCESS_FAULT = 0x7,       ///< Store/AMO access fault
-    MCAUSE_ECALL_BASE = 0x8,                   ///< Environment call (+0: from U-mode, +1: from S-mode, +3: from M-mode)
-    MCAUSE_USER_ECALL = 0x8,                   ///< Environment call from U-mode
-    MCAUSE_SUPERVISOR_ECALL = 0x9,             ///< Environment call from S-mode
-    MCAUSE_MACHINE_ECALL = 0xb,                ///< Environment call from M-mode
-    MCAUSE_FETCH_PAGE_FAULT = 0xc,             ///< Instruction page fault
-    MCAUSE_LOAD_PAGE_FAULT = 0xd,              ///< Load page fault
-    MCAUSE_STORE_AMO_PAGE_FAULT = 0xf,         ///< Store/AMO page fault
+    MCAUSE_ECALL_BASE = 0x8,           ///< Environment call (+0: U/VU-mode, +1: HS-mode, +2: VS-mode, +3: M-mode)
+    MCAUSE_USER_ECALL = 0x8,           ///< Environment call from U-mode
+    MCAUSE_HSUPERVISOR_ECALL = 0x9,    ///< Environment call from HS-mode
+    MCAUSE_VSUPERVISOR_ECALL = 0xa,    ///< Environment call from VS-mode
+    MCAUSE_MACHINE_ECALL = 0xb,        ///< Environment call from M-mode
+    MCAUSE_FETCH_PAGE_FAULT = 0xc,     ///< Instruction page fault
+    MCAUSE_LOAD_PAGE_FAULT = 0xd,      ///< Load page fault
+    MCAUSE_STORE_AMO_PAGE_FAULT = 0xf, ///< Store/AMO page fault
+    MCAUSE_INSTRUCTION_GUEST_PAGE_FAULT = 0x14, ///< Instruction guest-page fault
+    MCAUSE_LOAD_GUEST_PAGE_FAULT = 0x15,        ///< Load guest-page fault
+    MCAUSE_VIRTUAL_INSTRUCTION = 0x16,          ///< Virtual instruction
+    MCAUSE_STORE_AMO_GUEST_PAGE_FAULT = 0x17,   ///< Store/AMO guest-page fault
     MCAUSE_INTERRUPT_FLAG = UINT64_C(1) << (XLEN - 1) ///< Interrupt flag
@@ -90,28 +105,43 @@ enum MCAUSE_masks : uint64_t {
-/// \brief medeleg read/write masks
-enum MEDELEG_RW_masks : uint64_t {
+/// \ Nominal privilege mode constants
+enum NOM_constants : uint8_t {
+    NOM_U = 0,    ///< User mode
+    NOM_S = 1,    ///< Supervisor mode
+    NOM_RSVD = 2, ///< Reserved
+    NOM_M = 3     ///< Machine mode
-/// \brief Privilege modes
-enum PRV_constants : uint8_t {
-    PRV_U = 0,  ///< User mode
-    PRV_S = 1,  ///< Supervisor mode
-    PRV_HS = 2, ///< Hypervisor-extended supervisor mode
-    PRV_M = 3   ///< Machine mode
+/// \brief Access mode shifts
+enum MODE_shifts : uint8_t { ACCESS_MODE_NOM_SHIFT = 0, ACCESS_MODE_V_SHIFT = 2 };
+/// \brief Access mode masks
+enum MODE_masks : uint8_t {
+/// \brief Access type constants
+enum ACCESS_TYPE_constants : uint8_t { ACCESS_TYPE_FETCH = 0, ACCESS_TYPE_STORE = 1, ACCESS_TYPE_LOAD = 2 };
+/// \brief Translation constants
+enum TRANSLATION_constants : uint8_t {
+    TRANSLATION_HS = 1, ///< one-stage address translation: supervisor virtual -> supervisor physical
+    TRANSLATION_G = 2,  ///< two-stage address translation: guest physical -> supervisor physical
+    TRANSLATION_VS = 3  ///< two-stage address translation: guest virtual -> guest physical
 /// \brief misa shifts
@@ -124,6 +154,7 @@ enum MISA_shifts {
     MISA_EXT_F_SHIFT = ('F' - 'A'),
     MISA_EXT_D_SHIFT = ('D' - 'A'),
     MISA_EXT_C_SHIFT = ('C' - 'A'),
+    MISA_EXT_H_SHIFT = ('H' - 'A'),
     MISA_MXL_SHIFT = (XLEN - 2)
@@ -138,6 +169,7 @@ enum MISA_masks : uint64_t {
     MISA_EXT_F_MASK = UINT64_C(1) << MISA_EXT_F_SHIFT, ///< Single-precision floating-point extension
     MISA_EXT_D_MASK = UINT64_C(1) << MISA_EXT_D_SHIFT, ///< Double-precision floating-point extension
     MISA_EXT_C_MASK = UINT64_C(1) << MISA_EXT_C_SHIFT, ///< Compressed extension
+    MISA_EXT_H_MASK = UINT64_C(1) << MISA_EXT_H_SHIFT, ///< Hypervisor extension
 /// \brief misa constants
@@ -166,6 +198,8 @@ enum MSTATUS_shifts {
@@ -192,23 +226,28 @@ enum MSTATUS_masks : uint64_t {
 /// \brief mstatus read-write masks
 enum MSTATUS_RW_masks : uint64_t {
-        MSTATUS_TVM_MASK | MSTATUS_TW_MASK | MSTATUS_TSR_MASK), ///< Write mask for mstatus
-        MSTATUS_SBE_MASK | MSTATUS_MBE_MASK | MSTATUS_SD_MASK) ///< Read mask for mstatus
+        MSTATUS_MPV_MASK), ///< Write mask for mstatus
+        MSTATUS_XS_MASK) ///< Read mask for mstatus
 /// \brief sstatus read/write masks
@@ -238,9 +277,113 @@ enum SATP_modes : uint64_t {
     SATP_MODE_SV57 = 10,
+/// \brief masks that allow to check for zero bits in the incoming G-stage translation addresses
+enum SVX_zero_bits_masks : uint64_t {
+    SV39X4_ZERO_MASK = ~((UINT64_C(1) << 41) - 1),
+    SV48X4_ZERO_MASK = ~((UINT64_C(1) << 50) - 1),
 /// \brief ASID masks
 enum ASID_masks : uint64_t { ASID_R_MASK = (UINT64_C(1) << ASIDLEN) - 1, ASID_MAX_MASK = (UINT64_C(1) << ASIDMAX) - 1 };
+/// \brief vsstatus read/write masks
+enum VSSTATUS_rw_masks : uint64_t {
+        MSTATUS_MXR_MASK), ///< Write mask for vsstatus
+        MSTATUS_SD_MASK) ///< Read mask for vsstatus
+/// \brief hstatus shifts
+enum HSTATUS_shifts {
+/// \brief hstatus masks
+enum HSTATUS_masks : uint64_t {
+/// \brief hstatus read/write masks
+enum HSTATUS_RW_masks : uint64_t {
+enum XIE_XIP_STANDARD_BITS_MASK : uint64_t { STANDARD_BITS_MASK = (UINT64_C(1) << 16) - 1 };
+/// \brief sip & sie read/write masks
+enum SIX_RW_masks : uint64_t {
+/// \brief vsip & vsie read/write masks
+enum VSIX_RW_masks : uint64_t {
+/// \brief mie & mip read/write masks
+enum MIX_RW_masks : uint64_t {
+/// \brief hie, hip & hvip read/write masks
+enum HIX_RW_masks : uint64_t {
+/// \brief hideleg & hedeleg write masks
+enum HXDELEG_RW_masks : uint64_t {
+/// \brief mideleg & medeleg write masks
+enum MXDELEG_RW_masks : uint64_t {
 /// \brief Page-table entry shifts
 enum PTE_shifts {
     PTE_XWR_R_SHIFT = 0,
@@ -418,13 +561,20 @@ enum COUNTEREN_rw_masks : uint64_t {
 /// \brief Cartesi-specific iflags shifts
+enum IFLAGS_shifts {
+    IFLAGS_H_SHIFT = 0,
+    IFLAGS_Y_SHIFT = 1,
+    IFLAGS_X_SHIFT = 2,
 enum IFLAGS_masks : uint64_t {
 /// \brief Initial values for Cartesi machines
@@ -451,7 +601,7 @@ enum CARTESI_init : uint64_t {
     MIE_INIT = UINT64_C(0),                                         ///< Initial value for mie
     MIP_INIT = UINT64_C(0),                                         ///< Initial value for mip
     MEDELEG_INIT = UINT64_C(0),                                     ///< Initial value for medeleg
-    MIDELEG_INIT = UINT64_C(0),                                     ///< Initial value for mideleg
+    MIDELEG_INIT = UINT64_C(0x444),                                 ///< Initial value for mideleg
     MCOUNTEREN_INIT = UINT64_C(0),                                  ///< Initial value for mcounteren
     STVEC_INIT = UINT64_C(0),                                       ///< Initial value for stvec
     SSCRATCH_INIT = UINT64_C(0),                                    ///< Initial value for sscratch
@@ -461,7 +611,7 @@ enum CARTESI_init : uint64_t {
     SATP_INIT = UINT64_C(0),                                        ///< Initial value for satp
     SCOUNTEREN_INIT = UINT64_C(0),                                  ///< Initial value for scounteren
     ILRSC_INIT = UINT64_C(-1),                                      ///< Initial value for ilrsc
-    IFLAGS_INIT = static_cast<uint64_t>(PRV_M) << IFLAGS_PRV_SHIFT, ///< Initial value for iflags
