- import example_spreadsheet to google forms
- paste javascript routines into google sheets script editor scripts:
- form_dump.js:
- place all google forms to extract into a folder
- amend line 16, var folder_id to the folder id of the folder containing the goole forms
- amend line 15, target_numbers to contain the google forms numbers to be extracted in this run (this can be useful, given google's max run time)
- identify_controls.js:
- Place control questions url, target_word and extract into columns A-C of tab 'controls';
- Run script to scan 'extracts' tab for controls and populate column D+ with extract global ids;
- ensure tab 'form_name-participant_id' is complete;
- copy/rename extracts_tab to 'extracts_ALL'
- run script 'populate_unanonymised_annotations.js'