This document only covers installing on a SLES 12 SP1 system. You can use this guide with more recent Service Packs, but the procedures have not been tested.
If you are installing Clear Containers 3.X on a system that already has
Clear Containers 2.X installed, first read the upgrading document.
You are required to run the sudo
command without specifying a password
to set up the Clear Containers 3.X installation. Verify this requirement
with the following commands:
$ su -
# echo "$some_user ALL=(ALL:ALL) NOPASSWD: ALL" | (EDITOR="tee -a" visudo)
$ exit
- Ensure the system packages are up-to-date:
$ sudo -E zypper update
- Install Git:
$ sudo -E zypper -n install git
- Create the installation directory and clone the repository:
$ mkdir -p $HOME/go/src/github/clearcontainers
$ cd $HOME/go/src/github/clearcontainers
$ git clone
$ cd runtime
- Run the installation script:
$ script -efc ./installation/
The installation script might take a long time to run because it must download and compile source packages.
It is not strictly necessary to run the installation script using the
command, but using this command writes a log of the installation to the filetypescript
. This is useful for administrators to see the changes made and for use when debugging issues.
- Check the
$ cc-runtime --version
- Test that a Clear Container can be created:
$ sudo -E docker run -ti busybox sh