Clone this repo
Set the new host and ip in ./VagrantFile
Create the file ./puppet/manifests/git_config.pp (use /puppet/manifests/git_config.pp.dist as reference)
Change the origin repo to the new repository (
git remote remove origin; git remote add origin [NEW-GIT-REMOTE]
) -
Change the readme file with instructions on how to setup that project
Add the host to your computer (use the configured IP in the Vagrantfile)
Start vagrant (
vagrant up
from the root of this repo) -
Login to the computer (
vagrant ssh
from the root of this repo) -
Go to /vagrant/project
Configure your app/config.yml file
composer update
to get the vendors -
Run the required app/console commands:
app/console assets:install web --symlink; app/console assetic:dump