Name | Type | Description | Notes |
allowedPaymentMethods | List<String> | [optional] | |
canNotExpire | Boolean | Indicates if the checkout can not expire. | [optional] |
emailsSent | Integer | [optional] | |
excludeCardNetworks | List<String> | [optional] | |
expiresAt | Long | Date and time when the checkout expires. | [optional] |
failureUrl | String | URL to redirect the customer to if the payment process fails. | [optional] |
force3dsFlow | Boolean | Indicates if the checkout forces the 3DS flow. | [optional] |
id | String | [optional] | |
livemode | Boolean | [optional] | |
metadata | Map<String, Object> | [optional] | |
monthlyInstallmentsEnabled | Boolean | Indicates if the checkout allows monthly installments. | [optional] |
monthlyInstallmentsOptions | List<Integer> | List of monthly installments options. | [optional] |
name | String | [optional] | |
needsShippingContact | Boolean | [optional] | |
_object | String | Indicates the type of object, in this case checkout. | [optional] |
onDemandEnabled | Boolean | Indicates if the checkout allows on demand payments. | [optional] |
paidPaymentsCount | Integer | Number of payments that have been paid. | [optional] |
recurrent | Boolean | Indicates if the checkout is recurrent. | [optional] |
smsSent | Integer | [optional] | |
startsAt | Long | Date and time when the checkout starts. | [optional] |
status | String | Status of the checkout. | [optional] |
successUrl | String | URL to redirect the customer to after the payment process is completed. | [optional] |
type | String | Type of checkout. | [optional] |