From 8ec5271ef621715e36e8d3eb495fafc8bbeeb5d4 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: pra17dod <>
Date: Mon, 31 May 2021 02:24:55 +0530
Subject: [PATCH] Add Django Microfarm Proposal

This WEP describes the approaches and implementation
of the Django Microfarm GSoC 2021 Project.

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+# Django Microfarm
+| Metadata |                                              |
+| -------- | ---------------------------------------------|
+| WEP      | 0001                                         |
+| Version  | 1.0                                          |
+| Title    | Django Microfarm                             |
+| Authors  | Prashant Dodiya <>  |
+| Status   | Proposed                                     |
+| Type     | Process                                      |
+## Abstract
+This WEP describes the approaches and implementation of the [Django
+GSoC 2021 project. The aim of this project is to create a tool that allows
+anyone to become a market gardener, given some space. As a first step, a user
+will merely sign up and enter the amount of space that (s)he wants to use. The
+system will then trigger tasks the user has to do to farm on his space
+efficiently. Those tasks are triggered by simple rules and may depend on weather
+events, date, and later also  other triggers. Thus, anyone can be a market
+gardener, and this tool will be beneficial and easy to use.
+## Introduction
+This project is under the Sub Organization named WeField e.V. It is a German NGO
+that takes regenerative and climate actions on monocultural used Wasteland. This
+project will promote market gardening among the people. They will be growing
+their vegetables, fruits all by themselves. They can even sell their products as
+a source of passive income. To understand this project Market Gardening and
+No-dig Method are essential to be understood first.
+- Market Gardening
+Market gardening is both a very old way to farm and a very new and popular one.
+The market gardener is someone who has a small area of land. The term small can
+be used compared to most large commercial farms, where acres possessed can
+be in the tens of thousands.  Typically small could  mean  anywhere from one to
+a couple of acres to 50  or over.  On this land, the farmer grows whatever he or
+she wishes. Instead of growing it for commercial markets, produce is usually
+sold at places like farmer’s markets or to small local grocery stores and
+restaurants. Sometimes the market gardener maintains a sales site on  their land
+and sells directly to customers from the farm.
+- No-Dig Gardening
+No-dig gardening simply means disturbing existing soil as little as possible.
+Here is one example. When starting a new garden bed, instead of digging or
+tilling the site, the gardener puts layers of cardboard over the existing grass
+lawn or weeds with a layer of compost or some other mulch on top and waters
+everything. The idea is that the smothered grass or weeds will gradually die off
+over weeks and months,and the cardboard decomposes, leaving a bed  ready to
+plant. When planting in  subsequent years, the existing soil is left as-is and a
+new layer of compost is added on top to replenish nutrients.
+In this project, we are making a tool that can make anyone a market gardener.
+Not everyone has very fertile land, and as we are aiming this for everyone, we
+are adapting the no-dig method for gardening.
+## Proposal
+- Project Setup
+I planned to use Django Rest Framework for this project because the backend is
+meant to be kept separate from the frontend. In the future, anyone working on
+the frontend will have ease working with the APIs. For Continuous Integration, I
+will prefer Travis CI as it is more reliable and does the job best. For the
+database, PostgreSQL will be a great choice. For the deployment, in my opinion,
+Heroku will be better as it has good support for Django apps, from my personal
+experience. I am comfortable with any if suggested. The user Model will be
+created with the following fields: Name, Password, Email, Planting Space.
+- Database Handling
+The Database is the key element. It will hold rules required for the watering
+tasks, mulching, etc. Also, we need custom rules for specific items. Thus, this
+can be achieved by making Custom Rule, Mulching Rule and Watering Rule. In
+Django Models, there is a concept of Foriegn Key so, the Custom Rule will hold
+the id of the Parent Rule and thus, we can access all the rules for an
+item. Below is the psuedo code of Database Structure for Watering and Mulching.
+Class Custom_Rule:
+    string      Rule_Description
+    number      For_Numerical_Value
+    boolean     For_Boolean_Value
+    string      For_String_Value
+Class Mulching_Rule:
+	string      Type_Of_Mulching
+	boolean     Is_Bed_New
+    number      Bed_Width
+    number      Path_Width
+    list        Custom_Rule
+//Functions for Mulching
+    return Is_Bed_new
+Class Watering_Rule:
+    string      Plants_Name
+	number      TimeRange_To_Water
+	number      WeekRange_To_Water
+	number      TempRange_To_Water
+    boolean     Water_If_Rain_Today
+    list        Custom_Rule
+//Functions for Watering
+    return Boolean
+    return Boolean
+If Not Rain For Today():
+    return Boolean
+As the initially data is stored in csv format, we need to run a script to read
+the csv and fill the database tables.
+- Mulching
+We need to give the information of the Compost required for the Mulching to the
+user. And also about when to make the beds so that the beds are ready before the
+planting season. For that, there will be a python script calculation based on
+the rules predefined in the database. E.g., if the bed is new, then Yes. Along
+with the compost requirement, we need to return the number of the beds affected
+#SectionletterBednumber, e.g., #F1 and the compost required for one bed and the
+date and time to prepare beds.
+- Weather API and Watering
+The Weather API is needed to forecast the rain. If it is going to rain, then
+some crops don’t need watering. There are many options available. I came across
+one named Open Weather Map API. For more accurate predictions of the weather
+API, we will use GPS to get the latitude and longitude of the land because it
+could be on the city’s outskirts, so using the city name is not preferable.
+Almost all the weather API has the same functionality. If any other specific
+requirements occur, we will look for an API that fulfills our requirements.
+There will be rules specific to a type of crop predefined in the database for
+the watering tasks. After fetching the weather forecast then considering along
+with the other rules, we will tell the user whether to water the farm or not.
+| Area     | Rule 1     | Rule 2     | Rule 3    | Rule 4    | Rule 5    | Trigger     |
+| Section 1 | 08:00-12:00 | Today is between W10 - W48 | If raining today, then no | If no rain, ask forecast for the next rain | T < 12 ℃ then no and ask next day again | If the forecast predicts no rain tomorrow, yes |
+| Section 2 | 18:00-20:00 | Today is between W10 - W48 | If raining today, then yes | If no rain, ask forecast for the next rain | T< 8 ℃ then no and ask the next day again | If the forecast predicts no rain tomorrow, yes |
+- Notifications and Admin View
+The next step is to send mail notifications for the routine tasks, e.g.,
+watering, opening and closing polytunnel, etc. This can be achieved with Django
+SMTP Emailbackend. Admin Views and Filters for the specific user can be done by
+using Generic Views and registering in the admin file.