+    IFLAGS_INIT = static_cast<uint64_t>(NOM_M) << IFLAGS_NOM_SHIFT, ///< Initial value for iflags
     MTIMECMP_INIT = UINT64_C(0),                                    ///< Initial value for mtimecmp
     FROMHOST_INIT = UINT64_C(0),                                    ///< Initial value for fromhost
     TOHOST_INIT = UINT64_C(0),                                      ///< Initial value for tohost
@@ -469,6 +619,25 @@ enum CARTESI_init : uint64_t {
     SENVCFG_INIT = UINT64_C(0),                                     ///< Initial value for senvcfg
     UARCH_PC_INIT = UINT64_C(0x70000000),                           ///< Initial value for microarchitecture pc
     UARCH_CYCLE_INIT = UINT64_C(0),                                 ///< Initial value for microarchitecture cycle
+    HSTATUS_INIT = (MISA_MXL_VALUE << HSTATUS_VSXL_SHIFT),          ///< Initial value for hstatus
+    HIDELEG_INIT = UINT64_C(0),                                     ///< Initial value for hideleg
+    HEDELEG_INIT = UINT64_C(0),                                     ///< Initial value for hedeleg
+    HIP_INIT = UINT64_C(0),                                         ///< Initial value for hip
+    HVIP_INIT = UINT64_C(0),                                        ///< Initial value for hvip
+    HIE_INIT = UINT64_C(0),                                         ///< Initial value for hie
+    HGATP_INIT = UINT64_C(0),                                       ///< Initial value for hgatp
+    HENVCFG_INIT = UINT64_C(0),                                     ///< Initial value for henvcfg
+    HTIMEDELTA_INIT = UINT64_C(0),                                  ///< Initial value for htimedelta
+    HTVAL_INIT = UINT64_C(0),                                       ///< Initial value for htval
+    VSEPC_INIT = UINT64_C(0),                                       ///< Initial value for vsepc
+    VSSTATUS_INIT = (MISA_MXL_VALUE << MSTATUS_UXL_SHIFT),          ///< Initial value for vsstatus
+    VSCAUSE_INIT = UINT64_C(0),                                     ///< Initial value for vscause
+    VSTVAL_INIT = UINT64_C(0),                                      ///< Initial value for vstval
+    VSTVEC_INIT = UINT64_C(0),                                      ///< Initial value for vstvec
+    VSSCRATCH_INIT = UINT64_C(0),                                   ///< Initial value for vsscratch
+    VSATP_INIT = UINT64_C(0),                                       ///< Initial value for vsatp
+    VSIP_INIT = UINT64_C(0),                                        ///< Initial value for vsip
+    VSIE_INIT = UINT64_C(0),                                        ///< Initial value for vsie
     MHARTID_INIT = UINT64_C(0),                                     ///< Initial mhartid
     FDTADDR_INIT = PMA_DTB_START,                                   ///< Initial FDT address
@@ -555,6 +724,8 @@ enum class CSR_address : uint32_t {
     mcause = 0x342,
     mtval = 0x343,
     mip = 0x344,
+    mtinst = 0x34a,
+    mtval2 = 0x34b,
     mcycle = 0xb00,
     minstret = 0xb02,
@@ -619,6 +790,33 @@ enum class CSR_address : uint32_t {
     mhpmevent30 = 0x33e,
     mhpmevent31 = 0x33f,
+    hstatus = 0x600,
+    hedeleg = 0x602,
+    hideleg = 0x603,
+    hie = 0x604,
+    hcounteren = 0x606,
+    hgeie = 0x607,
+    htval = 0x643,
+    hip = 0x644,
+    hvip = 0x645,
+    htinst = 0x64a,
+    hgeip = 0xe12,
+    henvcfg = 0x60a,
+    hgatp = 0x680,
+    htimedelta = 0x605,
+    vsstatus = 0x200,
+    vsie = 0x204,
+    vstvec = 0x205,
+    vsscratch = 0x240,
+    vsepc = 0x241,
+    vscause = 0x242,
+    vstval = 0x243,
+    vsip = 0x244,
+    vsatp = 0x280,
     tselect = 0x7a0,
     tdata1 = 0x7a1,
     tdata2 = 0x7a2,
@@ -794,6 +992,7 @@ enum class insn_funct3_00000_opcode : uint32_t {
     ADDW_MULW_SUBW = 0b000000000111011,
     SRLW_DIVUW_SRAW = 0b101000000111011,
     privileged = 0b000000001110011,
+    hv_store_load = 0b100000001110011,
 /// \brief The result of insn >> 26 (6 most significant bits of funct7) can be
@@ -918,13 +1117,65 @@ enum insn_ADDW_MULW_SUBW_funct7 : uint32_t { ADDW = 0b0000000, MULW = 0b0000001,
 /// \brief funct7 constants for SRLW, DIVUW, SRAW instructions
 enum insn_SRLW_DIVUW_SRAW_funct7 : uint32_t { SRLW = 0b0000000, DIVUW = 0b0000001, SRAW = 0b0100000 };
-/// \brief Privileged instructions, except for SFENCE.VMA, have no parameters
-enum class insn_privileged : uint32_t {
-    ECALL = 0b00000000000000000000000001110011,
-    EBREAK = 0b00000000000100000000000001110011,
-    SRET = 0b00010000001000000000000001110011,
-    MRET = 0b00110000001000000000000001110011,
-    WFI = 0b00010000010100000000000001110011
+/// \brief funct7 constants for ECALL, EBREAK, WFI, SRET, MRET, SFENCE, HL instructions
+enum class insn_privileged_funct7 : uint32_t {
+    E = 0b0000000,        // ecall & ebreak
+    WFI_SRET = 0b0001000, // wfi & sret
+    MRET = 0b0011000,
+    SFENCE_VMA = 0b0001001,
+    SINVAL_VMA = 0b0001011,
+    SFENCE_INVAL = 0b0001100, // sfence.w.inval & sfence.inval.ir
+    HFENCE_VVMA = 0b0010001,
+    HFENCE_GVMA = 0b0110001,
+    HINVAL_VVMA = 0b0010011,
+    HINVAL_GVMA = 0b0110011,
+    HLV_B = 0b0110000, // hlv.b & hlv.bu
+    HLV_H = 0b0110010, // hlv.h & hlv.hu & hlvx.hu
+    HLV_W = 0b0110100, // hlv.w & hlvx.wu
+    HSV_B = 0b0110001,
+    HSV_H = 0b0110011,
+    HSV_W = 0b0110101,
+    HLV_WU = 0b0110100,
+    HLV_D = 0b0110110,
+    HSV_D = 0b0110111,
+/// \brief rs2 constants for ECALL and EBREAK instructions
+enum class insn_E_rs2 : uint32_t {
+    ECALL = 0b00000,
+    EBREAK = 0b00001,
+/// \brief rs2 constants for WFI and SRET instructions
+enum class insn_WFI_SRET_rs2 : uint32_t {
+    WFI = 0b00101,
+    SRET = 0b00010,
+/// \brief rs2 constants for SFENCE_INVAL instructions
+enum class insn_SFENCE_INVAL_rs2 : uint32_t {
+    SFENCE_W_INVAL = 0b00000,
+    SFENCE_INVAL_IR = 0b00001,
+/// \brief rs2 constants for HLV_B instructions
+enum class insn_HLV_B_rs2 : uint32_t {
+    HLV_B = 0b00000,
+    HLV_BU = 0b00001,
+/// \brief rs2 constants for HLV_H instructions
+enum class insn_HLV_H_rs2 : uint32_t {
+    HLV_H = 0b00000,
+    HLV_HU = 0b00001,
+    HLVX_HU = 0b00011,
+/// \brief rs2 constants for HLV_W instructions
+enum class insn_HLV_W_rs2 : uint32_t {
+    HLV_W = 0b00000,
+    HLV_WU = 0b00001,
+    HLVX_WU = 0b00011,
 /// \brief funct2 constants for FMADD, FMSUB, FNMADD, FMNSUB instructions
diff --git a/src/shadow-state-factory.cpp b/src/shadow-state-factory.cpp
index 8cbb4f00d..f6d2cb413 100644
--- a/src/shadow-state-factory.cpp
+++ b/src/shadow-state-factory.cpp
@@ -83,6 +83,25 @@ static bool shadow_state_peek(const pma_entry &pma, const machine &m, uint64_t p
     s->satp = m.read_satp();
     s->scounteren = m.read_scounteren();
     s->senvcfg = m.read_senvcfg();
+    s->hstatus = m.read_hstatus();
+    s->hideleg = m.read_hideleg();
+    s->hedeleg = m.read_hedeleg();
+    s->hie = m.read_hie();
+    s->hip = m.read_hip();
+    s->hvip = m.read_hvip();
+    s->hgatp = m.read_hgatp();
+    s->henvcfg = m.read_henvcfg();
+    s->htimedelta = m.read_htimedelta();
