Official GUI IDE.
Based on JetBrains' IntelliJ IDEA software.
Replaced Eclipse Android Development Tools (ADT).
Can preview layout XMLs under res/layout/
as a phone view.
After download, run: $(ANDROID_STUDIO)/
Ctrl + F: find. If some text is selected, find it.
Change editor tabs: Alt+Left / Right
Jump to definition:
- Ctrl + Click
- Ctrl + B
Ctrl + Click on definition: show where method or variable are used.
Go to last location:
- TODO: Ctrl-Alt-Left does not switch back files?
Find stuff
- Class: Ctrl+N
- File (directory): Ctrl+Shift+N
- Symbol: Ctrl+Shift+Alt+N
Class hierarchy: Alt + *
Jump between matching and parent curly braces: Ctrl + { / }
Matching parenthesis:
Hide currently selected pane: Shift + Esc, e.g. Project.
Alt + number: toggle open a pane. E.g.: Alt + 1 opens Project. Change them:
Ctrl + Alt + S: Open settings dialog
Ctrl + F3: find word at caret. Copy pastes it into the find dialog, and you can then use F3 to move back and forward.
With some stupid Ubuntu keyboard shortcuts that do not use the super key as every system shortcut should:
Change color scheme: View | Quick Switch Scheme | Color scheme
Like any good IDE, keeps changing tons of files automatically for us. What to gitignore:
Apparently some versions circa 2015 don't support it: