All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
- User upload file react app. #15
- Redux implementation of simple upload and extract function. #12
- Results page implemented using redux. #22
- Export of html preview file. #24
- All client actions are recorded in a space. #29
- Client can handle pdf file uploads and triggers appropriate extractors. #31
- Client checks the extraction status and repeat extraction submission if needed. #34
- Render metadata in Html file preview. #39
- Express server calling react client. #49
- Dockerize frontend. #51
- Get correct metadata and render pdf or html file. #59
- CLOWDER_PREFIX environment variable for prefix url. #65
- Pdf file previewer. #61
- Highlighting sentences using canvas and coordinates from metadata. #61
- Highlight sentences with label at the side. #70 , #75
- Go to sentence page on click of label on the Previewer Drawer component. #81
- Added word document processing pipeline to convert to pdf file and then proceed with extraction. #90
- Status message display in overlay. #26
- PreviewDrawer component displays number of items missed per section. #43
- Pdf report file is downloaded after preview generated. #47
- CILogon with specific IDP entities. #50
- Ordering of labels in previewer. #84
- Display of error messages on uploading files in dropzone. #26