+    s->htval = m.read_htval();
+    s->vsepc = m.read_vsepc();
+    s->vsstatus = m.read_vsstatus();
+    s->vscause = m.read_vscause();
+    s->vstval = m.read_vstval();
+    s->vstvec = m.read_vstvec();
+    s->vsscratch = m.read_vsscratch();
+    s->vsatp = m.read_vsatp();
+    s->vsie = m.read_vsie();
+    s->vsip = m.read_vsip();
     s->ilrsc = m.read_ilrsc();
     s->iflags = m.read_iflags();
     s->clint_mtimecmp = m.read_clint_mtimecmp();
diff --git a/src/shadow-state.h b/src/shadow-state.h
index 99e37d1b7..8625a5850 100644
--- a/src/shadow-state.h
+++ b/src/shadow-state.h
@@ -61,6 +61,25 @@ struct shadow_state {
     uint64_t satp;
     uint64_t scounteren;
     uint64_t senvcfg;
+    uint64_t hstatus;
+    uint64_t hideleg;
+    uint64_t hedeleg;
+    uint64_t hie;
+    uint64_t hip;
+    uint64_t hvip;
+    uint64_t hgatp;
+    uint64_t henvcfg;
+    uint64_t htimedelta;
+    uint64_t htval;
+    uint64_t vsepc;
+    uint64_t vsstatus;
+    uint64_t vscause;
+    uint64_t vstval;
+    uint64_t vstvec;
+    uint64_t vsscratch;
+    uint64_t vsatp;
+    uint64_t vsie;
+    uint64_t vsip;
     uint64_t ilrsc;
     uint64_t iflags;
     uint64_t clint_mtimecmp;
@@ -110,6 +129,25 @@ enum class shadow_state_csr {
     satp = offsetof(shadow_state, satp),
     scounteren = offsetof(shadow_state, scounteren),
     senvcfg = offsetof(shadow_state, senvcfg),
+    hstatus = offsetof(shadow_state, hstatus),
+    hideleg = offsetof(shadow_state, hideleg),
+    hedeleg = offsetof(shadow_state, hedeleg),
+    hie = offsetof(shadow_state, hie),
+    hip = offsetof(shadow_state, hip),
+    hvip = offsetof(shadow_state, hvip),
+    hgatp = offsetof(shadow_state, hgatp),
+    henvcfg = offsetof(shadow_state, henvcfg),
+    htimedelta = offsetof(shadow_state, htimedelta),
+    htval = offsetof(shadow_state, htval),
+    vsepc = offsetof(shadow_state, vsepc),
+    vsstatus = offsetof(shadow_state, vsstatus),
+    vscause = offsetof(shadow_state, vscause),
+    vstval = offsetof(shadow_state, vstval),
+    vstvec = offsetof(shadow_state, vstvec),
+    vsscratch = offsetof(shadow_state, vsscratch),
+    vsatp = offsetof(shadow_state, vsatp),
+    vsie = offsetof(shadow_state, vsie),
+    vsip = offsetof(shadow_state, vsip),
     ilrsc = offsetof(shadow_state, ilrsc),
     iflags = offsetof(shadow_state, iflags),
     clint_mtimecmp = offsetof(shadow_state, clint_mtimecmp),
diff --git a/src/state-access.h b/src/state-access.h
index 11a97585c..9bcfa4a71 100644
--- a/src/state-access.h
+++ b/src/state-access.h
@@ -315,6 +315,158 @@ class state_access : public i_state_access<state_access, pma_entry> {
         m_m.get_state().scounteren = val;
+    uint64_t do_read_hstatus(void) const {
+        return m_m.get_state().hstatus;
+    }
+    void do_write_hstatus(uint64_t val) {
+        m_m.get_state().hstatus = val;
+    }
+    uint64_t do_read_hideleg(void) const {
+        return m_m.get_state().hideleg;
+    }
+    void do_write_hideleg(uint64_t val) {
+        m_m.get_state().hideleg = val;
+    }
+    uint64_t do_read_hedeleg(void) const {
+        return m_m.get_state().hedeleg;
+    }
+    void do_write_hedeleg(uint64_t val) {
+        m_m.get_state().hedeleg = val;
+    }
+    uint64_t do_read_hie(void) const {
+        return m_m.get_state().hie;
+    }
+    void do_write_hie(uint64_t val) {
+        m_m.get_state().hie = val;
+    }
+    uint64_t do_read_hip(void) const {
+        return m_m.get_state().hip;
+    }
+    void do_write_hip(uint64_t val) {
+        m_m.get_state().hip = val;
+    }
+    uint64_t do_read_hvip(void) const {
+        return m_m.get_state().hvip;
+    }
+    void do_write_hvip(uint64_t val) {
+        m_m.get_state().hvip = val;
+    }
+    uint64_t do_read_hgatp(void) const {
+        return m_m.get_state().hgatp;
+    }
+    void do_write_hgatp(uint64_t val) {
+        m_m.get_state().hgatp = val;
+    }
+    uint64_t do_read_henvcfg(void) const {
+        return m_m.get_state().henvcfg;
+    }
+    void do_write_henvcfg(uint64_t val) {
+        m_m.get_state().henvcfg = val;
+    }
+    uint64_t do_read_htimedelta(void) const {
+        return m_m.get_state().htimedelta;
+    }
+    void do_write_htimedelta(uint64_t val) {
+        m_m.get_state().htimedelta = val;
+    }
+    uint64_t do_read_htval(void) const {
+        return m_m.get_state().htval;
+    }
+    void do_write_htval(uint64_t val) {
+        m_m.get_state().htval = val;
+    }
+    uint64_t do_read_vsepc(void) const {
+        return m_m.get_state().vsepc;
+    }
+    void do_write_vsepc(uint64_t val) {
+        m_m.get_state().vsepc = val;
+    }
+    uint64_t do_read_vsstatus(void) const {
+        return m_m.get_state().vsstatus;
+    }
+    void do_write_vsstatus(uint64_t val) {
+        m_m.get_state().vsstatus = val;
+    }
+    uint64_t do_read_vscause(void) const {
+        return m_m.get_state().vscause;
+    }
+    void do_write_vscause(uint64_t val) {
+        m_m.get_state().vscause = val;
+    }
+    uint64_t do_read_vstval(void) const {
+        return m_m.get_state().vstval;
+    }
+    void do_write_vstval(uint64_t val) {
+        m_m.get_state().vstval = val;
+    }
+    uint64_t do_read_vstvec(void) const {
+        return m_m.get_state().vstvec;
+    }
+    void do_write_vstvec(uint64_t val) {
+        m_m.get_state().vstvec = val;
+    }
+    uint64_t do_read_vsscratch(void) const {
+        return m_m.get_state().vsscratch;
+    }
+    void do_write_vsscratch(uint64_t val) {
+        m_m.get_state().vsscratch = val;
+    }
+    uint64_t do_read_vsatp(void) const {
+        return m_m.get_state().vsatp;
+    }
+    void do_write_vsatp(uint64_t val) {
+        m_m.get_state().vsatp = val;
+    }
+    uint64_t do_read_vsie(void) const {
+        return m_m.get_state().vsie;
+    }
+    void do_write_vsie(uint64_t val) {
+        m_m.get_state().vsie = val;
+    }
+    uint64_t do_read_vsip(void) const {
+        return m_m.get_state().vsip;
+    }
+    void do_write_vsip(uint64_t val) {
+        m_m.get_state().vsip = val;
+    }
     uint64_t do_read_ilrsc(void) const {
         return m_m.get_state().ilrsc;
@@ -356,11 +508,23 @@ class state_access : public i_state_access<state_access, pma_entry> {
     uint8_t do_read_iflags_PRV(void) const {
-        return m_m.get_state().iflags.PRV;
+        return m_m.get_state().iflags.NOM;
     void do_write_iflags_PRV(uint8_t val) {
-        m_m.get_state().iflags.PRV = val;
+        m_m.get_state().iflags.NOM = val;
+    }
+    void do_set_iflags_VRT(void) {
+        m_m.get_state().iflags.V = true;
+    }
+    void do_reset_iflags_VRT(void) {
+        m_m.get_state().iflags.V = false;
+    }
+    bool do_read_iflags_VRT(void) const {
+        return m_m.get_state().iflags.V;
     uint64_t do_read_clint_mtimecmp(void) const {
diff --git a/src/test-machine-c-api.cpp b/src/test-machine-c-api.cpp
index 2ff68aaf5..fd836f890 100644
--- a/src/test-machine-c-api.cpp
+++ b/src/test-machine-c-api.cpp
@@ -411,7 +411,12 @@ bool operator==(const cm_processor_config &lhs, const cm_processor_config &rhs)
