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Releases: danielsaidi/SwiftUIKit


07 Jan 10:33
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This release adjust the ListToggle.

💡 Behavior changes

  • ListToggle now applies .labelsHidden() to the toggle, to make it take up less space.


12 Nov 17:25
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This release adds a brand new "list item" concept that replaces the previous "menu list" one.

NOTE This release was revised, with some list view names shortened and a few more list view items added. This is the official 2.1, but it is also released as a 2.1.1 to avoid dependency cache problems.

✨ New features

  • EdgeInsets has a new init(all:) initializer.

  • EdgeInsets has a new init(horizontal:,vertical:) initializer.

  • Label has a new init(String, Image) initializer.

  • View+Frame has a new frame(square:) view extension.

  • View+DynamicType has a new disableDynamicType() view extension.

  • ListItem is a new view that can be used to make items in a list get the same style and behavior.

  • ListButton is a new view that wraps its content in a ListItem that is embedded in a Button.

  • ListButtonLink is a new view that wraps its content in a ListButton and appends a trailing ListDisclosureIndicator.

  • ListDisclosureIndicator is a new view that imitates and iOS navigation link arrow.

  • ListNavigationLink is a new view that wraps its content in a ListItem that is embedded in a NavigationLink.

  • ListSelectItem is a new view that wraps its content in a ListItem and applies a checkmark if the item is selected.

  • ListText is a new view that wraps a Text view in a ListItem.

  • ListToggle is a new view that wraps its content in a ListItem and appends a trailing Toggle.

🗑 Deprecations

  • The MenuList namespace is deprecated and replaced with the new List namespace.


23 Sep 06:42
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This version requires Xcode 13 and later, since it refers to the latest api:s.

Parts of the library that have native corresponding parts in newer versions of SwiftUI, like SearchBar. They will be around until the library targets the versions of SwiftUI where they were introduced.

✨ New features

  • Color+Codable is a new extension that makes Color codable.
  • Color+Random now lets you randomize the color opacity as well.
  • EnvironmentValues+SafeAreaInsets lets you read the safe are insets of the key window.
  • FormActionButton can now be provided with a custom style.
  • FormActionButtonStyle can now be configured with a custom style.
  • MenuListIcon has a new emoji-based initializer.
  • MenuListItem now lets you use any custom content builder.
  • MenuListItemStack is a new view that lets you reuse the spacing and tap behavior.
  • MenuListSection is a new view for menu list sections.
  • MenuListSlider is a new view for menu list sliders.
  • MenuListSubtitle is a new view for menu list subtitles.
  • MenuListToggle is a new view for menu list toggles.
  • MultilineText is a new text view that can be used when a multiline text is cut off with ...
  • MultiPicker is a new, generic multi item picker. It will probably replace SimpleMultiPicker in due time.
  • Persisted now lets you inject a custom store.
  • Picker is a new, generic single item picker. It will probably replace SimplePicker in due time.
  • PickerListItem is a new protocol that can be used in Picker lists.
  • PickerSection is a new, generic struct that can be used to divide a Picker and MultiPicker into sections.
  • ShadowStyle has a new formActionButton type.
  • ShadowStyle has zero defaults for x and y.
  • SystemColor has a bunch of new colors.
  • SystemColor is now Codable and Equatable.
  • Text+Markdown is a new view extension that provides a new Text(markdown:) initializer.
  • UrlSharing is a new protocol that any view can implement to easily be able to share urls.
  • View+Autosave is a new view extension that provides a customizable autosave view modifier.

💡 Behavior changes

  • FormActionButtonStyle no longer applies a primary text color.
  • FormActionButtonStyle no longer applies a shadow by default. You can define one with the static shadowStyle property.

💥 Breaking Changes

  • All deprecated parts of the library have been removed.
  • MenuListItemIcon has been renamed to MenuListIcon.
  • SystemColor no longer auto-implements SimplePickerValue.
  • UserDefaultsPersisted has been renamed to Persisted.


17 Aug 07:19
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✨ New features

  • FlipView has a new isFlipped binding, so that it can be read from outside as well.
  • FormText now supports iOS 13.
  • FormText has a new trailingView property.
  • There is a new UIImage+Rotated extension.

💥 Breaking Changes

  • ScanCodeGenerator functions of parameter name is not omitted.


17 Aug 07:19
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💡 Behavior changes

This release renames ActionButton and ActionButtonStyle to FormActionButton and FormActionButtonStyle, since the name "action button" is too general.

🐛 Bug fixes

  • This release fixes build errors on tvOS and macOS.

🗑 Deprecations

  • ActionButton and ActionButtonStyle has been deprecated.


10 Aug 14:19
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✨ New features

  • FormText is a new view to present text in List forms.
  • FormTextEditor is a new view to present text editors in List forms.
  • FormTextField is a new view to present text fields in List forms.
  • ActionButton is a new button that resembles the action button in e.g. Contacts.
  • ActionButtonStyle is a new button style that can be used for action buttons.
  • ScanCodeGenerator is a new protocol for types that can generate scan codes.
  • StandardScanCodeGenerator is a new, standard implementation of ScanCodeGenerator.

🗑 Deprecations

  • QrCodeGenerator has been deprecated due to the new QrCodeGenerator.
  • StandardQrCodeGenerator has been deprecated due to the new StandardQrCodeGenerator.


02 Aug 17:39
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✨ New features

  • FlipView has a new flipDuration property.
  • FlipView is now supported by all platforms.
  • ImageResource is now supported by watchOS and tvOS as well.
  • MenuListItemIcon is a new view for menu list items.

🐛 Bug fixes

  • FlipView handles flipping and view transitions better than before.
  • ImagePicker now completes with failure if original image is missing.

🗑 Deprecations

  • FlippableView has been renamed to FlipView.

💥 Breaking Changes

  • ImagePicker's result now uses a raw UIImage instead of an Image.


29 Jul 13:12
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This version makes the library build under Xcode beta 4, by marking some features as unavailable for iOS application extensions.

This affects the following files:

  • View+Keyboard
  • SearchBar
  • UrlOpener

These parts of the library will no longer be available in app extensions.


25 Jul 22:04
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This version adds image utils that help writing multiplatform apps.

✨ New features

  • ImageResource is a new typealias for e.g. NSImage and UIImage.
  • Image has a new imageResource-based initializer.
  • NSImage has some new extensions, like cgImage and jpegData.


09 May 08:17
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✨ New features

  • FolderMonitor can be used to monitor changes to a folder on the file system.
  • FolderObservable can be used to observe changes to a folder on the file system.
  • ProcessInfo has a new isSwiftUIPreview extension that can be used to tell if code is running within a preview or not.
  • SystemColor is a new enum that makes it easy to use and pick built-in system Color values.
  • TagTextField is a text field that automatically slugifies text as you type.