The ESP32 Partition Tool is a utility designed to facilitate creating custom partition schemes in Arduino IDE 1.8.x & PlatformIO.
This tool aims to simplify the process of creating custom partition schemes for ESP32 projects.
- Create partitions csv
- Import custom partitions csv
- Export custom partitions csv
- Create & upload custom SPIFFS image(SPIFFS, LittleFS or FATFS)
- Create & upload merged binary(Serial ports only)
To build the tool, you need JDK 8 installed. Select which version of the tool you want depending on the platform framework.
Note that anything newer will cause the Arduino IDE to crash since its only supporting java class files compiled with JDK 8 version of Java.
- Download the tool from releases or build it yourself.
- In your Arduino sketchbook directory, create tools directory if it doesn't exist yet.
- Unpack the tool into tools directory (the path will look like
). - Restart Arduino IDE
- Select Tools > ESP32 Partition Tool menu item.
- Customize partition scheme.
- Export the custom partitions CSV file to sketch directory.
- Select Tools > Partition Scheme & select
*this will tell Arduino IDE to use our custom partitions.csv file that's located in sketch directory(export csv via the the tool first). - Compile the sketch.
- Upload Sketch.
- Use Upload SPIFFS to create and upload spiffs image
- Use Merge binary & Upload to create and upload merged binary at 0x0 offset
- Install Java and make sure the executable is in the path
- Create a
in your project folder
import os.path
import sys
# add esp32partitiontool to path
sys.path.append(os.path.abspath( env.PioPlatform().get_package_dir("tool-esp32partitiontool") ))
# import module
from esp32partitiontool import *
# run module
- To launch the GUI, both
entries must be set
src_dir = src
default_envs = hello-world
framework = arduino
platform = espressif32
board = esp32dev
; register the "tool-esp32partitiontool"
; remove url if you have own built tool in pacakges directory of platformio core directory
platform_packages = tool-esp32partitiontool @
; register the "edit_partition" target
extra_scripts =
board_build.partitions = partitions/default.csv
board_upload.flash_size = 4MB
upload_speed = 1500000
- If building the plugin from source, remove the URL from the
entry ...
platform_packages = tool-esp32partitiontool
- ... and use
pio pkg
to install the plugin from the root of your platformio project:
pio pkg install -e build-partition --no-save --tool /path/to/esp32partitiontool/ --force
- If building from vsCode: run ESP32 Partition Tool Task
- If building from a shell :
pio run -t edit_partition -e your_environment
Feel free to report any issues. Translation contributions are welcome if you find the current translations to be wrong, not adequate or you want to add support for another language.
This project is licensed under the MIT License.