         lhs.mcounteren == rhs.mcounteren && lhs.menvcfg == rhs.menvcfg && lhs.stvec == rhs.stvec &&
         lhs.sscratch == rhs.sscratch && lhs.sepc == rhs.sepc && lhs.scause == rhs.scause && lhs.stval == rhs.stval &&
         lhs.satp == rhs.satp && lhs.scounteren == rhs.scounteren && lhs.senvcfg == rhs.senvcfg &&
-        lhs.ilrsc == rhs.ilrsc && lhs.iflags == rhs.iflags;
+        lhs.hstatus == rhs.hstatus && lhs.hideleg == rhs.hideleg && lhs.hedeleg == rhs.hedeleg && lhs.hie == rhs.hie &&
+        lhs.hip == rhs.hip && lhs.hvip == rhs.hvip && lhs.hgatp == rhs.hgatp && lhs.henvcfg == rhs.henvcfg &&
+        lhs.htimedelta == rhs.htimedelta && lhs.htval == rhs.htval && lhs.vsepc == rhs.vsepc &&
+        lhs.vsstatus == rhs.vsstatus && lhs.vscause == rhs.vscause && lhs.vstval == rhs.vstval &&
+        lhs.vstvec == rhs.vstvec && lhs.vsscratch == rhs.vsscratch && lhs.vsatp == rhs.vsatp && lhs.vsie == rhs.vsie &&
+        lhs.vsip == rhs.vsip && lhs.ilrsc == rhs.ilrsc && lhs.iflags == rhs.iflags;
 bool operator==(const cm_ram_config &lhs, const cm_ram_config &rhs) {
@@ -1085,6 +1090,25 @@ CHECK_READER_FAILS_ON_nullptr_MACHINE(uint64_t, stval)
 CHECK_READER_FAILS_ON_nullptr_MACHINE(uint64_t, satp)
 CHECK_READER_FAILS_ON_nullptr_MACHINE(uint64_t, scounteren)
 CHECK_READER_FAILS_ON_nullptr_MACHINE(uint64_t, senvcfg)
+CHECK_READER_FAILS_ON_nullptr_MACHINE(uint64_t, hstatus)
+CHECK_READER_FAILS_ON_nullptr_MACHINE(uint64_t, hideleg)
+CHECK_READER_FAILS_ON_nullptr_MACHINE(uint64_t, hedeleg)
+CHECK_READER_FAILS_ON_nullptr_MACHINE(uint64_t, hie)
+CHECK_READER_FAILS_ON_nullptr_MACHINE(uint64_t, hip)
+CHECK_READER_FAILS_ON_nullptr_MACHINE(uint64_t, hvip)
+CHECK_READER_FAILS_ON_nullptr_MACHINE(uint64_t, hgatp)
+CHECK_READER_FAILS_ON_nullptr_MACHINE(uint64_t, henvcfg)
+CHECK_READER_FAILS_ON_nullptr_MACHINE(uint64_t, htimedelta)
+CHECK_READER_FAILS_ON_nullptr_MACHINE(uint64_t, htval)
+CHECK_READER_FAILS_ON_nullptr_MACHINE(uint64_t, vsepc)
+CHECK_READER_FAILS_ON_nullptr_MACHINE(uint64_t, vsstatus)
+CHECK_READER_FAILS_ON_nullptr_MACHINE(uint64_t, vscause)
+CHECK_READER_FAILS_ON_nullptr_MACHINE(uint64_t, vstval)
+CHECK_READER_FAILS_ON_nullptr_MACHINE(uint64_t, vstvec)
+CHECK_READER_FAILS_ON_nullptr_MACHINE(uint64_t, vsscratch)
+CHECK_READER_FAILS_ON_nullptr_MACHINE(uint64_t, vsatp)
+CHECK_READER_FAILS_ON_nullptr_MACHINE(uint64_t, vsie)
+CHECK_READER_FAILS_ON_nullptr_MACHINE(uint64_t, vsip)
 CHECK_READER_FAILS_ON_nullptr_MACHINE(uint64_t, ilrsc)
 CHECK_READER_FAILS_ON_nullptr_MACHINE(uint64_t, iflags)
 CHECK_READER_FAILS_ON_nullptr_MACHINE(uint64_t, htif_tohost)
@@ -1140,6 +1164,25 @@ CHECK_WRITER_FAILS_ON_nullptr_MACHINE(stval)
@@ -1193,6 +1236,25 @@ CHECK_REGISTER_READ_WRITE(stval)
@@ -1230,9 +1292,9 @@ BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE_NOLINT(set_iflags_h_null_machine_test) {
 BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE_NOLINT(packed_iflags_test) {
-    uint64_t iflags = cm_packed_iflags(0, 0, 0, 0);
+    uint64_t iflags = cm_packed_iflags(0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
     BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(0, iflags);
-    iflags = cm_packed_iflags(1, 1, 1, 1);
+    iflags = cm_packed_iflags(1, 1, 1, 1, 1);
     BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(0xf, iflags);
diff --git a/src/tests/machine-bind.lua b/src/tests/machine-bind.lua
index 65bb2bbe5..679b55dff 100755
--- a/src/tests/machine-bind.lua
+++ b/src/tests/machine-bind.lua
@@ -235,8 +235,27 @@ local function get_cpu_csr_test_values()
         satp = 0x2c0,
         scounteren = 0x2c8,
         senvcfg = 0x2d0,
+        hstatus = 0x2d8,
+        hideleg = 0x2e0,
+        hedeleg = 0x2e8,
+        hie = 0x2f0,
+        hip = 0x2f8,
+        hvip = 0x300,
+        hgatp = 0x308,
+        henvcfg = 0x310,
+        htimedelta = 0x318,
+        htval = 0x320,
+        vsepc = 0x328,
+        vsstatus = 0x330,
+        vscause = 0x338,
+        vstval = 0x340,
+        vstvec = 0x348,
+        vsscratch = 0x350,
+        vsatp = 0x358,
+        vsie = 0x360,
+        vsip = 0x368,
         fcsr = 0x61,
-        ilrsc = 0x2e0,
+        ilrsc = 0x370,
@@ -505,7 +524,7 @@ do_test("should have expected values", function(machine)
     assert(initial_config.processor.pc == 0x200, "wrong pc reg initial config value")
     assert(initial_config.processor.ilrsc == 0x2e0, "wrong ilrsc reg initial config value")
-    assert(initial_config.processor.mstatus == 0x230, "wrong mstatus reg initial config value")
+    assert(initial_config.processor.mstatus == 0x368, "wrong mstatus reg initial config value")
     assert(initial_config.clint.mtimecmp == 0, "wrong clint mtimecmp initial config value")
     assert(initial_config.htif.fromhost == 0, "wrong htif fromhost initial config value")
     assert(initial_config.htif.tohost == 0, "wrong htif tohost initial config value")
diff --git a/src/translate-virtual-address.h b/src/translate-virtual-address.h
index b333becdf..8394e92c1 100644
--- a/src/translate-virtual-address.h
+++ b/src/translate-virtual-address.h
@@ -88,52 +88,81 @@ static inline bool read_ram_uint64(STATE_ACCESS &a, uint64_t paddr, uint64_t *pv
     return true;
-/// \brief Walk the page table and translate a virtual address to the corresponding physical address
-/// \tparam STATE_ACCESS Class of machine state accessor object.
-/// \tparam UPDATE_PTE Whether PTE entries can be modified during the translation.
-/// \param a Machine state accessor object.
-/// \param vaddr Virtual address
-/// \param ppaddr Pointer to physical address.
-/// \param xwr_shift Encodes the access mode by the shift to the XWR triad (PTE_XWR_R_SHIFT,
-/// \details This function is outlined to minimize host CPU code cache pressure.
-/// \returns True if succeeded, false otherwise.
-template <typename STATE_ACCESS, bool UPDATE_PTE = true>
-static NO_INLINE bool translate_virtual_address(STATE_ACCESS &a, uint64_t *ppaddr, uint64_t vaddr, int xwr_shift) {
-    auto priv = a.read_iflags_PRV();
-    const uint64_t mstatus = a.read_mstatus();
-    // When MPRV is set, data loads and stores use privilege in MPP
-    // instead of the current privilege level (code access is unaffected)
-    if (xwr_shift != PTE_XWR_X_SHIFT && (mstatus & MSTATUS_MPRV_MASK)) {
-        priv = (mstatus & MSTATUS_MPP_MASK) >> MSTATUS_MPP_SHIFT;
+namespace details {
+template <uint8_t TRANSLATION_MODE, uint8_t ACCESS_TYPE>
+static constexpr uint8_t to_mcause_code() {
+    if constexpr (TRANSLATION_MODE == TRANSLATION_G) {
+        if constexpr (ACCESS_TYPE == ACCESS_TYPE_LOAD) {
+            return MCAUSE_LOAD_GUEST_PAGE_FAULT;
+        } else if constexpr (ACCESS_TYPE == ACCESS_TYPE_STORE) {
+        } else {
+        }
+    } else {
+        if constexpr (ACCESS_TYPE == ACCESS_TYPE_LOAD) {
+            return MCAUSE_LOAD_PAGE_FAULT;
+        } else if constexpr (ACCESS_TYPE == ACCESS_TYPE_STORE) {
+            return MCAUSE_STORE_AMO_PAGE_FAULT;
+        } else {
+            return MCAUSE_FETCH_PAGE_FAULT;
+        }
-    // The satp register is considered active when the effective privilege mode is S-mode or U-mode.
