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Kyle Robinson Young edited this page Mar 7, 2016 · 6 revisions

Input and Submit Button

An element that consists of an input field and button when pressed will return the value submitted.

var bel = require('bel')
module.exports = function (onsubmit) {
  var input = bel`<input type="text" value="" />`
  return bel`<form onsubmit=${function (e) {
    <label>Your Name:</label>
    <button type="submit">submit</button>

On Load / Unload

There are times you need to know when your element has been inserted or removed from the DOM. Such as when attaching outside event handlers. on-load is a library to handle those events with HTML elements:

npm install on-load --save
var bel = require('bel')
var onload = require('on-load')

var modal = render(true)

function render (opened) {
  if (!opened) return ''
  var element = bel`<div class="modal">Hello!</div>`
  onload(element, function () {
    document.addEventListener('mousedown', clickedOutsideModal)
  }, function () {
    document.removeEventListener('mousedown', clickedOutsideModal)
  return element

function clickedOutsideModal () {

The above example opens a modal/popover/contextmenu and then we can check if a click occurs outside of the element to know when to hide the modal.

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