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- git basics
what is git.
create a project
Initialize the repository
Add some files
Make a commit
Git tree graph and commit object
Pointing the current branch at the new commit
Make a commit that is not the first commit (cool)
Checkout a commit
Create a branch
Checkout a branch
Check out a branch that is incompatible with the working copy
Merge an ancestor
Merge a descendent
Merge commits
- from different lineages
- both madify the same file
Merge conflicts and dealing with them
Removing a file, show history changes
Copy a repository
Link a repository to another repository
Remotes, what are they, how helpful ?
Fetch a branch from a remote, Merge FETCH_HEAD
Checkout someone's PR to test his changes
Pull a branch from a remote
Clone a repository
Push a branch to a checked-out branch on a remote