-    // Executions of the address-translation algorithm may only begin using a given value of satp when
-    // satp is active.
-    if (unlikely(priv > PRV_S)) {
-        // We are in M-mode (or in HS-mode if Hypervisor extension is active)
-        *ppaddr = vaddr;
-        return true;
+template <typename STATE_ACCESS, uint8_t TRANSLATION_MODE, uint8_t ACCESS_TYPE, bool UPDATE_PTE>
+static uint8_t translate_virtual_address(STATE_ACCESS &a, uint64_t *ppaddr, uint64_t vaddr, int xwr_shift,
+    uint8_t priv) {
+    bool mxr = false;
+    bool sum = false;
+    uint64_t atp = 0;
+    uint8_t widenbits = 0;
+    if constexpr (TRANSLATION_MODE == TRANSLATION_HS) {
+        mxr = a.read_mstatus() & MSTATUS_MXR_MASK;
+        sum = a.read_mstatus() & MSTATUS_SUM_MASK;
+        atp = a.read_satp();
+    } else if constexpr (TRANSLATION_MODE == TRANSLATION_G) {
+        mxr = a.read_mstatus() & MSTATUS_MXR_MASK;
+        atp = a.read_hgatp();
+        widenbits = 2;
+    } else { // translation == TRANSLATION_VS
+        mxr = (a.read_vsstatus() & MSTATUS_MXR_MASK) || (a.read_mstatus() & MSTATUS_MXR_MASK);
+        sum = a.read_vsstatus() & MSTATUS_SUM_MASK;
+        atp = a.read_vsatp();
-    const uint64_t satp = a.read_satp();
-    const uint64_t mode = satp >> SATP_MODE_SHIFT;
+    const uint64_t mode = atp >> SATP_MODE_SHIFT;
     switch (mode) {
         case SATP_MODE_BARE: // Bare: No translation or protection
             *ppaddr = vaddr;
-            return true;
+            return 0;
         case SATP_MODE_SV39: // Sv39: Page-based 39-bit virtual addressing
         case SATP_MODE_SV48: // Sv48: Page-based 48-bit virtual addressing
         case SATP_MODE_SV57: // Sv57: Page-based 57-bit virtual addressing
         default: // Unsupported mode
-            return false;
+            // when a guest-page-fault occurs, return the guest physical address that faulted
+            if constexpr (TRANSLATION_MODE == TRANSLATION_G) {
+                *ppaddr = vaddr;
+            }
+            return to_mcause_code<TRANSLATION_MODE, ACCESS_TYPE>();
     // Here we know we are in sv39, sv48 or sv57 modes
+    // for Sv39x4 address bits 63:41 must all be zeros, or else a guest-page-fault exception occurs.
+    // for Sv48x4 & Sv57x4 address bits 63:50 must all be zeros, or else a guest-page-fault exception occurs.
+    if constexpr (TRANSLATION_MODE == TRANSLATION_G) {
+        uint64_t zero_bits = 0;
+        if (mode == SATP_MODE_SV39) {
+            zero_bits = vaddr & SV39X4_ZERO_MASK;
+        } else {
+            zero_bits = vaddr & SV48X4_ZERO_MASK;
+        }
+        if (zero_bits != 0) {
+            return to_mcause_code<TRANSLATION_MODE, ACCESS_TYPE>();
+        }
+    }
     // Page table hierarchy of sv39 has 3 levels, sv48 has 4 levels,
     // and sv57 has 5 levels
     // ??D It doesn't seem like restricting to one or the other will
@@ -144,30 +173,56 @@ static NO_INLINE bool translate_virtual_address(STATE_ACCESS &a, uint64_t *ppadd
     // The least significant 12 bits of vaddr are the page offset
     // Then come levels virtual page numbers (VPN)
     // The rest of vaddr must be filled with copies of the
-    // most significant bit in VPN[levels]
+    // most significant bit in VPN[levels] (does not apply to G translation)
     // Hence, the use of arithmetic shifts here
     const int vaddr_bits = XLEN - (LOG2_PAGE_SIZE + levels * LOG2_VPN_SIZE);
-    if (unlikely((static_cast<int64_t>(vaddr << vaddr_bits) >> vaddr_bits) != static_cast<int64_t>(vaddr))) {
-        return false;
+    if constexpr (TRANSLATION_MODE != TRANSLATION_G) {
+        if (unlikely((static_cast<int64_t>(vaddr << vaddr_bits) >> vaddr_bits) != static_cast<int64_t>(vaddr))) {
+            return to_mcause_code<TRANSLATION_MODE, ACCESS_TYPE>();
+        }
     // Initialize pte_addr with the base address for the root page table
-    uint64_t pte_addr = (satp & SATP_PPN_MASK) << LOG2_PAGE_SIZE;
+    uint64_t pte_addr = (atp & SATP_PPN_MASK) << LOG2_PAGE_SIZE;
     for (int i = 0; i < levels; i++) {
+        int vpn_bits = LOG2_VPN_SIZE;
+        if (i == 0)
+            vpn_bits += widenbits;
+        const uint64_t vpn_mask = (1 << vpn_bits) - 1;
         // Mask out VPN[levels-i-1]
-        const int vaddr_shift = LOG2_PAGE_SIZE + LOG2_VPN_SIZE * (levels - 1 - i);
-        const uint64_t vpn = (vaddr >> vaddr_shift) & VPN_MASK;
+        const int vaddr_shift = LOG2_PAGE_SIZE + vpn_bits * (levels - 1 - i);
+        const uint64_t vpn = (vaddr >> vaddr_shift) & vpn_mask;
         // Add offset to find physical address of page table entry
         pte_addr += vpn << LOG2_PTE_SIZE; //??D we can probably save this shift here
+        if constexpr (TRANSLATION_MODE == TRANSLATION_VS) {
+            // The spec says:
+            // ```
+            // When V=1, memory accesses that would normally bypass address translation are subject to G-stage address
+            // translation alone.
+            // ```
+            // Thus, here we apply G-stage translation to the PTE address.
+            uint64_t pte_addr_g = 0;
+            // For G-stage address translation, all memory accesses (including those made to access data structures
+            // for VS-stage address translation) are considered to be user-level accesses, as though executed in U-mode.
+            // Thus, passing NOM_U here.
+            int ret = translate_virtual_address<STATE_ACCESS, TRANSLATION_G, ACCESS_TYPE_LOAD, UPDATE_PTE>(a,
+                &pte_addr_g, pte_addr, xwr_shift, NOM_U);
+            if (ret) {
+                *ppaddr = pte_addr;
+                return to_mcause_code<TRANSLATION_G, ACCESS_TYPE>();
+            }
+            pte_addr = pte_addr_g;
+        }
         // Read page table entry from physical memory
         uint64_t pte = 0;
         if (unlikely(!read_ram_uint64(a, pte_addr, &pte))) {
-            return false;
+            break;
         // The OS can mark page table entries as invalid,
         // but these entries shouldn't be reached during page lookups
         if (unlikely(!(pte & PTE_V_MASK))) {
-            return false;
+            break;
         // Bits 60–54 are reserved for future standard use and must be zeroed
         // by software for forward compatibility. If any of these bits are set,
@@ -177,7 +232,7 @@ static NO_INLINE bool translate_virtual_address(STATE_ACCESS &a, uint64_t *ppadd
         // If Svnapot is not implemented, bit 63 remains reserved and must be zeroed
         // by software for forward compatibility, or else a page-fault exception is raised.
         if (unlikely(pte & (PTE_60_54_MASK | PTE_PBMT_MASK | PTE_N_MASK))) {
-            return false;
+            break;
         // Clear all flags in least significant bits, then shift back to multiple of page size to form physical address.
