Quick hash is designed for identifying files without I/O intensive operations.
media_quickhash for any file can be assembled by four MD5 hashes of 4k bytes data block from four positions of a file.
The first position is the 4096 bytes from the beginning of the file.
The second position is 1/3 of total file length.
The third position is 2/3 of total file length.
The fourth and the last position is 8192 bytes before the end of the file.
Concat four hashes by separator -
import path from 'path';
import fs from 'fs';
import crypto from 'crypto';
export default {
methods: {
mediaQuickHash(file) {
function md5Hex(text) {
return crypto.createHash('md5').update(text).digest('hex');
const filePath = path.join(__dirname, file);
const fd = fs.openSync(filePath, 'r');
const len = fs.statSync(filePath).size;
const position = [
Math.floor(len / 3),
Math.floor(len / 3) * 2,
len - 8192,
const res = [];
const buf = Buffer.alloc(4096);
for (let i = 0; i < 4; i += 1) {
const bufLen = fs.readSync(fd, buf, 0, 4096, position[i]);
res[i] = md5Hex(buf.slice(0, bufLen));
return res.join('-');
Sample File: https://docs.google.com/file/d/0B2yI4786fKzdQjNvLWJPUjg3UU0/edit?usp=sharing
Media Hash for the Sample File: 84f0e9e5e05f04b58f53e2617cc9c866-b1f0696aec64577228d93eabcc8eb69b-f54d6eb31bef84839c3ce4fc2f57991c-f497c6684c4c6e50d0856b5328a4bedc