String literals like "Cherno"
are store in a read-only section of memory.
const char* name = u8"Cherno"; //u8 is optional - 1 byte
// A wide char 'string' literal
const wchar_t* name2 = L"Dalton"; // 2 or 4 bytes per character (on Windows, 4 on Linux and maybe OSx) it's up to the compiler to decide this size, it can be even 1 byte
// guaranteed size, used for UTF-16 and UTF-32
const char16_t* name3 = u"Cherno"; // 2 bytes per character
const char32_t* name4 = U"Cherno"; // 4 bytes per character
int main()
using namespace std::string_literals;
std::string name0 = "Cherno"s + " hello";
std::u32string name1 = U"Cherno"s + U" hello";
// ignore escape character
const char* example = R"(Line1
Line2 \0