All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. See standard-version for commit guidelines.
2.2.0 (2022-04-03)
- @loadable/component (104bf2f)
- ad fn (2b011f5)
- add tabs (549d5a3)
- antd auto complete off (2ba5472)
- antd dark theme (509578f)
- antd tabs (9487b28)
- antd theme (aa8a966)
- antd theme (be1545b)
- antd theme (378abd5)
- antd themefix generator color (ed5c726)
- api state handler (b9a984c)
- axios-retry (a0a766a)
- back to top (27b8ea9)
- build antd theme dark (f298db6)
- cascader test (65c84b1)
- dark (a4ac54d)
- deep scan fix bug (69562e8)
- deepsource fix' (6a62a74)
- deepsource setting (32d3866)
- delete dis (27e8c89)
- delete fetch intercept (4c716a6)
- delete md5 (4957b09)
- delete some code (4045dab)
- delete tab (bc3900c)
- deletesome file (72da3a2)
- deploy gh-pages (51310b6)
- error boundary (10187aa)
- error boundary (795811c)
- error no reload (cf923cf)
- faker delete online (7a5b8ff)
- faker typicode (d8c687d)
- fetch (20e68f7)
- fetch dowload name (56631a0)
- fix merge (a237cb9)
- fix zIndex (5360070)
- fix zIndex (6960441)
- for typescript (324cfa8)
- force package-manager (3dbcbd9)
- good code deepscan (a75c0a3)
- loading (f4acda0)
- loading (e744b4c)
- loading (5cf38d9)
- matchRoutes (77060b0)
- menu add tabs (d7060ce)
- menu select (2799f86)
- menu tabs (726ebc4)
- menu tabs ganged (7b9fabe)
- merge (705a557)
- merge main (d8078c5)
- merge main (c0816e3)
- merge main water mark (7e3bb72)
- more routes (71ad9b7)
- more routes (47104cb)
- navigate replace (4e3e26c)
- pre gh-pages (a303647)
- pro breadcrumb (50f8927)
- pro breadcrumb (984c200)
- pro tabs (e4c79e7)
- pro tabs remove tab (eb3f54a)
- pro tabs z-index && github proxy (9423ac2)
- pro tabs z-index:2 (19a3b69)
- react hooks (8bdd077)
- react v18 (737be36)
- reat loading (ef8417d)
- refresh loadable loading (64450cf)
- remove something (88a6341)
- router (2661438)
- standard code (28dcb96)
- standard code (385fc68)
- style flex (7aabef3)
- svg declaration (605f855)
- tabs (69d305d)
- tabs (4feb39b)
- tabs (09e9a71)
- tabs (93f37b0)
- tabs context menu (391f509)
- tabs react-sticky (69938df)
- theme (67c673e)
- theme dark (fed579e)
- theme dark (8c2c5bb)
- theme dark light theme (614ff87)
- theme dark webpack copy (1dcce06)
- theme light (9830f98)
- theme make color (e58fff2)
- theme path (9abb836)
- to fixed (34349e7)
- ts config (f4a4600)
- ts exclude (09e2014)
- tsconfig (67bd3d7)
- tsconfig (44c39a2)
- tscongig es2021 (513ec0c)
- typed text (5dc6c59)
- typescript (3b14834)
- update v2.0.0 react router v6.0.2 (dcc4ded)
- use callback (d4247ab)
- use force update (152f2b1)
- use navigation type (54f8042)
- use navigation type (e565534)
- use persisted state (215b197)
- use persisted state (0f42793)
- useInterval (4ef528e)
- useParams (3ac4f9c)
- useSearchParams (c649311)
- water mark (2271556)
- watermark (cc7a3db)
- webpack typesctipt (ad7a82a)
- websocket (682ca15)
- with layout (bc7f414)
- wky did you render (13603c4)
2.1.0 (2022-03-06)
- add tabs (549d5a3)
- antd dark theme (509578f)
- svg declaration (605f855)
- typescript (3b14834)
- wky did you render (13603c4)
2.0.0 (2021-12-05)
- react router v6.0.2 (cc98d6d)