         const uint64_t ppn = (pte & PTE_PPN_MASK) << (LOG2_PAGE_SIZE - PTE_PPN_SHIFT);
@@ -187,39 +242,41 @@ static NO_INLINE bool translate_virtual_address(STATE_ACCESS &a, uint64_t *ppadd
         if (xwr != 0) {
             // These protection bit combinations are reserved for future use
             if (unlikely(xwr == PTE_XWR_W_MASK || xwr == (PTE_XWR_W_MASK | PTE_XWR_X_MASK))) {
-                return false;
+                break;
-            // (We know we are not PRV_M if we reached here)
-            if (priv == PRV_S) {
-                if ((pte & PTE_U_MASK)) {
+            if (priv == NOM_S) {
+                if (pte & PTE_U_MASK) {
                     // S-mode can never execute instructions from user pages, regardless of the state of SUM
                     if (unlikely(xwr_shift == PTE_XWR_X_SHIFT)) {
-                        return false;
+                        break;
                     // If SUM is not set, forbid S-mode code from accessing U-mode memory
-                    if (unlikely(!(mstatus & MSTATUS_SUM_MASK))) {
-                        return false;
+                    if (unlikely(!sum)) {
+                        break;
             } else {
                 // Forbid U-mode code from accessing S-mode memory
                 if (unlikely(!(pte & PTE_U_MASK))) {
-                    return false;
+                    break;
             // MXR allows read access to execute-only pages
-            if (mstatus & MSTATUS_MXR_MASK) {
+            if (mxr) {
                 // Set R bit if X bit is set
                 xwr |= (xwr >> PTE_XWR_X_SHIFT);
             // Check protection bits against requested access
             if (unlikely(((xwr >> xwr_shift) & 1) == 0)) {
-                return false;
+                break;
             // Check page, megapage, and gigapage alignment
             const uint64_t vaddr_mask = (UINT64_C(1) << vaddr_shift) - 1;
             if (unlikely(ppn & vaddr_mask)) {
-                return false;
+                break;
             // Decide if we need to update access bits in pte
             if constexpr (UPDATE_PTE) {
@@ -229,20 +286,68 @@ static NO_INLINE bool translate_virtual_address(STATE_ACCESS &a, uint64_t *ppadd
                     update_pte |= PTE_D_MASK; // Set dirty bit
                 if (pte != update_pte) {
-                    write_ram_uint64(a, pte_addr, update_pte); // Can't fail since read succeeded earlier
+                    write_ram_uint64<STATE_ACCESS>(a, pte_addr, update_pte); // Can't fail since read succeeded earlier
             // Add page offset in vaddr to ppn to form physical address
             *ppaddr = (vaddr & vaddr_mask) | (ppn & ~vaddr_mask);
-            return true;
+            return 0;
             // xwr == 0 means we have a pointer to the start of the next page table
         } else {
             pte_addr = ppn;
-    return false;
+    // when a guest-page-fault occurs, return the guest physical address that faulted
+    if constexpr (TRANSLATION_MODE == TRANSLATION_G) {
+        *ppaddr = vaddr;
+    }
+    return to_mcause_code<TRANSLATION_MODE, ACCESS_TYPE>();
+} // namespace details
+/// \brief Walk the page table and translate a virtual address to the corresponding physical address
+/// \tparam STATE_ACCESS Class of machine state accessor object.
+/// \tparam ACCESS_TYPE memory access type (fetch, store or load).
+/// \param a Machine state accessor object.
+/// \param ppaddr Pointer to physical address.
+/// \param vaddr Virtual address
+/// \param access_mode Encoded mode (virtual/non-virtual) and privilege of the memory access.
+/// \param xwr_shift Encodes the access mode by the shift to the XWR triad (PTE_XWR_R_SHIFT,
+/// \returns 0 if succeeded, the corresponding MCAUSE code otherwise. Please note that 0 is
+/// repurposed here to be equivalent as success because the function will never return misaligned causes.
+template <typename STATE_ACCESS, uint8_t ACCESS_TYPE, bool UPDATE_PTE = true>
+static uint8_t translate_virtual_address(STATE_ACCESS &a, uint64_t *ppaddr, uint64_t vaddr, uint8_t access_mode,
+    int xwr_shift) {
+    const uint8_t priv = (access_mode & ACCESS_MODE_NOM_MASK) >> ACCESS_MODE_NOM_SHIFT;
+    const uint8_t virt = (access_mode & ACCESS_MODE_V_MASK) >> ACCESS_MODE_V_SHIFT;
+    // M-mode code does not use virtual memory
+    if (unlikely(priv == NOM_M)) {
+        *ppaddr = vaddr;
+        return 0;
+    }
+    if (unlikely(virt)) {
+        uint64_t guest_paddr = 0;
+        int ret = details::translate_virtual_address<STATE_ACCESS, TRANSLATION_VS, ACCESS_TYPE, UPDATE_PTE>(a,
+            &guest_paddr, vaddr, xwr_shift, priv);
+        if (unlikely(ret)) {
+            return ret;
+        }
+        // for G-stage translation guest-page-fault exceptions are raised instead of regular page-fault exceptions
+        //
+        // for G-stage address translation, all memory accesses (including those made to access data structures
+        // for VS-stage address translation) are considered to be user-level accesses, as though executed in U-mode.
+        // thus, passing NOM_U here.
+        return details::translate_virtual_address<STATE_ACCESS, TRANSLATION_G, ACCESS_TYPE, UPDATE_PTE>(a, ppaddr,
+            guest_paddr, xwr_shift, NOM_U);
+    } else {
+        return details::translate_virtual_address<STATE_ACCESS, TRANSLATION_HS, ACCESS_TYPE, UPDATE_PTE>(a, ppaddr,
+            vaddr, xwr_shift, priv);
+    }
 } // namespace cartesi
 #endif /* end of include guard: TRANSLATE_VIRTUAL_ADDRESS_H */
diff --git a/src/uarch-bridge.h b/src/uarch-bridge.h
index edc4435bb..eaa16f930 100644
--- a/src/uarch-bridge.h
+++ b/src/uarch-bridge.h
@@ -51,7 +51,7 @@ class uarch_bridge {
         switch (static_cast<shadow_state_csr>(paddr)) {
             case shadow_state_csr::uarch_halt_flag:
                 if (data != uarch_halt_flag_halt_value) {
-                    throw std::runtime_error("invalid value written  microarchitecture halt flag");
+                    throw std::runtime_error("invalid value written microarchitecture halt flag");
                 return uarch_halt(us);
             case shadow_state_csr::pc:
@@ -129,6 +129,63 @@ class uarch_bridge {
             case shadow_state_csr::senvcfg:
                 s.senvcfg = data;
+            case shadow_state_csr::hstatus:
+                s.hstatus = data;
+                return;
+            case shadow_state_csr::hideleg:
+                s.hideleg = data;
+                return;
+            case shadow_state_csr::hedeleg:
+                s.hedeleg = data;
+                return;
+            case shadow_state_csr::hie:
+                s.hie = data;
+                return;
+            case shadow_state_csr::hip:
+                s.hip = data;
+                return;
+            case shadow_state_csr::hvip:
+                s.hvip = data;
+                return;
+            case shadow_state_csr::hgatp:
+                s.hgatp = data;
+                return;
+            case shadow_state_csr::henvcfg:
+                s.henvcfg = data;
+                return;
+            case shadow_state_csr::htimedelta:
+                s.htimedelta = data;
+                return;
+            case shadow_state_csr::htval:
+                s.htval = data;
+                return;
+            case shadow_state_csr::vsepc:
+                s.vsepc = data;
+                return;
+            case shadow_state_csr::vsstatus:
+                s.vsstatus = data;
+                return;
+            case shadow_state_csr::vscause:
+                s.vscause = data;
+                return;
+            case shadow_state_csr::vstval:
+                s.vstval = data;
+                return;
+            case shadow_state_csr::vstvec:
+                s.vstvec = data;
+                return;
+            case shadow_state_csr::vsscratch:
+                s.vsscratch = data;
+                return;
+            case shadow_state_csr::vsatp:
+                s.vsatp = data;
+                return;
+            case shadow_state_csr::vsie:
+                s.vsie = data;
+                return;
+            case shadow_state_csr::vsip:
+                s.vsip = data;
+                return;
             case shadow_state_csr::ilrsc:
                 s.ilrsc = data;
@@ -240,6 +297,44 @@ class uarch_bridge {
                 return s.scounteren;
             case shadow_state_csr::senvcfg:
                 return s.senvcfg;
