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File metadata and controls

115 lines (90 loc) · 7.06 KB


OAS DB (OpenAPI Specifications Database) aims to provide researchers and industry practitioners a complete solution to streamline the validation of new OpenAPI related techniques and tools. From a small file containing basic information about an API, it is able to generate a complete OpenAPI specification (with the four basic CRUD operations), a mock API implementation and an annotation file (specifying issues and faults that the user may have decided to have the tool inject in these generated assets).

Running OAS DB


The easiest way to run OAS DB. Use the Dockerfile in the root of this repository to build a container with all the required dependencies. Please note that this Dockerfile also contains all the dependencies required to run RESTler, since it was one of the main tools we validated OAS DB against.

Installing dependencies manually

If you prefer, you can also install OAS DB dependencies manually. Here are the current dependencies:

  • Ruby programming language (2.7 series)

After installing the dependencies, navigate to OAS DB main directory and run the following command to install the Ruby libraries used by OAS DB:

bundle install

OAS DB OpenAPI seed

A seed is a small fragment of an OpenAPI specification. This file type is custom to OAS DB.

Here is the format of a valid seed:

  "info": {
    "title": "Payments Provider API.",
    "description": "API that allows one to charge customers via credit card.",
    "version": "0.1"
  "components": {
    "schemas": {
      "Charge": {
        "type": "object",
        "description": "A charge.",
        "properties": {
          "amount": {
            "description": "The amount to be charged.",
            "type": "number"
          "currency": {
            "description": "Three-letter ISO currency code.",
            "type": "string"
          "credit_card_id": {
            "description": "The credit card to be charged.",
            "type": "integer"
        "example": {
          "amount": 20.50,
          "currency": "USD",
          "credit_card_id": 1

Currently, a seed must contain only one object inside its schemas section. It must also only contain one example of an instance of the aforementioned object.

As future work, we may improve the seed format and allow more complexity in a seed (e.g. multiple objects).


OAS DB comes with a simple CLI (inside bin/oasdb) that expects a configuration file in the JSON format. A sample configuration file is presented below:

  "oas_seed_abs_path": "/absolute_path/incident_response.json", # Absolute path to an OpenAPI specification seed.
  "mock_api_server_url": "http://localhost:3000", # URL where the mock API will be reachable when running.
  "spec_issues": [
    "invalid_examples" # List of issues that affect the generated OpenAPI specification.
  "api_issues": [
    "broken_record_deletion" # List of issues that affect the generated Ruby mock API implementation.
  "generated_files_basename": "incident_response_invalid_examples" # The basename for the assets to be generated.

Here is a list of all the spec_issues and api_issues currently supported:

Name Config. issue list Config. value Description
Crudy URI spec_issues crudy_uri Injects a HTTP action verb (or a synonym) in the URL
Amorphous URI spec_issues amorphous_uri Adds superfluous characters to the URL (e.g. a file type suffix such as .xml)
Ignoring status code spec_issues ignoring_status_code Responses use inappropriate HTTP codes
Inappropriate HTTP method spec_issues inappropriate_http_method Requests expect inappropriate HTTP methods
Invalid examples spec_issues invalid_examples Generates request examples that do not comply to the related objects' schema
Sensitive info in the pqs spec_issues sensitive_info_pqs Sensitive info (e.g. a token) is included in paths or query strings
Invalid payload api_issues invalid_payload API crashes (500 response) if an invalid payload is received
Unexpected payload root node api_issues unexpected_payload_root_node API crashes if the root node of the received payload is not an object
Payload missing keys api_issues payload_missing_keys API crashes if the received payload misses expected keys
Payload extra keys api_issues payload_extra_keys API crashes if the received payload has extra keys
Payload wrong data types api_issues payload_wrong_data_types API crashes if the received payload has fields with data that does not comply to the data types specified in the object's schema inside the correspondent OpenAPI spec
Broken record deletion api_issues broken_record_deletion API responds as if an object was successfully deleted, but the object is not actually destroyed

To run the CLI (from within the project's root folder), call it passing the absolute path to a configuration file:

bin/oasdb path_to_config.json


If you have any problems trying to run OAS DB or have any questions, please feel free to open a new issue in this repository.