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#defineTOP_DOWNusingnamespacestd;using VI = vector<int>;
using Memo = unordered_map<int, int>; // { end index, max inc seq len }
#ifdef TOP_DOWN
intgo(VI& A, Memo& T, int j) {
if (T.find(j) != T.end())
return T[j];
T[j] = 1; // each index j represents a subsequence of length 1for (auto i{ 0 }; i < j; ++i)
if (A[i] < A[j])
T[j] = max(T[j], 1 + go(A, T, i));
return T[j];
#endifintmain() {
int N; cin >> N;
VI A; copy_n(istream_iterator<int>(cin), N, back_inserter(A));
#ifdef TOP_DOWN // 👇auto max{ 0 };
Memo T;
for (auto j{ 0 }; j < N; ++j) // for each ending position j inclusive
max = std::max(max, go(A, T, j)); // max LIS ending at each position j
cout << max << endl;
#else// BOTTOM_UP 👆
VI T(N, 1);
for (auto j{ 0 }; j < N; ++j) // for each ending position j inclusivefor (auto i{ 0 }; i < j; ++i)
if (A[i] < A[j])
T[j] = std::max(T[j], 1 + T[i]); // best T[j] via each LIS ending at each position i < j where A[i] < A[j]
cout << *max_element(T.begin(), T.end()) << endl;
Edit Distance
#include<algorithm>//#define TOP_DOWNusingnamespacestd;using VI = vector<int>;
using VVI = vector<VI>;
using Memo = unordered_map<string, int>;
int ins, del, sub; // cost of insertions, deletions, and substitutions
#ifdef TOP_DOWN
/*// TLE without memoint go(string& A, string& B, int i, int j) { if (i == 0) return j * ins; if (j == 0) return i * del; return min({ go(A, B, i - 1, j - 1) + (A[i - 1] == B[j - 1] ? 0 : sub), go(A, B, i, j - 1) + ins, go(A, B, i - 1, j) + del });}*/// TLE with memointgo(string& A, string& B, int i, int j, Memo&& T = {}) {
stringstream key; key << i << "," << j;
if (T.find(key.str()) != T.end())
return T[key.str()];
if (i == 0) return T[key.str()] = j * ins;
if (j == 0) return T[key.str()] = i * del;
return T[key.str()] = min({
go(A, B, i - 1, j - 1, move(T)) + (A[i - 1] == B[j - 1] ? 0 : sub),
go(A, B, i, j - 1, move(T)) + ins,
go(A, B, i - 1, j, move(T)) + del
#endifintmain() {
string _, A, B;
cin >> _ >> _ >> A >> B;
cin >> ins >> del >> sub;
#ifdef TOP_DOWN // 👇
cout << go(A, B, A.size(), B.size()) << endl;
#else// BOTTOM_UP 👆int M = A.size(),
N = B.size();
VVI T(M + 1, VI(N + 1));
for (auto i{ 1 }; i <= M; ++i) T[i][0] = i * del;
for (auto j{ 1 }; j <= N; ++j) T[0][j] = j * ins;
for (auto i{ 1 }; i <= M; ++i)
for (auto j{ 1 }; j <= N; ++j)
T[i][j] = min({
T[i - 1][j - 1] + (A[i - 1] == B[j - 1] ? 0 : sub),
T[i][j - 1] + ins,
T[i - 1][j] + del
cout << T[M][N] << endl;
Sum of Digits
#include<vector>usingnamespacestd;using LL = longlong;
using Memo = unordered_map<string, LL>;
using VLL = vector<LL>;
using VVLL = vector<VLL>;
//#define TOP_DOWN
#ifdef TOP_DOWN
/*// TLE without memoLL go(int sum, int len) { if (len == 0) return int(sum == 0); // base case: if the sum is reduced to 0, then there is exactly 1 solution 🎯 auto cnt{ 0LL }; for (auto x{ 0 }; x <= 9; ++x) if (sum - x >= 0) cnt += go(sum - x, len - 1); return cnt;}*/
LL go(int sum, int len, Memo&& T = {}) {
stringstream key; key << sum << "," << len;
if (T.find(key.str()) != T.end())
return T[key.str()];
if (len == 0)
return sum == 0; // base case: if the sum is reduced to 0, then there is exactly 1 solution 🎯auto cnt{ 0LL };
for (auto x{ 0 }; x <= 9; ++x)
if (sum - x >= 0)
cnt += go(sum - x, len - 1, move(T));
return T[key.str()] = cnt;
#endifintmain() {
int sum, len; cin >> sum >> len;
#ifdef TOP_DOWN // 👇auto cnt{ 0LL };
for (auto x = int(len > 1); x <= 9; ++x) // first digit cannot start with 0 unless it is a single digit of length 1if (sum - x >= 0)
cnt += go(sum - x, len - 1);
cout << cnt << endl;
#else// BOTTOM_UP 👆if (sum == 0) {
cout << int(len == 1) << endl; // special case if sum == 0, then there is only 1 solution (ie. the single digit 0 with length 1)
} else {
VVLL T(len + 1, VLL(sum + 1)); // first row and first column are not usedfor (auto i{ 1 }; i <= len; ++i) T[i][0] = 1; // base case: if the sum is reduced to 0, then there is exactly 1 solution 🎯for (auto j{ 1 }; j <= min(9, sum); ++j) T[1][j] = 1; // single digits j = 1..9 have exactly 1 solution of length 1 (ie. j itself)for (auto i{ 2 }; i <= len; ++i)
for (auto j{ 1 }; j <= sum; ++j)
for (auto x = int(i == len); x <= 9; ++x) // limit final digit to 1..9 as if it where the first digit (ie. cannot be 0)if (j - x >= 0)
T[i][j] += T[i - 1][j - x];
cout << T[len][sum] << endl;
Make It Sorted
#include<iterator>usingnamespacestd;using VI = vector<int>;
using VVI = vector<VI>;
#defineMEMORY_EFFICIENTintmain() {
int INF = 1e9 + 7;
int N; cin >> N;
VI A; copy_n(istream_iterator<int>(cin), N, back_inserter(A));
auto max = *max_element(A.begin(), A.end());
VVI T(N + 1, VI(max + 1));
for (auto i{ 1 }; i <= N; ++i) {
auto best{ INF };
for (auto j{ 0 }; j <= max; ++j) {
best = min(best, T[i - 1][j]); // previous best
T[i][j] = best + abs(A[i - 1] - j); // current best = previous best + cost to change i-th element of A to value j
cout << *min_element(T[N].begin(), T[N].end()) << endl;
VI pre(max + 1),
cur(max + 1);
for (auto i{ 1 }; i <= N; ++i) {
auto best{ INF };
for (auto j{ 0 }; j <= max; ++j) {
best = min(best, pre[j]); // previous best
cur[j] = best + abs(A[i - 1] - j); // current best = previous best + cost to change i-th element of A to value j
swap(pre, cur);
cout << *min_element(pre.begin(), pre.end()) << endl;