+            case shadow_state_csr::hstatus:
+                return s.hstatus;
+            case shadow_state_csr::hideleg:
+                return s.hideleg;
+            case shadow_state_csr::hedeleg:
+                return s.hedeleg;
+            case shadow_state_csr::hie:
+                return s.hie;
+            case shadow_state_csr::hip:
+                return s.hip;
+            case shadow_state_csr::hvip:
+                return s.hvip;
+            case shadow_state_csr::hgatp:
+                return s.hgatp;
+            case shadow_state_csr::henvcfg:
+                return s.henvcfg;
+            case shadow_state_csr::htimedelta:
+                return s.htimedelta;
+            case shadow_state_csr::htval:
+                return s.htval;
+            case shadow_state_csr::vsepc:
+                return s.vsepc;
+            case shadow_state_csr::vsstatus:
+                return s.vsstatus;
+            case shadow_state_csr::vscause:
+                return s.vscause;
+            case shadow_state_csr::vstval:
+                return s.vstval;
+            case shadow_state_csr::vstvec:
+                return s.vstvec;
+            case shadow_state_csr::vsscratch:
+                return s.vsscratch;
+            case shadow_state_csr::vsatp:
+                return s.vsatp;
+            case shadow_state_csr::vsie:
+                return s.vsie;
+            case shadow_state_csr::vsip:
+                return s.vsip;
             case shadow_state_csr::ilrsc:
                 return s.ilrsc;
             case shadow_state_csr::iflags:
@@ -334,6 +429,44 @@ class uarch_bridge {
                 return "scounteren";
             case shadow_state_csr::senvcfg:
                 return "senvcfg";
+            case shadow_state_csr::hstatus:
+                return "hstatus";
+            case shadow_state_csr::hideleg:
+                return "hideleg";
+            case shadow_state_csr::hedeleg:
+                return "hedeleg";
+            case shadow_state_csr::hie:
+                return "hie";
+            case shadow_state_csr::hip:
+                return "hip";
+            case shadow_state_csr::hvip:
+                return "hvip";
+            case shadow_state_csr::hgatp:
+                return "hgatp";
+            case shadow_state_csr::henvcfg:
+                return "henvcfg";
+            case shadow_state_csr::htimedelta:
+                return "htimedelta";
+            case shadow_state_csr::htval:
+                return "htval";
+            case shadow_state_csr::vsepc:
+                return "vsepc";
+            case shadow_state_csr::vsstatus:
+                return "vsstatus";
+            case shadow_state_csr::vscause:
+                return "vscause";
+            case shadow_state_csr::vstval:
+                return "vstval";
+            case shadow_state_csr::vstvec:
+                return "vstvec";
+            case shadow_state_csr::vsscratch:
+                return "vsscratch";
+            case shadow_state_csr::vsatp:
+                return "vsatp";
+            case shadow_state_csr::vsie:
+                return "vsie";
+            case shadow_state_csr::vsip:
+                return "vsip";
             case shadow_state_csr::ilrsc:
                 return "ilrsc";
             case shadow_state_csr::iflags:
diff --git a/src/virtual-machine.cpp b/src/virtual-machine.cpp
index eb2ebcc70..fbb8b02d6 100644
--- a/src/virtual-machine.cpp
+++ b/src/virtual-machine.cpp
@@ -304,6 +304,158 @@ void virtual_machine::do_write_senvcfg(uint64_t val) {
     return m_machine->write_senvcfg(val);
+uint64_t virtual_machine::do_read_hstatus(void) const {
+    return m_machine->read_hstatus();
+void virtual_machine::do_write_hstatus(uint64_t val) {
+    return m_machine->write_hstatus(val);
+uint64_t virtual_machine::do_read_hideleg(void) const {
+    return m_machine->read_hideleg();
+void virtual_machine::do_write_hideleg(uint64_t val) {
+    return m_machine->write_hideleg(val);
+uint64_t virtual_machine::do_read_hedeleg(void) const {
+    return m_machine->read_hedeleg();
+void virtual_machine::do_write_hedeleg(uint64_t val) {
+    return m_machine->write_hedeleg(val);
+uint64_t virtual_machine::do_read_hie(void) const {
+    return m_machine->read_hie();
+void virtual_machine::do_write_hie(uint64_t val) {
+    return m_machine->write_hie(val);
+uint64_t virtual_machine::do_read_hip(void) const {
+    return m_machine->read_hip();
+void virtual_machine::do_write_hip(uint64_t val) {
+    return m_machine->write_hip(val);
+uint64_t virtual_machine::do_read_hvip(void) const {
+    return m_machine->read_hvip();
+void virtual_machine::do_write_hvip(uint64_t val) {
+    return m_machine->write_hvip(val);
+uint64_t virtual_machine::do_read_hgatp(void) const {
+    return m_machine->read_hgatp();
+void virtual_machine::do_write_hgatp(uint64_t val) {
+    return m_machine->write_hgatp(val);
+uint64_t virtual_machine::do_read_henvcfg(void) const {
+    return m_machine->read_henvcfg();
+void virtual_machine::do_write_henvcfg(uint64_t val) {
+    return m_machine->write_henvcfg(val);
+uint64_t virtual_machine::do_read_htimedelta(void) const {
+    return m_machine->read_htimedelta();
+void virtual_machine::do_write_htimedelta(uint64_t val) {
+    return m_machine->write_htimedelta(val);
+uint64_t virtual_machine::do_read_htval(void) const {
+    return m_machine->read_htval();
+void virtual_machine::do_write_htval(uint64_t val) {
+    return m_machine->write_htval(val);
+uint64_t virtual_machine::do_read_vsepc(void) const {
+    return m_machine->read_vsepc();
+void virtual_machine::do_write_vsepc(uint64_t val) {
+    return m_machine->write_vsepc(val);
+uint64_t virtual_machine::do_read_vsstatus(void) const {
+    return m_machine->read_vsstatus();
+void virtual_machine::do_write_vsstatus(uint64_t val) {
+    return m_machine->write_vsstatus(val);
+uint64_t virtual_machine::do_read_vscause(void) const {
+    return m_machine->read_vscause();
+void virtual_machine::do_write_vscause(uint64_t val) {
+    return m_machine->write_vscause(val);
+uint64_t virtual_machine::do_read_vstval(void) const {
+    return m_machine->read_vstval();
+void virtual_machine::do_write_vstval(uint64_t val) {
+    return m_machine->write_vstval(val);
+uint64_t virtual_machine::do_read_vstvec(void) const {
+    return m_machine->read_vstvec();
+void virtual_machine::do_write_vstvec(uint64_t val) {
+    return m_machine->write_vstvec(val);
+uint64_t virtual_machine::do_read_vsscratch(void) const {
+    return m_machine->read_vsscratch();
+void virtual_machine::do_write_vsscratch(uint64_t val) {
+    return m_machine->write_vsscratch(val);
+uint64_t virtual_machine::do_read_vsatp(void) const {
+    return m_machine->read_vsatp();
+void virtual_machine::do_write_vsatp(uint64_t val) {
+    return m_machine->write_vsatp(val);
+uint64_t virtual_machine::do_read_vsie(void) const {
+    return m_machine->read_vsie();
+void virtual_machine::do_write_vsie(uint64_t val) {
+    return m_machine->write_vsie(val);
+uint64_t virtual_machine::do_read_vsip(void) const {
+    return m_machine->read_vsip();
+void virtual_machine::do_write_vsip(uint64_t val) {
+    return m_machine->write_vsip(val);
 uint64_t virtual_machine::do_read_ilrsc(void) const {
     return m_machine->read_ilrsc();
diff --git a/src/virtual-machine.h b/src/virtual-machine.h
index da5249ad2..7e70051e0 100644
--- a/src/virtual-machine.h
+++ b/src/virtual-machine.h
@@ -109,6 +109,44 @@ class virtual_machine : public i_virtual_machine {
     void do_write_scounteren(uint64_t val) override;
     uint64_t do_read_senvcfg(void) const override;
     void do_write_senvcfg(uint64_t val) override;
+    uint64_t do_read_hstatus(void) const override;
+    void do_write_hstatus(uint64_t val) override;
+    uint64_t do_read_hideleg(void) const override;
+    void do_write_hideleg(uint64_t val) override;
+    uint64_t do_read_hedeleg(void) const override;
+    void do_write_hedeleg(uint64_t val) override;
+    uint64_t do_read_hie(void) const override;
+    void do_write_hie(uint64_t val) override;
+    uint64_t do_read_hip(void) const override;
+    void do_write_hip(uint64_t val) override;
+    uint64_t do_read_hvip(void) const override;
+    void do_write_hvip(uint64_t val) override;
+    uint64_t do_read_hgatp(void) const override;
+    void do_write_hgatp(uint64_t val) override;
+    uint64_t do_read_henvcfg(void) const override;
+    void do_write_henvcfg(uint64_t val) override;
+    uint64_t do_read_htimedelta(void) const override;
+    void do_write_htimedelta(uint64_t val) override;
+    uint64_t do_read_htval(void) const override;
+    void do_write_htval(uint64_t val) override;
+    uint64_t do_read_vsepc(void) const override;
+    void do_write_vsepc(uint64_t val) override;
+    uint64_t do_read_vsstatus(void) const override;
+    void do_write_vsstatus(uint64_t val) override;
+    uint64_t do_read_vscause(void) const override;
+    void do_write_vscause(uint64_t val) override;
+    uint64_t do_read_vstval(void) const override;
+    void do_write_vstval(uint64_t val) override;
+    uint64_t do_read_vstvec(void) const override;
+    void do_write_vstvec(uint64_t val) override;
+    uint64_t do_read_vsscratch(void) const override;
+    void do_write_vsscratch(uint64_t val) override;
+    uint64_t do_read_vsatp(void) const override;
+    void do_write_vsatp(uint64_t val) override;
+    uint64_t do_read_vsie(void) const override;
+    void do_write_vsie(uint64_t val) override;
+    uint64_t do_read_vsip(void) const override;
+    void do_write_vsip(uint64_t val) override;
     uint64_t do_read_ilrsc(void) const override;
     void do_write_ilrsc(uint64_t val) override;
     uint64_t do_read_iflags(void) const override;
diff --git a/uarch/uarch-machine-state-access.h b/uarch/uarch-machine-state-access.h
index 7a563e97f..d5acd93b8 100644
--- a/uarch/uarch-machine-state-access.h
+++ b/uarch/uarch-machine-state-access.h
@@ -395,6 +395,158 @@ class uarch_machine_state_access : public i_state_access<uarch_machine_state_acc
         raw_write_memory(shadow_state_get_csr_abs_addr(shadow_state_csr::scounteren), val);
+    uint64_t do_read_hstatus(void) {
+        return raw_read_memory<uint64_t>(shadow_state_get_csr_abs_addr(shadow_state_csr::hstatus));
+    }
+    void do_write_hstatus(uint64_t val) {
+        raw_write_memory(shadow_state_get_csr_abs_addr(shadow_state_csr::hstatus), val);
+    }
+    uint64_t do_read_hideleg(void) {
+        return raw_read_memory<uint64_t>(shadow_state_get_csr_abs_addr(shadow_state_csr::hideleg));
+    }
+    void do_write_hideleg(uint64_t val) {
+        raw_write_memory(shadow_state_get_csr_abs_addr(shadow_state_csr::hideleg), val);
+    }
+    uint64_t do_read_hedeleg(void) {
+        return raw_read_memory<uint64_t>(shadow_state_get_csr_abs_addr(shadow_state_csr::hedeleg));
+    }
+    void do_write_hedeleg(uint64_t val) {
+        raw_write_memory(shadow_state_get_csr_abs_addr(shadow_state_csr::hedeleg), val);
+    }
+    uint64_t do_read_hip(void) {
+        return raw_read_memory<uint64_t>(shadow_state_get_csr_abs_addr(shadow_state_csr::hip));
+    }
+    void do_write_hip(uint64_t val) {
+        raw_write_memory(shadow_state_get_csr_abs_addr(shadow_state_csr::hip), val);
+    }
+    uint64_t do_read_hvip(void) {
+        return raw_read_memory<uint64_t>(shadow_state_get_csr_abs_addr(shadow_state_csr::hvip));
+    }
+    void do_write_hvip(uint64_t val) {
+        raw_write_memory(shadow_state_get_csr_abs_addr(shadow_state_csr::hvip), val);
+    }
+    uint64_t do_read_hie(void) {
+        return raw_read_memory<uint64_t>(shadow_state_get_csr_abs_addr(shadow_state_csr::hie));
+    }
+    void do_write_hie(uint64_t val) {
+        raw_write_memory(shadow_state_get_csr_abs_addr(shadow_state_csr::hie), val);
+    }
+    uint64_t do_read_hgatp(void) {
+        return raw_read_memory<uint64_t>(shadow_state_get_csr_abs_addr(shadow_state_csr::hgatp));
+    }
+    void do_write_hgatp(uint64_t val) {
+        raw_write_memory(shadow_state_get_csr_abs_addr(shadow_state_csr::hgatp), val);
+    }
+    uint64_t do_read_henvcfg(void) {
+        return raw_read_memory<uint64_t>(shadow_state_get_csr_abs_addr(shadow_state_csr::henvcfg));
+    }
+    void do_write_henvcfg(uint64_t val) {
+        raw_write_memory(shadow_state_get_csr_abs_addr(shadow_state_csr::henvcfg), val);
+    }
+    uint64_t do_read_htimedelta(void) {
+        return raw_read_memory<uint64_t>(shadow_state_get_csr_abs_addr(shadow_state_csr::htimedelta));
+    }
+    void do_write_htimedelta(uint64_t val) {
+        raw_write_memory(shadow_state_get_csr_abs_addr(shadow_state_csr::htimedelta), val);
+    }
+    uint64_t do_read_htval(void) {
+        return raw_read_memory<uint64_t>(shadow_state_get_csr_abs_addr(shadow_state_csr::htval));
+    }
+    void do_write_htval(uint64_t val) {
+        raw_write_memory(shadow_state_get_csr_abs_addr(shadow_state_csr::htval), val);
+    }
+    uint64_t do_read_vsepc(void) {
+        return raw_read_memory<uint64_t>(shadow_state_get_csr_abs_addr(shadow_state_csr::vsepc));
+    }
+    void do_write_vsepc(uint64_t val) {
+        raw_write_memory(shadow_state_get_csr_abs_addr(shadow_state_csr::vsepc), val);
+    }
+    uint64_t do_read_vsstatus(void) {
+        return raw_read_memory<uint64_t>(shadow_state_get_csr_abs_addr(shadow_state_csr::vsstatus));
+    }
+    void do_write_vsstatus(uint64_t val) {
+        raw_write_memory(shadow_state_get_csr_abs_addr(shadow_state_csr::vsstatus), val);
+    }
+    uint64_t do_read_vscause(void) {
+        return raw_read_memory<uint64_t>(shadow_state_get_csr_abs_addr(shadow_state_csr::vscause));
+    }
+    void do_write_vscause(uint64_t val) {
+        raw_write_memory(shadow_state_get_csr_abs_addr(shadow_state_csr::vscause), val);
+    }
+    uint64_t do_read_vstval(void) {
+        return raw_read_memory<uint64_t>(shadow_state_get_csr_abs_addr(shadow_state_csr::vstval));
+    }
+    void do_write_vstval(uint64_t val) {
+        raw_write_memory(shadow_state_get_csr_abs_addr(shadow_state_csr::vstval), val);
+    }
+    uint64_t do_read_vstvec(void) {
+        return raw_read_memory<uint64_t>(shadow_state_get_csr_abs_addr(shadow_state_csr::vstvec));
+    }
+    void do_write_vstvec(uint64_t val) {
+        raw_write_memory(shadow_state_get_csr_abs_addr(shadow_state_csr::vstvec), val);
+    }
+    uint64_t do_read_vsscratch(void) {
+        return raw_read_memory<uint64_t>(shadow_state_get_csr_abs_addr(shadow_state_csr::vsscratch));
+    }
+    void do_write_vsscratch(uint64_t val) {
+        raw_write_memory(shadow_state_get_csr_abs_addr(shadow_state_csr::vsscratch), val);
+    }
+    uint64_t do_read_vsatp(void) {
+        return raw_read_memory<uint64_t>(shadow_state_get_csr_abs_addr(shadow_state_csr::vsatp));
+    }
+    void do_write_vsatp(uint64_t val) {
+        raw_write_memory(shadow_state_get_csr_abs_addr(shadow_state_csr::vsatp), val);
+    }
+    uint64_t do_read_vsie(void) {
+        return raw_read_memory<uint64_t>(shadow_state_get_csr_abs_addr(shadow_state_csr::vsie));
+    }
+    void do_write_vsie(uint64_t val) {
+        raw_write_memory(shadow_state_get_csr_abs_addr(shadow_state_csr::vsie), val);
+    }
+    uint64_t do_read_vsip(void) {
+        return raw_read_memory<uint64_t>(shadow_state_get_csr_abs_addr(shadow_state_csr::vsip));
+    }
+    void do_write_vsip(uint64_t val) {
+        raw_write_memory(shadow_state_get_csr_abs_addr(shadow_state_csr::vsip), val);
+    }
     uint64_t do_read_ilrsc(void) {
         return raw_read_memory<uint64_t>(shadow_state_get_csr_abs_addr(shadow_state_csr::ilrsc));
@@ -456,21 +608,37 @@ class uarch_machine_state_access : public i_state_access<uarch_machine_state_acc
         return (iflags & IFLAGS_Y_MASK) != 0;
+    void do_set_iflags_VRT(void) {
+        auto old_iflags = read_iflags();
+        auto new_iflags = old_iflags | IFLAGS_V_MASK;
+        write_iflags(new_iflags);
+    }
+    void do_reset_iflags_VRT(void) {
+        auto old_iflags = read_iflags();
+        auto new_iflags = old_iflags & (~IFLAGS_V_MASK);
+        write_iflags(new_iflags);
+    }
+    bool do_read_iflags_VRT(void) {
+        auto iflags = read_iflags();
+        return (iflags & IFLAGS_V_MASK) != 0;
+    }
     uint8_t do_read_iflags_PRV(void) {
         auto iflags = read_iflags();
-        return (iflags & IFLAGS_PRV_MASK) >> IFLAGS_PRV_SHIFT;
+        return (iflags & IFLAGS_NOM_MASK) >> IFLAGS_NOM_SHIFT;
     void do_write_iflags_PRV(uint8_t val) {
         auto old_iflags = read_iflags();
         auto new_iflags =
-            (old_iflags & (~IFLAGS_PRV_MASK)) | ((static_cast<uint64_t>(val) << IFLAGS_PRV_SHIFT) & IFLAGS_PRV_MASK);
+            (old_iflags & (~IFLAGS_NOM_MASK)) | ((static_cast<uint64_t>(val) << IFLAGS_NOM_SHIFT) & IFLAGS_NOM_MASK);
     uint64_t do_read_clint_mtimecmp(void) {
         return raw_read_memory<uint64_t>(shadow_state_get_csr_abs_addr(shadow_state_csr::clint_mtimecmp));
     void do_write_clint_mtimecmp(uint64_t val) {